evolve: start vendoring third party package cbor
This patch adds a third party package named cbor. cbor is a data serialization
format and this library provides API to convert Python Objects into cbor
formatted data. To know more about cbor, hop onto cbor.io
The files are copied from it's official bitbucket repository which is at
cbor.py can be found at
# no-check-commit as we are importing a third party package
Modified test-check-flake8.t to not lint on thirdparty packages.
$(document).ready(function () {
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bottoming: false,
inner_scrolling: false
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var scroll = (function() {
var elementPosition = function(a) {
return function() {
return a.getBoundingClientRect().top;
var scrolling = function( elementID ) {
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elPos = elementPosition( el ),
duration = 400,
increment = Math.round( Math.abs( elPos() )/40 ),
time = Math.round( duration/increment ),
prev = 0,
function scroller() {
E = elPos();
if (E === prev) {
} else {
prev = E;
increment = (E > -20 && E < 20) ? ((E > - 5 && E < 5) ? 1 : 5) : increment;
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setTimeout(scroller, time);
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el.scrollTo( 0,0 );
return {
To: scrolling