[rql2sql] closes #1892473: enhance handling of optional inlined relation stable
authorSylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr>
Thu, 04 Aug 2011 12:50:48 +0200
changeset 7734 59fea81647e5
parent 7733 432e1f0d4857
child 7735 71adfd6bab38
[rql2sql] closes #1892473: enhance handling of optional inlined relation * some outer join aren't supported while they could * consider newly available 'optcomparisons' st information on variables (rql 0.30)
--- a/server/rqlannotation.py	Wed Aug 03 13:28:06 2011 +0200
+++ b/server/rqlannotation.py	Thu Aug 04 12:50:48 2011 +0200
@@ -109,8 +109,9 @@
                         ostinfo = rhs.children[0].variable.stinfo
                         ostinfo = lhs.variable.stinfo
-                    if not any(orel for orel in ostinfo['relations']
-                               if orel.optional and orel is not rel):
+                    if not (ostinfo.get('optcomparisons') or
+                            any(orel for orel in ostinfo['relations']
+                                if orel.optional and orel is not rel)):
             if rschema.final or (onlhs and rschema.inlined):
                 if rschema.type != 'has_text':
--- a/server/sources/rql2sql.py	Wed Aug 03 13:28:06 2011 +0200
+++ b/server/sources/rql2sql.py	Thu Aug 04 12:50:48 2011 +0200
@@ -1238,35 +1238,47 @@
     def _visit_outer_join_inlined_relation(self, relation, rschema):
-        leftvar, leftconst, rightvar, rightconst = relation_info(relation)
-        assert not (leftconst and rightconst), "doesn't make sense"
-        if relation.optional != 'right':
-            leftvar, rightvar = rightvar, leftvar
-            leftconst, rightconst = rightconst, leftconst
-        outertype = 'FULL' if relation.optional == 'both' else 'LEFT'
-        leftalias = self._var_table(leftvar)
+        lhsvar, lhsconst, rhsvar, rhsconst = relation_info(relation)
+        assert not (lhsconst and rhsconst), "doesn't make sense"
         attr = 'eid' if relation.r_type == 'identity' else relation.r_type
-        lhs, rhs = relation.get_variable_parts()
+        lhsalias = self._var_table(lhsvar)
+        rhsalias = rhsvar and self._var_table(rhsvar)
-            lhssql = self._varmap['%s.%s' % (lhs.name, attr)]
+            lhssql = self._varmap['%s.%s' % (lhsvar.name, attr)]
         except KeyError:
-            lhssql = '%s.%s%s' % (self._var_table(lhs.variable), SQL_PREFIX, attr)
-        if rightvar is not None:
-            rightalias = self._var_table(rightvar)
-            if rightalias is None:
-                if rightconst is not None:
-                    # inlined relation with invariant as rhs
-                    condition = '%s=%s' % (lhssql, rightconst.accept(self))
-                    if relation.r_type != 'identity':
-                        condition = '(%s OR %s IS NULL)' % (condition, lhssql)
-                    if not leftvar.stinfo.get('optrelations'):
-                        return condition
-                    self._state.add_outer_join_condition(leftalias, condition)
-                return
-        if leftalias is None:
-            leftalias = leftvar._q_sql.split('.', 1)[0]
-        self._state.replace_tables_by_outer_join(
-            leftalias, rightalias, outertype, '%s=%s' % (lhssql, rhs.accept(self)))
+            if lhsalias is None:
+                lhssql = lhsconst.accept(self)
+            else:
+                lhssql = '%s.%s%s' % (lhsalias, SQL_PREFIX, attr)
+        condition = '%s=%s' % (lhssql, (rhsconst or rhsvar).accept(self))
+        # this is not a typo, rhs optional variable means lhs outer join and vice-versa
+        if relation.optional == 'left':
+            lhsvar, rhsvar = rhsvar, lhsvar
+            lhsconst, rhsconst = rhsconst, lhsconst
+            lhsalias, rhsalias = rhsalias, lhsalias
+            outertype = 'LEFT'
+        elif relation.optional == 'both':
+            outertype = 'FULL'
+        else:
+            outertype = 'LEFT'
+        if rhsalias is None:
+            if rhsconst is not None:
+                # inlined relation with invariant as rhs
+                if relation.r_type != 'identity':
+                    condition = '(%s OR %s IS NULL)' % (condition, lhssql)
+                if not lhsvar.stinfo.get('optrelations'):
+                    return condition
+                self._state.add_outer_join_condition(lhsalias, condition)
+            return
+        if lhsalias is None:
+            if lhsconst is not None and not rhsvar.stinfo.get('optrelations'):
+                return condition
+            lhsalias = lhsvar._q_sql.split('.', 1)[0]
+        if lhsalias == rhsalias:
+            self._state.add_outer_join_condition(lhsalias, condition)
+        else:
+            self._state.replace_tables_by_outer_join(
+                lhsalias, rhsalias, outertype, condition)
         return ''
     def _visit_var_attr_relation(self, relation, rhs_vars):
--- a/server/test/unittest_rql2sql.py	Wed Aug 03 13:28:06 2011 +0200
+++ b/server/test/unittest_rql2sql.py	Thu Aug 04 12:50:48 2011 +0200
@@ -976,7 +976,7 @@
     ('Any CASE, CALIBCFG, CFG '
      'WHERE CASE eid 1, CFG ecrit_par CASE, CALIBCFG? ecrit_par CASE',
      '''SELECT _CFG.cw_ecrit_par, _CALIBCFG.cw_eid, _CFG.cw_eid
-FROM cw_Note AS _CFG LEFT OUTER JOIN cw_Note AS _CALIBCFG ON (_CALIBCFG.cw_ecrit_par=_CFG.cw_ecrit_par)
+FROM cw_Note AS _CFG LEFT OUTER JOIN cw_Note AS _CALIBCFG ON (_CALIBCFG.cw_ecrit_par=1)
 WHERE _CFG.cw_ecrit_par=1'''),
     ('Any U,G WHERE U login UL, G name GL, G is CWGroup HAVING UPPER(UL)=UPPER(GL)?',
@@ -990,6 +990,17 @@
     ('Any U,G WHERE U login UL, G name GL, G is CWGroup HAVING UPPER(UL)?=UPPER(GL)?',
      '''SELECT _U.cw_eid, _G.cw_eid
 FROM cw_CWUser AS _U FULL OUTER JOIN cw_CWGroup AS _G ON (UPPER(_U.cw_login)=UPPER(_G.cw_name))'''),
+    ('Any H, COUNT(X), SUM(XCE)/1000 '
+     'WHERE X type "0", X date XSCT, X para XCE, X? ecrit_par F, F eid 999999, F is Personne, '
+     'DH is Affaire, DH ref H '
+     'HAVING XSCT?=H',
+     '''SELECT _DH.cw_ref, COUNT(_X.cw_eid), (SUM(_X.cw_para) / 1000)
+FROM cw_Affaire AS _DH LEFT OUTER JOIN cw_Note AS _X ON (_X.cw_date=_DH.cw_ref AND _X.cw_type=0 AND _X.cw_ecrit_par=999999)'''),
+    ('Any C WHERE X ecrit_par C?, X? inline1 F, F eid 1, X type XT, Z is Personne, Z nom ZN HAVING ZN=XT?',
+     '''SELECT _X.cw_ecrit_par
+FROM cw_Personne AS _Z LEFT OUTER JOIN cw_Note AS _X ON (_Z.cw_nom=_X.cw_type AND _X.cw_inline1=1)'''),