merge 3.19.11 into 3.20
authorJulien Cristau <>
Wed, 18 Mar 2015 14:41:47 +0100
changeset 10272 3231fd2fa7a5
parent 10229 512ba8f37bd4 (current diff)
parent 10271 cc75eb44d95a (diff)
child 10277 e7cdf820fe8f
merge 3.19.11 into 3.20
--- a/.hgtags	Thu Mar 12 14:21:36 2015 +0100
+++ b/.hgtags	Wed Mar 18 14:41:47 2015 +0100
@@ -401,6 +401,9 @@
 3bab0b9b0ee7355a6fea45c2adca88bffe130e5d cubicweb-version-3.19.10
 3bab0b9b0ee7355a6fea45c2adca88bffe130e5d cubicweb-debian-version-3.19.10-1
 3bab0b9b0ee7355a6fea45c2adca88bffe130e5d cubicweb-centos-version-3.19.10-1
+1ae64186af9448dffbeebdef910c8c7391c04313 cubicweb-version-3.19.11
+1ae64186af9448dffbeebdef910c8c7391c04313 cubicweb-debian-version-3.19.11-1
+1ae64186af9448dffbeebdef910c8c7391c04313 cubicweb-centos-version-3.19.11-1
 7e6b7739afe6128589ad51b0318decb767cbae36 cubicweb-version-3.20.0
 7e6b7739afe6128589ad51b0318decb767cbae36 cubicweb-debian-version-3.20.0-1
 7e6b7739afe6128589ad51b0318decb767cbae36 cubicweb-centos-version-3.20.0-1
--- a/	Thu Mar 12 14:21:36 2015 +0100
+++ b/	Wed Mar 18 14:41:47 2015 +0100
@@ -69,12 +69,12 @@
 class Binary(StringIO):
     """customize StringIO to make sure we don't use unicode"""
     def __init__(self, buf=''):
-        assert isinstance(buf, (str, buffer)), \
+        assert isinstance(buf, (str, buffer, bytearray)), \
                "Binary objects must use raw strings, not %s" % buf.__class__
         StringIO.__init__(self, buf)
     def write(self, data):
-        assert isinstance(data, (str, buffer)), \
+        assert isinstance(data, (str, buffer, bytearray)), \
                "Binary objects must use raw strings, not %s" % data.__class__
         StringIO.write(self, data)
--- a/	Thu Mar 12 14:21:36 2015 +0100
+++ b/	Wed Mar 18 14:41:47 2015 +0100
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
 import cPickle
 import os.path as osp
 import inspect
+from base64 import b64encode
 from collections import defaultdict
 from copy import copy
 from datetime import date, datetime, time
--- a/debian/changelog	Thu Mar 12 14:21:36 2015 +0100
+++ b/debian/changelog	Wed Mar 18 14:41:47 2015 +0100
@@ -28,6 +28,12 @@
  -- Julien Cristau <>  Tue, 06 Jan 2015 18:11:03 +0100
+cubicweb (3.19.11-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release
+ -- Julien Cristau <>  Wed, 18 Mar 2015 11:55:52 +0100
 cubicweb (3.19.10-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
--- a/debian/control	Thu Mar 12 14:21:36 2015 +0100
+++ b/debian/control	Wed Mar 18 14:41:47 2015 +0100
@@ -204,6 +204,7 @@
  cubicweb-server (= ${source:Version}),
  cubicweb-web (= ${source:Version}),
+ cubicweb-etwist (= ${source:Version}),
--- a/misc/migration/	Thu Mar 12 14:21:36 2015 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-from yams import schema2sql as y2sql
-dbhelper = repo.system_source.dbhelper
-rdefdef = schema['CWSource'].rdef('name')
-attrtype = y2sql.type_from_constraints(dbhelper, rdefdef.object, rdefdef.constraints).split()[0]
-cursor =
-sql('UPDATE entities SET asource = source WHERE asource is NULL')
-dbhelper.change_col_type(cursor, 'entities', 'asource', attrtype, False)
-dbhelper.change_col_type(cursor, 'entities', 'source', attrtype, False)
--- a/misc/migration/	Thu Mar 12 14:21:36 2015 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-driver = config.system_source_config['db-driver']
-if not (driver == 'postgres' or driver.startswith('sqlserver')):
-    import sys
-    print >>sys.stderr, 'This migration is not supported for backends other than sqlserver or postgres (yet).'
-    sys.exit(1)
-add_relation_definition('CWAttribute', 'add_permission', 'CWGroup')
-add_relation_definition('CWAttribute', 'add_permission', 'RQLExpression')
-# a bad defaultval in 3.13.8 schema was fixed in 3.13.9, but the migration was missed
-rql('SET ATTR defaultval NULL WHERE ATTR from_entity E, E name "CWSource", ATTR relation_type T, T name "in_synchronization"')
-# the migration gets confused when we change rdefs out from under it.  So
-# explicitly remove this size constraint so it doesn't stick around and break
-# things later.
-rdefeid = schema['defaultval'].rdefs.values()[0].eid
-rql('DELETE CWConstraint C WHERE C cstrtype T, T name "SizeConstraint", R constrained_by C, R eid %(eid)s', {'eid': rdefeid})
-def convert_defaultval(cwattr, default):
-    from decimal import Decimal
-    import yams
-    from cubicweb import Binary
-    if default is None:
-        return
-    if isinstance(default, Binary):
-        # partially migrated instance, try to be idempotent
-        return default
-    atype = cwattr.to_entity[0].name
-    if atype == 'Boolean':
-        # boolean attributes with default=False were stored as ''
-        assert default in ('True', 'False', ''), repr(default)
-        default = default == 'True'
-    elif atype in ('Int', 'BigInt'):
-        default = int(default)
-    elif atype == 'Float':
-        default = float(default)
-    elif atype == 'Decimal':
-        default = Decimal(default)
-    elif atype in ('Date', 'Datetime', 'TZDatetime', 'Time'):
-        try:
-            # handle NOW and TODAY, keep them stored as strings
-            yams.KEYWORD_MAP[atype][default.upper()]
-            default = default.upper()
-        except KeyError:
-            # otherwise get an actual date or datetime
-            default = yams.DATE_FACTORY_MAP[atype](default)
-    else:
-        assert atype == 'String', atype
-        default = unicode(default)
-    return Binary.zpickle(default)
-dbh = repo.system_source.dbhelper
-sql('ALTER TABLE cw_cwattribute ADD new_defaultval %s' % dbh.TYPE_MAPPING['Bytes'])
-for cwattr in rql('CWAttribute X').entities():
-    olddefault = cwattr.defaultval
-    if olddefault is not None:
-        req = "UPDATE cw_cwattribute SET new_defaultval = %(val)s WHERE cw_eid = %(eid)s"
-        args = {'val': dbh.binary_value(convert_defaultval(cwattr, olddefault).getvalue()), 'eid': cwattr.eid}
-        sql(req, args, ask_confirm=False)
-sql('ALTER TABLE cw_cwattribute DROP COLUMN cw_defaultval')
-if driver == 'postgres':
-    sql('ALTER TABLE cw_cwattribute RENAME COLUMN new_defaultval TO cw_defaultval')
-else: # sqlserver
-    sql("sp_rename 'cw_cwattribute.new_defaultval', 'cw_defaultval', 'COLUMN'")
-# Set object type to "Bytes" for CWAttribute's "defaultval" attribute
-rql('SET X to_entity B WHERE X is CWAttribute, X from_entity Y, Y name "CWAttribute", '
-    'X relation_type Z, Z name "defaultval", B name "Bytes", NOT X to_entity B')
-oldrdef = schema['CWAttribute'].rdef('defaultval')
-import yams.buildobjs as ybo
-newrdef = ybo.RelationDefinition('CWAttribute', 'defaultval', 'Bytes')
-newrdef.eid = oldrdef.eid
-schema.del_relation_def('CWAttribute', 'defaultval', 'String')
-for rschema in schema.relations():
-    if rschema.symmetric:
-        subjects = set(repr(e.type) for e in rschema.subjects())
-        objects = set(repr(e.type) for e in rschema.objects())
-        assert subjects == objects
-        martians = set(str(eid) for eid, in sql('SELECT eid_to FROM %s_relation, entities WHERE eid_to = eid AND type NOT IN (%s)' %
-                                           (rschema.type, ','.join(subjects))))
-        martians |= set(str(eid) for eid, in sql('SELECT eid_from FROM %s_relation, entities WHERE eid_from = eid AND type NOT IN (%s)' %
-                                            (rschema.type, ','.join(subjects))))
-        if martians:
-            martians = ','.join(martians)
-            print 'deleting broken relations %s for eids %s' % (rschema.type, martians)
-            sql('DELETE FROM %s_relation WHERE eid_from IN (%s) OR eid_to IN (%s)' % (rschema.type, martians, martians))
-        with session.deny_all_hooks_but():
-            rql('SET X %(r)s Y WHERE Y %(r)s X, NOT X %(r)s Y' % {'r': rschema.type})
-        commit()
-# multi columns unique constraints regeneration
-from cubicweb.server import schemaserial
-# syncschema hooks would try to remove indices but
-# 1) we already do that below
-# 2) the hook expects the attribute that hasn't
-#    yet been added
-with session.allow_all_hooks_but('syncschema'):
-    rql('DELETE CWUniqueTogetherConstraint C')
-add_attribute('CWUniqueTogetherConstraint', 'name')
-# low-level wipe code for postgres & sqlserver, plain sql ...
-if driver == 'postgres':
-    for indexname, in sql('select indexname from pg_indexes'):
-        if indexname.startswith('unique_'):
-            print 'dropping index', indexname
-            sql('DROP INDEX %s' % indexname)
-    commit()
-elif driver.startswith('sqlserver'):
-    for viewname, in sql('select name from sys.views'):
-        if viewname.startswith('utv_'):
-            print 'dropping view (index should be cascade-deleted)', viewname
-            sql('DROP VIEW %s' % viewname)
-    commit()
-# recreate the constraints, hook will lead to low-level recreation
-for eschema in sorted(schema.entities()):
-    if eschema._unique_together:
-        print 'recreate unique indexes for', eschema
-        rql_args = schemaserial.uniquetogether2rqls(eschema)
-        for rql, args in rql_args:
-            args['x'] = eschema.eid
-            session.execute(rql, args)
-# all attributes perms have to be refreshed ...
-for rschema in sorted(schema.relations()):
-    if
-        if rschema.type in fsschema:
-            print 'sync perms for', rschema.type
-            sync_schema_props_perms(rschema.type, syncprops=False, ask_confirm=False, commit=False)
-        else:
-            print 'WARNING: attribute %s missing from fs schema' % rschema.type
--- a/misc/migration/	Thu Mar 12 14:21:36 2015 +0100
+++ b/misc/migration/	Wed Mar 18 14:41:47 2015 +0100
@@ -49,6 +49,27 @@
     cursor.execute(dbh.sql_restart_numrange('entities_id_seq', initial_value=lasteid))
+if applcubicwebversion <= (3, 13, 0) and cubicwebversion >= (3, 13, 1):
+    sql('ALTER TABLE entities ADD asource VARCHAR(64)')
+    sql('UPDATE entities SET asource=cw_name  '
+        'FROM cw_CWSource, cw_source_relation '
+        'WHERE entities.eid=cw_source_relation.eid_from AND cw_source_relation.eid_to=cw_CWSource.cw_eid')
+    commit()
+if applcubicwebversion <= (3, 14, 4) and cubicwebversion >= (3, 14, 4):
+    from yams import schema2sql as y2sql
+    dbhelper = repo.system_source.dbhelper
+    rdefdef = schema['CWSource'].rdef('name')
+    attrtype = y2sql.type_from_constraints(dbhelper, rdefdef.object, rdefdef.constraints).split()[0]
+    cursor =
+    sql('UPDATE entities SET asource = source WHERE asource is NULL')
+    dbhelper.change_col_type(cursor, 'entities', 'asource', attrtype, False)
+    dbhelper.change_col_type(cursor, 'entities', 'source', attrtype, False)
+    # we now have a functional asource column, start using the normal eid_type_source method
+    if repo.system_source.eid_type_source == repo.system_source.eid_type_source_pre_131:
+        del repo.system_source.eid_type_source
 if applcubicwebversion < (3, 19, 0) and cubicwebversion >= (3, 19, 0):
         # need explicit drop of the indexes on some database systems (sqlserver)
@@ -71,6 +92,163 @@
+if schema['TZDatetime'].eid is None:
+    add_entity_type('TZDatetime', auto=False)
+if schema['TZTime'].eid is None:
+    add_entity_type('TZTime', auto=False)
+if applcubicwebversion < (3, 18, 0) and cubicwebversion >= (3, 18, 0):
+    driver = config.system_source_config['db-driver']
+    if not (driver == 'postgres' or driver.startswith('sqlserver')):
+        import sys
+        print >>sys.stderr, 'This migration is not supported for backends other than sqlserver or postgres (yet).'
+        sys.exit(1)
+    add_relation_definition('CWAttribute', 'add_permission', 'CWGroup')
+    add_relation_definition('CWAttribute', 'add_permission', 'RQLExpression')
+    # a bad defaultval in 3.13.8 schema was fixed in 3.13.9, but the migration was missed
+    rql('SET ATTR defaultval NULL WHERE ATTR from_entity E, E name "CWSource", ATTR relation_type T, T name "in_synchronization"')
+    # the migration gets confused when we change rdefs out from under it.  So
+    # explicitly remove this size constraint so it doesn't stick around and break
+    # things later.
+    rdefeid = schema['defaultval'].rdefs.values()[0].eid
+    rql('DELETE CWConstraint C WHERE C cstrtype T, T name "SizeConstraint", R constrained_by C, R eid %(eid)s', {'eid': rdefeid})
+    sync_schema_props_perms('defaultval')
+    def convert_defaultval(cwattr, default):
+        from decimal import Decimal
+        import yams
+        from cubicweb import Binary
+        if default is None:
+            return
+        if isinstance(default, Binary):
+            # partially migrated instance, try to be idempotent
+            return default
+        atype = cwattr.to_entity[0].name
+        if atype == 'Boolean':
+            # boolean attributes with default=False were stored as ''
+            assert default in ('True', 'False', ''), repr(default)
+            default = default == 'True'
+        elif atype in ('Int', 'BigInt'):
+            default = int(default)
+        elif atype == 'Float':
+            default = float(default)
+        elif atype == 'Decimal':
+            default = Decimal(default)
+        elif atype in ('Date', 'Datetime', 'TZDatetime', 'Time'):
+            try:
+                # handle NOW and TODAY, keep them stored as strings
+                yams.KEYWORD_MAP[atype][default.upper()]
+                default = default.upper()
+            except KeyError:
+                # otherwise get an actual date or datetime
+                default = yams.DATE_FACTORY_MAP[atype](default)
+        else:
+            assert atype == 'String', atype
+            default = unicode(default)
+        return Binary.zpickle(default)
+    dbh = repo.system_source.dbhelper
+    sql('ALTER TABLE cw_cwattribute ADD new_defaultval %s' % dbh.TYPE_MAPPING['Bytes'])
+    for cwattr in rql('CWAttribute X').entities():
+        olddefault = cwattr.defaultval
+        if olddefault is not None:
+            req = "UPDATE cw_cwattribute SET new_defaultval = %(val)s WHERE cw_eid = %(eid)s"
+            args = {'val': dbh.binary_value(convert_defaultval(cwattr, olddefault).getvalue()), 'eid': cwattr.eid}
+            sql(req, args, ask_confirm=False)
+    sql('ALTER TABLE cw_cwattribute DROP COLUMN cw_defaultval')
+    if driver == 'postgres':
+        sql('ALTER TABLE cw_cwattribute RENAME COLUMN new_defaultval TO cw_defaultval')
+    else: # sqlserver
+        sql("sp_rename 'cw_cwattribute.new_defaultval', 'cw_defaultval', 'COLUMN'")
+    # Set object type to "Bytes" for CWAttribute's "defaultval" attribute
+    rql('SET X to_entity B WHERE X is CWAttribute, X from_entity Y, Y name "CWAttribute", '
+        'X relation_type Z, Z name "defaultval", B name "Bytes", NOT X to_entity B')
+    oldrdef = schema['CWAttribute'].rdef('defaultval')
+    import yams.buildobjs as ybo
+    newrdef = ybo.RelationDefinition('CWAttribute', 'defaultval', 'Bytes')
+    newrdef.eid = oldrdef.eid
+    schema.add_relation_def(newrdef)
+    schema.del_relation_def('CWAttribute', 'defaultval', 'String')
+    commit()
+    sync_schema_props_perms('defaultval')
+    for rschema in schema.relations():
+        if rschema.symmetric:
+            subjects = set(repr(e.type) for e in rschema.subjects())
+            objects = set(repr(e.type) for e in rschema.objects())
+            assert subjects == objects
+            martians = set(str(eid) for eid, in sql('SELECT eid_to FROM %s_relation, entities WHERE eid_to = eid AND type NOT IN (%s)' %
+                                               (rschema.type, ','.join(subjects))))
+            martians |= set(str(eid) for eid, in sql('SELECT eid_from FROM %s_relation, entities WHERE eid_from = eid AND type NOT IN (%s)' %
+                                                (rschema.type, ','.join(subjects))))
+            if martians:
+                martians = ','.join(martians)
+                print 'deleting broken relations %s for eids %s' % (rschema.type, martians)
+                sql('DELETE FROM %s_relation WHERE eid_from IN (%s) OR eid_to IN (%s)' % (rschema.type, martians, martians))
+            with session.deny_all_hooks_but():
+                rql('SET X %(r)s Y WHERE Y %(r)s X, NOT X %(r)s Y' % {'r': rschema.type})
+            commit()
+    # multi columns unique constraints regeneration
+    from cubicweb.server import schemaserial
+    # syncschema hooks would try to remove indices but
+    # 1) we already do that below
+    # 2) the hook expects the attribute that hasn't
+    #    yet been added
+    with session.allow_all_hooks_but('syncschema'):
+        rql('DELETE CWUniqueTogetherConstraint C')
+    commit()
+    add_attribute('CWUniqueTogetherConstraint', 'name')
+    # low-level wipe code for postgres & sqlserver, plain sql ...
+    if driver == 'postgres':
+        for indexname, in sql('select indexname from pg_indexes'):
+            if indexname.startswith('unique_'):
+                print 'dropping index', indexname
+                sql('DROP INDEX %s' % indexname)
+        commit()
+    elif driver.startswith('sqlserver'):
+        for viewname, in sql('select name from sys.views'):
+            if viewname.startswith('utv_'):
+                print 'dropping view (index should be cascade-deleted)', viewname
+                sql('DROP VIEW %s' % viewname)
+        commit()
+    # recreate the constraints, hook will lead to low-level recreation
+    for eschema in sorted(schema.entities()):
+        if eschema._unique_together:
+            print 'recreate unique indexes for', eschema
+            rql_args = schemaserial.uniquetogether2rqls(eschema)
+            for rql, args in rql_args:
+                args['x'] = eschema.eid
+                session.execute(rql, args)
+    commit()
+    # all attributes perms have to be refreshed ...
+    for rschema in sorted(schema.relations()):
+        if
+            if rschema.type in fsschema:
+                print 'sync perms for', rschema.type
+                sync_schema_props_perms(rschema.type, syncprops=False, ask_confirm=False, commit=False)
+            else:
+                print 'WARNING: attribute %s missing from fs schema' % rschema.type
+    commit()
 if applcubicwebversion < (3, 17, 0) and cubicwebversion >= (3, 17, 0):
         add_cube('sioc', update_database=False)
@@ -91,18 +269,6 @@
                        'cube, which is not installed.  Continue anyway?'):
-if applcubicwebversion <= (3, 13, 0) and cubicwebversion >= (3, 13, 1):
-    sql('ALTER TABLE entities ADD asource VARCHAR(64)')
-    sql('UPDATE entities SET asource=cw_name  '
-        'FROM cw_CWSource, cw_source_relation '
-        'WHERE entities.eid=cw_source_relation.eid_from AND cw_source_relation.eid_to=cw_CWSource.cw_eid')
-    commit()
-if schema['TZDatetime'].eid is None:
-    add_entity_type('TZDatetime', auto=False)
-if schema['TZTime'].eid is None:
-    add_entity_type('TZTime', auto=False)
 if applcubicwebversion <= (3, 14, 0) and cubicwebversion >= (3, 14, 0):
     if 'require_permission' in schema and not 'localperms'in repo.config.cubes():
@@ -113,14 +279,13 @@
             raise ExecutionError('In cubicweb 3.14, CWPermission and related stuff '
                                  'has been moved to cube localperms. Install it first.')
 if applcubicwebversion == (3, 6, 0) and cubicwebversion >= (3, 6, 0):
     CSTRMAP = dict(rql('Any T, X WHERE X is CWConstraintType, X name T',
     _add_relation_definition_no_perms('CWAttribute', 'update_permission', 'CWGroup')
     _add_relation_definition_no_perms('CWAttribute', 'update_permission', 'RQLExpression')
     rql('SET X update_permission Y WHERE X is CWAttribute, X add_permission Y')
-    drop_relation_definition('CWAttribute', 'add_permission', 'CWGroup')
-    drop_relation_definition('CWAttribute', 'add_permission', 'RQLExpression')
     drop_relation_definition('CWAttribute', 'delete_permission', 'CWGroup')
     drop_relation_definition('CWAttribute', 'delete_permission', 'RQLExpression')
--- a/server/	Thu Mar 12 14:21:36 2015 +0100
+++ b/server/	Wed Mar 18 14:41:47 2015 +0100
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
           {'type' : 'csv',
-           'default' : None,
+           'default' : (),
            'help': ('List of ZMQ addresses to subscribe to (requires pyzmq) '
                     '(of the form `tcp://<ipaddr>:<port>`)'),
            'group': 'zmq', 'level': 1,
--- a/server/	Thu Mar 12 14:21:36 2015 +0100
+++ b/server/	Wed Mar 18 14:41:47 2015 +0100
@@ -995,8 +995,8 @@
         etype, extid, source = self.repo.type_and_source_from_eid(eid, self)
         metas = {'type': etype, 'source': source, 'extid': extid}
         if asdict:
-            metas['asource'] = meta['source'] # XXX pre 3.19 client compat
-            return meta
+            metas['asource'] = metas['source'] # XXX pre 3.19 client compat
+            return metas
         return etype, source, extid
--- a/server/sources/	Thu Mar 12 14:21:36 2015 +0100
+++ b/server/sources/	Wed Mar 18 14:41:47 2015 +0100
@@ -862,7 +862,7 @@
             res = list(res)
         if res[-1] is not None:
             res[-1] = b64decode(res[-1])
-        res.append(res[1])
+        res.append("system")
         return res
     def extid2eid(self, cnx, extid):
--- a/web/views/	Thu Mar 12 14:21:36 2015 +0100
+++ b/web/views/	Wed Mar 18 14:41:47 2015 +0100
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
                                 add( (cwuri, CW[rtype], URIRef(related.cwuri)) )
                                     for item in xy.xeq('%s %s' % (entity.e_schema.type, rtype)):
-                                        add( (cwuri, urijoin(item), URIRef(related.cwuri)) )
+                                        add( (cwuri, urijoin(item[1]), URIRef(related.cwuri)) )
                                 except xy.UnsupportedVocabulary: