backport stable
authorSylvain Thénault <>
Fri, 07 Sep 2012 14:01:59 +0200
changeset 8535 268b6349baf3
parent 8525 c09feae04094 (diff)
parent 8534 6ed331fd4347 (current diff)
child 8537 e30d0a7f0087
backport stable
--- a/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
     'logilab-common': '>= 0.58.0',
     'logilab-mtconverter': '>= 0.8.0',
     'rql': '>= 0.31.2',
-    'yams': '>= 0.34.0',
+    'yams': '>= 0.36.0',
     #gettext                    # for xgettext, msgcat, etc...
     # web dependancies
     'simplejson': '>= 2.0.9',
--- a/debian/control	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/debian/control	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
 Package: cubicweb-common
 Architecture: all
 XB-Python-Version: ${python:Versions}
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${python:Depends}, graphviz, gettext, python-logilab-mtconverter (>= 0.8.0), python-logilab-common (>= 0.58.0), python-yams (>= 0.34.0), python-rql (>= 0.31.2), python-lxml
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${python:Depends}, graphviz, gettext, python-logilab-mtconverter (>= 0.8.0), python-logilab-common (>= 0.58.0), python-yams (>= 0.36.0), python-rql (>= 0.31.2), python-lxml
 Recommends: python-simpletal (>= 4.0), python-crypto
 Conflicts: cubicweb-core
 Replaces: cubicweb-core
--- a/doc/book/en/annexes/faq.rst	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/doc/book/en/annexes/faq.rst	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@
     >>> crypted = crypt_password('joepass')
     >>> rset = rql('Any U WHERE U is CWUser, U login "joe"')
     >>> joe = rset.get_entity(0,0)
-    >>> joe.set_attributes(upassword=Binary(crypted))
+    >>> joe.cw_set(upassword=Binary(crypted))
 Please, refer to the script example is provided in the `misc/examples/` file.
--- a/doc/book/en/devrepo/entityclasses/application-logic.rst	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/doc/book/en/devrepo/entityclasses/application-logic.rst	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 object was built.
 Setting an attribute or relation value can be done in the context of a
-Hook/Operation, using the obj.set_relations(x=42) notation or a plain
+Hook/Operation, using the obj.cw_set(x=42) notation or a plain
 RQL SET expression.
 In views, it would be preferable to encapsulate the necessary logic in
--- a/doc/book/en/devrepo/entityclasses/data-as-objects.rst	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/doc/book/en/devrepo/entityclasses/data-as-objects.rst	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -16,50 +16,47 @@
 `Formatting and output generation`:
-* `view(__vid, __registry='views', **kwargs)`, applies the given view to the entity
+* :meth:`view(__vid, __registry='views', **kwargs)`, applies the given view to the entity
   (and returns an unicode string)
-* `absolute_url(*args, **kwargs)`, returns an absolute URL including the base-url
+* :meth:`absolute_url(*args, **kwargs)`, returns an absolute URL including the base-url
-* `rest_path()`, returns a relative REST URL to get the entity
+* :meth:`rest_path()`, returns a relative REST URL to get the entity
-* `printable_value(attr, value=_marker, attrtype=None, format='text/html', displaytime=True)`,
+* :meth:`printable_value(attr, value=_marker, attrtype=None, format='text/html', displaytime=True)`,
   returns a string enabling the display of an attribute value in a given format
   (the value is automatically recovered if necessary)
 `Data handling`:
-* `as_rset()`, converts the entity into an equivalent result set simulating the
+* :meth:`as_rset()`, converts the entity into an equivalent result set simulating the
   request `Any X WHERE X eid _eid_`
-* `complete(skip_bytes=True)`, executes a request that recovers at
+* :meth:`complete(skip_bytes=True)`, executes a request that recovers at
   once all the missing attributes of an entity
-* `get_value(name)`, returns the value associated to the attribute name given
+* :meth:`get_value(name)`, returns the value associated to the attribute name given
   in parameter
-* `related(rtype, role='subject', limit=None, entities=False)`,
+* :meth:`related(rtype, role='subject', limit=None, entities=False)`,
   returns a list of entities related to the current entity by the
   relation given in parameter
-* `unrelated(rtype, targettype, role='subject', limit=None)`,
+* :meth:`unrelated(rtype, targettype, role='subject', limit=None)`,
   returns a result set corresponding to the entities not (yet)
   related to the current entity by the relation given in parameter
   and satisfying its constraints
-* `set_attributes(**kwargs)`, updates the attributes list with the corresponding
-  values given named parameters
+* :meth:`cw_set(**kwargs)`, updates entity's attributes and/or relation with the
+  corresponding values given named parameters. To set a relation where this
+  entity is the object of the relation, use `reverse_<relation>` as argument
+  name.  Values may be an entity, a list of entities, or None (meaning that all
+  relations of the given type from or to this object should be deleted).
-* `set_relations(**kwargs)`, add relations to the given object. To
-  set a relation where this entity is the object of the relation,
-  use `reverse_<relation>` as argument name.  Values may be an
-  entity, a list of entities, or None (meaning that all relations of
-  the given type from or to this object should be deleted).
-* `copy_relations(ceid)`, copies the relations of the entities having the eid
+* :meth:`copy_relations(ceid)`, copies the relations of the entities having the eid
   given in the parameters on the current entity
-* `delete()` allows to delete the entity
+* :meth:`cw_delete()` allows to delete the entity
 The :class:`AnyEntity` class
@@ -81,40 +78,30 @@
 `Standard meta-data (Dublin Core)`:
-* `dc_title()`, returns a unicode string corresponding to the
+* :meth:`dc_title()`, returns a unicode string corresponding to the
   meta-data `Title` (used by default is the first non-meta attribute
   of the entity schema)
-* `dc_long_title()`, same as dc_title but can return a more
+* :meth:`dc_long_title()`, same as dc_title but can return a more
   detailed title
-* `dc_description(format='text/plain')`, returns a unicode string
+* :meth:`dc_description(format='text/plain')`, returns a unicode string
   corresponding to the meta-data `Description` (looks for a
   description attribute by default)
-* `dc_authors()`, returns a unicode string corresponding to the meta-data
+* :meth:`dc_authors()`, returns a unicode string corresponding to the meta-data
   `Authors` (owners by default)
-* `dc_creator()`, returns a unicode string corresponding to the
+* :meth:`dc_creator()`, returns a unicode string corresponding to the
   creator of the entity
-* `dc_date(date_format=None)`, returns a unicode string corresponding to
+* :meth:`dc_date(date_format=None)`, returns a unicode string corresponding to
   the meta-data `Date` (update date by default)
-* `dc_type(form='')`, returns a string to display the entity type by
+* :meth:`dc_type(form='')`, returns a string to display the entity type by
   specifying the preferred form (`plural` for a plural form)
-* `dc_language()`, returns the language used by the entity
-`Misc methods`:
-* `after_deletion_path`, return (path, parameters) which should be
-  used as redirect information when this entity is being deleted
-* `pre_web_edit`, callback called by the web editcontroller when an
-  entity will be created/modified, to let a chance to do some entity
-  specific stuff (does nothing by default)
+* :meth:`dc_language()`, returns the language used by the entity
--- a/doc/book/en/devrepo/repo/hooks.rst	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/doc/book/en/devrepo/repo/hooks.rst	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -206,10 +206,11 @@
-You should never use the ` = 42` notation to update an
-entity. It will not do what you expect (updating the
-database). Instead, use the :meth:`set_attributes` and
-:meth:`set_relations` methods.
+You should never use the ` = 42` notation to update an entity. It will
+not do what you expect (updating the database). Instead, use the
+:meth:`~cubicweb.entity.Entity.cw_set` method or direct access to entity's
+:attr:`cw_edited` attribute if you're writing a hook for 'before_add_entity' or
+'before_update_entity' event.
 How to choose between a before and an after event ?
--- a/doc/book/en/devrepo/testing.rst	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/doc/book/en/devrepo/testing.rst	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -70,13 +70,13 @@
         def test_cannot_create_cycles(self):
             # direct obvious cycle
-            self.assertRaises(ValidationError, self.kw1.set_relations,
+            self.assertRaises(ValidationError, self.kw1.cw_set,
             # testing indirect cycles
             kw3 = self.execute('INSERT Keyword SK: SK name "kwgroup2", SK included_in C, '
                                'SK subkeyword_of K WHERE C name "classif1", K eid %s'
                                % self.kw1.eid).get_entity(0,0)
-            self.kw1.set_relations(subkeyword_of=kw3)
+            self.kw1.cw_set(subkeyword_of=kw3)
             self.assertRaises(ValidationError, self.commit)
 The test class defines a :meth:`setup_database` method which populates the
@@ -192,10 +192,10 @@
                                 description=u'cubicweb is beautiful')
             blog_entry_1 = req.create_entity('BlogEntry', title=u'hop',
                                              content=u'cubicweb hop')
-            blog_entry_1.set_relations(entry_of=cubicweb_blog)
+            blog_entry_1.cw_set(entry_of=cubicweb_blog)
             blog_entry_2 = req.create_entity('BlogEntry', title=u'yes',
                                              content=u'cubicweb yes')
-            blog_entry_2.set_relations(entry_of=cubicweb_blog)
+            blog_entry_2.cw_set(entry_of=cubicweb_blog)
             self.assertEqual(len(MAILBOX), 0)
             self.assertEqual(len(MAILBOX), 2)
--- a/doc/book/en/devweb/index.rst	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/doc/book/en/devweb/index.rst	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+   searchbar
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/book/en/devweb/searchbar.rst	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+.. _searchbar:
+RQL search bar
+The RQL search bar is a visual component, hidden by default, the tiny *search*
+input being enough for common use cases.
+An autocompletion helper is provided to help you type valid queries, both
+in terms of syntax and in terms of schema validity.
+.. autoclass:: cubicweb.web.views.magicsearch.RQLSuggestionsBuilder
+How search is performed
+You can use the *rql search bar* to either type RQL queries, plain text queries
+or standard shortcuts such as *<EntityType>* or *<EntityType> <attrname> <value>*.
+Ultimately, all queries are translated to rql since it's the only
+language understood on the server (data) side. To transform the user
+query into RQL, CubicWeb uses the so-called *magicsearch component*,
+defined in :mod:`cubicweb.web.views.magicsearch`, which in turn
+delegates to a number of query preprocessor that are responsible of
+interpreting the user query and generating corresponding RQL.
+The code of the main processor loop is easy to understand:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+  for proc in self.processors:
+      try:
+          return proc.process_query(uquery, req)
+      except (RQLSyntaxError, BadRQLQuery):
+          pass
+The idea is simple: for each query processor, try to translate the
+query. If it fails, try with the next processor, if it succeeds,
+we're done and the RQL query will be executed.
--- a/doc/book/en/tutorials/advanced/part02_security.rst	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/doc/book/en/tutorials/advanced/part02_security.rst	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
 	    for eid in self.get_data():
 		entity = self.session.entity_from_eid(eid)
 		if entity.visibility == 'parent':
-		    entity.set_attributes(visibility=u'authenticated')
+		    entity.cw_set(visibility=u'authenticated')
     class SetVisibilityHook(hook.Hook):
 	__regid__ = 'sytweb.setvisibility'
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
 	    parent = self._cw.entity_from_eid(self.eidto)
 	    child = self._cw.entity_from_eid(self.eidfrom)
 	    if child.visibility == 'parent':
-		child.set_attributes(visibility=parent.visibility)
+		child.cw_set(visibility=parent.visibility)
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@
 	    self.assertEquals(len(req.execute('Folder X')), 0) # restricted...
 	    # may_be_read_by propagation
-	    folder.set_relations(may_be_read_by=toto)
+	    folder.cw_set(may_be_read_by=toto)
--- a/doc/book/en/tutorials/advanced/part04_ui-base.rst	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/doc/book/en/tutorials/advanced/part04_ui-base.rst	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -294,6 +294,7 @@
 folder in which the current file (e.g. `self.entity`) is located.
 .. Note::
    The :class:`IBreadCrumbs` interface is a `breadcrumbs` method, but the default
    :class:`IBreadCrumbsAdapter` provides a default implementation for it that will look
    at the value returned by its `parent_entity` method. It also provides a
@@ -331,6 +332,7 @@
 navigate through the web site to see if everything is ok...
 .. Note::
    In the 'cubicweb-ctl i18ncube' command, `sytweb` refers to the **cube**, while
    in the two other, it refers to the **instance** (if you can't see the
    difference, reread CubicWeb's concept chapter !).
@@ -363,4 +365,4 @@
 .. _`several improvments`:
 .. _`3.8`:
 .. _`first blog of this series`:
-.. _`an earlier post`:
\ No newline at end of file
+.. _`an earlier post`:
--- a/entities/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/entities/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
                 kwargs['for_user'] = self
             self._cw.create_entity('CWProperty', **kwargs)
-            prop.set_attributes(value=value)
+            prop.cw_set(value=value)
     def matching_groups(self, groups):
         """return the number of the given group(s) in which the user is
--- a/entities/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/entities/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
         cfgstr = unicode(generate_source_config(sconfig), self._cw.encoding)
-        self.set_attributes(config=cfgstr)
+        self.cw_set(config=cfgstr)
 class CWSource(_CWSourceCfgMixIn, AnyEntity):
@@ -181,5 +181,5 @@
     def write_log(self, session, **kwargs):
         if 'status' not in kwargs:
             kwargs['status'] = getattr(self, '_status', u'success')
-        self.set_attributes(log=u'<br/>'.join(self._logs), **kwargs)
+        self.cw_set(log=u'<br/>'.join(self._logs), **kwargs)
         self._logs = []
--- a/entities/test/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/entities/test/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
         email1 = self.execute('INSERT EmailAddress X: X address ""').get_entity(0, 0)
         email2 = self.execute('INSERT EmailAddress X: X address ""').get_entity(0, 0)
         email3 = self.execute('INSERT EmailAddress X: X address ""').get_entity(0, 0)
-        email1.set_relations(prefered_form=email2)
+        email1.cw_set(prefered_form=email2)
         self.assertEqual(email1.prefered.eid, email2.eid)
         self.assertEqual(email2.prefered.eid, email2.eid)
         self.assertEqual(email3.prefered.eid, email3.eid)
@@ -104,10 +104,10 @@
         e = self.execute('CWUser U WHERE U login "member"').get_entity(0, 0)
         self.assertEqual(e.dc_title(), 'member')
         self.assertEqual(, 'member')
-        e.set_attributes(firstname=u'bouah')
+        e.cw_set(firstname=u'bouah')
         self.assertEqual(e.dc_title(), 'member')
         self.assertEqual(, u'bouah')
-        e.set_attributes(surname=u'lôt')
+        e.cw_set(surname=u'lôt')
         self.assertEqual(e.dc_title(), 'member')
         self.assertEqual(, u'bouah lôt')
--- a/entities/test/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/entities/test/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
         # gnark gnark
         bar = wf.add_state(u'bar')
-        bar.set_attributes(name=u'foo')
+        bar.cw_set(name=u'foo')
         with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as cm:
         self.assertEqual(cm.exception.errors, {'name-subject': 'workflow already have a state of that name'})
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
         # gnark gnark
         biz = wf.add_transition(u'biz', (bar,), foo)
-        biz.set_attributes(name=u'baz')
+        biz.cw_set(name=u'baz')
         with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as cm:
         self.assertEqual(cm.exception.errors, {'name-subject': 'workflow already have a transition of that name'})
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@
                           [('asleep', 'asleep', 'rest', None)])
-        user.set_attributes(surname=u'toto') # fulfill condition
+        user.cw_set(surname=u'toto') # fulfill condition
--- a/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -452,26 +452,13 @@
         return mainattr, needcheck
-    def cw_instantiate(cls, execute, **kwargs):
-        """add a new entity of this given type
-        Example (in a shell session):
-        >>> companycls = vreg['etypes'].etype_class(('Company')
-        >>> personcls = vreg['etypes'].etype_class(('Person')
-        >>> c = companycls.cw_instantiate(session.execute, name=u'Logilab')
-        >>> p = personcls.cw_instantiate(session.execute, firstname=u'John', lastname=u'Doe',
-        ...                              works_for=c)
-        You can also set relation where the entity has 'object' role by
-        prefixing the relation by 'reverse_'.
-        """
-        rql = 'INSERT %s X' % cls.__regid__
+    def _cw_build_entity_query(cls, kwargs):
         relations = []
         restrictions = set()
-        pending_relations = []
+        pendingrels = []
         eschema = cls.e_schema
         qargs = {}
+        attrcache = {}
         for attr, value in kwargs.items():
             if attr.startswith('reverse_'):
                 attr = attr[len('reverse_'):]
@@ -487,10 +474,13 @@
                     value = iter(value).next()
                     # prepare IN clause
-                    pending_relations.append( (attr, role, value) )
+                    pendingrels.append( (attr, role, value) )
             if # attribute
                 relations.append('X %s %%(%s)s' % (attr, attr))
+                attrcache[attr] = value
+            elif value is None:
+                pendingrels.append( (attr, role, value) )
                 rvar = attr.upper()
                 if role == 'object':
@@ -503,19 +493,52 @@
                 if hasattr(value, 'eid'):
                     value = value.eid
             qargs[attr] = value
+        rql = u''
         if relations:
-            rql = '%s: %s' % (rql, ', '.join(relations))
+            rql += ', '.join(relations)
         if restrictions:
-            rql = '%s WHERE %s' % (rql, ', '.join(restrictions))
-        created = execute(rql, qargs).get_entity(0, 0)
-        for attr, role, values in pending_relations:
+            rql += ' WHERE %s' % ', '.join(restrictions)
+        return rql, qargs, pendingrels, attrcache
+    @classmethod
+    def _cw_handle_pending_relations(cls, eid, pendingrels, execute):
+        for attr, role, values in pendingrels:
             if role == 'object':
                 restr = 'Y %s X' % attr
                 restr = 'X %s Y' % attr
+            if values is None:
+                execute('DELETE %s WHERE X eid %%(x)s' % restr, {'x': eid})
+                continue
             execute('SET %s WHERE X eid %%(x)s, Y eid IN (%s)' % (
                 restr, ','.join(str(getattr(r, 'eid', r)) for r in values)),
-                    {'x': created.eid}, build_descr=False)
+                    {'x': eid}, build_descr=False)
+    @classmethod
+    def cw_instantiate(cls, execute, **kwargs):
+        """add a new entity of this given type
+        Example (in a shell session):
+        >>> companycls = vreg['etypes'].etype_class(('Company')
+        >>> personcls = vreg['etypes'].etype_class(('Person')
+        >>> c = companycls.cw_instantiate(session.execute, name=u'Logilab')
+        >>> p = personcls.cw_instantiate(session.execute, firstname=u'John', lastname=u'Doe',
+        ...                              works_for=c)
+        You can also set relations where the entity has 'object' role by
+        prefixing the relation name by 'reverse_'. Also, relation values may be
+        an entity or eid, a list of entities or eids.
+        """
+        rql, qargs, pendingrels, attrcache = cls._cw_build_entity_query(kwargs)
+        if rql:
+            rql = 'INSERT %s X: %s' % (cls.__regid__, rql)
+        else:
+            rql = 'INSERT %s X' % (cls.__regid__)
+        created = execute(rql, qargs).get_entity(0, 0)
+        created._cw_update_attr_cache(attrcache)
+        created.cw_attr_cache.update(attrcache)
+        cls._cw_handle_pending_relations(created.eid, pendingrels, execute)
         return created
     def __init__(self, req, rset=None, row=None, col=0):
@@ -535,6 +558,24 @@
     def __cmp__(self, other):
         raise NotImplementedError('comparison not implemented for %s' % self.__class__)
+    def _cw_update_attr_cache(self, attrcache):
+        # if context is a repository session, don't consider dont-cache-attrs as
+        # the instance already hold modified values and loosing them could
+        # introduce severe problems
+        if self._cw.is_request:
+            for attr in self._cw.get_shared_data('%s.dont-cache-attrs' % self.eid,
+                                                 default=(), txdata=True, pop=True):
+                attrcache.pop(attr, None)
+                self.cw_attr_cache.pop(attr, None)
+        self.cw_attr_cache.update(attrcache)
+    def _cw_dont_cache_attribute(self, attr):
+        """repository side method called when some attribute have been
+        transformed by a hook, hence original value should not be cached by
+        client
+        """
+        self._cw.transaction_data.setdefault('%s.dont-cache-attrs' % self.eid, set()).add(attr)
     def __json_encode__(self):
         """custom json dumps hook to dump the entity's eid
         which is not part of dict structure itself
@@ -1215,54 +1256,41 @@
     # raw edition utilities ###################################################
-    def set_attributes(self, **kwargs): # XXX cw_set_attributes
+    def cw_set(self, **kwargs):
+        """update this entity using given attributes / relation, working in the
+        same fashion as :meth:`cw_instantiate`.
+        Example (in a shell session):
+        >>> c = rql('Any X WHERE X is Company').get_entity(0, 0)
+        >>> p = rql('Any X WHERE X is Person').get_entity(0, 0)
+        >>> c.set(name=u'Logilab')
+        >>> p.set(firstname=u'John', lastname=u'Doe', works_for=c)
+        You can also set relations where the entity has 'object' role by
+        prefixing the relation name by 'reverse_'.  Also, relation values may be
+        an entity or eid, a list of entities or eids, or None (meaning that all
+        relations of the given type from or to this object should be deleted).
+        """
         assert kwargs
         assert self.cw_is_saved(), "should not call set_attributes while entity "\
                "hasn't been saved yet"
-        relations = ['X %s %%(%s)s' % (key, key) for key in kwargs]
-        # and now update the database
-        kwargs['x'] = self.eid
-        self._cw.execute('SET %s WHERE X eid %%(x)s' % ','.join(relations),
-                         kwargs)
-        kwargs.pop('x')
+        rql, qargs, pendingrels, attrcache = self._cw_build_entity_query(kwargs)
+        if rql:
+            rql = 'SET ' + rql
+            qargs['x'] = self.eid
+            if ' WHERE ' in rql:
+                rql += ', X eid %(x)s'
+            else:
+                rql += ' WHERE X eid %(x)s'
+            self._cw.execute(rql, qargs)
         # update current local object _after_ the rql query to avoid
         # interferences between the query execution itself and the cw_edited /
         # skip_security machinery
-        self.cw_attr_cache.update(kwargs)
-    def set_relations(self, **kwargs): # XXX cw_set_relations
-        """add relations to the given object. To set a relation where this entity
-        is the object of the relation, use 'reverse_'<relation> as argument name.
-        Values may be an entity or eid, a list of entities or eids, or None
-        (meaning that all relations of the given type from or to this object
-        should be deleted).
-        """
-        # XXX update cache
-        _check_cw_unsafe(kwargs)
-        for attr, values in kwargs.iteritems():
-            if attr.startswith('reverse_'):
-                restr = 'Y %s X' % attr[len('reverse_'):]
-            else:
-                restr = 'X %s Y' % attr
-            if values is None:
-                self._cw.execute('DELETE %s WHERE X eid %%(x)s' % restr,
-                                 {'x': self.eid})
-                continue
-            if not isinstance(values, (tuple, list, set, frozenset)):
-                values = (values,)
-            eids = []
-            for val in values:
-                try:
-                    eids.append(str(val.eid))
-                except AttributeError:
-                    try:
-                        eids.append(str(typed_eid(val)))
-                    except (ValueError, TypeError):
-                        raise Exception('expected an Entity or eid, got %s' % val)
-            self._cw.execute('SET %s WHERE X eid %%(x)s, Y eid IN (%s)' % (
-                    restr, ','.join(eids)), {'x': self.eid})
+        self._cw_update_attr_cache(attrcache)
+        self._cw_handle_pending_relations(self.eid, pendingrels, self._cw.execute)
+        # XXX update relation cache
     def cw_delete(self, **kwargs):
         assert self.has_eid(), self.eid
@@ -1277,6 +1305,21 @@
     # deprecated stuff #########################################################
+    @deprecated('[3.16] use cw_set() instead')
+    def set_attributes(self, **kwargs): # XXX cw_set_attributes
+        self.cw_set(**kwargs)
+    @deprecated('[3.16] use cw_set() instead')
+    def set_relations(self, **kwargs): # XXX cw_set_relations
+        """add relations to the given object. To set a relation where this entity
+        is the object of the relation, use 'reverse_'<relation> as argument name.
+        Values may be an entity or eid, a list of entities or eids, or None
+        (meaning that all relations of the given type from or to this object
+        should be deleted).
+        """
+        self.cw_set(**kwargs)
     @deprecated('[3.13] use entity.cw_clear_all_caches()')
     def clear_all_caches(self):
         return self.cw_clear_all_caches()
--- a/hooks/test/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/hooks/test/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# copyright 2003-2011 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
+# copyright 2003-2012 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
 # contact --
 # This file is part of CubicWeb.
@@ -67,10 +67,9 @@
         entity = self.request().create_entity('Workflow', name=u'wf1',
-        entity.set_attributes(name=u'wf2')
+        entity.cw_set(name=u'wf2')
         self.assertEqual(entity.description, u'yo')
-        entity.set_attributes(description=u'R&D<p>yo')
-        entity.cw_attr_cache.pop('description')
+        entity.cw_set(description=u'R&D<p>yo')
         self.assertEqual(entity.description, u'R&amp;D<p>yo</p>')
     def test_metadata_cwuri(self):
--- a/hooks/test/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/hooks/test/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@
     def test_change_fulltext_container(self):
         req = self.request()
         target = req.create_entity(u'EmailAddress', address=u'')
-        target.set_relations(reverse_use_email=req.user)
+        target.cw_set(reverse_use_email=req.user)
         rset = req.execute('Any X WHERE X has_text "rick.roll"')
         self.assertIn(req.user.eid, [item[0] for item in rset])
--- a/hooks/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/hooks/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@
         entity = self._cw.entity_from_eid(self.eidfrom)
-            entity.set_attributes(
+            entity.cw_set(
         except RepositoryError, ex:
             # usually occurs if entity is coming from a read-only source
             # (eg ldap user)
--- a/i18n/de.po	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/i18n/de.po	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -1001,9 +1001,6 @@
 msgid "abstract base class for transitions"
 msgstr "abstrakte Basisklasse für Übergänge"
-msgid "action menu"
-msgstr ""
 msgid "action(s) on this selection"
 msgstr "Aktionen(en) bei dieser Auswahl"
@@ -4169,6 +4166,9 @@
 msgid "toggle check boxes"
 msgstr "Kontrollkästchen umkehren"
+msgid "toggle filter"
+msgstr "filter verbergen/zeigen"
 msgid "tr_count"
 msgstr ""
@@ -4631,9 +4631,3 @@
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "Kann die Relation %(rtype)s der Entität %(eid)s nicht wieder herstellen, "
 #~ "diese Relation existiert nicht mehr in dem Schema."
-#~ msgid "log out first"
-#~ msgstr "Melden Sie sich zuerst ab."
-#~ msgid "week"
-#~ msgstr "Woche"
--- a/i18n/en.po	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/i18n/en.po	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -963,9 +963,6 @@
 msgid "abstract base class for transitions"
 msgstr ""
-msgid "action menu"
-msgstr ""
 msgid "action(s) on this selection"
 msgstr ""
@@ -4069,6 +4066,9 @@
 msgid "toggle check boxes"
 msgstr ""
+msgid "toggle filter"
+msgstr ""
 msgid "tr_count"
 msgstr "transition number"
--- a/i18n/es.po	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/i18n/es.po	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -1011,9 +1011,6 @@
 msgid "abstract base class for transitions"
 msgstr "Clase de base abstracta para la transiciones"
-msgid "action menu"
-msgstr ""
 msgid "action(s) on this selection"
 msgstr "Acción(es) en esta selección"
@@ -4219,6 +4216,9 @@
 msgid "toggle check boxes"
 msgstr "Cambiar valor"
+msgid "toggle filter"
+msgstr "esconder/mostrar el filtro"
 msgid "tr_count"
 msgstr "n° de transición"
@@ -4682,18 +4682,3 @@
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "No puede restaurar la relación %(rtype)s de la entidad %(eid)s, esta "
 #~ "relación ya no existe en el esquema."
-#~ msgid "day"
-#~ msgstr "día"
-#~ msgid "log out first"
-#~ msgstr "Desconéctese primero"
-#~ msgid "month"
-#~ msgstr "mes"
-#~ msgid "today"
-#~ msgstr "hoy"
-#~ msgid "week"
-#~ msgstr "sem."
--- a/i18n/fr.po	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/i18n/fr.po	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -1011,9 +1011,6 @@
 msgid "abstract base class for transitions"
 msgstr "classe de base abstraite pour les transitions"
-msgid "action menu"
-msgstr "actions"
 msgid "action(s) on this selection"
 msgstr "action(s) sur cette sélection"
@@ -1253,7 +1250,7 @@
 msgstr "anonyme"
 msgid "anyrsetview"
-msgstr "vues \"tous les rset\""
+msgstr "vues pour tout rset"
 msgid "april"
 msgstr "avril"
@@ -4140,6 +4137,10 @@
 msgid "there is no transaction #%s"
 msgstr "Il n'y a pas de transaction #%s"
+#, python-format
+msgid "there is no transaction #%s"
+msgstr ""
 msgid "this action is not reversible!"
 msgstr ""
 "Attention ! Cette opération va détruire les données de façon irréversible."
@@ -4228,7 +4229,10 @@
 msgstr "à faire par"
 msgid "toggle check boxes"
-msgstr "inverser les cases à cocher"
+msgstr "afficher/masquer les cases à cocher"
+msgid "toggle filter"
+msgstr "afficher/masquer le filtre"
 msgid "tr_count"
 msgstr "n° de transition"
--- a/misc/migration/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/misc/migration/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -34,5 +34,5 @@
 for x in rql('Any X,XK WHERE X pkey XK, '
              'X pkey ~= "boxes.%" OR '
              'X pkey ~= "contentnavigation.%"').entities():
-    x.set_attributes(pkey=u'ctxcomponents.' + x.pkey.split('.', 1)[1])
+    x.cw_set(pkey=u'ctxcomponents.' + x.pkey.split('.', 1)[1])
--- a/misc/migration/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/misc/migration/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -81,5 +81,5 @@
         rset = session.execute('Any V WHERE X is CWProperty, X value V, X pkey %(k)s',
                                {'k': pkey})
         timestamp = int(rset[0][0])
-        sourceentity.set_attributes(latest_retrieval=datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp))
+        sourceentity.cw_set(latest_retrieval=datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp))
         session.execute('DELETE CWProperty X WHERE X pkey %(k)s', {'k': pkey})
--- a/misc/migration/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/misc/migration/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@
     expression = rqlcstr.value
     mainvars = guess_rrqlexpr_mainvars(expression)
     yamscstr = CONSTRAINTS[rqlcstr.type](expression, mainvars)
-    rqlcstr.set_attributes(value=yamscstr.serialize())
+    rqlcstr.cw_set(value=yamscstr.serialize())
     print 'updated', rqlcstr.type, rqlcstr.value.strip()
--- a/misc/migration/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/misc/migration/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
     config = source.dictconfig
     host = config.pop('host', u'ldap')
     protocol = config.pop('protocol', u'ldap')
-    source.set_attributes(url=u'%s://%s' % (protocol, host))
+    source.cw_set(url=u'%s://%s' % (protocol, host))
     source.update_config(skip_unknown=True, **config)
--- a/misc/scripts/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/misc/scripts/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 crypted = crypt_password(pass1)
 cwuser = rset.get_entity(0,0)
 print("password updated.")
--- a/misc/scripts/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/misc/scripts/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
 source_ent = rql('CWSource S WHERE S eid %(s)s', {'s': source.eid}).get_entity(0, 0)
-source_ent.set_attributes(type=u"ldapfeed", parser=u"ldapfeed")
+source_ent.cw_set(type=u"ldapfeed", parser=u"ldapfeed")
 if raw_input('Commit ?') in 'yY':
--- a/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -737,12 +737,16 @@
     See :class:`~cubicweb.predicates.EClassPredicate` documentation for entity
     class lookup / score rules according to the input context.
-    .. note:: when interface is an entity class, the score will reflect class
-              proximity so the most specific object will be selected.
+    .. note::
+       when interface is an entity class, the score will reflect class
+       proximity so the most specific object will be selected.
-    .. note:: deprecated in cubicweb >= 3.9, use either
-              :class:`~cubicweb.predicates.is_instance` or
-              :class:`~cubicweb.predicates.adaptable`.
+    .. note::
+       deprecated in cubicweb >= 3.9, use either
+       :class:`~cubicweb.predicates.is_instance` or
+       :class:`~cubicweb.predicates.adaptable`.
     def __init__(self, *expected_ifaces, **kwargs):
--- a/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@
     :attribute vreg.schema: the instance's schema
     :attribute vreg.config: the instance's configuration
+    is_request = True # False for repository session
     def __init__(self, vreg):
         self.vreg = vreg
--- a/server/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/server/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# copyright 2003-2011 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
+# copyright 2003-2012 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
 # contact --
 # This file is part of CubicWeb.
@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@
         # attributes, else we may accidentaly skip a desired security check
         if attr not in self:
+        # mark attribute as needing purge by the client
+        self.entity._cw_dont_cache_attribute(attr)
         self.edited_attribute(attr, value)
     def __delitem__(self, attr):
--- a/server/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/server/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
   On those events, the entity has no `cw_edited` dictionary.
-.. note:: `self.entity.set_attributes(age=42)` will set the `age` attribute to
+.. note:: `self.entity.cw_set(age=42)` will set the `age` attribute to
   42. But to do so, it will generate a rql query that will have to be processed,
   hence may trigger some hooks, etc. This could lead to infinitely looping hooks.
--- a/server/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/server/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -1321,7 +1321,7 @@
         except Exception:
             self.cmd_create_entity('CWProperty', pkey=unicode(pkey), value=value)
-            prop.set_attributes(value=value)
+            prop.cw_set(value=value)
     # other data migration commands ###########################################
--- a/server/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/server/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -242,6 +242,7 @@
       :attr:`running_dbapi_query`, boolean flag telling if the executing query
       is coming from a dbapi connection or is a query from within the repository
+    is_request = False
     is_internal_session = False
     def __init__(self, user, repo, cnxprops=None, _id=None):
--- a/server/sources/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/server/sources/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@
             attrs = dict( (k, v) for k, v in attrs.iteritems()
                           if v != getattr(entity, k))
             if attrs:
-                entity.set_attributes(**attrs)
+                entity.cw_set(**attrs)
 class DataFeedXMLParser(DataFeedParser):
--- a/server/test/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/server/test/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(len(c.reverse_fiche), 1)
-    def test_set_attributes_in_before_update(self):
+    def test_cw_set_in_before_update(self):
         # local hook
         class DummyBeforeHook(Hook):
             __regid__ = 'dummy-before-hook'
@@ -535,31 +535,31 @@
                 pendings = self._cw.transaction_data.setdefault('pending', set())
                 if self.entity.eid not in pendings:
-                    self.entity.set_attributes(alias=u'foo')
+                    self.entity.cw_set(alias=u'foo')
         with self.temporary_appobjects(DummyBeforeHook):
             req = self.request()
             addr = req.create_entity('EmailAddress', address=u'')
-            addr.set_attributes(address=u'')
+            addr.cw_set(address=u'')
             rset = self.execute('Any A,AA WHERE X eid %(x)s, X address A, X alias AA',
                                 {'x': addr.eid})
             self.assertEqual(rset.rows, [[u'', u'foo']])
-    def test_set_attributes_in_before_add(self):
+    def test_cw_set_in_before_add(self):
         # local hook
         class DummyBeforeHook(Hook):
             __regid__ = 'dummy-before-hook'
             __select__ = Hook.__select__ & is_instance('EmailAddress')
             events = ('before_add_entity',)
             def __call__(self):
-                # set_attributes is forbidden within before_add_entity()
-                self.entity.set_attributes(alias=u'foo')
+                # cw_set is forbidden within before_add_entity()
+                self.entity.cw_set(alias=u'foo')
         with self.temporary_appobjects(DummyBeforeHook):
             req = self.request()
             # XXX will fail with python -O
             self.assertRaises(AssertionError, req.create_entity,
                               'EmailAddress', address=u'')
-    def test_multiple_edit_set_attributes(self):
+    def test_multiple_edit_cw_set(self):
         """make sure cw_edited doesn't get cluttered
         by previous entities on multiple set
@@ -665,7 +665,7 @@
         rset = req.execute('Any X WHERE X has_text %(t)s', {'t': 'toto'})
         self.assertEqual(rset.rows, [])
-        req.user.set_relations(use_email=toto)
+        req.user.cw_set(use_email=toto)
         rset = req.execute('Any X WHERE X has_text %(t)s', {'t': 'toto'})
         self.assertEqual(rset.rows, [[req.user.eid]])
@@ -675,11 +675,11 @@
         rset = req.execute('Any X WHERE X has_text %(t)s', {'t': 'toto'})
         self.assertEqual(rset.rows, [])
         tutu = req.create_entity('EmailAddress', address=u'')
-        req.user.set_relations(use_email=tutu)
+        req.user.cw_set(use_email=tutu)
         rset = req.execute('Any X WHERE X has_text %(t)s', {'t': 'tutu'})
         self.assertEqual(rset.rows, [[req.user.eid]])
-        tutu.set_attributes(address=u'')
+        tutu.cw_set(address=u'')
         rset = req.execute('Any X WHERE X has_text %(t)s', {'t': 'tutu'})
         self.assertEqual(rset.rows, [])
@@ -791,7 +791,7 @@
         abraham = req.create_entity('Personne', nom=u'Abraham', prenom=u'John', sexe=u'M')
         for j in xrange(0, 2000, 100):
-            abraham.set_relations(personne_composite=personnes[j:j+100])
+            abraham.cw_set(personne_composite=personnes[j:j+100])
         t1 = time.time()'creation: %.2gs', (t1 - t0))
@@ -817,7 +817,7 @@
         t1 = time.time()'creation: %.2gs', (t1 - t0))
         for j in xrange(100, 2000, 100):
-            abraham.set_relations(personne_composite=personnes[j:j+100])
+            abraham.cw_set(personne_composite=personnes[j:j+100])
         t2 = time.time()'more relations: %.2gs', (t2-t1))
@@ -837,7 +837,7 @@
         t1 = time.time()'creation: %.2gs', (t1 - t0))
         for j in xrange(100, 2000, 100):
-            abraham.set_relations(personne_inlined=personnes[j:j+100])
+            abraham.cw_set(personne_inlined=personnes[j:j+100])
         t2 = time.time()'more relations: %.2gs', (t2-t1))
@@ -918,7 +918,7 @@
         p1 = req.create_entity('Personne', nom=u'Vincent')
         p2 = req.create_entity('Personne', nom=u'Florent')
         w = req.create_entity('Affaire', ref=u'wc')
-        w.set_relations(todo_by=[p1,p2])
+        w.cw_set(todo_by=[p1,p2])
         self.assertEqual(len(w.todo_by), 1)
@@ -929,9 +929,9 @@
         p1 = req.create_entity('Personne', nom=u'Vincent')
         p2 = req.create_entity('Personne', nom=u'Florent')
         w = req.create_entity('Affaire', ref=u'wc')
-        w.set_relations(todo_by=p1)
+        w.cw_set(todo_by=p1)
-        w.set_relations(todo_by=p2)
+        w.cw_set(todo_by=p2)
         self.assertEqual(len(w.todo_by), 1)
--- a/server/test/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/server/test/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
         f1 = self.create_file()
         self.assertEqual(file(expected_filepath).read(), 'the-data')
-        f1.set_attributes(data=Binary('the new data'))
+        f1.cw_set(data=Binary('the new data'))
         self.assertEqual(file(expected_filepath).read(), 'the-data')
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
         # use self.session to use server-side cache
         f1 = self.session.create_entity('File', data=Binary('some data'),
                                         data_format=u'text/plain', data_name=u'foo')
-        # NOTE: do not use set_attributes() which would automatically
+        # NOTE: do not use cw_set() which would automatically
         #       update f1's local dict. We want the pure rql version to work
         self.execute('SET F data %(d)s WHERE F eid %(f)s',
                      {'d': Binary('some other data'), 'f': f1.eid})
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
         # use self.session to use server-side cache
         f1 = self.session.create_entity('File', data=Binary('some data'),
                                         data_format=u'text/plain', data_name=u'foo.txt')
-        # NOTE: do not use set_attributes() which would automatically
+        # NOTE: do not use cw_set() which would automatically
         #       update f1's local dict. We want the pure rql version to work
         old_path = self.fspath(f1)
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
         # use self.session to use server-side cache
         f1 = self.session.create_entity('File', data=Binary('some data'),
                                         data_format=u'text/plain', data_name=u'foo.txt')
-        # NOTE: do not use set_attributes() which would automatically
+        # NOTE: do not use cw_set() which would automatically
         #       update f1's local dict. We want the pure rql version to work
         old_path = self.fspath(f1)
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
         f = self.session.create_entity('Affaire', opt_attr=Binary('toto'))
-        f.set_attributes(opt_attr=None)
+        f.cw_set(opt_attr=None)
     @tag('fs_importing', 'update')
--- a/server/test/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/server/test/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
         txuuid = self.commit()
         c2 = session.create_entity('Card', title=u'hip', content=u'hip')
-        p.set_relations(fiche=c2)
+        p.cw_set(fiche=c2)
         self.assertUndoTransaction(txuuid, [
             "Can't restore object relation fiche to entity "
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
         session = self.session
         g = session.create_entity('CWGroup', name=u'staff')
         session.execute('DELETE U in_group G WHERE U eid %(x)s', {'x': self.toto.eid})
-        self.toto.set_relations(in_group=g)
+        self.toto.cw_set(in_group=g)
         txuuid = self.commit()
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
         email = self.request().create_entity('EmailAddress', address=u'')
         prop = self.request().create_entity('CWProperty', pkey=u'ui.default-text-format',
-        tutu.set_relations(use_email=email, reverse_for_user=prop)
+        tutu.cw_set(use_email=email, reverse_for_user=prop)
         with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as cm:
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@
         g = session.create_entity('CWGroup', name=u'staff')
         txuuid = self.commit()
         session.execute('DELETE U in_group G WHERE U eid %(x)s', {'x': self.toto.eid})
-        self.toto.set_relations(in_group=g)
+        self.toto.cw_set(in_group=g)
         with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as cm:
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
         c = session.create_entity('Card', title=u'hop', content=u'hop')
         p = session.create_entity('Personne', nom=u'louis', fiche=c)
-        p.set_relations(fiche=None)
+        p.cw_set(fiche=None)
         txuuid = self.commit()
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@
         c = session.create_entity('Card', title=u'hop', content=u'hop')
         p = session.create_entity('Personne', nom=u'louis', fiche=c)
-        p.set_relations(fiche=None)
+        p.cw_set(fiche=None)
         txuuid = self.commit()
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
         c = session.create_entity('Card', title=u'hop', content=u'hop')
         p = session.create_entity('Personne', nom=u'louis')
-        p.set_relations(fiche=c)
+        p.cw_set(fiche=c)
         txuuid = self.commit()
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@
         c = session.create_entity('Card', title=u'hop', content=u'hop')
         p = session.create_entity('Personne', nom=u'louis')
-        p.set_relations(fiche=c)
+        p.cw_set(fiche=c)
         txuuid = self.commit()
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@
         c2 = session.create_entity('Card', title=u'hip', content=u'hip')
         p = session.create_entity('Personne', nom=u'louis', fiche=c1)
-        p.set_relations(fiche=c2)
+        p.cw_set(fiche=c2)
         txuuid = self.commit()
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@
         c2 = session.create_entity('Card', title=u'hip', content=u'hip')
         p = session.create_entity('Personne', nom=u'louis', fiche=c1)
-        p.set_relations(fiche=c2)
+        p.cw_set(fiche=c2)
         txuuid = self.commit()
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@
         p = session.create_entity('Personne', nom=u'toto')
-        p.set_attributes(nom=u'titi')
+        p.cw_set(nom=u'titi')
         txuuid = self.commit()
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@
         p = session.create_entity('Personne', nom=u'toto')
-        p.set_attributes(nom=u'titi')
+        p.cw_set(nom=u'titi')
         txuuid = self.commit()
--- a/sobjects/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/sobjects/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
             attrs = dict( (k, v) for k, v in attrs.iteritems()
                           if v != getattr(entity, k))
             if attrs:
-                entity.set_attributes(**attrs)
+                entity.cw_set(**attrs)
     def ldap2cwattrs(self, sdict, tdict=None):
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
         if entity.__regid__ == 'EmailAddress':
         groups = [self._get_group(n) for n in self.source.user_default_groups]
-        entity.set_relations(in_group=groups)
+        entity.cw_set(in_group=groups)
         self._process_email(entity, sourceparams)
     def is_deleted(self, extid, etype, eid):
@@ -140,9 +140,9 @@
                 email = self.extid2entity(emailextid, 'EmailAddress',
                 if entity.primary_email:
-                    entity.set_relations(use_email=email)
+                    entity.cw_set(use_email=email)
-                    entity.set_relations(primary_email=email)
+                    entity.cw_set(primary_email=email)
             elif self.sourceuris:
                 # pop from sourceuris anyway, else email may be removed by the
                 # source once import is finished
--- a/test/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/test/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -701,23 +701,23 @@
         self.assertEqual(card4.rest_path(), unicode(card4.eid))
-    def test_set_attributes(self):
+    def test_cw_set_attributes(self):
         req = self.request()
         person = req.create_entity('Personne', nom=u'di mascio', prenom=u'adrien')
         self.assertEqual(person.prenom, u'adrien')
         self.assertEqual(person.nom, u'di mascio')
-        person.set_attributes(prenom=u'sylvain', nom=u'thénault')
+        person.cw_set(prenom=u'sylvain', nom=u'thénault')
         person = self.execute('Personne P').get_entity(0, 0) # XXX retreival needed ?
         self.assertEqual(person.prenom, u'sylvain')
         self.assertEqual(person.nom, u'thénault')
-    def test_set_relations(self):
+    def test_cw_set_relations(self):
         req = self.request()
         person = req.create_entity('Personne', nom=u'chauvat', prenom=u'nicolas')
         note = req.create_entity('Note', type=u'x')
-        note.set_relations(ecrit_par=person)
+        note.cw_set(ecrit_par=person)
         note = req.create_entity('Note', type=u'y')
-        note.set_relations(ecrit_par=person.eid)
+        note.cw_set(ecrit_par=person.eid)
         self.assertEqual(len(person.reverse_ecrit_par), 2)
     def test_metainformation_and_external_absolute_url(self):
--- a/web/data/cubicweb.css	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/web/data/cubicweb.css	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -545,6 +545,16 @@
   padding-left: 2em;
+/* actions around tables */
+.tableactions span {
+  padding: 0 18px;
+  height: 24px;
+  background: #F8F8F8;
+  border: 1px solid #DFDFDF;
+  border-bottom: none;
+  border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0;
 /* custom boxes */
 .search_box div.boxBody {
--- a/web/data/cubicweb.old.css	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/web/data/cubicweb.old.css	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -899,6 +899,16 @@
   padding-left: 0.5em;
+/* actions around tables */
+.tableactions span {
+  padding: 0 18px;
+  height: 24px;
+  background: #F8F8F8;
+  border: 1px solid #DFDFDF;
+  border-bottom: none;
+  border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0;
 /* error view (views/    */
--- a/web/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/web/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -170,7 +170,6 @@
     def authmode(self):
         """Authentification mode of the instance
         (see :ref:`WebServerConfig`)"""
         return self.vreg.config['auth-mode']
--- a/web/test/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/web/test/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -230,5 +230,118 @@
         self.assertEqual(rset.rql, 'Any X ORDERBY FTIRANK(X) DESC WHERE X has_text %(text)s')
         self.assertEqual(rset.args, {'text': u'utilisateur Smith'})
+class RQLSuggestionsBuilderTC(CubicWebTC):
+    def suggestions(self, rql):
+        req = self.request()
+        rbs = self.vreg['components'].select('rql.suggestions', req)
+        return rbs.build_suggestions(rql)
+    def test_no_restrictions_rql(self):
+        self.assertListEqual([], self.suggestions(''))
+        self.assertListEqual([], self.suggestions('An'))
+        self.assertListEqual([], self.suggestions('Any X'))
+        self.assertListEqual([], self.suggestions('Any X, Y'))
+    def test_invalid_rql(self):
+        self.assertListEqual([], self.suggestions('blabla'))
+        self.assertListEqual([], self.suggestions('Any X WHERE foo, bar'))
+    def test_is_rql(self):
+        self.assertListEqual(['Any X WHERE X is %s' % eschema
+                              for eschema in sorted(self.vreg.schema.entities())
+                              if not],
+                             self.suggestions('Any X WHERE X is'))
+        self.assertListEqual(['Any X WHERE X is Personne', 'Any X WHERE X is Project'],
+                             self.suggestions('Any X WHERE X is P'))
+        self.assertListEqual(['Any X WHERE X is Personne, Y is Personne',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, Y is Project'],
+                             self.suggestions('Any X WHERE X is Personne, Y is P'))
+    def test_relations_rql(self):
+        self.assertListEqual(['Any X WHERE X is Personne, X ass A',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X datenaiss A',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X description A',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X fax A',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom A',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X prenom A',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X promo A',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X salary A',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X sexe A',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X tel A',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X test A',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X titre A',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X travaille A',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X web A',
+                              ],
+                             self.suggestions('Any X WHERE X is Personne, X '))
+        self.assertListEqual(['Any X WHERE X is Personne, X tel A',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X test A',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X titre A',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X travaille A',
+                              ],
+                             self.suggestions('Any X WHERE X is Personne, X t'))
+        # try completion on selected
+        self.assertListEqual(['Any X WHERE X is Personne, Y is Societe, X tel A',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, Y is Societe, X test A',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, Y is Societe, X titre A',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, Y is Societe, X travaille Y',
+                              ],
+                             self.suggestions('Any X WHERE X is Personne, Y is Societe, X t'))
+        # invalid relation should not break
+        self.assertListEqual([],
+                             self.suggestions('Any X WHERE X is Personne, X asdasd'))
+    def test_attribute_vocabulary_rql(self):
+        self.assertListEqual(['Any X WHERE X is Personne, X promo "bon"',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X promo "pasbon"',
+                              ],
+                             self.suggestions('Any X WHERE X is Personne, X promo "'))
+        self.assertListEqual(['Any X WHERE X is Personne, X promo "pasbon"',
+                              ],
+                             self.suggestions('Any X WHERE X is Personne, X promo "p'))
+        # "bon" should be considered complete, hence no suggestion
+        self.assertListEqual([],
+                             self.suggestions('Any X WHERE X is Personne, X promo "bon"'))
+        # no valid vocabulary starts with "po"
+        self.assertListEqual([],
+                             self.suggestions('Any X WHERE X is Personne, X promo "po'))
+    def test_attribute_value_rql(self):
+        # suggestions should contain any possible value for
+        # a given attribute (limited to 10)
+        req = self.request()
+        for i in xrange(15):
+            req.create_entity('Personne', nom=u'n%s' % i, prenom=u'p%s' % i)
+        self.assertListEqual(['Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n0"',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n1"',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n10"',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n11"',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n12"',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n13"',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n14"',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n2"',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n3"',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n4"',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n5"',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n6"',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n7"',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n8"',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n9"',
+                              ],
+                             self.suggestions('Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "'))
+        self.assertListEqual(['Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n1"',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n10"',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n11"',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n12"',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n13"',
+                              'Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n14"',
+                              ],
+                             self.suggestions('Any X WHERE X is Personne, X nom "n1'))
 if __name__ == '__main__':
--- a/web/test/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/web/test/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -175,8 +175,8 @@
     def setup_database(self):
         super(ClickAndEditFormUICFGTC, self).setup_database()
-        self.tick.set_relations(concerns=self.proj)
-        self.proj.set_relations(manager=self.toto)
+        self.tick.cw_set(concerns=self.proj)
+        self.proj.cw_set(manager=self.toto)
     def test_with_uicfg(self):
         old_rctl = reledit_ctrl._tagdefs.copy()
--- a/web/test/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/web/test/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -105,9 +105,9 @@
     def setup_database(self):
         req = self.request()
         self.p1 = self.create_user(req, u'user1')
-        self.p1.set_attributes(firstname=u'joe', surname=u'Dalton')
+        self.p1.cw_set(firstname=u'joe', surname=u'Dalton')
         self.p2 = self.create_user(req, u'user2')
-        self.p2.set_attributes(firstname=u'jack', surname=u'Dalton')
+        self.p2.cw_set(firstname=u'jack', surname=u'Dalton')
     def test_rgx_action_with_transforms(self):
         class TestSchemaBasedRewriter(SchemaBasedRewriter):
--- a/web/views/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/web/views/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 functions that can be called from the javascript world.
 To register a new remote function, either decorate your function
-with the :func:`cubicweb.web.views.ajaxcontroller.ajaxfunc` decorator:
+with the :func:`~cubicweb.web.views.ajaxcontroller.ajaxfunc` decorator:
 .. sourcecode:: python
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
     def list_users(self):
         return [u for (u,) in self._cw.execute('Any L WHERE U login L')]
-or inherit from :class:`cubicwbe.web.views.ajaxcontroller.AjaxFunction` and
+or inherit from :class:`~cubicweb.web.views.ajaxcontroller.AjaxFunction` and
 implement the ``__call__`` method:
 .. sourcecode:: python
--- a/web/views/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/web/views/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -59,6 +59,14 @@
         # display multilines query as one line
         rql = rset is not None and rset.printable_rql(encoded=False) or req.form.get('rql', '')
         rql = rql.replace(u"\n", u" ")
+        rql_suggestion_comp = self._cw.vreg['components'].select_or_none('rql.suggestions', self._cw)
+        if rql_suggestion_comp is not None:
+            # enable autocomplete feature only if the rql
+            # suggestions builder is available
+            self._cw.add_css('jquery.ui.css')
+            self._cw.add_js(('cubicweb.ajax.js', 'jquery.ui.js'))
+            self._cw.add_onload('$("#rql").autocomplete({source: "%s"});'
+                                % (req.build_url('json', fname='rql_suggest')))
         self.w(u'''<div id="rqlinput" class="%s"><form action="%s"><fieldset>
 <input type="text" id="rql" name="rql" value="%s"  title="%s" tabindex="%s" accesskey="q" class="searchField" />
 ''' % (not self.cw_propval('visible') and 'hidden' or '',
--- a/web/views/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/web/views/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# copyright 2003-2011 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
+# copyright 2003-2012 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
 # contact --
 # This file is part of CubicWeb.
@@ -15,19 +15,23 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
 # with CubicWeb.  If not, see <>.
-"""a query processor to handle quick search shortcuts for cubicweb"""
+"""a query processor to handle quick search shortcuts for cubicweb
 __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
 import re
 from logging import getLogger
-from warnings import warn
+from yams.interfaces import IVocabularyConstraint
 from rql import RQLSyntaxError, BadRQLQuery, parse
+from rql.utils import rqlvar_maker
 from rql.nodes import Relation
 from cubicweb import Unauthorized, typed_eid
 from cubicweb.view import Component
+from cubicweb.web.views.ajaxcontroller import ajaxfunc
 LOGGER = getLogger('cubicweb.magicsearch')
@@ -408,3 +412,247 @@
             # explicitly specified processor: don't try to catch the exception
             return proc.process_query(uquery)
         raise BadRQLQuery(self._cw._('sorry, the server is unable to handle this query'))
+## RQL suggestions builder ####################################################
+class RQLSuggestionsBuilder(Component):
+    """main entry point is `build_suggestions()` which takes
+    an incomplete RQL query and returns a list of suggestions to complete
+    the query.
+    This component is enabled by default and is used to provide autocompletion
+    in the RQL search bar. If you don't want this feature in your application,
+    just unregister it or make it unselectable.
+    .. automethod:: cubicweb.web.views.magicsearch.RQLSuggestionsBuilder.build_suggestions
+    .. automethod:: cubicweb.web.views.magicsearch.RQLSuggestionsBuilder.etypes_suggestion_set
+    .. automethod:: cubicweb.web.views.magicsearch.RQLSuggestionsBuilder.possible_etypes
+    .. automethod:: cubicweb.web.views.magicsearch.RQLSuggestionsBuilder.possible_relations
+    .. automethod:: cubicweb.web.views.magicsearch.RQLSuggestionsBuilder.vocabulary
+    """
+    __regid__ = 'rql.suggestions'
+    #: maximum number of results to fetch when suggesting attribute values
+    attr_value_limit = 20
+    def build_suggestions(self, user_rql):
+        """return a list of suggestions to complete `user_rql`
+        :param user_rql: an incomplete RQL query
+        """
+        req = self._cw
+        try:
+            if 'WHERE' not in user_rql: # don't try to complete if there's no restriction
+                return []
+            variables, restrictions = [part.strip() for part in user_rql.split('WHERE', 1)]
+            if ',' in restrictions:
+                restrictions, incomplete_part = restrictions.rsplit(',', 1)
+                user_rql = '%s WHERE %s' % (variables, restrictions)
+            else:
+                restrictions, incomplete_part = '', restrictions
+                user_rql = variables
+            select = parse(user_rql, print_errors=False).children[0]
+            req.vreg.rqlhelper.annotate(select)
+  , select, {})
+            if restrictions:
+                return ['%s, %s' % (user_rql, suggestion)
+                        for suggestion in self.rql_build_suggestions(select, incomplete_part)]
+            else:
+                return ['%s WHERE %s' % (user_rql, suggestion)
+                        for suggestion in self.rql_build_suggestions(select, incomplete_part)]
+        except Exception, exc: # we never want to crash
+            self.debug('failed to build suggestions: %s', exc)
+            return []
+    ## actual completion entry points #########################################
+    def rql_build_suggestions(self, select, incomplete_part):
+        """
+        :param select: the annotated select node (rql syntax tree)
+        :param incomplete_part: the part of the rql query that needs
+                                to be completed, (e.g. ``X is Pr``, ``X re``)
+        """
+        chunks = incomplete_part.split(None, 2)
+        if not chunks: # nothing to complete
+            return []
+        if len(chunks) == 1: # `incomplete` looks like "MYVAR"
+            return self._complete_rqlvar(select, *chunks)
+        elif len(chunks) == 2: # `incomplete` looks like "MYVAR some_rel"
+            return self._complete_rqlvar_and_rtype(select, *chunks)
+        elif len(chunks) == 3: # `incomplete` looks like "MYVAR some_rel something"
+            return self._complete_relation_object(select, *chunks)
+        else: # would be anything else, hard to decide what to do here
+            return []
+    # _complete_* methods are considered private, at least while the API
+    # isn't stabilized.
+    def _complete_rqlvar(self, select, rql_var):
+        """return suggestions for "variable only" incomplete_part
+        as in :
+        - Any X WHERE X
+        - Any X WHERE X is Project, Y
+        - etc.
+        """
+        return ['%s %s %s' % (rql_var, rtype, dest_var)
+                for rtype, dest_var in self.possible_relations(select, rql_var)]
+    def _complete_rqlvar_and_rtype(self, select, rql_var, user_rtype):
+        """return suggestions for "variable + rtype" incomplete_part
+        as in :
+        - Any X WHERE X is
+        - Any X WHERE X is Person, X firstn
+        - etc.
+        """
+        # special case `user_type` == 'is', return every possible type.
+        if user_rtype == 'is':
+            return self._complete_is_relation(select, rql_var)
+        else:
+            return ['%s %s %s' % (rql_var, rtype, dest_var)
+                    for rtype, dest_var in self.possible_relations(select, rql_var)
+                    if rtype.startswith(user_rtype)]
+    def _complete_relation_object(self, select, rql_var, user_rtype, user_value):
+        """return suggestions for "variable + rtype + some_incomplete_value"
+        as in :
+        - Any X WHERE X is Per
+        - Any X WHERE X is Person, X firstname "
+        - Any X WHERE X is Person, X firstname "Pa
+        - etc.
+        """
+        # special case `user_type` == 'is', return every possible type.
+        if user_rtype == 'is':
+            return self._complete_is_relation(select, rql_var, user_value)
+        elif user_value:
+            if user_value[0] in ('"', "'"):
+                # if finished string, don't suggest anything
+                if len(user_value) > 1 and user_value[-1] == user_value[0]:
+                    return []
+                user_value = user_value[1:]
+                return ['%s %s "%s"' % (rql_var, user_rtype, value)
+                        for value in self.vocabulary(select, rql_var,
+                                                     user_rtype, user_value)]
+        return []
+    def _complete_is_relation(self, select, rql_var, prefix=''):
+        """return every possible types for rql_var
+        :param prefix: if specified, will only return entity types starting
+                       with the specified value.
+        """
+        return ['%s is %s' % (rql_var, etype)
+                for etype in self.possible_etypes(select, rql_var, prefix)]
+    def etypes_suggestion_set(self):
+        """returns the list of possible entity types to suggest
+        The default is to return any non-final entity type available
+        in the schema.
+        Can be overridden for instance if an application decides
+        to restrict this list to a meaningful set of business etypes.
+        """
+        schema = self._cw.vreg.schema
+        return set(eschema.type for eschema in schema.entities() if not
+    def possible_etypes(self, select, rql_var, prefix=''):
+        """return all possible etypes for `rql_var`
+        The returned list will always be a subset of meth:`etypes_suggestion_set`
+        :param select: the annotated select node (rql syntax tree)
+        :param rql_var: the variable name for which we want to know possible types
+        :param prefix: if specified, will only return etypes starting with it
+        """
+        available_etypes = self.etypes_suggestion_set()
+        possible_etypes = set()
+        for sol in
+            if rql_var in sol and sol[rql_var] in available_etypes:
+                possible_etypes.add(sol[rql_var])
+        if not possible_etypes:
+            # `Any X WHERE X is Person, Y is`
+            # -> won't have a solution, need to give all etypes
+            possible_etypes = available_etypes
+        return sorted(etype for etype in possible_etypes if etype.startswith(prefix))
+    def possible_relations(self, select, rql_var, include_meta=False):
+        """returns a list of couple (rtype, dest_var) for each possible
+        relations with `rql_var` as subject.
+        ``dest_var`` will be picked among availabel variables if types match,
+        otherwise a new one will be created.
+        """
+        schema = self._cw.vreg.schema
+        relations = set()
+        untyped_dest_var = rqlvar_maker(defined=select.defined_vars).next()
+        # for each solution
+        # 1. find each possible relation
+        # 2. for each relation:
+        #    2.1. if the relation is meta, skip it
+        #    2.2. for each possible destination type, pick up possible
+        #         variables for this type or use a new one
+        for sol in
+            etype = sol[rql_var]
+            sol_by_types = {}
+            for varname, var_etype in sol.items():
+                # don't push subject var to avoid "X relation X" suggestion
+                if varname != rql_var:
+                    sol_by_types.setdefault(var_etype, []).append(varname)
+            for rschema in schema[etype].subject_relations():
+                if include_meta or not rschema.meta:
+                    for dest in rschema.objects(etype):
+                        for varname in sol_by_types.get(dest.type, (untyped_dest_var,)):
+                            suggestion = (rschema.type, varname)
+                            if suggestion not in relations:
+                                relations.add(suggestion)
+        return sorted(relations)
+    def vocabulary(self, select, rql_var, user_rtype, rtype_incomplete_value):
+        """return acceptable vocabulary for `rql_var` + `user_rtype` in `select`
+        Vocabulary is either found from schema (Yams) definition or
+        directly from database.
+        """
+        schema = self._cw.vreg.schema
+        vocab = []
+        for sol in
+            # for each solution :
+            # - If a vocabulary constraint exists on `rql_var+user_rtype`, use it
+            #   to define possible values
+            # - Otherwise, query the database to fetch available values from
+            #   database (limiting results to `self.attr_value_limit`)
+            try:
+                eschema = schema.eschema(sol[rql_var])
+                rdef = eschema.rdef(user_rtype)
+            except KeyError: # unknown relation
+                continue
+            cstr = rdef.constraint_by_interface(IVocabularyConstraint)
+            if cstr is not None:
+                # a vocabulary is found, use it
+                vocab += [value for value in cstr.vocabulary()
+                          if value.startswith(rtype_incomplete_value)]
+            elif
+                # no vocab, query database to find possible value
+                vocab_rql = 'DISTINCT Any V LIMIT %s WHERE X is %s, X %s V' % (
+                    self.attr_value_limit, eschema.type, user_rtype)
+                vocab_kwargs = {}
+                if rtype_incomplete_value:
+                    vocab_rql += ', X %s LIKE %%(value)s' % user_rtype
+                    vocab_kwargs['value'] = '%s%%' % rtype_incomplete_value
+                vocab += [value for value, in
+                          self._cw.execute(vocab_rql, vocab_kwargs)]
+        return sorted(set(vocab))
+def rql_suggest(self):
+    rql_builder = self._cw.vreg['components'].select_or_none('rql.suggestions', self._cw)
+    if rql_builder:
+        return rql_builder.build_suggestions(self._cw.form['term'])
+    return []
--- a/web/views/	Fri Sep 07 13:48:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/web/views/	Fri Sep 07 14:01:59 2012 +0200
@@ -290,20 +290,17 @@
         return attrs
     def render_actions(self, w, actions):
-        box = MenuWidget('', '', _class='tableActionsBox', islist=False)
-        label = tags.span(self._cw._('action menu'))
-        menu = PopupBoxMenu(label, isitem=False, link_class='actionsBox',
-                            ident='%sActions' % self.view.domid)
-        box.append(menu)
+        w(u'<div class="tableactions">')
         for action in actions:
-            menu.append(action)
-        box.render(w=w)
-        w(u'<div class="clear"></div>')
+            w(u'<span>')
+            action.render(w)
+            w(u'</span>')
+        w(u'</div>')
     def show_hide_filter_actions(self, currentlydisplayed=False):
         divid = self.view.domid
         showhide = u';'.join(toggle_action('%s%s' % (divid, what))[11:]
-                             for what in ('Form', 'Show', 'Hide', 'Actions'))
+                             for what in ('Form', 'Actions'))
         showhide = 'javascript:' + showhide
 $(document).ready(function() {
@@ -313,10 +310,8 @@
     $('#%(id)sShow').attr('class', 'hidden');
 });''' % {'id': divid})
-        showlabel = self._cw._('show filter form')
-        hidelabel = self._cw._('hide filter form')
-        return [component.Link(showhide, showlabel, id='%sShow' % divid),
-                component.Link(showhide, hidelabel, id='%sHide' % divid)]
+        showlabel = self._cw._('toggle filter')
+        return [component.Link(showhide, showlabel, id='%sToggle' % divid)]
 class AbstractColumnRenderer(object):