evolve: start vendoring third party package cbor
authorPulkit Goyal <7895pulkit@gmail.com>
Fri, 12 Jan 2018 19:23:29 +0530
changeset 3390 b3dbba6e34c9
parent 3389 eacf6149b678
child 3391 d2fc2c2783f8
evolve: start vendoring third party package cbor This patch adds a third party package named cbor. cbor is a data serialization format and this library provides API to convert Python Objects into cbor formatted data. To know more about cbor, hop onto cbor.io The files are copied from it's official bitbucket repository which is at https://bitbucket.org/bodhisnarkva/cbor/src/113f42203c941470c98f7174065ba9b384cff727/ cbor.py can be found at https://bitbucket.org/bodhisnarkva/cbor/src/113f42203c941470c98f7174065ba9b384cff727/py/cbor/cbor.py # no-check-commit as we are importing a third party package Modified test-check-flake8.t to not lint on thirdparty packages.
--- a/MANIFEST.in	Tue Jan 09 20:01:50 2018 +0530
+++ b/MANIFEST.in	Fri Jan 12 19:23:29 2018 +0530
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 include docs/tutorials/*.t
 include hgext3rd/__init__.py
 include hgext3rd/evolve/*.py
+include hgext3rd/evolve/thirdparty/*.py
 include hgext3rd/topic/*.py
 include hgext3rd/topic/README
 include MANIFEST.in
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hgext3rd/evolve/thirdparty/cbor.py	Fri Jan 12 19:23:29 2018 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+# -*- Python -*-
+# Copyright 2014-2015 Brian Olson
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import datetime
+import re
+import struct
+import sys
+_IS_PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3
+if _IS_PY3:
+    from io import BytesIO as StringIO
+    try:
+        from cStringIO import StringIO
+    except:
+        from StringIO import StringIO
+CBOR_TYPE_MASK = 0xE0  # top 3 bits
+CBOR_INFO_BITS = 0x1F  # low 5 bits
+CBOR_UINT    = 0x00
+CBOR_NEGINT  = 0x20
+CBOR_BYTES   = 0x40
+CBOR_TEXT    = 0x60
+CBOR_ARRAY   = 0x80
+CBOR_MAP     = 0xA0
+CBOR_TAG     = 0xC0
+CBOR_7       = 0xE0  # float and other types
+CBOR_UINT8_FOLLOWS  = 24  # 0x18
+CBOR_UINT16_FOLLOWS = 25  # 0x19
+CBOR_UINT32_FOLLOWS = 26  # 0x1a
+CBOR_UINT64_FOLLOWS = 27  # 0x1b
+CBOR_VAR_FOLLOWS    = 31  # 0x1f
+CBOR_FALSE  = (CBOR_7 | 20)
+CBOR_TRUE   = (CBOR_7 | 21)
+CBOR_NULL   = (CBOR_7 | 22)
+CBOR_UNDEFINED   = (CBOR_7 | 23)  # js 'undefined' value
+CBOR_FLOAT16 = (CBOR_7 | 25)
+CBOR_FLOAT32 = (CBOR_7 | 26)
+CBOR_FLOAT64 = (CBOR_7 | 27)
+CBOR_TAG_DATE_ARRAY = 1 # any number type follows, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00 UTC
+CBOR_TAG_BIGNUM = 2 # big endian byte string follows
+CBOR_TAG_NEGBIGNUM = 3 # big endian byte string follows
+CBOR_TAG_DECIMAL = 4 # [ 10^x exponent, number ]
+CBOR_TAG_BIGFLOAT = 5 # [ 2^x exponent, number ]
+CBOR_TAG_CBOR = 24 # following byte string is embedded CBOR data
+CBOR_TAG_MIME = 36 # following text is MIME message, headers, separators and all
+CBOR_TAG_CBOR_FILEHEADER = 55799 # can open a file with 0xd9d9f7
+def dumps_int(val):
+    "return bytes representing int val in CBOR"
+    if val >= 0:
+        # CBOR_UINT is 0, so I'm lazy/efficient about not OR-ing it in.
+        if val <= 23:
+            return struct.pack('B', val)
+        if val <= 0x0ff:
+            return struct.pack('BB', CBOR_UINT8_FOLLOWS, val)
+        if val <= 0x0ffff:
+            return struct.pack('!BH', CBOR_UINT16_FOLLOWS, val)
+        if val <= 0x0ffffffff:
+            return struct.pack('!BI', CBOR_UINT32_FOLLOWS, val)
+        if val <= 0x0ffffffffffffffff:
+            return struct.pack('!BQ', CBOR_UINT64_FOLLOWS, val)
+        outb = _dumps_bignum_to_bytearray(val)
+        return _CBOR_TAG_BIGNUM_BYTES + _encode_type_num(CBOR_BYTES, len(outb)) + outb
+    val = -1 - val
+    return _encode_type_num(CBOR_NEGINT, val)
+if _IS_PY3:
+    def _dumps_bignum_to_bytearray(val):
+        out = []
+        while val > 0:
+            out.insert(0, val & 0x0ff)
+            val = val >> 8
+        return bytes(out)
+    def _dumps_bignum_to_bytearray(val):
+        out = []
+        while val > 0:
+            out.insert(0, chr(val & 0x0ff))
+            val = val >> 8
+        return b''.join(out)
+def dumps_float(val):
+    return struct.pack("!Bd", CBOR_FLOAT64, val)
+def _encode_type_num(cbor_type, val):
+    """For some CBOR primary type [0..7] and an auxiliary unsigned number, return CBOR encoded bytes"""
+    assert val >= 0
+    if val <= 23:
+        return struct.pack('B', cbor_type | val)
+    if val <= 0x0ff:
+        return struct.pack('BB', cbor_type | CBOR_UINT8_FOLLOWS, val)
+    if val <= 0x0ffff:
+        return struct.pack('!BH', cbor_type | CBOR_UINT16_FOLLOWS, val)
+    if val <= 0x0ffffffff:
+        return struct.pack('!BI', cbor_type | CBOR_UINT32_FOLLOWS, val)
+    if (((cbor_type == CBOR_NEGINT) and (val <= 0x07fffffffffffffff)) or
+        ((cbor_type != CBOR_NEGINT) and (val <= 0x0ffffffffffffffff))):
+        return struct.pack('!BQ', cbor_type | CBOR_UINT64_FOLLOWS, val)
+    if cbor_type != CBOR_NEGINT:
+        raise Exception("value too big for CBOR unsigned number: {0!r}".format(val))
+    outb = _dumps_bignum_to_bytearray(val)
+    return _CBOR_TAG_NEGBIGNUM_BYTES + _encode_type_num(CBOR_BYTES, len(outb)) + outb
+if _IS_PY3:
+    def _is_unicode(val):
+        return isinstance(val, str)
+    def _is_unicode(val):
+        return isinstance(val, unicode)
+def dumps_string(val, is_text=None, is_bytes=None):
+    if _is_unicode(val):
+        val = val.encode('utf8')
+        is_text = True
+        is_bytes = False
+    if (is_bytes) or not (is_text == True):
+        return _encode_type_num(CBOR_BYTES, len(val)) + val
+    return _encode_type_num(CBOR_TEXT, len(val)) + val
+def dumps_array(arr, sort_keys=False):
+    head = _encode_type_num(CBOR_ARRAY, len(arr))
+    parts = [dumps(x, sort_keys=sort_keys) for x in arr]
+    return head + b''.join(parts)
+if _IS_PY3:
+    def dumps_dict(d, sort_keys=False):
+        head = _encode_type_num(CBOR_MAP, len(d))
+        parts = [head]
+        if sort_keys:
+            for k in sorted(d.keys()):
+                v = d[k]
+                parts.append(dumps(k, sort_keys=sort_keys))
+                parts.append(dumps(v, sort_keys=sort_keys))
+        else:
+            for k,v in d.items():
+                parts.append(dumps(k, sort_keys=sort_keys))
+                parts.append(dumps(v, sort_keys=sort_keys))
+        return b''.join(parts)
+    def dumps_dict(d, sort_keys=False):
+        head = _encode_type_num(CBOR_MAP, len(d))
+        parts = [head]
+        if sort_keys:
+            for k in sorted(d.iterkeys()):
+                v = d[k]
+                parts.append(dumps(k, sort_keys=sort_keys))
+                parts.append(dumps(v, sort_keys=sort_keys))
+        else:
+            for k,v in d.iteritems():
+                parts.append(dumps(k, sort_keys=sort_keys))
+                parts.append(dumps(v, sort_keys=sort_keys))
+        return b''.join(parts)
+def dumps_bool(b):
+    if b:
+        return struct.pack('B', CBOR_TRUE)
+    return struct.pack('B', CBOR_FALSE)
+def dumps_tag(t, sort_keys=False):
+    return _encode_type_num(CBOR_TAG, t.tag) + dumps(t.value, sort_keys=sort_keys)
+if _IS_PY3:
+    def _is_stringish(x):
+        return isinstance(x, (str, bytes))
+    def _is_intish(x):
+        return isinstance(x, int)
+    def _is_stringish(x):
+        return isinstance(x, (str, basestring, bytes, unicode))
+    def _is_intish(x):
+        return isinstance(x, (int, long))
+def dumps(ob, sort_keys=False):
+    if ob is None:
+        return struct.pack('B', CBOR_NULL)
+    if isinstance(ob, bool):
+        return dumps_bool(ob)
+    if _is_stringish(ob):
+        return dumps_string(ob)
+    if isinstance(ob, (list, tuple)):
+        return dumps_array(ob, sort_keys=sort_keys)
+    # TODO: accept other enumerables and emit a variable length array
+    if isinstance(ob, dict):
+        return dumps_dict(ob, sort_keys=sort_keys)
+    if isinstance(ob, float):
+        return dumps_float(ob)
+    if _is_intish(ob):
+        return dumps_int(ob)
+    if isinstance(ob, Tag):
+        return dumps_tag(ob, sort_keys=sort_keys)
+    raise Exception("don't know how to cbor serialize object of type %s", type(ob))
+# same basic signature as json.dump, but with no options (yet)
+def dump(obj, fp, sort_keys=False):
+    """
+    obj: Python object to serialize
+    fp: file-like object capable of .write(bytes)
+    """
+    # this is kinda lame, but probably not inefficient for non-huge objects
+    # TODO: .write() to fp as we go as each inner object is serialized
+    blob = dumps(obj, sort_keys=sort_keys)
+    fp.write(blob)
+class Tag(object):
+    def __init__(self, tag=None, value=None):
+        self.tag = tag
+        self.value = value
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "Tag({0!r}, {1!r})".format(self.tag, self.value)
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if not isinstance(other, Tag):
+            return False
+        return (self.tag == other.tag) and (self.value == other.value)
+def loads(data):
+    """
+    Parse CBOR bytes and return Python objects.
+    """
+    if data is None:
+        raise ValueError("got None for buffer to decode in loads")
+    fp = StringIO(data)
+    return _loads(fp)[0]
+def load(fp):
+    """
+    Parse and return object from fp, a file-like object supporting .read(n)
+    """
+    return _loads(fp)[0]
+_MAX_DEPTH = 100
+def _tag_aux(fp, tb):
+    bytes_read = 1
+    tag = tb & CBOR_TYPE_MASK
+    tag_aux = tb & CBOR_INFO_BITS
+    if tag_aux <= 23:
+        aux = tag_aux
+    elif tag_aux == CBOR_UINT8_FOLLOWS:
+        data = fp.read(1)
+        aux = struct.unpack_from("!B", data, 0)[0]
+        bytes_read += 1
+    elif tag_aux == CBOR_UINT16_FOLLOWS:
+        data = fp.read(2)
+        aux = struct.unpack_from("!H", data, 0)[0]
+        bytes_read += 2
+    elif tag_aux == CBOR_UINT32_FOLLOWS:
+        data = fp.read(4)
+        aux = struct.unpack_from("!I", data, 0)[0]
+        bytes_read += 4
+    elif tag_aux == CBOR_UINT64_FOLLOWS:
+        data = fp.read(8)
+        aux = struct.unpack_from("!Q", data, 0)[0]
+        bytes_read += 8
+    else:
+        assert tag_aux == CBOR_VAR_FOLLOWS, "bogus tag {0:02x}".format(tb)
+        aux = None
+    return tag, tag_aux, aux, bytes_read
+def _read_byte(fp):
+    tb = fp.read(1)
+    if len(tb) == 0:
+        # I guess not all file-like objects do this
+        raise EOFError()
+    return ord(tb)
+def _loads_var_array(fp, limit, depth, returntags, bytes_read):
+    ob = []
+    tb = _read_byte(fp)
+    while tb != CBOR_BREAK:
+        (subob, sub_len) = _loads_tb(fp, tb, limit, depth, returntags)
+        bytes_read += 1 + sub_len
+        ob.append(subob)
+        tb = _read_byte(fp)
+    return (ob, bytes_read + 1)
+def _loads_var_map(fp, limit, depth, returntags, bytes_read):
+    ob = {}
+    tb = _read_byte(fp)
+    while tb != CBOR_BREAK:
+        (subk, sub_len) = _loads_tb(fp, tb, limit, depth, returntags)
+        bytes_read += 1 + sub_len
+        (subv, sub_len) = _loads(fp, limit, depth, returntags)
+        bytes_read += sub_len
+        ob[subk] = subv
+        tb = _read_byte(fp)
+    return (ob, bytes_read + 1)
+if _IS_PY3:
+    def _loads_array(fp, limit, depth, returntags, aux, bytes_read):
+        ob = []
+        for i in range(aux):
+            subob, subpos = _loads(fp)
+            bytes_read += subpos
+            ob.append(subob)
+        return ob, bytes_read
+    def _loads_map(fp, limit, depth, returntags, aux, bytes_read):
+        ob = {}
+        for i in range(aux):
+            subk, subpos = _loads(fp)
+            bytes_read += subpos
+            subv, subpos = _loads(fp)
+            bytes_read += subpos
+            ob[subk] = subv
+        return ob, bytes_read
+    def _loads_array(fp, limit, depth, returntags, aux, bytes_read):
+        ob = []
+        for i in xrange(aux):
+            subob, subpos = _loads(fp)
+            bytes_read += subpos
+            ob.append(subob)
+        return ob, bytes_read
+    def _loads_map(fp, limit, depth, returntags, aux, bytes_read):
+        ob = {}
+        for i in xrange(aux):
+            subk, subpos = _loads(fp)
+            bytes_read += subpos
+            subv, subpos = _loads(fp)
+            bytes_read += subpos
+            ob[subk] = subv
+        return ob, bytes_read
+def _loads(fp, limit=None, depth=0, returntags=False):
+    "return (object, bytes read)"
+    if depth > _MAX_DEPTH:
+        raise Exception("hit CBOR loads recursion depth limit")
+    tb = _read_byte(fp)
+    return _loads_tb(fp, tb, limit, depth, returntags)
+def _loads_tb(fp, tb, limit=None, depth=0, returntags=False):
+    # Some special cases of CBOR_7 best handled by special struct.unpack logic here
+    if tb == CBOR_FLOAT16:
+        data = fp.read(2)
+        hibyte, lowbyte = struct.unpack_from("BB", data, 0)
+        exp = (hibyte >> 2) & 0x1F
+        mant = ((hibyte & 0x03) << 8) | lowbyte
+        if exp == 0:
+            val = mant * (2.0 ** -24)
+        elif exp == 31:
+            if mant == 0:
+                val = float('Inf')
+            else:
+                val = float('NaN')
+        else:
+            val = (mant + 1024.0) * (2 ** (exp - 25))
+        if hibyte & 0x80:
+            val = -1.0 * val
+        return (val, 3)
+    elif tb == CBOR_FLOAT32:
+        data = fp.read(4)
+        pf = struct.unpack_from("!f", data, 0)
+        return (pf[0], 5)
+    elif tb == CBOR_FLOAT64:
+        data = fp.read(8)
+        pf = struct.unpack_from("!d", data, 0)
+        return (pf[0], 9)
+    tag, tag_aux, aux, bytes_read = _tag_aux(fp, tb)
+    if tag == CBOR_UINT:
+        return (aux, bytes_read)
+    elif tag == CBOR_NEGINT:
+        return (-1 - aux, bytes_read)
+    elif tag == CBOR_BYTES:
+        ob, subpos = loads_bytes(fp, aux)
+        return (ob, bytes_read + subpos)
+    elif tag == CBOR_TEXT:
+        raw, subpos = loads_bytes(fp, aux, btag=CBOR_TEXT)
+        ob = raw.decode('utf8')
+        return (ob, bytes_read + subpos)
+    elif tag == CBOR_ARRAY:
+        if aux is None:
+            return _loads_var_array(fp, limit, depth, returntags, bytes_read)
+        return _loads_array(fp, limit, depth, returntags, aux, bytes_read)
+    elif tag == CBOR_MAP:
+        if aux is None:
+            return _loads_var_map(fp, limit, depth, returntags, bytes_read)
+        return _loads_map(fp, limit, depth, returntags, aux, bytes_read)
+    elif tag == CBOR_TAG:
+        ob, subpos = _loads(fp)
+        bytes_read += subpos
+        if returntags:
+            # Don't interpret the tag, return it and the tagged object.
+            ob = Tag(aux, ob)
+        else:
+            # attempt to interpet the tag and the value into a Python object.
+            ob = tagify(ob, aux)
+        return ob, bytes_read
+    elif tag == CBOR_7:
+        if tb == CBOR_TRUE:
+            return (True, bytes_read)
+        if tb == CBOR_FALSE:
+            return (False, bytes_read)
+        if tb == CBOR_NULL:
+            return (None, bytes_read)
+        if tb == CBOR_UNDEFINED:
+            return (None, bytes_read)
+        raise ValueError("unknown cbor tag 7 byte: {:02x}".format(tb))
+def loads_bytes(fp, aux, btag=CBOR_BYTES):
+    # TODO: limit to some maximum number of chunks and some maximum total bytes
+    if aux is not None:
+        # simple case
+        ob = fp.read(aux)
+        return (ob, aux)
+    # read chunks of bytes
+    chunklist = []
+    total_bytes_read = 0
+    while True:
+        tb = fp.read(1)[0]
+        if not _IS_PY3:
+            tb = ord(tb)
+        if tb == CBOR_BREAK:
+            total_bytes_read += 1
+            break
+        tag, tag_aux, aux, bytes_read = _tag_aux(fp, tb)
+        assert tag == btag, 'variable length value contains unexpected component'
+        ob = fp.read(aux)
+        chunklist.append(ob)
+        total_bytes_read += bytes_read + aux
+    return (b''.join(chunklist), total_bytes_read)
+if _IS_PY3:
+    def _bytes_to_biguint(bs):
+        out = 0
+        for ch in bs:
+            out = out << 8
+            out = out | ch
+        return out
+    def _bytes_to_biguint(bs):
+        out = 0
+        for ch in bs:
+            out = out << 8
+            out = out | ord(ch)
+        return out
+def tagify(ob, aux):
+    # TODO: make this extensible?
+    # cbor.register_tag_handler(tagnumber, tag_handler)
+    # where tag_handler takes (tagnumber, tagged_object)
+    if aux == CBOR_TAG_DATE_STRING:
+        # TODO: parse RFC3339 date string
+        pass
+    if aux == CBOR_TAG_DATE_ARRAY:
+        return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ob)
+    if aux == CBOR_TAG_BIGNUM:
+        return _bytes_to_biguint(ob)
+    if aux == CBOR_TAG_NEGBIGNUM:
+        return -1 - _bytes_to_biguint(ob)
+    if aux == CBOR_TAG_REGEX:
+        # Is this actually a good idea? Should we just return the tag and the raw value to the user somehow?
+        return re.compile(ob)
+    return Tag(aux, ob)
--- a/tests/test-check-flake8.t	Tue Jan 09 20:01:50 2018 +0530
+++ b/tests/test-check-flake8.t	Fri Jan 12 19:23:29 2018 +0530
@@ -14,5 +14,7 @@
 run flake8 if it exists; if it doesn't, then just skip
-  $ hg files -0 'set:(**.py or grep("^#!.*python")) - removed()' 2>/dev/null \
+  $ hg files -0 'set:(**.py or grep("^#!.*python")) - removed()' \
+  > -X hgext3rd/evolve/thirdparty \
+  > 2>/dev/null \
   > | xargs -0 flake8