more translation and complements
authorAurelien Campeas <>
Wed, 07 Jan 2009 14:42:43 +0100 (2009-01-07)
changeset 345 31f88b2e3500
parent 344 e0d5879a613e
child 347 2e48b50ce635
more translation and complements
--- a/doc/book/en/D010-faq.en.txt	Wed Jan 07 12:25:18 2009 +0100
+++ b/doc/book/en/D010-faq.en.txt	Wed Jan 07 14:42:43 2009 +0100
@@ -32,36 +32,38 @@
   Python is an Object Oriented Programming language and as such it
   already provides a consistent and strong architecture and syntax
-  a templating language would not reach. 
+  a templating language would not reach.
   When doing development, you need a real language and template
   languages are not real languages.
-  Using Python enables developing applications for which code is 
-  easier to maintain with real functions/classes
+  Using Python enables developing applications for which code is
+  easier to maintain with real functions/classes/contexts
   without the need of learning a new dialect. By using Python,
-  we use standard OOP techniques and this is a key factor in a 
+  we use standard OOP techniques and this is a key factor in a
   robust application.
-* Why do you use the GPL license to prevent me from doing X?
+* Why do you use the GPL license to prevent me from doing X ?
-  GPL means that *if* you redistribute your application, you need to 
-  redistribute it *and* the changes you made *and* the code _linked_ 
-  to it under the GPL licence. 
+  GPL means that *if* you redistribute your application, you need to
+  redistribute it *and* the changes you made *and* the code _linked_
+  to it under the GPL licence.
   Publishing a web site has nothing to do with redistributing
   source code. A fair amount of companies use modified GPL code
-  for internal use. And someone could publish a `CubicWeb` component 
-  under a BSD licence for others to plug into a GPL framework without 
+  for internal use. And someone could publish a `CubicWeb` component
+  under a BSD licence for others to plug into a GPL framework without
   any problem. The only thing we are trying to prevent here is someone
   taking the framework and packaging it as closed source to his own
 * CubicWeb looks pretty recent. Is it stable ?
-  [answer that framework has evolved over the past seven years and that
-  data migrated from one schema to the other ever since]
+  It is constantly evolving, piece by piece.  The framework has
+  evolved over the past seven years and data has been migrated from
+  one schema to the other ever since. There is a well-defined way to
+  handle data and schema migration.
 * Why is the RQL query language looking similar to X ?
@@ -92,8 +94,8 @@
   [we use jquery and things on top of that]
 * `Error while publishing rest text ...`
-  While modifying the description of an entity, you get an error message in 
+  While modifying the description of an entity, you get an error message in
   the application `Error while publishing ...` for Rest text and plain text.
   The server returns a traceback like as follows ::
@@ -104,31 +106,34 @@
       file =, mode, buffering)
       TypeError: __init__() takes at most 3 arguments (4 given)
   This can be fixed by applying the patch described in :
 * What are hooks used for?
-  Les crochets sont appeles lorsqu'une requete RQL est executee. Cela
-  permet d'executer des actions specifiques lors d'un acces a la base
-  de donnees, ce qui donne un controle de la base de donnees afin de
-  prevenir l'insertion de `mauvaises` entites dans la base.
+  Hooks are executed around (actually before or after) events.  The
+  most common events are data creation, update and deletion.  They
+  permit additional constraint checking (those not expressible at the
+  schema level), pre and post computations depending on data
+  movements.
+  As such, they are a vital part of the framework.
+  Other kinds of hooks, called Operations, are available
+  for execution just before commit.
 * When should you define an HTML template rather than define a graphical component?
-  Un template HTML ne peut contenir de logique, il ne permettra donc
-  que de definir une vue statique. Un composant permet lui de gerer
-  plus de logique et d'operations sur le contexte dans lequel il 
-  s'applique. Il faut donc bien reflechir avant de decider de l'un ou
-  de l'autre, mais vous avez la possibilite de choisir.
+  An HTML template cannot contain code, hence it is only about static
+  content.  A component is made of code and operations that apply on a
+  well defined context (request, result set). It enables much more
+  dynamic views.
 * What is the difference between `AppRsetObject` and `AppObject` ?
-  La différence entre la classe `AppRsetObject` et la classe `AppObject` est que
-  les instances de la premières sont séléctionnées pour une requête et un "result
-  set" et alors que les secondes ne sont séléctionnées qu'en fonction de leur
-  identifiant.
+  `AppRsetObject` instances are selected on a request and a result
+  set. `AppObject` instances are directly selected by id.
@@ -137,20 +142,20 @@
 * How to update a database after a schema modification?
-  Cela dépend de ce qui a été modifié dans le schéma. 
-  * Modification d'une relation non finale
+  It depends on what has been modified in the schema.
-  * Modification d'une relation finale 
+  * Update of a non final relation.
+  * Update of a final relation.
 * How to create an anonymous user?
-  Cela vous permet d'acceder a votre site sans avoir besoin de vous authentifier.
-  Dans le fichier ``all-in-one.conf`` de votre instance, définir l'utilisateur
-  anonyme en initilisant les valeurs des variables suivantes ::
+  This allows to bypass authentication for your site. In the
+  ``all-in-one.conf`` file of your instance, define the anonymous user
+  as follows ::
     # login of the Erudi user account to use for anonymous user (if you want to
     # allow anonymous)
@@ -158,25 +163,25 @@
     # password of the Erudi user account matching login
-  Vous devez aussi vous assurer que cet utilisateur `anon` existe dans la base
-  de données, le plus simple étant de s'identifier sur votre application en
-  administrateur et de rajouter l'utilisateur `anon` via l'interface d'administration.
+  You also must ensure that this `anon` user is a registered user of
+  the DB backend. This could be the admin account (for development
+  purposes, of course).
 * How to change the application logo?
   There are two ways of changing the logo.
   1. The easiest way to use a different logo is to replace the existing
      ``logo.png`` in ``myapp/data`` by your prefered icon and refresh.
-     By default all application will look for a ``logo.png`` to be 
+     By default all application will look for a ``logo.png`` to be
      rendered in the logo section.
      .. image:: images/lax-book.06-main-template-logo.en.png
   2. In your cube directory, you can specify which file to use for the logo.
      This is configurable in ``mycube/data/external_resources``: ::
        LOGO = DATADIR/path/to/mylogo.gif
      where DATADIR is ``mycubes/data``.
@@ -185,7 +190,7 @@
   Here is a very usefull script which enables you to import LDAP users
   into your `CubicWeb` application by runing the following: ::
     import os
     import pwd
@@ -236,4 +241,4 @@