some more RQL doc improvements
authorEmile Anclin <>
Thu, 26 Mar 2009 15:13:54 +0100 (2009-03-26)
changeset 1166 9c5cc3dc2733
parent 1165 9d325c3b0014
child 1167 d9865bc720a9
some more RQL doc improvements
--- a/doc/book/en/C040-rql.en.txt	Thu Mar 26 15:03:17 2009 +0100
+++ b/doc/book/en/C040-rql.en.txt	Thu Mar 26 15:13:54 2009 +0100
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
-Goals RQL
+Goals of RQL
 The goal is to have a language emphasizing the way of browsing
 relations. As such, attributes will be regarded as cases of
-special relations (in terms of implementation, the user
-language not to see virtually no difference between an attribute and a
+special relations (in terms of implementation, the language
+user should see virtually no difference between an attribute and a
 RQL is inspired by SQL but is the highest level. A knowledge of the 
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
-Should I look in more detail, but here is already some ideas for
+We should look in more detail, but here are already some ideas for
 the moment ... Versa_ is the language most similar to what we wanted
 to do, but the model underlying data being RDF, there is some
 number of things such as namespaces or handling of the RDF types which 
@@ -54,19 +54,18 @@
 Search (`Any`)
-   This type of query can extract entities and attributes of entities.
+   Extract entities and attributes of entities.
-Inserting entities (`INSERT`)
-   This type of query is used to insert new entities in the database. It
-   will also create direct relationships entities newly created.
+Insert entities (`INSERT`)
+   Insert new entities or relations in the database.
+   It can also directly create relationships for the newly created entities.
-Update entities, relations creation (`SET`)
-   This type of query updates existing entities in the database,
+Update entities, create relations (`SET`)
+   Update existing entities in the database,
    or create relations between existing entities.
-Deletion of entities or relationship (`DELETE`)
-   This type of query allows for the removal of entities and relations existing
-   in the database.
+Delete entities or relationship (`DELETE`)
+   Remove entities or relations existing in the database.
 Search Query
@@ -80,7 +79,7 @@
    Type of selected variables.
    The special type `Any` is equivalent to not specify a type.
-   list of relations to go through whic follow the pattern
+   list of conditions to test successively 
      `V1 relation V2 | <static value>`
    Definition of the selection order: variable or column number followed by
@@ -92,13 +91,13 @@
 - *Search for the object of identifier 53*
-   ::
+  ::
         Any WHERE X
         X eid 53
 - *Search material such as comics, owned by syt and available*
-   ::
+  ::
         WHERE X Document
         X occurence_of F, F class C, C name 'Comics'
@@ -106,36 +105,36 @@
         X available true
 - *Looking for people working for eurocopter interested in training*
-   ::
+  ::
         Any P WHERE
-        P is Person, P work_for P, S name 'Eurocopter'
+        P is Person, P work_for S, S name 'Eurocopter'
         P interested_by T, T name 'training'
 - *Search note less than 10 days old written by jphc or ocy*
-   ::
+  ::
         Any N WHERE
         N is Note, N written_on D, D day> (today -10),
         N written_by P, P name 'jphc' or P name 'ocy'
 - *Looking for people interested in training or living in Paris*
-   ::
+  ::
         Any P WHERE
         P is Person, (P interested_by T, T name 'training') OR
         (P city 'Paris')
 - *The name and surname of all people*
-   ::
+  ::
         Any N, P WHERE
         X is Person, X name N, X first_name P
-   Note that the selection of several entities generally force
-   the use of "Any" because the type specification applies otherwise
-   to all the selected variables. We could write here
-   ::
+  Note that the selection of several entities generally force
+  the use of "Any" because the type specification applies otherwise
+  to all the selected variables. We could write here
+  ::
         String N, P WHERE
         X is Person, X name N, X first_name P
@@ -147,16 +146,16 @@
     `INSERT` <entity type> V1 (, <entity type> V2) \ * `:` <assignments>
     [ `WHERE` <restriction>]
-: assignments:
    list of relations to assign in the form `V1 relationship V2 | <static value>`
 The restriction can define variables used in assignments.
 Caution, if a restriction is specified, the insertion is done for 
-*each line results returned by the restriction*.
+*each line result returned by the restriction*.
 - *Insert a new person named 'foo'*
-   ::
+  ::
         INSERT Person X: X name 'foo'
@@ -178,12 +177,12 @@
     [ `WHERE` <restriction>]
 Caution, if a restriction is specified, the update is done *for
-each line results returned by the restriction*.
+each result line returned by the restriction*.
 - *Renaming of the person named 'foo' to 'bar' with the first name changed*
-        SET X name 'bar', X first_name 'original' where X is Person X name 'foo'
+        SET X name 'bar', X first_name 'original' WHERE X is Person, X name 'foo'
 - *Insert a relation of type 'know' between objects linked by 
   the relation of type 'friend'*
@@ -198,7 +197,7 @@
     [ `WHERE` <restriction>]
 Caution, if a restriction is specified, the deletion is made *for
-each line results returned by the restriction*.
+each line result returned by the restriction*.
 - *Deletion of the person named 'foo'*
@@ -211,8 +210,8 @@
         DELETE X friend Y WHERE X is Person, X name 'foo'
-Undocumented (yet) type of queries
+(yet) Undocumented types of queries
 **Limit / offset**
@@ -302,14 +301,14 @@
 The base types supported are string (between double or single quotes),
-integers or floats (the separator is the'.'), dates and
+integers or floats (the separator is '.'), dates and
 boolean. We expect to receive a schema in which types String,
 Int, Float, Date and Boolean are defined.
 * `String` (literal: between double or single quotes).
 * `Int`, `Float` (separator being'.').
 * `Date`, `Datetime`, `Time` (literal: string YYYY/MM/DD [hh:mm] or keywords
-   `TODAY` and `NOW`).
+  `TODAY` and `NOW`).
 * `Boolean` (keywords `TRUE` and `FALSE`).
 * `Keyword` NULL.
@@ -318,10 +317,10 @@
 Logical Operators
-     AND, OR, ','
+     AND, OR, NOT, ','
 ',' is equivalent to 'AND' but with the smallest among the priority
 of logical operators (see :ref:`PriorityOperators`).
@@ -336,7 +335,7 @@
-     =, <, <=, >=, > = ~, IN, LIKE
+     =, <, <=, >=, >, ~=, IN, LIKE
 * The operator `=` is the default operator.
@@ -345,7 +344,7 @@
   must start or finish by a prefix/suffix:
-     Any X WHERE X name =~ 'Th%'
+     Any X WHERE X name ~= 'Th%'
      Any X WHERE X name LIKE '%lt'
 * The operator `IN` provides a list of possible values:
@@ -354,30 +353,32 @@
     Any X WHERE X name IN ( 'chauvat', 'fayolle', 'di mascio', 'thenault')
-XXX nico: A trick <> 'bar' would not it be more convenient than NOT A
-trick 'bar'?
+XXX nico: "A trick <> 'bar'" wouldn't it be more convenient than 
+"NOT A trick 'bar'" ?
 .. _PriorityOperators:
-Operators priority
+Operator priority
 1. '*', '/'
 2. '+', '-'
-3. 'and'
+3. 'not'
+4 'and'
-4. 'or'
+5 'or'
-5. ','
+6 ','
 Advanced Features
-Functions aggregates
+Aggregate Functions
@@ -472,7 +473,7 @@
      MATH_OP  ::= '+' | '-' | '/' | '*'
      COMP_OP  ::= '>' | '>=' | '=' | '<=' | '<' | '~=' | 'LIKE'
-     FUNCTION ::= 'MIN' | 'MAX' | 'SUM' | 'AVG' | 'COUNT' | 'upper' | 'LOWER'
+     FUNCTION ::= 'MIN' | 'MAX' | 'SUM' | 'AVG' | 'COUNT' | 'UPPER' | 'LOWER'
      VARIABLE ::= '[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*'
      E_TYPE   ::= '[A-Z]\w*'
@@ -578,20 +579,20 @@
      Point P where P abs X, P ord Y, P value X+Y
-   is valid, but::
+  is valid, but::
      Point P where P abs X, P value X+Y, P ord Y
-   is not.
+  is not.
 RQL logs
-You can configure the `CubicWeb` application so that you keep a log
-of the queries executed against your database. To do so, you want to
+You can configure the `CubicWeb` application to keep a log
+of the queries executed against your database. To do so, 
 edit the configuration file of your application 
 ``.../etc/cubicweb.d/myapp/all-in-one.conf`` and uncomment the
-variable ``query-log-file``: ::
+variable ``query-log-file``::
   # web application query log file