evolve: prevent a crash in httpclient_pushobsmarkers() when pushing stable
authorMatt Harbison <matt_harbison@yahoo.com>
Thu, 05 Mar 2015 20:02:07 -0500
changeset 1209 fa35aeb64d32
parent 1207 1e7c8046a9f4
child 1210 1f8428096078
evolve: prevent a crash in httpclient_pushobsmarkers() when pushing I've been running into a crash when pushing from my hg repo in a Fedora 16 VM to Win7 running 'hg serve', even with extensions disabled on both sides: ../hg push -r . pc pushing to searching for changes no changes found pushing 2 obsolescence markers (263 bytes) ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting ... File "hg-evolve/hgext/evolve.py", line 2482, in _pushobsolete remote.evoext_pushobsmarkers_0(obsdata) File "hg-evolve/hgext/evolve.py", line 2522, in httpclient_pushobsmarkers ret, output = self._call('evoext_pushobsmarkers_0', data=obsfile) ValueError: too many values to unpack I'm not sure how this repo differs from the one in the test suite, so I'm not sure how to craft a test for this. The failure occurs even when there _are_ csets to push. There was no crash if no obsolete markers needed to be pushed. At any rate, this code was stolen from httppeer._callpush(), where it calls self._call(). The socket exception handling wasn't necessary to fix the crash, but the calling code might as well be duplicated in its entirety. A successful push with this patch looks like this. Note the final line is _not_ in the output of the http push in test-simple4server.t: ../hg push -r . pc pushing to searching for changes remote has heads on branch 'default' that are not known locally: 3af110194a0c 56000e3ae44d 57ac6e51d290 7da4355c21b8 and 8 others remote: adding changesets remote: adding manifests remote: adding file changes remote: added 1 changesets with 0 changes to 1 files (+1 heads) pushing 4 obsolescence markers (525 bytes) remote: 2 obsolescence markers added
--- a/hgext/evolve.py	Thu Mar 05 10:45:53 2015 -0800
+++ b/hgext/evolve.py	Thu Mar 05 20:02:07 2015 -0500
@@ -2519,11 +2519,20 @@
     (Cannot simply use _callpush as http is doing some special handling)"""
                     _('push obsolete markers faster'))
-    ret, output = self._call('evoext_pushobsmarkers_0', data=obsfile)
-    for l in output.splitlines(True):
-        if l.strip():
-            self.ui.status(_('remote: '), l)
-    return ret
+    try:
+        r = self._call('evoext_pushobsmarkers_0', data=obsfile)
+        vals = r.split('\n', 1)
+        if len(vals) < 2:
+            raise error.ResponseError(_("unexpected response:"), r)
+        for l in vals[1].splitlines(True):
+            if l.strip():
+                self.ui.status(_('remote: '), l)
+        return vals[0]
+    except socket.error, err:
+        if err.args[0] in (errno.ECONNRESET, errno.EPIPE):
+            raise util.Abort(_('push failed: %s') % err.args[1])
+        raise util.Abort(err.args[1])
 @eh.wrapfunction(localrepo.localrepository, '_restrictcapabilities')
 def local_pushobsmarker_capabilities(orig, repo, caps):