restore multi-sources capabilities
authorSylvain Thenault <>
Mon, 22 Dec 2008 17:34:15 +0100
changeset 257 4c7d3af7e94d
parent 256 3dbee583526c
child 258 b3fd345e5995
restore multi-sources capabilities
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/server/	Mon Dec 22 17:34:15 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1212 @@
+"""plan execution of rql queries on multiple sources
+the best way to understand what are we trying to acheive here is to read
+the unit-tests in
+Split and execution specifications
+For a system source and a ldap user source (only EUser and its attributes
+is supported, no group or such):
+:EUser X:
+1. fetch EUser X from both sources and return concatenation of results
+:EUser X WHERE X in_group G, G name 'users':
+* catch 1
+  1. fetch EUser X from both sources, store concatenation of results
+     into a temporary table
+  2. return the result of TMP X WHERE X in_group G, G name 'users' from
+     the system source
+* catch 2
+  1. return the result of EUser X WHERE X in_group G, G name 'users'
+     from system source, that's enough (optimization of the sql querier
+     will avoid join on EUser, so we will directly get local eids)
+:EUser X,L WHERE X in_group G, X login L, G name 'users':
+1. fetch Any X,L WHERE X is EUser, X login L from both sources, store
+   concatenation of results into a temporary table
+2. return the result of Any X, L WHERE X is TMP, X login LX in_group G,
+   G name 'users' from the system source
+:Any X WHERE X owned_by Y:
+* catch 1
+  1. fetch EUser X from both sources, store concatenation of results
+     into a temporary table
+  2. return the result of Any X WHERE X owned_by Y, Y is TMP from
+     the system source
+* catch 2
+  1. return the result of Any X WHERE X owned_by Y
+     from system source, that's enough (optimization of the sql querier
+     will avoid join on EUser, so we will directly get local eids)
+:organization: Logilab
+:copyright: 2003-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
+:contact: --
+__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
+from itertools import imap, ifilterfalse
+from logilab.common.compat import any
+from logilab.common.decorators import cached
+from rql.stmts import Union, Select
+from rql.nodes import VariableRef, Comparison, Relation, Constant, Exists, Variable
+from cubicweb import server
+from cubicweb.common.utils import make_uid
+from cubicweb.server.utils import cleanup_solutions
+from cubicweb.server.ssplanner import SSPlanner, OneFetchStep, add_types_restriction
+from cubicweb.server.mssteps import *
+from cubicweb.server.sources import AbstractSource
+Variable._ms_table_key = lambda x:
+Relation._ms_table_key = lambda x: x.r_type
+# str() Constant.value to ensure generated table name won't be unicode
+Constant._ms_table_key = lambda x: str(x.value)
+AbstractSource.dont_cross_relations = ()
+def allequals(solutions):
+    """return true if all solutions are identical"""
+    sol =
+    for sol_ in solutions:
+        if sol_ != sol:
+            return False
+    return True
+def need_aggr_step(select, sources, stepdefs=None):
+    """return True if a temporary table is necessary to store some partial
+    results to execute the given query
+    """
+    if len(sources) == 1:
+        # can do everything at once with a single source
+        return False
+    if select.orderby or select.groupby or select.has_aggregat:
+        # if more than one source, we need a temp table to deal with sort /
+        # groups / aggregat if :
+        # * the rqlst won't be splitted (in the other case the last query
+        #   using partial temporary table can do sort/groups/aggregat without
+        #   the need for a later AggrStep)
+        # * the rqlst is splitted in multiple steps and there are more than one
+        #   final step
+        if stepdefs is None:
+            return True
+        has_one_final = False
+        fstepsolindices = set()
+        for stepdef in stepdefs:
+            if stepdef[-1]:
+                if has_one_final or frozenset(stepdef[2]) != fstepsolindices:
+                    return True
+                has_one_final = True
+            else:
+                fstepsolindices.update(stepdef[2])
+    return False
+def copy_node(newroot, node, subparts=()):
+    newnode = node.__class__(*node.initargs(newroot))
+    for part in subparts:
+        newnode.append(part)
+    return newnode
+def same_scope(var):
+    """return true if the variable is always used in the same scope"""
+    try:
+        return var.stinfo['samescope']
+    except KeyError:
+        for rel in var.stinfo['relations']:
+            if not rel.scope is var.scope:
+                var.stinfo['samescope'] = False
+                return False
+        var.stinfo['samescope'] = True
+        return True
+def select_group_sort(select): # XXX something similar done in rql2sql
+    # add variables used in groups and sort terms to the selection
+    # if necessary
+    if select.groupby:
+        for vref in select.groupby:
+            if not vref in select.selection:
+                select.append_selected(vref.copy(select))
+    for sortterm in select.orderby:
+        for vref in sortterm.iget_nodes(VariableRef):
+            if not vref in select.get_selected_variables():
+                # we can't directly insert sortterm.term because it references
+                # a variable of the select before the copy.
+                # XXX if constant term are used to define sort, their value
+                # may necessite a decay
+                select.append_selected(vref.copy(select))
+                if select.groupby and not vref in select.groupby:
+                    select.add_group_var(vref.copy(select))
+class PartPlanInformation(object):
+    """regroups necessary information to execute some part of a "global" rql
+    query ("global" means as received by the querier, which may result in
+    several internal queries, e.g. parts, due to security insertions)
+    it exposes as well some methods helping in executing this part on a
+    multi-sources repository, modifying its internal structure during the
+    process
+    :attr solutions: a list of mappings (varname -> vartype)
+    :attr sourcesvars:
+      a dictionnary telling for each source which variable/solution are
+      supported, of the form {source : {varname: [solution index, ]}}
+    """
+    def __init__(self, plan, rqlst, rqlhelper=None):
+        self.needsplit = False
+        self.temptable = None
+        self.finaltable = None
+        self.plan = plan
+        self.rqlst = rqlst
+        self._session = plan.session
+        self._solutions =
+        self._solindices = range(len(self._solutions))
+        # source : {varname: [solution index, ]}
+        self._sourcesvars = {}
+        # dictionnary of variables which are linked to each other using a non
+        # final relation which is supported by multiple sources
+        self._linkedvars = {}
+        # processing
+        self._compute_sourcesvars()
+        self._remove_invalid_sources()
+        #if server.DEBUG:
+        #    print 'planner sources vars', self._sourcesvars
+        self._compute_needsplit()
+        self._inputmaps = {}
+        if rqlhelper is not None: # else test
+            self._insert_identity_variable = rqlhelper._annotator.rewrite_shared_optional
+    def copy_solutions(self, solindices):
+        return [self._solutions[solidx].copy() for solidx in solindices]
+    @property
+    @cached
+    def part_sources(self):
+        if self._sourcesvars:
+            return tuple(sorted(self._sourcesvars))
+        return (self._session.repo.system_source,)
+    @property
+    @cached
+    def _sys_source_set(self):
+        return frozenset((self._session.repo.system_source, solindex)
+                         for solindex in self._solindices)        
+    @cached
+    def _norel_support_set(self, rtype):
+        """return a set of (source, solindex) where source doesn't support the
+        relation
+        """
+        return frozenset((source, solidx) for source in self._session.repo.sources
+                         for solidx in self._solindices
+                         if not (source.support_relation(rtype)
+                                 or rtype in source.dont_cross_relations))
+    def _compute_sourcesvars(self):
+        """compute for each variable/solution in the rqlst which sources support
+        them
+        """
+        repo = self._session.repo
+        eschema = repo.schema.eschema
+        sourcesvars = self._sourcesvars
+        # find for each source which variable/solution are supported
+        for varname, varobj in self.rqlst.defined_vars.items():
+            # if variable has an eid specified, we can get its source directly
+            # NOTE: use uidrels and not constnode to deal with "X eid IN(1,2,3,4)"
+            if varobj.stinfo['uidrels']:
+                vrels = varobj.stinfo['relations'] - varobj.stinfo['uidrels']
+                for rel in varobj.stinfo['uidrels']:
+                    if  rel.neged(strict=True) or rel.operator() != '=':
+                        continue
+                    for const in rel.children[1].get_nodes(Constant):
+                        eid = const.eval(self.plan.args)
+                        source = self._session.source_from_eid(eid)
+                        if vrels and not any(source.support_relation(r.r_type)
+                                             for r in vrels):
+                            self._set_source_for_var(repo.system_source, varobj)
+                        else:
+                            self._set_source_for_var(source, varobj)
+                continue
+            rels = varobj.stinfo['relations']
+            if not rels and not varobj.stinfo['typerels']:
+                # (rare) case where the variable has no type specified nor
+                # relation accessed ex. "Any MAX(X)"
+                self._set_source_for_var(repo.system_source, varobj)
+                continue
+            for i, sol in enumerate(self._solutions):
+                vartype = sol[varname]
+                # skip final variable
+                if eschema(vartype).is_final():
+                    break
+                for source in repo.sources:
+                    if source.support_entity(vartype):
+                        # the source support the entity type, though we will
+                        # actually have to fetch from it only if
+                        # * the variable isn't invariant
+                        # * at least one supported relation specified
+                        if not varobj._q_invariant or \
+                               any(imap(source.support_relation,
+                                        (r.r_type for r in rels if r.r_type != 'eid'))):
+                            sourcesvars.setdefault(source, {}).setdefault(varobj, set()).add(i)
+                        # if variable is not invariant and is used by a relation
+                        # not supported by this source, we'll have to split the
+                        # query
+                        if not varobj._q_invariant and any(ifilterfalse(
+                            source.support_relation, (r.r_type for r in rels))):
+                            self.needsplit = True               
+    def _remove_invalid_sources(self):
+        """removes invalid sources from `sourcesvars` member"""
+        repo = self._session.repo
+        rschema = repo.schema.rschema
+        vsources = {}
+        for rel in self.rqlst.iget_nodes(Relation):
+            # process non final relations only
+            # note: don't try to get schema for 'is' relation (not available
+            # during bootstrap)
+            if not rel.is_types_restriction() and not rschema(rel.r_type).is_final():
+                # nothing to do if relation is not supported by multiple sources
+                relsources = [source for source in repo.sources
+                              if source.support_relation(rel.r_type)
+                              or rel.r_type in source.dont_cross_relations]
+                if len(relsources) < 2:
+                    if relsources:# and not relsources[0] in self._sourcesvars:
+                        # this means the relation is using a variable inlined as
+                        # a constant and another unsupported variable, in which
+                        # case we put the relation in sourcesvars
+                        self._sourcesvars.setdefault(relsources[0], {})[rel] = set(self._solindices)
+                    continue
+                lhs, rhs = rel.get_variable_parts()
+                lhsv, rhsv = getattr(lhs, 'variable', lhs), getattr(rhs, 'variable', rhs)
+                # update dictionnary of sources supporting lhs and rhs vars
+                if not lhsv in vsources:
+                    vsources[lhsv] = self._term_sources(lhs)
+                if not rhsv in vsources:
+                    vsources[rhsv] = self._term_sources(rhs)
+                self._linkedvars.setdefault(lhsv, set()).add((rhsv, rel))
+                self._linkedvars.setdefault(rhsv, set()).add((lhsv, rel))
+        for term in self._linkedvars:
+            self._remove_sources_until_stable(term, vsources)
+        if len(self._sourcesvars) > 1 and hasattr(self.plan.rqlst, 'main_relations'):
+            # the querier doesn't annotate write queries, need to do it here
+            self.plan.annotate_rqlst()
+            # insert/update/delete queries, we may get extra information from
+            # the main relation (eg relations to the left of the WHERE
+            if self.plan.rqlst.TYPE == 'insert':
+                inserted = dict((vref.variable, etype)
+                                for etype, vref in self.plan.rqlst.main_variables)
+            else:
+                inserted = {}
+            for rel in self.plan.rqlst.main_relations:
+                if not rschema(rel.r_type).is_final():
+                    # nothing to do if relation is not supported by multiple sources
+                    relsources = [source for source in repo.sources
+                                  if source.support_relation(rel.r_type)
+                                  or rel.r_type in source.dont_cross_relations]
+                    if len(relsources) < 2:
+                        continue
+                    lhs, rhs = rel.get_variable_parts()
+                    try:
+                        lhsv = self._extern_term(lhs, vsources, inserted)
+                        rhsv = self._extern_term(rhs, vsources, inserted)
+                    except KeyError, ex:
+                        continue
+                    norelsup = self._norel_support_set(rel.r_type)
+                    self._remove_var_sources(lhsv, norelsup, rhsv, vsources)
+                    self._remove_var_sources(rhsv, norelsup, lhsv, vsources)
+        # cleanup linked var
+        for var, linkedrelsinfo in self._linkedvars.iteritems():
+            self._linkedvars[var] = frozenset(x[0] for x in linkedrelsinfo)
+        # if there are other sources than the system source, consider simplified
+        # variables'source
+        if self._sourcesvars and self._sourcesvars.keys() != [self._session.repo.system_source]:
+            # add source for rewritten constants to sourcesvars
+            for vconsts in self.rqlst.stinfo['rewritten'].itervalues():
+                const = vconsts[0]
+                eid = const.eval(self.plan.args)
+                source = self._session.source_from_eid(eid)
+                if source is self._session.repo.system_source:
+                    for const in vconsts:
+                        self._set_source_for_var(source, const)
+                elif source in self._sourcesvars:
+                    source_scopes = frozenset(v.scope for v in self._sourcesvars[source])
+                    for const in vconsts:
+                        if const.scope in source_scopes:
+                            self._set_source_for_var(source, const)
+    def _extern_term(self, term, vsources, inserted):
+        var = term.variable
+        if var.stinfo['constnode']:
+            termv = var.stinfo['constnode']
+            vsources[termv] = self._term_sources(termv)
+        elif var in inserted:
+            termv = var
+            source = self._session.repo.locate_etype_source(inserted[var])
+            vsources[termv] = set((source, solindex) for solindex in self._solindices)
+        else:
+            termv = self.rqlst.defined_vars[]
+            if not termv in vsources:
+                vsources[termv] = self._term_sources(termv)
+        return termv
+    def _remove_sources_until_stable(self, var, vsources):
+        for ovar, rel in self._linkedvars.get(var, ()):
+            if not var.scope is ovar.scope and rel.scope.neged(strict=True):
+                # can't get information from relation inside a NOT exists
+                # where variables don't belong to the same scope
+                continue
+            if rel.neged(strict=True):
+                # neged relation doesn't allow to infer variable sources
+                continue
+            norelsup = self._norel_support_set(rel.r_type)
+            # compute invalid sources for variables and remove them
+            self._remove_var_sources(var, norelsup, ovar, vsources)
+            self._remove_var_sources(ovar, norelsup, var, vsources)
+    def _remove_var_sources(self, var, norelsup, ovar, vsources):
+        """remove invalid sources for var according to ovar's sources and the
+        relation between those two variables. 
+        """
+        varsources = vsources[var]
+        invalid_sources = varsources - (vsources[ovar] | norelsup)
+        if invalid_sources:
+            self._remove_sources(var, invalid_sources)
+            varsources -= invalid_sources
+            self._remove_sources_until_stable(var, vsources)
+    def _compute_needsplit(self):
+        """tell according to sourcesvars if the rqlst has to be splitted for
+        execution among multiple sources
+        the execution has to be split if
+        * a source support an entity (non invariant) but doesn't support a
+          relation on it
+        * a source support an entity which is accessed by an optional relation
+        * there is more than one sources and either all sources'supported        
+          variable/solutions are not equivalent or multiple variables have to
+          be fetched from some source
+        """
+        # NOTE: < 2 since may be 0 on queries such as Any X WHERE X eid 2
+        if len(self._sourcesvars) < 2: 
+            self.needsplit = False
+        elif not self.needsplit:
+            if not allequals(self._sourcesvars.itervalues()):
+                self.needsplit = True
+            else:
+                sample = self._sourcesvars.itervalues().next()
+                if len(sample) > 1 and any(v for v in sample
+                                           if not v in self._linkedvars):
+                    self.needsplit = True
+    def _set_source_for_var(self, source, var):
+        self._sourcesvars.setdefault(source, {})[var] = set(self._solindices)
+    def _term_sources(self, term):
+        """returns possible sources for terms `term`"""
+        if isinstance(term, Constant):
+            source = self._session.source_from_eid(term.eval(self.plan.args))
+            return set((source, solindex) for solindex in self._solindices)
+        else:
+            var = getattr(term, 'variable', term)
+            sources = [source for source, varobjs in self._sourcesvars.iteritems()
+                       if var in varobjs]
+            return set((source, solindex) for source in sources
+                       for solindex in self._sourcesvars[source][var])
+    def _remove_sources(self, var, sources):
+        """removes invalid sources (`sources`) from `sourcesvars`
+        :param sources: the list of sources to remove
+        :param var: the analyzed variable
+        """
+        sourcesvars = self._sourcesvars
+        for source, solindex in sources:
+            try:
+                sourcesvars[source][var].remove(solindex)
+            except KeyError:
+                return # may occur with subquery column alias
+            if not sourcesvars[source][var]:
+                del sourcesvars[source][var]
+                if not sourcesvars[source]:
+                    del sourcesvars[source]
+    def part_steps(self):
+        """precompute necessary part steps before generating actual rql for
+        each step. This is necessary to know if an aggregate step will be
+        necessary or not.
+        """
+        steps = []
+        select = self.rqlst
+        rschema = self.plan.schema.rschema
+        for source in self.part_sources:
+            sourcevars = self._sourcesvars[source]
+            while sourcevars:
+                # take a variable randomly, and all variables supporting the
+                # same solutions
+                var, solindices = self._choose_var(sourcevars)
+                if source.uri == 'system':
+                    # ensure all variables are available for the latest step
+                    # (missing one will be available from temporary tables
+                    # of previous steps)
+                    scope = select
+                    variables = scope.defined_vars.values() + scope.aliases.values()
+                    sourcevars.clear()
+                else:
+                    scope = var.scope
+                    variables = self._expand_vars(var, sourcevars, scope, solindices)
+                    if not sourcevars:
+                        del self._sourcesvars[source]
+                # find which sources support the same variables/solutions
+                sources = self._expand_sources(source, variables, solindices)
+                # suppose this is a final step until the contrary is proven
+                final = scope is select
+                # set of variables which should be additionaly selected when
+                # possible
+                needsel = set()
+                # add attribute variables and mark variables which should be
+                # additionaly selected when possible
+                for var in select.defined_vars.itervalues():
+                    if not var in variables:
+                        stinfo = var.stinfo
+                        for ovar, rtype in stinfo['attrvars']:
+                            if ovar in variables:
+                                needsel.add(
+                                variables.append(var)
+                                break
+                        else:
+                            needsel.add(
+                            final = False
+                if final and source.uri != 'system':
+                    # check rewritten constants
+                    for vconsts in select.stinfo['rewritten'].itervalues():
+                        const = vconsts[0]
+                        eid = const.eval(self.plan.args)
+                        _source = self._session.source_from_eid(eid)
+                        if len(sources) > 1 or not _source in sources:
+                            # if constant is only used by an identity relation,
+                            # skip
+                            for c in vconsts:
+                                rel = c.relation()
+                                if rel is None or not rel.neged(strict=True):
+                                    final = False
+                                    break
+                            break
+                # check where all relations are supported by the sources
+                for rel in scope.iget_nodes(Relation):
+                    if rel.is_types_restriction():
+                        continue
+                    # take care not overwriting the existing "source" identifier
+                    for _source in sources:
+                        if not _source.support_relation(rel.r_type):
+                            for vref in rel.iget_nodes(VariableRef):
+                                needsel.add(
+                            final = False
+                            break
+                    else:
+                        if not scope is select:
+                            self._exists_relation(rel, variables, needsel)
+                        # if relation is supported by all sources and some of
+                        # its lhs/rhs variable isn't in "variables", and the
+                        # other end *is* in "variables", mark it have to be
+                        # selected
+                        if source.uri != 'system' and not rschema(rel.r_type).is_final():
+                            lhs, rhs = rel.get_variable_parts()
+                            try:
+                                lhsvar = lhs.variable
+                            except AttributeError:
+                                lhsvar = lhs
+                            try:
+                                rhsvar = rhs.variable
+                            except AttributeError:
+                                rhsvar = rhs
+                            if lhsvar in variables and not rhsvar in variables:
+                                needsel.add(
+                            elif rhsvar in variables and not lhsvar in variables:
+                                needsel.add(
+                if final:
+                    self._cleanup_sourcesvars(sources, solindices)
+                # XXX rename: variables may contain Relation and Constant nodes...
+                steps.append( (sources, variables, solindices, scope, needsel,
+                               final) )
+        return steps
+    def _exists_relation(self, rel, variables, needsel):
+        rschema = self.plan.schema.rschema(rel.r_type)
+        lhs, rhs = rel.get_variable_parts()
+        try:
+            lhsvar, rhsvar = lhs.variable, rhs.variable
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            # supported relation with at least one end supported, check the
+            # other end is in as well. If not this usually means the
+            # variable is refed by an outer scope and should be substituted
+            # using an 'identity' relation (else we'll get a conflict of
+            # temporary tables)
+            if rhsvar in variables and not lhsvar in variables:
+                self._identity_substitute(rel, lhsvar, variables, needsel)
+            elif lhsvar in variables and not rhsvar in variables:
+                self._identity_substitute(rel, rhsvar, variables, needsel)
+    def _identity_substitute(self, relation, var, variables, needsel):
+        newvar = self._insert_identity_variable(relation.scope, var)
+        if newvar is not None:
+            # ensure relation is using '=' operator, else we rely on a
+            # sqlgenerator side effect (it won't insert an inequality operator
+            # in this case)
+            relation.children[1].operator = '=' 
+            variables.append(newvar)
+            needsel.add(
+            #self.insertedvars.append((, self.schema['identity'],
+            #                
+    def _choose_var(self, sourcevars):
+        secondchoice = None
+        if len(self._sourcesvars) > 1:
+            # priority to variable from subscopes
+            for var in sourcevars:
+                if not var.scope is self.rqlst:
+                    if isinstance(var, Variable):
+                        return var, sourcevars.pop(var)
+                    secondchoice = var
+        else:
+            # priority to variable outer scope
+            for var in sourcevars:
+                if var.scope is self.rqlst:
+                    if isinstance(var, Variable):
+                        return var, sourcevars.pop(var)
+                    secondchoice = var
+        if secondchoice is not None:
+            return secondchoice, sourcevars.pop(secondchoice)
+        # priority to variable
+        for var in sourcevars:
+            if isinstance(var, Variable):
+                return var, sourcevars.pop(var)
+        # whatever
+        var = iter(sourcevars).next()
+        return var, sourcevars.pop(var)
+    def _expand_vars(self, var, sourcevars, scope, solindices):
+        variables = [var]
+        nbunlinked = 1
+        linkedvars = self._linkedvars
+        # variable has to belong to the same scope if there is more
+        # than the system source remaining
+        if len(self._sourcesvars) > 1 and not scope is self.rqlst:
+            candidates = (v for v in sourcevars.keys() if scope is v.scope)
+        else:
+            candidates = sourcevars #.iterkeys()
+        candidates = [v for v in candidates
+                      if isinstance(v, Constant) or
+                      (solindices.issubset(sourcevars[v]) and v in linkedvars)]
+        # repeat until no variable can't be added, since addition of a new
+        # variable may permit to another one to be added
+        modified = True
+        while modified and candidates:
+            modified = False
+            for var in candidates[:]:
+                # we only want one unlinked variable in each generated query
+                if isinstance(var, Constant) or \
+                       any(v for v in variables if v in linkedvars[var]):
+                    variables.append(var)
+                    # constant nodes should be systematically deleted
+                    if isinstance(var, Constant):
+                        del sourcevars[var]
+                    # variable nodes should be deleted once all possible solution
+                    # indices have been consumed
+                    else:
+                        sourcevars[var] -= solindices
+                        if not sourcevars[var]:
+                            del sourcevars[var]
+                    candidates.remove(var)
+                    modified = True
+        return variables
+    def _expand_sources(self, selected_source, vars, solindices):
+        sources = [selected_source]
+        sourcesvars = self._sourcesvars
+        for source in sourcesvars:
+            if source is selected_source:
+                continue
+            for var in vars:
+                if not (var in sourcesvars[source] and 
+                        solindices.issubset(sourcesvars[source][var])):
+                    break
+            else:
+                sources.append(source)
+                if source.uri != 'system':
+                    for var in vars:
+                        varsolindices = sourcesvars[source][var]
+                        varsolindices -= solindices
+                        if not varsolindices:
+                            del sourcesvars[source][var]
+        return sources
+    def _cleanup_sourcesvars(self, sources, solindices):
+        """on final parts, remove solutions so we know they are already processed"""
+        for source in sources:
+            try:
+                sourcevar = self._sourcesvars[source]
+            except KeyError:
+                continue
+            for var, varsolindices in sourcevar.items():
+                varsolindices -= solindices
+                if not varsolindices:
+                    del sourcevar[var]
+    def merge_input_maps(self, allsolindices):
+        """inputmaps is a dictionary with tuple of solution indices as key with an
+        associateed input map as value. This function compute for each solution 
+        its necessary input map and return them grouped
+        ex:
+        inputmaps = {(0, 1, 2): {'A': 't1.login1', 'U': 't1.C0', 'U.login': 't1.login1'},
+                     (1,): {'X': 't2.C0', 'T': 't2.C1'}}
+        return : [([1],  {'A': 't1.login1', 'U': 't1.C0', 'U.login': 't1.login1',
+                           'X': 't2.C0', 'T': 't2.C1'}),                   
+                  ([0,2], {'A': 't1.login1', 'U': 't1.C0', 'U.login': 't1.login1'})]
+        """
+        if not self._inputmaps:
+            return [(allsolindices, None)]
+        mapbysol = {}
+        # compute a single map for each solution
+        for solindices, basemap in self._inputmaps.iteritems():
+            for solindex in solindices:
+                solmap = mapbysol.setdefault(solindex, {})
+                solmap.update(basemap)
+                try:
+                    allsolindices.remove(solindex)
+                except KeyError:
+                    continue # already removed
+        # group results by identical input map
+        result = []
+        for solindex, solmap in mapbysol.iteritems():
+            for solindices, commonmap in result:
+                if commonmap == solmap:
+                    solindices.append(solindex)
+                    break
+            else:
+                result.append( ([solindex], solmap) )
+        if allsolindices:
+            result.append( (list(allsolindices), None) )
+        return result
+    def build_final_part(self, select, solindices, inputmap,  sources,
+                         insertedvars):
+        plan = self.plan
+        rqlst = plan.finalize(select, [self._solutions[i] for i in solindices],
+                              insertedvars)
+        if self.temptable is None and self.finaltable is None:
+            return OneFetchStep(plan, rqlst, sources, inputmap=inputmap)
+        table = self.temptable or self.finaltable
+        return FetchStep(plan, rqlst, sources, table, True, inputmap)
+    def build_non_final_part(self, select, solindices, sources, insertedvars,
+                             table):
+        """non final step, will have to store results in a temporary table"""
+        plan = self.plan
+        rqlst = plan.finalize(select, [self._solutions[i] for i in solindices],
+                              insertedvars)
+        step = FetchStep(plan, rqlst, sources, table, False)
+        # update input map for following steps, according to processed solutions
+        inputmapkey = tuple(sorted(solindices))
+        inputmap = self._inputmaps.setdefault(inputmapkey, {})
+        inputmap.update(step.outputmap)
+        plan.add_step(step)
+class MSPlanner(SSPlanner):
+    """MultiSourcesPlanner: build execution plan for rql queries
+    decompose the RQL query according to sources'schema
+    """
+    def build_select_plan(self, plan, rqlst):
+        """build execution plan for a SELECT RQL query
+        the rqlst should not be tagged at this point
+        """
+        if server.DEBUG:
+            print '-'*80
+            print 'PLANNING', rqlst
+        for select in rqlst.children:
+            if len( > 1:
+                hasmultiplesols = True
+                break
+        else:
+            hasmultiplesols = False
+        # preprocess deals with security insertion and returns a new syntax tree
+        # which have to be executed to fulfill the query: according
+        # to permissions for variable's type, different rql queries may have to
+        # be executed
+        plan.preprocess(rqlst)
+        ppis = [PartPlanInformation(plan, select, self.rqlhelper)
+                for select in rqlst.children]
+        steps = self._union_plan(plan, rqlst, ppis)
+        if server.DEBUG:
+            from pprint import pprint
+            for step in plan.steps:
+                pprint(step.test_repr())
+            pprint(steps[0].test_repr())
+        return steps
+    def _ppi_subqueries(self, ppi):
+        # part plan info for subqueries
+        plan = ppi.plan
+        inputmap = {}
+        for subquery in ppi.rqlst.with_[:]:
+            sppis = [PartPlanInformation(plan, select)
+                     for select in subquery.query.children]
+            for sppi in sppis:
+                if sppi.needsplit or sppi.part_sources != ppi.part_sources:
+                    temptable = 'T%s' % make_uid(id(subquery))
+                    sstep = self._union_plan(plan, subquery.query, sppis, temptable)[0]
+                    break
+            else:
+                sstep = None
+            if sstep is not None:
+                ppi.rqlst.with_.remove(subquery)
+                for i, colalias in enumerate(subquery.aliases):
+                    inputmap[] = '%s.C%s' % (temptable, i)
+                ppi.plan.add_step(sstep)
+        return inputmap
+    def _union_plan(self, plan, union, ppis, temptable=None):
+        tosplit, cango, allsources = [], {}, set()
+        for planinfo in ppis:
+            if planinfo.needsplit:
+                tosplit.append(planinfo)
+            else:
+                cango.setdefault(planinfo.part_sources, []).append(planinfo)
+            for source in planinfo.part_sources:
+                allsources.add(source)
+        # first add steps for query parts which doesn't need to splitted
+        steps = []
+        for sources, cppis in cango.iteritems():
+            byinputmap = {}
+            for ppi in cppis:
+                select = ppi.rqlst
+                if sources != (plan.session.repo.system_source,):
+                    add_types_restriction(self.schema, select)
+                # part plan info for subqueries
+                inputmap = self._ppi_subqueries(ppi)
+                aggrstep = need_aggr_step(select, sources)
+                if aggrstep:
+                    atemptable = 'T%s' % make_uid(id(select))
+                    sunion = Union()
+                    sunion.append(select)
+                    selected = select.selection[:]
+                    select_group_sort(select)
+                    step = AggrStep(plan, selected, select, atemptable, temptable)
+                    step.set_limit_offset(select.limit, select.offset)
+                    select.limit = None
+                    select.offset = 0
+                    fstep = FetchStep(plan, sunion, sources, atemptable, True, inputmap)
+                    step.children.append(fstep)
+                    steps.append(step)
+                else:
+                    byinputmap.setdefault(tuple(inputmap.iteritems()), []).append( (select) )
+            for inputmap, queries in byinputmap.iteritems():
+                inputmap = dict(inputmap)
+                sunion = Union()
+                for select in queries:
+                    sunion.append(select)
+                if temptable:
+                    steps.append(FetchStep(plan, sunion, sources, temptable, True, inputmap))
+                else:
+                    steps.append(OneFetchStep(plan, sunion, sources, inputmap))
+        # then add steps for splitted query parts
+        for planinfo in tosplit:
+            steps.append(self.split_part(planinfo, temptable))
+        if len(steps) > 1:
+            if temptable:
+                step = UnionFetchStep(plan)
+            else:
+                step = UnionStep(plan)
+            step.children = steps
+            return (step,)
+        return steps
+    # internal methods for multisources decomposition #########################
+    def split_part(self, ppi, temptable):
+        ppi.finaltable = temptable
+        plan = ppi.plan
+        select = ppi.rqlst
+        subinputmap = self._ppi_subqueries(ppi)
+        stepdefs = ppi.part_steps()
+        if need_aggr_step(select, ppi.part_sources, stepdefs):
+            atemptable = 'T%s' % make_uid(id(select))
+            selection = select.selection[:]
+            select_group_sort(select)
+        else:
+            atemptable = None
+            selection = select.selection
+        ppi.temptable = atemptable
+        vfilter = VariablesFiltererVisitor(self.schema, ppi)
+        steps = []
+        for sources, variables, solindices, scope, needsel, final in stepdefs:
+            # extract an executable query using only the specified variables
+            if sources[0].uri == 'system':
+                # in this case we have to merge input maps before call to
+                # filter so already processed restriction are correctly
+                # removed
+                solsinputmaps = ppi.merge_input_maps(solindices)
+                for solindices, inputmap in solsinputmaps:
+                    minrqlst, insertedvars = vfilter.filter(
+                        sources, variables, scope, set(solindices), needsel, final)
+                    if inputmap is None:
+                        inputmap = subinputmap
+                    else:
+                        inputmap.update(subinputmap)
+                    steps.append(ppi.build_final_part(minrqlst, solindices, inputmap,
+                                                      sources, insertedvars))
+            else:
+                # this is a final part (i.e. retreiving results for the
+                # original query part) if all variable / sources have been
+                # treated or if this is the last shot for used solutions
+                minrqlst, insertedvars = vfilter.filter(
+                    sources, variables, scope, solindices, needsel, final)
+                if final:
+                    solsinputmaps = ppi.merge_input_maps(solindices)
+                    for solindices, inputmap in solsinputmaps:
+                        if inputmap is None:
+                            inputmap = subinputmap
+                        else:
+                            inputmap.update(subinputmap)
+                        steps.append(ppi.build_final_part(minrqlst, solindices, inputmap,
+                                                  sources, insertedvars))
+                else:
+                    table = '_T%s%s' % (''.join(sorted(v._ms_table_key() for v in variables)),
+                                        ''.join(sorted(str(i) for i in solindices)))
+                    ppi.build_non_final_part(minrqlst, solindices, sources,
+                                             insertedvars, table)
+        # finally: join parts, deal with aggregat/group/sorts if necessary
+        if atemptable is not None:
+            step = AggrStep(plan, selection, select, atemptable, temptable)
+            step.children = steps
+        elif len(steps) > 1:
+            if temptable:
+                step = UnionFetchStep(plan)
+            else:
+                step = UnionStep(plan)
+            step.children = steps
+        else:
+            step = steps[0]
+        if select.limit is not None or select.offset:
+            step.set_limit_offset(select.limit, select.offset)
+        return step
+class UnsupportedBranch(Exception):
+    pass
+class VariablesFiltererVisitor(object):
+    def __init__(self, schema, ppi):
+        self.schema = schema
+        self.ppi = ppi
+        self.skip = {}
+        self.hasaggrstep = self.ppi.temptable
+        self.extneedsel = frozenset( for sortterm in ppi.rqlst.orderby
+                                    for vref in sortterm.iget_nodes(VariableRef))
+    def _rqlst_accept(self, rqlst, node, newroot, variables, setfunc=None):
+        try:
+            newrestr, node_ = node.accept(self, newroot, variables[:])
+        except UnsupportedBranch:
+            return rqlst
+        if setfunc is not None and newrestr is not None:
+            setfunc(newrestr)
+        if not node_ is node:
+            rqlst = node.parent
+        return rqlst
+    def filter(self, sources, variables, rqlst, solindices, needsel, final):
+        if server.DEBUG:
+            print 'filter', final and 'final' or '', sources, variables, rqlst, solindices, needsel
+        newroot = Select()
+        self.sources = sources
+        self.solindices = solindices
+ = final
+        # variables which appear in unsupported branches
+        needsel |= self.extneedsel
+        self.needsel = needsel
+        # variables which appear in supported branches
+        self.mayneedsel = set()
+        # new inserted variables
+        self.insertedvars = []
+        # other structures (XXX document)
+        self.mayneedvar, self.hasvar = {}, {}
+        self.use_only_defined = False
+        self.scopes = {rqlst: newroot}
+        if rqlst.where:
+            rqlst = self._rqlst_accept(rqlst, rqlst.where, newroot, variables,
+                                       newroot.set_where)
+        if isinstance(rqlst, Select):
+            self.use_only_defined = True
+            if rqlst.groupby:
+                groupby = []
+                for node in rqlst.groupby:
+                    rqlst = self._rqlst_accept(rqlst, node, newroot, variables,
+                                               groupby.append)
+                if groupby:
+                    newroot.set_groupby(groupby)
+            if rqlst.having:
+                having = []
+                for node in rqlst.having:
+                    rqlst = self._rqlst_accept(rqlst, node, newroot, variables,
+                                               having.append)
+                if having:
+                    newroot.set_having(having)
+            if final and rqlst.orderby and not self.hasaggrstep:
+                orderby = []
+                for node in rqlst.orderby:
+                    rqlst = self._rqlst_accept(rqlst, node, newroot, variables,
+                                               orderby.append)
+                if orderby:
+                    newroot.set_orderby(orderby)
+            self.process_selection(newroot, variables, rqlst)
+        elif not newroot.where:
+            # no restrictions have been copied, just select variables and add
+            # type restriction (done later by add_types_restriction)
+            for v in variables:
+                if not isinstance(v, Variable):
+                    continue
+                newroot.append_selected(VariableRef(newroot.get_variable(
+        solutions = self.ppi.copy_solutions(solindices)
+        cleanup_solutions(newroot, solutions)
+        newroot.set_possible_types(solutions)
+        if final:
+            if self.hasaggrstep:
+                self.add_necessary_selection(newroot, self.mayneedsel & self.extneedsel)
+            newroot.distinct = rqlst.distinct
+        else:
+            self.add_necessary_selection(newroot, self.mayneedsel & self.needsel)
+            # insert vars to fetch constant values when needed
+            for (varname, rschema), reldefs in self.mayneedvar.iteritems():
+                for rel, ored in reldefs:
+                    if not (varname, rschema) in self.hasvar:
+                        self.hasvar[(varname, rschema)] = None # just to avoid further insertion
+                        cvar = newroot.make_variable()
+                        for sol in
+                            sol[] = rschema.objects(sol[varname])[0]
+                        # if the current restriction is not used in a OR branch,
+                        # we can keep it, else we have to drop the constant
+                        # restriction (or we may miss some results)
+                        if not ored:
+                            rel = rel.copy(newroot)
+                            newroot.add_restriction(rel)
+                        # add a relation to link the variable
+                        newroot.remove_node(rel.children[1])
+                        cmp = Comparison('=')
+                        rel.append(cmp)
+                        cmp.append(VariableRef(cvar))
+                        self.insertedvars.append((varname, rschema,
+                        newroot.append_selected(VariableRef(newroot.get_variable(
+                        # NOTE: even if the restriction is done by this query, we have
+                        # to let it in the original rqlst so that it appears anyway in
+                        # the "final" query, else we may change the meaning of the query
+                        # if there are NOT somewhere :
+                        # 'NOT X relation Y, Y name "toto"' means X WHERE X isn't related
+                        # to Y whose name is toto while
+                        # 'NOT X relation Y' means X WHERE X has no 'relation' (whatever Y)
+                    elif ored:
+                        newroot.remove_node(rel)
+        add_types_restriction(self.schema, rqlst, newroot, solutions)
+        if server.DEBUG:
+            print '--->', newroot
+        return newroot, self.insertedvars
+    def visit_and(self, node, newroot, variables):
+        subparts = []
+        for i in xrange(len(node.children)):
+            child = node.children[i]
+            try:
+                newchild, child_ = child.accept(self, newroot, variables)
+                if not child_ is child:
+                    node = child_.parent
+                if newchild is None:
+                    continue
+                subparts.append(newchild)
+            except UnsupportedBranch:
+                continue
+        if not subparts:
+            return None, node
+        if len(subparts) == 1:
+            return subparts[0], node
+        return copy_node(newroot, node, subparts), node
+    visit_or = visit_and
+    def _relation_supported(self, rtype):
+        for source in self.sources:
+            if not source.support_relation(rtype):
+                return False
+        return True
+    def visit_relation(self, node, newroot, variables):
+        if not node.is_types_restriction():
+            if node in self.skip and self.solindices.issubset(self.skip[node]):
+                if not self.schema.rschema(node.r_type).is_final():
+                    # can't really skip the relation if one variable is selected and only
+                    # referenced by this relation
+                    for vref in node.iget_nodes(VariableRef):
+                        stinfo = vref.variable.stinfo
+                        if stinfo['selected'] and len(stinfo['relations']) == 1:
+                            break
+                    else:
+                        return None, node
+                else:
+                    return None, node
+            if not self._relation_supported(node.r_type):
+                raise UnsupportedBranch()
+        # don't copy type restriction unless this is the only relation for the
+        # rhs variable, else they'll be reinserted later as needed (else we may
+        # copy a type restriction while the variable is not actually used)
+        elif not any(self._relation_supported(rel.r_type)
+                     for rel in node.children[0].variable.stinfo['relations']):
+            rel, node = self.visit_default(node, newroot, variables)
+            return rel, node
+        else:
+            raise UnsupportedBranch()
+        rschema = self.schema.rschema(node.r_type)
+        res = self.visit_default(node, newroot, variables)[0]
+        ored = node.ored()
+        if rschema.is_final() or rschema.inlined:
+            vrefs = node.children[1].get_nodes(VariableRef)
+            if not vrefs:
+                if not ored:
+                    self.skip.setdefault(node, set()).update(self.solindices)
+                else:
+                    self.mayneedvar.setdefault((node.children[0].name, rschema), []).append( (res, ored) )
+            else:
+                assert len(vrefs) == 1
+                vref = vrefs[0]
+                # XXX check operator ?
+                self.hasvar[(node.children[0].name, rschema)] = vref
+                if self._may_skip_attr_rel(rschema, node, vref, ored, variables, res):
+                    self.skip.setdefault(node, set()).update(self.solindices)
+        elif not ored:
+            self.skip.setdefault(node, set()).update(self.solindices)
+        return res, node
+    def _may_skip_attr_rel(self, rschema, rel, vref, ored, variables, res):
+        var = vref.variable
+        if ored:
+            return False
+        if in self.extneedsel or var.stinfo['selected']:
+            return False
+        if not same_scope(var):
+            return False
+        if any(v for v,_ in var.stinfo['attrvars'] if not in variables):
+            return False
+        return True
+    def visit_exists(self, node, newroot, variables):
+        newexists = node.__class__()
+        self.scopes = {node: newexists}
+        subparts, node = self._visit_children(node, newroot, variables)
+        if not subparts:
+            return None, node
+        newexists.set_where(subparts[0])
+        return newexists, node
+    def visit_not(self, node, newroot, variables):
+        subparts, node = self._visit_children(node, newroot, variables)
+        if not subparts:
+            return None, node
+        return copy_node(newroot, node, subparts), node
+    def visit_group(self, node, newroot, variables):
+        if not
+            return None, node
+        return self.visit_default(node, newroot, variables)
+    def visit_variableref(self, node, newroot, variables):
+        if self.use_only_defined:
+            if not in newroot.defined_vars:
+                raise UnsupportedBranch(
+        elif not node.variable in variables:
+            raise UnsupportedBranch(
+        self.mayneedsel.add(
+        # set scope so we can insert types restriction properly
+        newvar = newroot.get_variable(
+        newvar.stinfo['scope'] = self.scopes.get(node.variable.scope, newroot)
+        return VariableRef(newvar), node
+    def visit_constant(self, node, newroot, variables):
+        return copy_node(newroot, node), node
+    def visit_default(self, node, newroot, variables):
+        subparts, node = self._visit_children(node, newroot, variables)
+        return copy_node(newroot, node, subparts), node
+    visit_comparison = visit_mathexpression = visit_constant = visit_function = visit_default
+    visit_sort = visit_sortterm = visit_default
+    def _visit_children(self, node, newroot, variables):
+        subparts = []
+        for i in xrange(len(node.children)):
+            child = node.children[i]
+            newchild, child_ = child.accept(self, newroot, variables)
+            if not child is child_:
+                node = child_.parent
+            if newchild is not None:
+                subparts.append(newchild)
+        return subparts, node
+    def process_selection(self, newroot, variables, rqlst):
+        if
+            for term in rqlst.selection:
+                newroot.append_selected(term.copy(newroot))
+                for vref in term.get_nodes(VariableRef):
+                    self.needsel.add(
+            return 
+        for term in rqlst.selection:
+            vrefs = term.get_nodes(VariableRef)
+            if vrefs:
+                supportedvars = []
+                for vref in vrefs:
+                    var = vref.variable
+                    if var in variables:
+                        supportedvars.append(vref)
+                        continue
+                    else:
+                        self.needsel.add(
+                        break
+                else:
+                    for vref in vrefs:
+                        newroot.append_selected(vref.copy(newroot))
+                    supportedvars = []
+                for vref in supportedvars:
+                    if not vref in newroot.get_selected_variables():
+                        newroot.append_selected(VariableRef(newroot.get_variable(
+    def add_necessary_selection(self, newroot, variables):
+        selected = tuple(newroot.get_selected_variables())
+        for varname in variables:
+            var = newroot.defined_vars[varname]
+            for vref in var.references():
+                rel = vref.relation()
+                if rel is None and vref in selected:
+                    # already selected
+                    break
+            else:
+                selvref = VariableRef(var)
+                newroot.append_selected(selvref)
+                if newroot.groupby:
+                    newroot.add_group_var(VariableRef(selvref.variable, noautoref=1))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/server/	Mon Dec 22 17:34:15 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+"""Defines the diferent querier steps usable in plans.
+FIXME : this code needs refactoring. Some problems :
+* get data from the parent plan, the latest step, temporary table...
+* each step has is own members (this is not necessarily bad, but a bit messy
+  for now)
+:organization: Logilab
+:copyright: 2003-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
+:contact: --
+__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
+from rql.nodes import VariableRef, Variable, Function
+from cubicweb.server.ssplanner import (LimitOffsetMixIn, Step, OneFetchStep,
+                                    varmap_test_repr, offset_result)
+def remove_clauses(union, keepgroup):
+    clauses = []
+    for select in union.children:
+        if keepgroup:
+            having, orderby = select.having, select.orderby
+            select.having, select.orderby = None, None
+            clauses.append( (having, orderby) )
+        else:
+            groupby, having, orderby = select.groupby, select.having, select.orderby
+            select.groupby, select.having, select.orderby = None, None, None
+            clauses.append( (groupby, having, orderby) )
+    return clauses
+def restore_clauses(union, keepgroup, clauses):
+    for i, select in enumerate(union.children):
+        if keepgroup:
+            select.having, select.orderby = clauses[i]
+        else:
+            select.groupby, select.having, select.orderby = clauses[i]
+class FetchStep(OneFetchStep):
+    """step consisting in fetching data from sources, and storing result in
+    a temporary table
+    """
+    def __init__(self, plan, union, sources, table, keepgroup, inputmap=None):
+        OneFetchStep.__init__(self, plan, union, sources)
+        # temporary table to store step result
+        self.table = table
+        # should groupby clause be kept or not
+        self.keepgroup = keepgroup
+        # variables mapping to use as input
+        self.inputmap = inputmap
+        # output variable mapping
+        srqlst = union.children[0] # sample select node
+        # add additional information to the output mapping
+        self.outputmap = plan.init_temp_table(table, srqlst.selection,
+                                    [0])
+        for vref in srqlst.selection:
+            if not isinstance(vref, VariableRef):
+                continue
+            var = vref.variable
+            if var.stinfo['attrvars']:
+                for lhsvar, rtype in var.stinfo['attrvars']:
+                    if in srqlst.defined_vars:
+                        key = '%s.%s' % (, rtype)
+                        self.outputmap[key] = self.outputmap[]
+            else:
+                rschema = self.plan.schema.rschema
+                for rel in var.stinfo['rhsrelations']:
+                    if rschema(rel.r_type).inlined:
+                        lhsvar = rel.children[0]
+                        if in srqlst.defined_vars:
+                            key = '%s.%s' % (, rel.r_type)
+                            self.outputmap[key] = self.outputmap[]
+    def execute(self):
+        """execute this step"""
+        self.execute_children()
+        plan = self.plan
+        plan.create_temp_table(self.table)
+        union = self.union
+        # XXX 2.5 use "with"
+        clauses = remove_clauses(union, self.keepgroup)
+        for source in self.sources:
+            source.flying_insert(self.table, plan.session, union, plan.args,
+                                 self.inputmap)
+        restore_clauses(union, self.keepgroup, clauses)
+    def mytest_repr(self):
+        """return a representation of this step suitable for test"""
+        clauses = remove_clauses(self.union, self.keepgroup)
+        try:
+            inputmap = varmap_test_repr(self.inputmap, self.plan.tablesinorder)
+            outputmap = varmap_test_repr(self.outputmap, self.plan.tablesinorder)
+        except AttributeError:
+            inputmap = self.inputmap
+            outputmap = self.outputmap
+        try:
+            return (self.__class__.__name__,
+                sorted((r.as_string(kwargs=self.plan.args),
+                       for r in self.union.children),
+                sorted(self.sources), inputmap, outputmap)
+        finally:
+            restore_clauses(self.union, self.keepgroup, clauses)
+class AggrStep(LimitOffsetMixIn, Step):
+    """step consisting in making aggregat from temporary data in the system
+    source
+    """
+    def __init__(self, plan, selection, select, table, outputtable=None):
+        Step.__init__(self, plan)
+        # original selection
+        self.selection = selection
+        # original Select RQL tree
+ = select
+        # table where are located temporary results
+        self.table = table
+        # optional table where to write results
+        self.outputtable = outputtable
+        if outputtable is not None:
+            plan.init_temp_table(outputtable, selection,[0])
+        #self.inputmap = inputmap
+    def mytest_repr(self):
+        """return a representation of this step suitable for test"""
+        sel =
+        restr =
+ = self.selection
+ = None
+        rql =
+ = sel
+ = restr
+        try:
+            # rely on a monkey patch (cf unittest_querier)
+            table = self.plan.tablesinorder[self.table]
+            outputtable = self.outputtable and self.plan.tablesinorder[self.outputtable]
+        except AttributeError:
+            # not monkey patched
+            table = self.table
+            outputtable = self.outputtable
+        return (self.__class__.__name__, rql, self.limit, self.offset, table,
+                outputtable)
+    def execute(self):
+        """execute this step"""
+        self.execute_children()
+        self.inputmap = inputmap = self.children[-1].outputmap
+        # get the select clause
+        clause = []
+        for i, term in enumerate(self.selection):
+            try:
+                var_name = inputmap[term.as_string()]
+            except KeyError:
+                var_name = 'C%s' % i
+            if isinstance(term, Function):
+                # we have to translate some aggregat function
+                # (for instance COUNT -> SUM)
+                orig_name =
+                try:
+           = AGGR_TRANSFORMS[]
+                    # backup and reduce children
+                    orig_children = term.children
+                    term.children = [VariableRef(Variable(var_name))]
+                    clause.append(term.accept(self))
+                    # restaure the tree XXX necessary?
+           = orig_name
+                    term.children = orig_children                
+                except KeyError:
+                    clause.append(var_name)
+            else:
+                clause.append(var_name)
+                for vref in term.iget_nodes(VariableRef):
+                    inputmap[] = var_name
+        # XXX handle distinct with non selected sort term
+        if
+            sql = ['SELECT DISTINCT %s' % ', '.join(clause)]
+        else:
+            sql = ['SELECT %s' % ', '.join(clause)]
+        sql.append("FROM %s" % self.table)
+        # get the group/having clauses
+        if
+            clause = [inputmap[] for var in]
+            grouped = set( for var in
+            sql.append('GROUP BY %s' % ', '.join(clause))
+        else:
+            grouped = None
+        if
+            clause = [term.accept(self) for term in]
+            sql.append('HAVING %s' % ', '.join(clause))
+        # get the orderby clause
+        if
+            clause = []
+            for sortterm in
+                sqlterm = sortterm.term.accept(self)
+                if sortterm.asc:
+                    clause.append(sqlterm)
+                else:
+                    clause.append('%s DESC' % sqlterm)
+                if grouped is not None:
+                    for vref in sortterm.iget_nodes(VariableRef):
+                        if not in grouped:
+                            sql[-1] += ', ' + self.inputmap[]
+                            grouped.add(
+            sql.append('ORDER BY %s' % ', '.join(clause))
+        if self.limit:
+            sql.append('LIMIT %s' % self.limit)
+        if self.offset:
+            sql.append('OFFSET %s' % self.offset)
+        #print 'DATA', plan.sqlexec('SELECT * FROM %s' % self.table, None)
+        sql = ' '.join(sql)
+        if self.outputtable:
+            self.plan.create_temp_table(self.outputtable)
+            sql = 'INSERT INTO %s %s' % (self.outputtable, sql)
+        return self.plan.sqlexec(sql, self.plan.args)
+    def visit_function(self, function):
+        """generate SQL name for a function"""
+        return '%s(%s)' % (,
+                           ','.join(c.accept(self) for c in function.children))
+    def visit_variableref(self, variableref):
+        """get the sql name for a variable reference"""
+        try:
+            return self.inputmap[]
+        except KeyError: # XXX duh? explain
+            return
+    def visit_constant(self, constant):
+        """generate SQL name for a constant"""
+        assert constant.type == 'Int'
+        return str(constant.value)
+class UnionStep(LimitOffsetMixIn, Step):
+    """union results of child in-memory steps (e.g. OneFetchStep / AggrStep)"""
+    def execute(self):
+        """execute this step"""
+        result = []
+        limit = olimit = self.limit
+        offset = self.offset
+        assert offset != 0
+        if offset is not None:
+            limit = limit + offset
+        for step in self.children:
+            if limit is not None:
+                if offset is None:
+                    limit = olimit - len(result)
+                step.set_limit_offset(limit, None)
+            result_ = step.execute()
+            if offset is not None:
+                offset, result_ = offset_result(offset, result_)
+            result += result_
+            if limit is not None:
+                if len(result) >= olimit:
+                    return result[:olimit]
+        return result
+    def mytest_repr(self):
+        """return a representation of this step suitable for test"""
+        return (self.__class__.__name__, self.limit, self.offset)
+class UnionFetchStep(Step):
+    """union results of child steps using temporary tables (e.g. FetchStep)"""
+    def execute(self):
+        """execute this step"""
+        self.execute_children()
+__all__ = ('FetchStep', 'AggrStep', 'UnionStep', 'UnionFetchStep')
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/server/sources/	Mon Dec 22 17:34:15 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+"""provide an abstract class for external sources using a sqlite database helper
+:organization: Logilab
+:copyright: 2007-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
+:contact: --
+__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
+import time
+import threading
+from os.path import join, exists
+from cubicweb import server
+from cubicweb.server.sqlutils import sqlexec, SQLAdapterMixIn
+from cubicweb.server.sources import AbstractSource, native
+from cubicweb.server.sources.rql2sql import SQLGenerator
+def timeout_acquire(lock, timeout):
+    while not lock.acquire(False):
+        time.sleep(0.2)
+        timeout -= 0.2
+        if timeout <= 0:
+            raise RuntimeError("svn source is busy, can't acquire connection lock")
+class ConnectionWrapper(object):
+    def __init__(self, source=None):
+        self.source = source
+        self._cnx = None
+    @property
+    def cnx(self):
+        if self._cnx is None:
+            timeout_acquire(self.source._cnxlock, 5)
+            self._cnx = self.source._sqlcnx
+        return self._cnx
+    def commit(self):
+        if self._cnx is not None:
+            self._cnx.commit()
+    def rollback(self):
+        if self._cnx is not None:
+            self._cnx.rollback()
+    def cursor(self):
+        return self.cnx.cursor()
+class SQLiteAbstractSource(AbstractSource):
+    """an abstract class for external sources using a sqlite database helper
+    """
+    sqlgen_class = SQLGenerator
+    @classmethod
+    def set_nonsystem_types(cls):
+        # those entities are only in this source, we don't want them in the
+        # system source
+        for etype in cls.support_entities:
+            native.NONSYSTEM_ETYPES.add(etype)
+        for rtype in cls.support_relations:
+            native.NONSYSTEM_RELATIONS.add(rtype)
+    options = (
+        ('helper-db-path',
+         {'type' : 'string',
+          'default': None,
+          'help': 'path to the sqlite database file used to do queries on the \
+          'inputlevel': 2,
+          }),
+    )
+    def __init__(self, repo, appschema, source_config, *args, **kwargs):
+        # the helper db is used to easy querying and will store everything but
+        # actual file content 
+        dbpath = source_config.get('helper-db-path')
+        if dbpath is None:
+            dbpath = join(repo.config.appdatahome,
+                          '%(uri)s.sqlite' % source_config)
+        self.dbpath = dbpath
+        self.sqladapter = SQLAdapterMixIn({'db-driver': 'sqlite',
+                                           'db-name': dbpath})
+        # those attributes have to be initialized before ancestor's __init__
+        # which will call set_schema
+        self._need_sql_create = not exists(dbpath)
+        self._need_full_import = self._need_sql_create
+        AbstractSource.__init__(self, repo, appschema, source_config,
+                                *args, **kwargs)
+        # sql database can only be accessed by one connection at a time, and a
+        # connection can only be used by the thread which created it so:
+        # * create the connection when needed
+        # * use a lock to be sure only one connection is used
+        self._cnxlock = threading.Lock()
+    @property
+    def _sqlcnx(self):
+        # XXX: sqlite connections can only be used in the same thread, so
+        #      create a new one each time necessary. If it appears to be time
+        #      consuming, find another way
+        return self.sqladapter.get_connection()
+    def _is_schema_complete(self):
+        for etype in self.support_entities:
+            if not etype in self.schema:
+                self.warning('not ready to generate %s database, %s support missing from schema',
+                             self.uri, etype)
+                return False
+        for rtype in self.support_relations:
+            if not rtype in self.schema:
+                self.warning('not ready to generate %s database, %s support missing from schema',
+                             self.uri, rtype)
+                return False
+        return True
+    def _create_database(self):
+        from yams.schema2sql import eschema2sql, rschema2sql
+        from cubicweb.toolsutils import restrict_perms_to_user
+        self.warning('initializing sqlite database for %s source' % self.uri)
+        cnx = self._sqlcnx
+        cu = cnx.cursor()
+        schema = self.schema
+        for etype in self.support_entities:
+            eschema = schema.eschema(etype)
+            createsqls = eschema2sql(self.sqladapter.dbhelper, eschema,
+                                     skip_relations=('data',))
+            sqlexec(createsqls, cu, withpb=False)
+        for rtype in self.support_relations:
+            rschema = schema.rschema(rtype)
+            if not rschema.inlined:
+                sqlexec(rschema2sql(rschema), cu, withpb=False)
+        cnx.commit()
+        cnx.close()
+        self._need_sql_create = False
+        if self.repo.config['uid']:
+            from logilab.common.shellutils import chown
+            # database file must be owned by the uid of the server process
+            self.warning('set %s as owner of the database file',
+                         self.repo.config['uid'])
+            chown(self.dbpath, self.repo.config['uid'])
+        restrict_perms_to_user(self.dbpath,
+    def set_schema(self, schema):
+        super(SQLiteAbstractSource, self).set_schema(schema)
+        if self._need_sql_create and self._is_schema_complete():
+            self._create_database()
+        self.rqlsqlgen = self.sqlgen_class(schema, self.sqladapter.dbhelper)
+    def get_connection(self):
+        return ConnectionWrapper(self)
+    def check_connection(self, cnx):
+        """check connection validity, return None if the connection is still valid
+        else a new connection (called when the pool using the given connection is
+        being attached to a session)
+        always return the connection to reset eventually cached cursor
+        """
+        return cnx
+    def pool_reset(self, cnx):
+        """the pool using the given connection is being reseted from its current
+        attached session: release the connection lock if the connection wrapper
+        has a connection set
+        """
+        if cnx._cnx is not None:
+            try:
+                cnx._cnx.close()
+                cnx._cnx = None
+            finally:
+                self._cnxlock.release()
+    def syntax_tree_search(self, session, union,
+                           args=None, cachekey=None, varmap=None, debug=0):
+        """return result from this source for a rql query (actually from a rql 
+        syntax tree and a solution dictionary mapping each used variable to a 
+        possible type). If cachekey is given, the query necessary to fetch the
+        results (but not the results themselves) may be cached using this key.
+        """
+        if self._need_sql_create:
+            return []
+        sql, query_args = self.rqlsqlgen.generate(union, args)
+        if server.DEBUG:
+            print self.uri, 'SOURCE RQL', union.as_string()
+            print 'GENERATED SQL', sql
+        args = self.sqladapter.merge_args(args, query_args)
+        cursor = session.pool[self.uri]
+        cursor.execute(sql, args)
+        return self.sqladapter.process_result(cursor) 
+    def local_add_entity(self, session, entity):
+        """insert the entity in the local database.
+        This is not provided as add_entity implementation since usually source
+        don't want to simply do this, so let raise NotImplementedError and the
+        source implementor may use this method if necessary
+        """
+        cu = session.pool[self.uri]
+        attrs = self.sqladapter.preprocess_entity(entity)
+        sql = self.sqladapter.sqlgen.insert(str(entity.e_schema), attrs)
+        cu.execute(sql, attrs)
+    def add_entity(self, session, entity):
+        """add a new entity to the source"""
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def local_update_entity(self, session, entity):
+        """update an entity in the source
+        This is not provided as update_entity implementation since usually
+        source don't want to simply do this, so let raise NotImplementedError
+        and the source implementor may use this method if necessary
+        """
+        cu = session.pool[self.uri]
+        attrs = self.sqladapter.preprocess_entity(entity)
+        sql = self.sqladapter.sqlgen.update(str(entity.e_schema), attrs, ['eid'])
+        cu.execute(sql, attrs)
+    def update_entity(self, session, entity):
+        """update an entity in the source"""
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def delete_entity(self, session, etype, eid):
+        """delete an entity from the source
+        this is not deleting a file in the svn but deleting entities from the
+        source. Main usage is to delete repository content when a Repository
+        entity is deleted.
+        """
+        sqlcursor = session.pool[self.uri]        
+        attrs = {'eid': eid}
+        sql = self.sqladapter.sqlgen.delete(etype, attrs)
+        sqlcursor.execute(sql, attrs)
+    def delete_relation(self, session, subject, rtype, object):
+        """delete a relation from the source"""
+        rschema = self.schema.rschema(rtype)
+        if rschema.inlined:
+            if subject in session.query_data('pendingeids', ()):
+                return
+            etype = session.describe(subject)[0]
+            sql = 'UPDATE %s SET %s=NULL WHERE eid=%%(eid)s' % (etype, rtype)
+            attrs = {'eid' : subject}
+        else:
+            attrs = {'eid_from': subject, 'eid_to': object}
+            sql = self.sqladapter.sqlgen.delete('%s_relation' % rtype, attrs)
+        sqlcursor = session.pool[self.uri]        
+        sqlcursor.execute(sql, attrs)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/server/sources/	Mon Dec 22 17:34:15 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,685 @@
+"""cubicweb ldap user source
+this source is for now limited to a read-only EUser source
+:organization: Logilab
+:copyright: 2003-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
+:contact: --
+Part of the code is coming form Zope's LDAPUserFolder
+Copyright (c) 2004 Jens Vagelpohl.
+All Rights Reserved.
+This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+from mx.DateTime import now, DateTimeDelta
+from logilab.common.textutils import get_csv
+from rql.nodes import Relation, VariableRef, Constant, Function
+import ldap
+from ldap.ldapobject import ReconnectLDAPObject
+from ldap.filter import filter_format, escape_filter_chars
+from ldapurl import LDAPUrl
+from cubicweb.common import AuthenticationError, UnknownEid, RepositoryError
+from cubicweb.server.sources import AbstractSource, TrFunc, GlobTrFunc, ConnectionWrapper
+from cubicweb.server.utils import cartesian_product
+# search scopes
+# XXX only for edition ??
+## password encryption possibilities
+# mode identifier : (port, protocol)
+MODES = {
+    0: (389, 'ldap'),
+    1: (636, 'ldaps'),
+    2: (0,   'ldapi'),
+    }
+class TimedCache(dict):
+    def __init__(self, ttlm, ttls=0):
+        # time to live in minutes
+        self.ttl = DateTimeDelta(0, 0, ttlm, ttls)
+    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+        dict.__setitem__(self, key, (now(), value))
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        return dict.__getitem__(self, key)[1]
+    def clear_expired(self):
+        now_ = now()
+        ttl = self.ttl
+        for key, (timestamp, value) in self.items():
+            if now_ - timestamp > ttl:
+                del self[key]
+class LDAPUserSource(AbstractSource):
+    """LDAP read-only EUser source"""
+    support_entities = {'EUser': False} 
+    port = None
+    cnx_mode = 0
+    cnx_dn = ''
+    cnx_pwd = ''
+    options = (
+        ('host',
+         {'type' : 'string',
+          'default': 'ldap',
+          'help': 'ldap host',
+          'group': 'ldap-source', 'inputlevel': 1,
+          }),
+        ('user-base-dn',
+         {'type' : 'string',
+          'default': 'ou=People,dc=logilab,dc=fr',
+          'help': 'base DN to lookup for users',
+          'group': 'ldap-source', 'inputlevel': 0,
+          }),
+        ('user-scope',
+         {'type' : 'choice',
+          'default': 'ONELEVEL',
+          'choices': ('BASE', 'ONELEVEL', 'SUBTREE'),
+          'help': 'user search scope',
+          'group': 'ldap-source', 'inputlevel': 1,
+          }),
+        ('user-classes',
+         {'type' : 'csv',
+          'default': ('top', 'posixAccount'),
+          'help': 'classes of user',
+          'group': 'ldap-source', 'inputlevel': 1,
+          }),
+        ('user-login-attr',
+         {'type' : 'string',
+          'default': 'uid',
+          'help': 'attribute used as login on authentication',
+          'group': 'ldap-source', 'inputlevel': 1,
+          }),
+        ('user-default-group',
+         {'type' : 'csv',
+          'default': ('users',),
+          'help': 'name of a group in which ldap users will be by default. \
+You can set multiple groups by separating them by a comma.',
+          'group': 'ldap-source', 'inputlevel': 1,
+          }),
+        ('user-attrs-map',
+         {'type' : 'named',
+          'default': {'uid': 'login', 'gecos': 'email'},
+          'help': 'map from ldap user attributes to cubicweb attributes',
+          'group': 'ldap-source', 'inputlevel': 1,
+          }),
+        ('synchronization-interval',
+         {'type' : 'int',
+          'default': 24*60*60,
+          'help': 'interval between synchronization with the ldap \
+directory (default to once a day).',
+          'group': 'ldap-source', 'inputlevel': 2,
+          }),
+        ('cache-life-time',
+         {'type' : 'int',
+          'default': 2*60,
+          'help': 'life time of query cache in minutes (default to two hours).',
+          'group': 'ldap-source', 'inputlevel': 2,
+          }),
+    )
+    def __init__(self, repo, appschema, source_config, *args, **kwargs):
+        AbstractSource.__init__(self, repo, appschema, source_config,
+                                *args, **kwargs)
+ = source_config['host']
+        self.user_base_dn = source_config['user-base-dn']
+        self.user_base_scope = globals()[source_config['user-scope']]
+        self.user_classes = get_csv(source_config['user-classes'])
+        self.user_login_attr = source_config['user-login-attr']
+        self.user_default_groups = get_csv(source_config['user-default-group'])
+        self.user_attrs = dict(v.split(':', 1) for v in get_csv(source_config['user-attrs-map']))
+        self.user_rev_attrs = {'eid': 'dn'}
+        for ldapattr, cwattr in self.user_attrs.items():
+            self.user_rev_attrs[cwattr] = ldapattr
+        self.base_filters = [filter_format('(%s=%s)', ('objectClass', o))
+                              for o in self.user_classes]
+        self._conn = None
+        self._cache = {}
+        ttlm = int(source_config.get('cache-life-type', 2*60))
+        self._query_cache = TimedCache(ttlm)
+        self._interval = int(source_config.get('synchronization-interval',
+                                               24*60*60))
+    def reset_caches(self):
+        """method called during test to reset potential source caches"""
+        self._query_cache = TimedCache(2*60)
+    def init(self):
+        """method called by the repository once ready to handle request"""
+        self.repo.looping_task(self._interval, self.synchronize) 
+        self.repo.looping_task(self._query_cache.ttl.seconds/10, self._query_cache.clear_expired) 
+    def synchronize(self):
+        """synchronize content known by this repository with content in the
+        external repository
+        """
+'synchronizing ldap source %s', self.uri)
+        session = self.repo.internal_session()
+        try:
+            cursor = session.system_sql("SELECT eid, extid FROM entities WHERE "
+                                        "source='%s'" % self.uri)
+            for eid, extid in cursor.fetchall():
+                # if no result found, _search automatically delete entity information
+                res = self._search(session, extid, BASE)
+                if res: 
+                    ldapemailaddr = res[0].get(self.user_rev_attrs['email'])
+                    if ldapemailaddr:
+                        rset = session.execute('EmailAddress X,A WHERE '
+                                               'U use_email X, U eid %(u)s',
+                                               {'u': eid})
+                        ldapemailaddr = unicode(ldapemailaddr)
+                        for emaileid, emailaddr in rset:
+                            if emailaddr == ldapemailaddr:
+                                break
+                        else:
+                  'updating email address of user %s to %s',
+                                      extid, ldapemailaddr)
+                            if rset:
+                                session.execute('SET X address %(addr)s WHERE '
+                                                'U primary_email X, U eid %(u)s',
+                                                {'addr': ldapemailaddr, 'u': eid})
+                            else:
+                                # no email found, create it
+                                _insert_email(session, ldapemailaddr, eid)
+        finally:
+            session.commit()
+            session.close()
+    def get_connection(self):
+        """open and return a connection to the source"""
+        if self._conn is None:
+            self._connect()
+        return ConnectionWrapper(self._conn)
+    def authenticate(self, session, login, password):
+        """return EUser eid for the given login/password if this account is
+        defined in this source, else raise `AuthenticationError`
+        two queries are needed since passwords are stored crypted, so we have
+        to fetch the salt first
+        """
+        assert login, 'no login!'
+        searchfilter = [filter_format('(%s=%s)', (self.user_login_attr, login))]
+        searchfilter.extend([filter_format('(%s=%s)', ('objectClass', o))
+                             for o in self.user_classes])
+        searchstr = '(&%s)' % ''.join(searchfilter)
+        # first search the user
+        try:
+            user = self._search(session, self.user_base_dn,
+                                self.user_base_scope, searchstr)[0]
+        except IndexError:
+            # no such user
+            raise AuthenticationError()
+        # check password by establishing a (unused) connection
+        try:
+            self._connect(user['dn'], password)
+        except:
+            # Something went wrong, most likely bad credentials
+            raise AuthenticationError()
+        return self.extid2eid(user['dn'], 'EUser', session)
+    def ldap_name(self, var):
+        if var.stinfo['relations']:
+            relname = iter(var.stinfo['relations']).next().r_type
+            return self.user_rev_attrs.get(relname)
+        return None
+    def prepare_columns(self, mainvars, rqlst):
+        """return two list describin how to build the final results
+        from the result of an ldap search (ie a list of dictionnary)
+        """
+        columns = []
+        global_transforms = []
+        for i, term in enumerate(rqlst.selection):
+            if isinstance(term, Constant):
+                columns.append(term)
+                continue
+            if isinstance(term, Function): # LOWER, UPPER, COUNT...
+                var = term.get_nodes(VariableRef)[0]
+                var = var.variable
+                try:
+                    mainvar = var.stinfo['attrvar'].name
+                except AttributeError: # no attrvar set
+                    mainvar =
+                assert mainvar in mainvars
+                trname =
+                ldapname = self.ldap_name(var)
+                if trname in ('COUNT', 'MIN', 'MAX', 'SUM'):
+                    global_transforms.append(GlobTrFunc(trname, i, ldapname))
+                    columns.append((mainvar, ldapname))
+                    continue
+                if trname in ('LOWER', 'UPPER'):
+                    columns.append((mainvar, TrFunc(trname, i, ldapname)))
+                    continue
+                raise NotImplementedError('no support for %s function' % trname)
+            if in mainvars:
+                columns.append((, 'dn'))
+                continue
+            var = term.variable
+            mainvar = var.stinfo['attrvar'].name
+            columns.append((mainvar, self.ldap_name(var)))
+            #else:
+            #    # probably a bug in rql splitting if we arrive here
+            #    raise NotImplementedError
+        return columns, global_transforms
+    def syntax_tree_search(self, session, union,
+                           args=None, cachekey=None, varmap=None, debug=0):
+        """return result from this source for a rql query (actually from a rql 
+        syntax tree and a solution dictionary mapping each used variable to a 
+        possible type). If cachekey is given, the query necessary to fetch the
+        results (but not the results themselves) may be cached using this key.
+        """
+        # XXX not handled : transform/aggregat function, join on multiple users...
+        assert len(union.children) == 1, 'union not supported'
+        rqlst = union.children[0]
+        assert not rqlst.with_, 'subquery not supported'
+        rqlkey = rqlst.as_string(kwargs=args)
+        try:
+            results = self._query_cache[rqlkey]
+        except KeyError:
+            results = self.rqlst_search(session, rqlst, args)
+            self._query_cache[rqlkey] = results
+        return results
+    def rqlst_search(self, session, rqlst, args):
+        mainvars = []
+        for varname in rqlst.defined_vars:
+            for sol in
+                if sol[varname] == 'EUser':
+                    mainvars.append(varname)
+                    break
+        assert mainvars
+        columns, globtransforms = self.prepare_columns(mainvars, rqlst)
+        eidfilters = []
+        allresults = []
+        generator = RQL2LDAPFilter(self, session, args, mainvars)
+        for mainvar in mainvars:
+            # handle restriction
+            try:
+                eidfilters_, ldapfilter = generator.generate(rqlst, mainvar)
+            except GotDN, ex:
+                assert ex.dn, 'no dn!'
+                try:
+                    res = [self._cache[ex.dn]]
+                except KeyError:
+                    res = self._search(session, ex.dn, BASE)
+            except UnknownEid, ex:
+                # raised when we are looking for the dn of an eid which is not
+                # coming from this source
+                res = []
+            else:
+                eidfilters += eidfilters_
+                res = self._search(session, self.user_base_dn,
+                                   self.user_base_scope, ldapfilter)
+            allresults.append(res)
+        # 1. get eid for each dn and filter according to that eid if necessary
+        for i, res in enumerate(allresults):
+            filteredres = []
+            for resdict in res:
+                # get sure the entity exists in the system table
+                eid = self.extid2eid(resdict['dn'], 'EUser', session)
+                for eidfilter in eidfilters:
+                    if not eidfilter(eid):
+                        break
+                else:
+                    resdict['eid'] = eid
+                    filteredres.append(resdict)
+            allresults[i] = filteredres
+        # 2. merge result for each "mainvar": cartesian product
+        allresults = cartesian_product(allresults)
+        # 3. build final result according to column definition
+        result = []
+        for rawline in allresults:
+            rawline = dict(zip(mainvars, rawline))
+            line = []
+            for varname, ldapname in columns:
+                if ldapname is None:
+                    value = None # no mapping available
+                elif ldapname == 'dn':
+                    value = rawline[varname]['eid']
+                elif isinstance(ldapname, Constant):
+                    if ldapname.type == 'Substitute':
+                        value = args[ldapname.value]
+                    else:
+                        value = ldapname.value
+                elif isinstance(ldapname, TrFunc):
+                    value = ldapname.apply(rawline[varname])
+                else:
+                    value = rawline[varname].get(ldapname)
+                line.append(value)
+            result.append(line)
+        for trfunc in globtransforms:
+            result = trfunc.apply(result)
+        #print '--> ldap result', result
+        return result
+    def _connect(self, userdn=None, userpwd=None):
+        port, protocol = MODES[self.cnx_mode]
+        if protocol == 'ldapi':
+            hostport =
+        else:
+            hostport = '%s:%s' % (, self.port or port)
+'connecting %s://%s as %s', protocol, hostport,
+                  userdn or 'anonymous')
+        url = LDAPUrl(urlscheme=protocol, hostport=hostport)
+        conn = ReconnectLDAPObject(url.initializeUrl())
+        # Set the protocol version - version 3 is preferred
+        try:
+            conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, ldap.VERSION3)
+        except ldap.LDAPError: # Invalid protocol version, fall back safely
+            conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, ldap.VERSION2)
+        # Deny auto-chasing of referrals to be safe, we handle them instead
+        #try:
+        #    connection.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0)
+        #except ldap.LDAPError: # Cannot set referrals, so do nothing
+        #    pass
+        #conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT, conn_timeout)
+        #conn.timeout = op_timeout
+        # Now bind with the credentials given. Let exceptions propagate out.
+        if userdn is None:
+            assert self._conn is None
+            self._conn = conn
+            userdn = self.cnx_dn
+            userpwd = self.cnx_pwd
+        conn.simple_bind_s(userdn, userpwd)
+        return conn
+    def _search(self, session, base, scope,
+                searchstr='(objectClass=*)', attrs=()):
+        """make an ldap query"""
+        cnx = session.pool.connection(self.uri).cnx
+        try:
+            res = cnx.search_s(base, scope, searchstr, attrs)
+        except ldap.PARTIAL_RESULTS:
+            res = cnx.result(all=0)[1]
+        except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
+            eid = self.extid2eid(base, 'EUser', session, insert=False)
+            if eid:
+                self.warning('deleting ldap user with eid %s and dn %s',
+                             eid, base)
+                self.repo.delete_info(session, eid)
+                self._cache.pop(base, None)
+            return []
+##         except ldap.REFERRAL, e:
+##             cnx = self.handle_referral(e)
+##             try:
+##                 res = cnx.search_s(base, scope, searchstr, attrs)
+##             except ldap.PARTIAL_RESULTS:
+##                 res_type, res = cnx.result(all=0)
+        result = []
+        for rec_dn, rec_dict in res:
+            # When used against Active Directory, "rec_dict" may not be
+            # be a dictionary in some cases (instead, it can be a list)
+            # An example of a useless "res" entry that can be ignored
+            # from AD is
+            # (None, ['ldap://ForestDnsZones.PORTAL.LOCAL/DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=PORTAL,DC=LOCAL'])
+            # This appears to be some sort of internal referral, but
+            # we can't handle it, so we need to skip over it.
+            try:
+                items =  rec_dict.items()
+            except AttributeError:
+                # 'items' not found on rec_dict, skip
+                continue
+            for key, value in items: # XXX syt: huuum ?
+                if not isinstance(value, str):
+                    try:
+                        for i in range(len(value)):
+                            value[i] = unicode(value[i], 'utf8')
+                    except:
+                        pass
+                if isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 1:
+                    rec_dict[key] = value = value[0]
+            rec_dict['dn'] = rec_dn
+            self._cache[rec_dn] = rec_dict
+            result.append(rec_dict)
+        #print '--->', result
+        return result
+    def before_entity_insertion(self, session, lid, etype, eid):
+        """called by the repository when an eid has been attributed for an
+        entity stored here but the entity has not been inserted in the system
+        table yet.
+        This method must return the an Entity instance representation of this
+        entity.
+        """
+        entity = super(LDAPUserSource, self).before_entity_insertion(session, lid, etype, eid)
+        res = self._search(session, lid, BASE)[0]
+        for attr in entity.e_schema.indexable_attributes():
+            entity[attr] = res[self.user_rev_attrs[attr]]
+        return entity
+    def after_entity_insertion(self, session, dn, entity):
+        """called by the repository after an entity stored here has been
+        inserted in the system table.
+        """
+        super(LDAPUserSource, self).after_entity_insertion(session, dn, entity)
+        for group in self.user_default_groups:
+            session.execute('SET X in_group G WHERE X eid %(x)s, G name %(group)s',
+                            {'x': entity.eid, 'group': group}, 'x')
+        # search for existant email first
+        try:
+            emailaddr = self._cache[dn][self.user_rev_attrs['email']]
+        except KeyError:
+            return
+        rset = session.execute('EmailAddress X WHERE X address %(addr)s',
+                               {'addr': emailaddr})
+        if rset:
+            session.execute('SET U primary_email X WHERE U eid %(u)s, X eid %(x)s',
+                            {'x': rset[0][0], 'u': entity.eid}, 'u')
+        else:
+            # not found, create it
+            _insert_email(session, emailaddr, entity.eid)
+    def update_entity(self, session, entity):
+        """replace an entity in the source"""
+        raise RepositoryError('this source is read only')
+    def delete_entity(self, session, etype, eid):
+        """delete an entity from the source"""
+        raise RepositoryError('this source is read only')
+def _insert_email(session, emailaddr, ueid):
+    session.execute('INSERT EmailAddress X: X address %(addr)s, U primary_email X '
+                    'WHERE U eid %(x)s', {'addr': emailaddr, 'x': ueid}, 'x')
+class GotDN(Exception):
+    """exception used when a dn localizing the searched user has been found"""
+    def __init__(self, dn):
+        self.dn = dn
+class RQL2LDAPFilter(object):
+    """generate an LDAP filter for a rql query"""
+    def __init__(self, source, session, args=None, mainvars=()):
+        self.source = source
+        self._ldap_attrs = source.user_rev_attrs
+        self._base_filters = source.base_filters
+        self._session = session
+        if args is None:
+            args = {}
+        self._args = args
+        self.mainvars = mainvars
+    def generate(self, selection, mainvarname):
+        self._filters = res = self._base_filters[:]
+        self._mainvarname = mainvarname
+        self._eidfilters = []
+        self._done_not = set()
+        restriction = selection.where
+        if isinstance(restriction, Relation):
+            # only a single relation, need to append result here (no AND/OR)
+            filter = restriction.accept(self)
+            if filter is not None:
+                res.append(filter)
+        elif restriction:
+            restriction.accept(self)
+        if len(res) > 1:
+            return self._eidfilters, '(&%s)' % ''.join(res)
+        return self._eidfilters, res[0]
+    def visit_and(self, et):
+        """generate filter for a AND subtree"""
+        for c in et.children:
+            part = c.accept(self)
+            if part:
+                self._filters.append(part)
+    def visit_or(self, ou):
+        """generate filter for a OR subtree"""
+        res = []
+        for c in ou.children:
+            part = c.accept(self)
+            if part:
+                res.append(part)
+        if res:
+            if len(res) > 1:
+                part = '(|%s)' % ''.join(res)
+            else:
+                part = res[0]
+            self._filters.append(part)
+    def visit_not(self, node):
+        """generate filter for a OR subtree"""
+        part = node.children[0].accept(self)
+        if part:
+            self._filters.append('(!(%s))'% part)
+    def visit_relation(self, relation):
+        """generate filter for a relation"""
+        rtype = relation.r_type
+        # don't care of type constraint statement (i.e. relation_type = 'is')
+        if rtype == 'is':
+            return ''
+        lhs, rhs = relation.get_parts()
+        # attribute relation
+        if self.source.schema.rschema(rtype).is_final():
+            # dunno what to do here, don't pretend anything else
+            if != self._mainvarname:
+                if in self.mainvars:
+                    # XXX check we don't have variable as rhs
+                    return
+                raise NotImplementedError
+            rhs_vars = rhs.get_nodes(VariableRef)
+            if rhs_vars:
+                if len(rhs_vars) > 1:
+                    raise NotImplementedError
+                # selected variable, nothing to do here
+                return
+            # no variables in the RHS
+            if isinstance(rhs.children[0], Function):
+                res = rhs.children[0].accept(self)
+            elif rtype != 'has_text':
+                res = self._visit_attribute_relation(relation)
+            else:
+                raise NotImplementedError(relation)
+        # regular relation XXX todo: in_group
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError(relation)
+        return res
+    def _visit_attribute_relation(self, relation):
+        """generate filter for an attribute relation"""
+        lhs, rhs = relation.get_parts()
+        lhsvar = lhs.variable
+        if relation.r_type == 'eid':
+            # XXX hack
+            # skip comparison sign
+            eid = int(rhs.children[0].accept(self))
+            if relation.neged(strict=True):
+                self._done_not.add(relation.parent)
+                self._eidfilters.append(lambda x: not x == eid)
+                return
+            if rhs.operator != '=':
+                filter = {'>': lambda x: x > eid,
+                          '>=': lambda x: x >= eid,
+                          '<': lambda x: x < eid,
+                          '<=': lambda x: x <= eid,
+                          }[rhs.operator]
+                self._eidfilters.append(filter)
+                return
+            dn = self.source.eid2extid(eid, self._session)
+            raise GotDN(dn)
+        try:
+            filter = '(%s%s)' % (self._ldap_attrs[relation.r_type],
+                                 rhs.accept(self))
+        except KeyError:
+            assert relation.r_type == 'password' # 2.38 migration
+            raise UnknownEid # trick to return no result
+        return filter
+    def visit_comparison(self, cmp):
+        """generate filter for a comparaison"""
+        return '%s%s'% (cmp.operator, cmp.children[0].accept(self))            
+    def visit_mathexpression(self, mexpr):
+        """generate filter for a mathematic expression"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def visit_function(self, function):
+        """generate filter name for a function"""
+        if == 'IN':
+            return self.visit_in(function)
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def visit_in(self, function):
+        grandpapa = function.parent.parent
+        ldapattr = self._ldap_attrs[grandpapa.r_type]
+        res = []
+        for c in function.children:
+            part = c.accept(self)
+            if part:
+                res.append(part)
+        if res:
+            if len(res) > 1:
+                part = '(|%s)' % ''.join('(%s=%s)' % (ldapattr, v) for v in res)
+            else:
+                part = '(%s=%s)' % (ldapattr, res[0])
+        return part
+    def visit_constant(self, constant):
+        """generate filter name for a constant"""
+        value = constant.value
+        if constant.type is None:
+            raise NotImplementedError
+        if constant.type == 'Date':
+            raise NotImplementedError
+            #value = self.keyword_map[value]()
+        elif constant.type == 'Substitute':
+            value = self._args[constant.value]
+        else:
+            value = constant.value
+        if isinstance(value, unicode):
+            value = value.encode('utf8')
+        else:
+            value = str(value)
+        return escape_filter_chars(value)
+    def visit_variableref(self, variableref):
+        """get the sql name for a variable reference"""
+        pass
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/server/sources/	Mon Dec 22 17:34:15 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+"""Source to query another RQL repository using pyro
+:organization: Logilab
+:copyright: 2007-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
+:contact: --
+__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
+import threading
+from os.path import join
+from mx.DateTime import DateTimeFromTicks
+from Pyro.errors import PyroError, ConnectionClosedError
+from logilab.common.configuration import REQUIRED
+from rql.nodes import Constant
+from rql.utils import rqlvar_maker
+from cubicweb import dbapi, server
+from cubicweb import BadConnectionId, UnknownEid, ConnectionError
+from cubicweb.cwconfig import register_persistent_options
+from cubicweb.server.sources import AbstractSource, ConnectionWrapper
+class ReplaceByInOperator:
+    def __init__(self, eids):
+        self.eids = eids
+class PyroRQLSource(AbstractSource):
+    """External repository source, using Pyro connection"""
+    # boolean telling if modification hooks should be called when something is
+    # modified in this source
+    should_call_hooks = False
+    # boolean telling if the repository should connect to this source during
+    # migration
+    connect_for_migration = False
+    support_entities = None
+    options = (
+        # XXX pyro-ns host/port
+        ('pyro-ns-id',
+         {'type' : 'string',
+          'default': REQUIRED,
+          'help': 'identifier of the repository in the pyro name server',
+          'group': 'pyro-source', 'inputlevel': 0,
+          }),
+        ('mapping-file',
+         {'type' : 'string',
+          'default': REQUIRED,
+          'help': 'path to a python file with the schema mapping definition',
+          'group': 'pyro-source', 'inputlevel': 1,
+          }),
+        ('cubicweb-user',
+         {'type' : 'string',
+          'default': REQUIRED,
+          'help': 'user to use for connection on the distant repository',
+          'group': 'pyro-source', 'inputlevel': 0,
+          }),
+        ('cubicweb-password',
+         {'type' : 'password',
+          'default': '',
+          'help': 'user to use for connection on the distant repository',
+          'group': 'pyro-source', 'inputlevel': 0,
+          }),
+        ('base-url',
+         {'type' : 'string',
+          'default': '',
+          'help': 'url of the web site for the distant repository, if you want '
+          'to generate external link to entities from this repository',
+          'group': 'pyro-source', 'inputlevel': 1,
+          }),
+        ('pyro-ns-host',
+         {'type' : 'string',
+          'default': None,
+          'help': 'Pyro name server\'s host. If not set, default to the value \
+from all_in_one.conf.',
+          'group': 'pyro-source', 'inputlevel': 1,
+          }),
+        ('pyro-ns-port',
+         {'type' : 'int',
+          'default': None,
+          'help': 'Pyro name server\'s listening port. If not set, default to \
+the value from all_in_one.conf.',
+          'group': 'pyro-source', 'inputlevel': 1,
+          }),
+        ('pyro-ns-group',
+         {'type' : 'string',
+          'default': None,
+          'help': 'Pyro name server\'s group where the repository will be \
+registered. If not set, default to the value from all_in_one.conf.',
+          'group': 'pyro-source', 'inputlevel': 1,
+          }),
+        ('synchronization-interval',
+         {'type' : 'int',
+          'default': 5*60,
+          'help': 'interval between synchronization with the external \
+repository (default to 5 minutes).',
+          'group': 'pyro-source', 'inputlevel': 2,
+          }),
+    )
+    PUBLIC_KEYS = AbstractSource.PUBLIC_KEYS + ('base-url',)
+    _conn = None
+    def __init__(self, repo, appschema, source_config, *args, **kwargs):
+        AbstractSource.__init__(self, repo, appschema, source_config,
+                                *args, **kwargs)
+        mappingfile = source_config['mapping-file']
+        if not mappingfile[0] == '/':
+            mappingfile = join(repo.config.apphome, mappingfile)
+        mapping = {}
+        execfile(mappingfile, mapping)
+        self.support_entities = mapping['support_entities']
+        self.support_relations = mapping.get('support_relations', {})
+        self.dont_cross_relations = mapping.get('dont_cross_relations', ())
+        baseurl = source_config.get('base-url')
+        if baseurl and not baseurl.endswith('/'):
+            source_config['base-url'] += '/'
+        self.config = source_config
+        myoptions = (('%s.latest-update-time' % self.uri,
+                      {'type' : 'int', 'sitewide': True,
+                       'default': 0,
+                       'help': _('timestamp of the latest source synchronization.'),
+                       'group': 'sources', 
+                       }),)
+        register_persistent_options(myoptions)
+    def last_update_time(self):
+        pkey = u'sources.%s.latest-update-time' % self.uri
+        rql = 'Any V WHERE X is EProperty, X value V, X pkey %(k)s'
+        session = self.repo.internal_session()
+        try:
+            rset = session.execute(rql, {'k': pkey})
+            if not rset:
+                # insert it
+                session.execute('INSERT EProperty X: X pkey %(k)s, X value %(v)s',
+                                {'k': pkey, 'v': u'0'})
+                session.commit()
+                timestamp = 0
+            else:
+                assert len(rset) == 1
+                timestamp = int(rset[0][0])
+            return DateTimeFromTicks(timestamp)
+        finally:
+            session.close()
+    def init(self):
+        """method called by the repository once ready to handle request"""
+        interval = int(self.config.get('synchronization-interval', 5*60))
+        self.repo.looping_task(interval, self.synchronize) 
+    def synchronize(self, mtime=None):
+        """synchronize content known by this repository with content in the
+        external repository
+        """
+'synchronizing pyro source %s', self.uri)
+        extrepo = self.get_connection()._repo
+        etypes = self.support_entities.keys()
+        if mtime is None:
+            mtime = self.last_update_time()
+        updatetime, modified, deleted = extrepo.entities_modified_since(etypes,
+                                                                        mtime)
+        repo = self.repo
+        session = repo.internal_session()
+        try:
+            for etype, extid in modified:
+                try:
+                    eid = self.extid2eid(extid, etype, session)
+                    rset = session.eid_rset(eid, etype)
+                    entity = rset.get_entity(0, 0)
+                    entity.complete(entity.e_schema.indexable_attributes())
+                    repo.index_entity(session, entity)
+                except:
+                    self.exception('while updating %s with external id %s of source %s',
+                                   etype, extid, self.uri)
+                    continue
+            for etype, extid in deleted:
+                try:
+                    eid = self.extid2eid(extid, etype, session, insert=False)
+                    # entity has been deleted from external repository but is not known here
+                    if eid is not None:
+                        repo.delete_info(session, eid)
+                except:
+                    self.exception('while updating %s with external id %s of source %s',
+                                   etype, extid, self.uri)
+                    continue
+            session.execute('SET X value %(v)s WHERE X pkey %(k)s',
+                            {'k': u'sources.%s.latest-update-time' % self.uri,
+                             'v': unicode(int(updatetime.ticks()))})
+            session.commit()
+        finally:
+            session.close()
+    def _get_connection(self):
+        """open and return a connection to the source"""
+        nshost = self.config.get('pyro-ns-host') or self.repo.config['pyro-ns-host']
+        nsport = self.config.get('pyro-ns-port') or self.repo.config['pyro-ns-port']
+        nsgroup = self.config.get('pyro-ns-group') or self.repo.config['pyro-ns-group']
+        #cnxprops = ConnectionProperties(cnxtype=self.config['cnx-type'])
+        return dbapi.connect(database=self.config['pyro-ns-id'],
+                             user=self.config['cubicweb-user'],
+                             password=self.config['cubicweb-password'],
+                             host=nshost, port=nsport, group=nsgroup,
+                             setvreg=False) #cnxprops=cnxprops)
+    def get_connection(self):
+        try:
+            return self._get_connection()
+        except (ConnectionError, PyroError):
+            self.critical("can't get connection to source %s", self.uri,
+                          exc_info=1)
+            return ConnectionWrapper()
+    def check_connection(self, cnx):
+        """check connection validity, return None if the connection is still valid
+        else a new connection
+        """
+        # we have to transfer manually thread ownership. This can be done safely
+        # since the pool to which belong the connection is affected to one
+        # session/thread and can't be called simultaneously
+        try:
+            cnx._repo._transferThread(threading.currentThread())
+        except AttributeError:
+            # inmemory connection
+            pass
+        if not isinstance(cnx, ConnectionWrapper):
+            try:
+                cnx.check()
+                return # ok
+            except (BadConnectionId, ConnectionClosedError):
+                pass
+        # try to reconnect
+        return self.get_connection()
+    def syntax_tree_search(self, session, union, args=None, cachekey=None,
+                           varmap=None):
+        """return result from this source for a rql query (actually from a rql 
+        syntax tree and a solution dictionary mapping each used variable to a 
+        possible type). If cachekey is given, the query necessary to fetch the
+        results (but not the results themselves) may be cached using this key.
+        """
+        if not args is None:
+            args = args.copy()
+        if server.DEBUG:
+            print 'RQL FOR PYRO SOURCE', self.uri
+            print union.as_string()
+            if args: print 'ARGS', args
+            print 'SOLUTIONS', ','.join(str( for s in union.children)
+        # get cached cursor anyway
+        cu = session.pool[self.uri]
+        if cu is None:
+            # this is a ConnectionWrapper instance
+            msg = session._("can't connect to source %s, some data may be missing")
+            session.set_shared_data('sources_error', msg % self.uri)
+            return []
+        try:
+            rql, cachekey = RQL2RQL(self).generate(session, union, args)
+        except UnknownEid, ex:
+            if server.DEBUG:
+                print 'unknown eid', ex, 'no results'
+            return []
+        if server.DEBUG:
+            print 'TRANSLATED RQL', rql
+        try:
+            rset = cu.execute(rql, args, cachekey)
+        except Exception, ex:
+            self.exception(str(ex))
+            msg = session._("error while querying source %s, some data may be missing")
+            session.set_shared_data('sources_error', msg % self.uri)
+            return []
+        descr = rset.description
+        if rset:
+            needtranslation = []
+            for i, etype in enumerate(descr[0]):
+                if (etype is None or not self.schema.eschema(etype).is_final() or
+                    getattr(union.locate_subquery(i, etype, args).selection[i], 'uidtype', None)):
+                    needtranslation.append(i)
+            if needtranslation:
+                for rowindex, row in enumerate(rset):
+                    for colindex in needtranslation:
+                        if row[colindex] is not None: # optional variable
+                            etype = descr[rowindex][colindex]
+                            eid = self.extid2eid(row[colindex], etype, session)
+                            row[colindex] = eid
+            results = rset.rows
+        else:
+            results = []
+        if server.DEBUG:
+            if len(results)>10:
+                print '--------------->', results[:10], '...', len(results)
+            else:
+                print '--------------->', results
+        return results
+    def _entity_relations_and_kwargs(self, session, entity):
+        relations = []
+        kwargs = {'x': self.eid2extid(entity.eid, session)}
+        for key, val in entity.iteritems():
+            relations.append('X %s %%(%s)s' % (key, key))
+            kwargs[key] = val
+        return relations, kwargs
+    def add_entity(self, session, entity):
+        """add a new entity to the source"""
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_entity(self, session, entity):
+        """update an entity in the source"""
+        relations, kwargs = self._entity_relations_and_kwargs(session, entity)
+        cu = session.pool[self.uri]
+        cu.execute('SET %s WHERE X eid %%(x)s' % ','.join(relations),
+                   kwargs, 'x')
+    def delete_entity(self, session, etype, eid):
+        """delete an entity from the source"""
+        cu = session.pool[self.uri]
+        cu.execute('DELETE %s X WHERE X eid %%(x)s' % etype,
+                   {'x': self.eid2extid(eid, session)}, 'x')
+    def add_relation(self, session, subject, rtype, object):
+        """add a relation to the source"""
+        cu = session.pool[self.uri]
+        cu.execute('SET X %s Y WHERE X eid %%(x)s, Y eid %%(y)s' % rtype,
+                   {'x': self.eid2extid(subject, session),
+                    'y': self.eid2extid(object, session)}, ('x', 'y'))
+    def delete_relation(self, session, subject, rtype, object):
+        """delete a relation from the source"""
+        cu = session.pool[self.uri]
+        cu.execute('DELETE X %s Y WHERE X eid %%(x)s, Y eid %%(y)s' % rtype,
+                   {'x': self.eid2extid(subject, session),
+                    'y': self.eid2extid(object, session)}, ('x', 'y'))
+class RQL2RQL(object):
+    """translate a local rql query to be executed on a distant repository"""
+    def __init__(self, source):
+        self.source = source
+    def _accept_children(self, node):
+        res = []
+        for child in node.children:
+            rql = child.accept(self)
+            if rql is not None:
+                res.append(rql)
+        return res
+    def generate(self, session, rqlst, args):
+        self._session = session 
+        self.kwargs = args
+        self.cachekey = []
+        self.need_translation = False
+        return self.visit_union(rqlst), self.cachekey
+    def visit_union(self, node):
+        s = self._accept_children(node)
+        if len(s) > 1:
+            return ' UNION '.join('(%s)' % q for q in s)
+        return s[0]
+    def visit_select(self, node):
+        """return the tree as an encoded rql string"""
+        self._varmaker = rqlvar_maker(defined=node.defined_vars.copy())
+        self._const_var = {}
+        if node.distinct:
+            base = 'DISTINCT Any'
+        else:
+            base = 'Any'
+        s = ['%s %s' % (base, ','.join(v.accept(self) for v in node.selection))]
+        if node.groupby:
+            s.append('GROUPBY %s' % ', '.join(group.accept(self)
+                                              for group in node.groupby))
+        if node.orderby:
+            s.append('ORDERBY %s' % ', '.join(self.visit_sortterm(term)
+                                              for term in node.orderby))
+        if node.limit is not None:
+            s.append('LIMIT %s' % node.limit)
+        if node.offset:
+            s.append('OFFSET %s' % node.offset)
+        restrictions = []
+        if node.where is not None:
+            nr = node.where.accept(self)
+            if nr is not None:
+                restrictions.append(nr)
+        if restrictions:
+            s.append('WHERE %s' % ','.join(restrictions))
+        if node.having:
+            s.append('HAVING %s' % ', '.join(term.accept(self)
+                                             for term in node.having))
+        subqueries = []
+        for subquery in node.with_:
+            subqueries.append('%s BEING (%s)' % (','.join( for ca in subquery.aliases),
+                                                 self.visit_union(subquery.query)))
+        if subqueries:
+            s.append('WITH %s' % (','.join(subqueries)))
+        return ' '.join(s)
+    def visit_and(self, node):
+        res = self._accept_children(node)
+        if res:
+            return ', '.join(res)
+        return
+    def visit_or(self, node):
+        res = self._accept_children(node)
+        if len(res) > 1:
+            return ' OR '.join('(%s)' % rql for rql in res)
+        elif res:
+            return res[0]
+        return
+    def visit_not(self, node):
+        rql = node.children[0].accept(self)
+        if rql:
+            return 'NOT (%s)' % rql
+        return
+    def visit_exists(self, node):
+        return 'EXISTS(%s)' % node.children[0].accept(self)
+    def visit_relation(self, node):
+        try:
+            if isinstance(node.children[0], Constant):
+                # simplified rqlst, reintroduce eid relation
+                restr, lhs = self.process_eid_const(node.children[0])
+            else:
+                lhs = node.children[0].accept(self)
+                restr = None
+        except UnknownEid:
+            # can safely skip not relation with an unsupported eid
+            if node.neged(strict=True):
+                return
+            # XXX what about optional relation or outer NOT EXISTS()
+            raise
+        if node.optional in ('left', 'both'):
+            lhs += '?'
+        if node.r_type == 'eid' or not self.source.schema.rschema(node.r_type).is_final():
+            self.need_translation = True
+            self.current_operator = node.operator()
+            if isinstance(node.children[0], Constant):
+                self.current_etypes = (node.children[0].uidtype,)
+            else:
+                self.current_etypes = node.children[0].variable.stinfo['possibletypes']
+        try:
+            rhs = node.children[1].accept(self)
+        except UnknownEid:
+            # can safely skip not relation with an unsupported eid
+            if node.neged(strict=True):
+                return
+            # XXX what about optional relation or outer NOT EXISTS()
+            raise
+        except ReplaceByInOperator, ex:
+            rhs = 'IN (%s)' % ','.join(str(eid) for eid in ex.eids)
+        self.need_translation = False
+        self.current_operator = None
+        if node.optional in ('right', 'both'):
+            rhs += '?'
+        if restr is not None:
+            return '%s %s %s, %s' % (lhs, node.r_type, rhs, restr)
+        return '%s %s %s' % (lhs, node.r_type, rhs)
+    def visit_comparison(self, node):
+        if node.operator in ('=', 'IS'):
+            return node.children[0].accept(self)
+        return '%s %s' % (node.operator.encode(),
+                          node.children[0].accept(self))
+    def visit_mathexpression(self, node):
+        return '(%s %s %s)' % (node.children[0].accept(self),
+                               node.operator.encode(),
+                               node.children[1].accept(self))
+    def visit_function(self, node):
+        #if == 'IN':
+        res = []
+        for child in node.children:
+            try:
+                rql = child.accept(self)
+            except UnknownEid, ex:
+                continue
+            res.append(rql)
+        if not res:
+            raise ex
+        return '%s(%s)' % (, ', '.join(res))
+    def visit_constant(self, node):
+        if self.need_translation or node.uidtype:
+            if node.type == 'Int':
+                return str(self.eid2extid(node.value))
+            if node.type == 'Substitute':
+                key = node.value
+                # ensure we have not yet translated the value...
+                if not key in self._const_var:
+                    self.kwargs[key] = self.eid2extid(self.kwargs[key])
+                    self.cachekey.append(key)
+                    self._const_var[key] = None
+        return node.as_string()
+    def visit_variableref(self, node):
+        """get the sql name for a variable reference"""
+        return
+    def visit_sortterm(self, node):
+        if node.asc:
+            return node.term.accept(self)
+        return '%s DESC' % node.term.accept(self)
+    def process_eid_const(self, const):
+        value = const.eval(self.kwargs)
+        try:
+            return None, self._const_var[value]
+        except:
+            var =
+            self.need_translation = True
+            restr = '%s eid %s' % (var, self.visit_constant(const))
+            self.need_translation = False
+            self._const_var[value] = var
+            return restr, var
+    def eid2extid(self, eid):
+        try:
+            return self.source.eid2extid(eid, self._session)        
+        except UnknownEid:
+            operator = self.current_operator
+            if operator is not None and operator != '=':
+                # deal with query like X eid > 12
+                #
+                # The problem is
+                # that eid order in the external source may differ from the
+                # local source
+                #
+                # So search for all eids from this
+                # source matching the condition locally and then to replace the
+                # > 12 branch by IN (eids) (XXX we may have to insert a huge
+                # number of eids...)
+                # planner so that
+                sql = "SELECT extid FROM entities WHERE source='%s' AND type IN (%s) AND eid%s%s"
+                etypes = ','.join("'%s'" % etype for etype in self.current_etypes)
+                cu = self._session.system_sql(sql % (self.source.uri, etypes,
+                                                      operator, eid))
+                # XXX buggy cu.rowcount which may be zero while there are some
+                # results
+                rows = cu.fetchall()
+                if rows:
+                    raise ReplaceByInOperator((r[0] for r in rows))
+            raise