[etwist] refactor child resources management
authorAdrien Di Mascio <Adrien.DiMascio@logilab.fr>
Thu, 28 Apr 2011 17:33:56 +0200 (2011-04-28)
changeset 7273 a949fc438029
parent 7260 2b1dce628d33
child 7274 4653a2a5110b
[etwist] refactor child resources management
--- a/etwist/server.py	Thu Apr 28 08:20:12 2011 +0200
+++ b/etwist/server.py	Thu Apr 28 17:33:56 2011 +0200
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 import sys
 import os
+import os.path as osp
 import select
 import errno
 import traceback
@@ -70,13 +71,57 @@
                             stream='Access forbidden')
-class File(static.File):
-    """Prevent from listing directories"""
+class NoListingFile(static.File):
     def directoryListing(self):
         return ForbiddenDirectoryLister()
-class LongTimeExpiringFile(File):
+class DataLookupDirectory(NoListingFile):
+    def __init__(self, config, path):
+        NoListingFile.__init__(self, path)
+        self.config = config
+        self.here = path
+        # backward-compatiblity: take care fckeditor may appears as
+        # root directory or as a data subdirectory. XXX (adim) : why
+        # that ?
+        self.putChild('fckeditor', FCKEditorResource(self.config, ''))
+    def getChild(self, path, request):
+        if not path:
+            return self.directoryListing()
+        childpath = join(self.here, path)
+        dirpath, rid = self.config.locate_resource(childpath)
+        if dirpath is None:
+            # resource not found
+            return self.childNotFound
+        filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, rid)
+        if os.path.isdir(filepath):
+            resource = DataLookupDirectory(self.config, childpath)
+            # cache resource for this segment path to avoid recomputing
+            # directory lookup
+            self.putChild(path, resource)
+            return resource
+        else:
+            return NoListingFile(filepath)
+class FCKEditorResource(NoListingFile):
+    def __init__(self, config, path):
+        NoListingFile.__init__(self, path)
+        self.config = config
+    def getChild(self, path, request):
+        pre_path = request.path.split('/')[1:]
+        if pre_path[0] == 'https':
+            pre_path.pop(0)
+            uiprops = self.config.https_uiprops
+        else:
+            uiprops = self.config.uiprops
+        return static.File(osp.join(uiprops['FCKEDITOR_PATH'], path))
+class LongTimeExpiringFile(DataLookupDirectory):
     """overrides static.File and sets a far future ``Expires`` date
     on the resouce.
@@ -94,22 +139,25 @@
         # the HTTP RFC recommands not going further than 1 year ahead
         expires = date.today() + timedelta(days=6*30)
         request.setHeader('Expires', generateDateTime(mktime(expires.timetuple())))
-        return File.render(self, request)
+        return DataLookupDirectory.render(self, request)
 class CubicWebRootResource(resource.Resource):
     def __init__(self, config, vreg=None):
+        resource.Resource.__init__(self)
         self.config = config
         # instantiate publisher here and not in init_publisher to get some
         # checks done before daemonization (eg versions consistency)
         self.appli = CubicWebPublisher(config, vreg=vreg)
         self.base_url = config['base-url']
         self.https_url = config['https-url']
-        self.children = {}
-        self.static_directories = set(('data%s' % config.instance_md5_version(),
-                                       'data', 'static', 'fckeditor'))
         global MAX_POST_LENGTH
         MAX_POST_LENGTH = config['max-post-length']
+        self.putChild('static', NoListingFile(config.static_directory))
+        self.putChild('fckeditor', FCKEditorResource(self.config, ''))
+        self.putChild('data', DataLookupDirectory(self.config, ''))
+        self.putChild('data%s' % config.instance_md5_version(),
+                      LongTimeExpiringFile(self.config, ''))
     def init_publisher(self):
         config = self.config
@@ -152,38 +200,6 @@
     def getChild(self, path, request):
         """Indicate which resource to use to process down the URL's path"""
-        pre_path = request.path.split('/')[1:]
-        if pre_path[0] == 'https':
-            pre_path.pop(0)
-            uiprops = self.config.https_uiprops
-        else:
-            uiprops = self.config.uiprops
-        directory = pre_path[0]
-        # Anything in data/, static/, fckeditor/ and the generated versioned
-        # data directory is treated as static files
-        if directory in self.static_directories:
-            # take care fckeditor may appears as root directory or as a data
-            # subdirectory
-            if directory == 'static':
-                return File(self.config.static_directory)
-            if directory == 'fckeditor':
-                return File(uiprops['FCKEDITOR_PATH'])
-            if directory != 'data':
-                # versioned directory, use specific file with http cache
-                # headers so their are cached for a very long time
-                cls = LongTimeExpiringFile
-            else:
-                cls = File
-            if path == 'fckeditor':
-                return cls(uiprops['FCKEDITOR_PATH'])
-            if path == directory: # recurse
-                return self
-            datadir, path = self.config.locate_resource(path)
-            if datadir is None:
-                return self # recurse
-            self.debug('static file %s from %s', path, datadir)
-            return cls(join(datadir, path))
-        # Otherwise we use this single resource
         return self
     def render(self, request):
--- a/web/request.py	Thu Apr 28 08:20:12 2011 +0200
+++ b/web/request.py	Thu Apr 28 17:33:56 2011 +0200
@@ -890,10 +890,20 @@
 def _parse_accept_header(raw_header, value_parser=None, value_sort_key=None):
     """returns an ordered list accepted types
-    returned value is a list of 2-tuple (value, score), ordered
-    by score. Exact type of `value` will depend on what `value_parser`
-    will reutrn. if `value_parser` is None, then the raw value, as found
-    in the http header, is used.
+    :param value_parser: a function to parse a raw accept chunk. If None
+    is provided, the function defaults to identity. If a function is provided,
+    it must accept 2 parameters ``value`` and ``other_params``. ``value`` is
+    the value found before the first ';', `other_params` is a dictionary
+    built from all other chunks after this first ';'
+    :param value_sort_key: a key function to sort values found in the accept
+    header. This function will be passed a 3-tuple
+    (raw_value, parsed_value, score). If None is provided, the default
+    sort_key is 1./score
+    :return: a list of 3-tuple (raw_value, parsed_value, score),
+    ordered by score. ``parsed_value`` will be the return value of
+    ``value_parser(raw_value)``
     if value_sort_key is None:
         value_sort_key = lambda infos: 1./infos[-1]
@@ -928,7 +938,7 @@
     'text/html;level=1', `mimetypeinfo` will be ('text', '*', {'level': '1'})
-        media_type, media_subtype = value.strip().split('/')
+        media_type, media_subtype = value.strip().split('/', 1)
     except ValueError: # safety belt : '/' should always be present
         media_type = value.strip()
         media_subtype = '*'