[ms] more planning bug fixes stable
authorSylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr>
Fri, 20 Aug 2010 10:59:57 +0200 (2010-08-20)
changeset 6131 087c5a168010
parent 6130 15fa8425b6e7
child 6132 440df442d705
[ms] more planning bug fixes * fix sourcesterms w/ constant: all occurences of the same constant should be there once one of them is * fix handling of constant and relation in expand_terms: * we should always consider system source there for constants * for relation, we should check its lhs and rhs are in selected terms, not that the relation is in linkedterms (this has no chance to be true) This fixes 3 tests that were either passing erroneously (syt should be punished for copy/paste output as test reulst without triple checking it) or were not optimal.
--- a/server/msplanner.py	Fri Aug 20 08:36:58 2010 +0200
+++ b/server/msplanner.py	Fri Aug 20 10:59:57 2010 +0200
@@ -110,6 +110,11 @@
 # str() Constant.value to ensure generated table name won't be unicode
 Constant._ms_table_key = lambda x: str(x.value)
+Variable._ms_may_be_processed = lambda x, terms, linkedterms: any(
+    t for t in terms if t in linkedterms.get(x, ()))
+Relation._ms_may_be_processed = lambda x, terms, linkedterms: all(
+    getattr(hs, 'variable', hs) in terms for hs in x.get_variable_parts())
 def ms_scope(term):
     rel = None
     scope = term.scope
@@ -411,7 +416,8 @@
                 for const in vconsts:
                     self._set_source_for_term(source, const)
             elif not self._sourcesterms:
-                self._set_source_for_term(source, const)
+                for const in vconsts:
+                    self._set_source_for_term(source, const)
             elif source in self._sourcesterms:
                 source_scopes = frozenset(ms_scope(t) for t in self._sourcesterms[source])
                 for const in vconsts:
@@ -480,6 +486,7 @@
                     # not supported by the source, so we can stop here
                 self._sourcesterms.setdefault(ssource, {})[rel] = set(self._solindices)
+                solindices = None
                 for term in crossvars:
                     if len(termssources[term]) == 1 and iter(termssources[term]).next()[0].uri == 'system':
                         for ov in crossvars:
@@ -487,8 +494,14 @@
                                 ssset = frozenset((ssource,))
                                 self._remove_sources(ov, termssources[ov] - ssset)
+                    if solindices is None:
+                        solindices = set(sol for s, sol in termssources[term]
+                                         if s is source)
+                    else:
+                        solindices &= set(sol for s, sol in termssources[term]
+                                          if s is source)
-                    self._sourcesterms.setdefault(source, {})[rel] = set(self._solindices)
+                    self._sourcesterms.setdefault(source, {})[rel] = solindices
     def _remove_invalid_sources(self, termssources):
         """removes invalid sources from `sourcesterms` member according to
@@ -801,10 +814,13 @@
                                     rhsvar = rhs.variable
                                 except AttributeError:
                                     rhsvar = rhs
-                                if lhsvar in terms and not rhsvar in terms:
-                                    needsel.add(lhsvar.name)
-                                elif rhsvar in terms and not lhsvar in terms:
-                                    needsel.add(rhsvar.name)
+                                try:
+                                    if lhsvar in terms and not rhsvar in terms:
+                                        needsel.add(lhsvar.name)
+                                    elif rhsvar in terms and not lhsvar in terms:
+                                        needsel.add(rhsvar.name)
+                                except AttributeError:
+                                    continue # not an attribute, no selection needed
                 if final and source.uri != 'system':
                     # check rewritten constants
                     for vconsts in select.stinfo['rewritten'].itervalues():
@@ -939,13 +955,14 @@
                 exclude[vars[1]] = vars[0]
             except IndexError:
-        accept_term = lambda x: (not any(s for s in sources if not x in sourcesterms.get(s, ()))
-                                 and any(t for t in terms if t in linkedterms.get(x, ()))
+        accept_term = lambda x: (not any(s for s in sources
+                                         if not x in sourcesterms.get(s, ()))
+                                 and x._ms_may_be_processed(terms, linkedterms)
                                  and not exclude.get(x) in terms)
         if isinstance(term, Relation) and term in cross_rels:
             cross_terms = cross_rels.pop(term)
             base_accept_term = accept_term
-            accept_term = lambda x: (base_accept_term(x) or x in cross_terms)
+            accept_term = lambda x: (accept_term(x) or x in cross_terms)
             for refed in cross_terms:
                 if not refed in candidates:
@@ -956,7 +973,11 @@
             modified = False
             for term in candidates[:]:
                 if isinstance(term, Constant):
-                    if sorted(set(x[0] for x in self._term_sources(term))) != sources:
+                    termsources = set(x[0] for x in self._term_sources(term))
+                    # ensure system source is there for constant
+                    if self.system_source in sources:
+                        termsources.add(self.system_source)
+                    if sorted(termsources) != sources:
@@ -1614,6 +1635,8 @@
                 for vref in supportedvars:
                     if not vref in newroot.get_selected_variables():
+            elif term in self.terms:
+                newroot.append_selected(term.copy(newroot))
     def add_necessary_selection(self, newroot, terms):
         selected = tuple(newroot.get_selected_variables())
--- a/server/sources/rql2sql.py	Fri Aug 20 08:36:58 2010 +0200
+++ b/server/sources/rql2sql.py	Fri Aug 20 10:59:57 2010 +0200
@@ -1154,9 +1154,13 @@
         if constant.type == 'Boolean':
             value = self.dbhelper.boolean_value(value)
         if constant.type == 'Substitute':
-            _id = constant.value
-            if isinstance(_id, unicode):
-                _id = _id.encode()
+            try:
+                # we may found constant from simplified var in varmap
+                return self._mapped_term(constant, '%%(%s)s' % value)[0]
+            except KeyError:
+                _id = constant.value
+                if isinstance(_id, unicode):
+                    _id = _id.encode()
             _id = str(id(constant)).replace('-', '', 1)
             self._query_attrs[_id] = value
@@ -1262,12 +1266,19 @@
         return scope
+    def _mapped_term(self, term, key):
+        """return sql and table alias to the `term`, mapped as `key` or raise
+        KeyError when the key is not found in the varmap
+        """
+        sql = self._varmap[key]
+        tablealias = sql.split('.', 1)[0]
+        scope = self._temp_table_scope(term.stmt, tablealias)
+        self.add_table(tablealias, scope=scope)
+        return sql, tablealias
     def _var_info(self, var):
-            sql = self._varmap[var.name]
-            tablealias = sql.split('.', 1)[0]
-            scope = self._temp_table_scope(var.stmt, tablealias)
-            self.add_table(tablealias, scope=scope)
+            return self._mapped_term(var, var.name)
         except KeyError:
             scope = self._state.scopes[var.scope]
             etype = self._state.solution[var.name]
--- a/server/test/unittest_msplanner.py	Fri Aug 20 08:36:58 2010 +0200
+++ b/server/test/unittest_msplanner.py	Fri Aug 20 10:59:57 2010 +0200
@@ -1541,20 +1541,11 @@
     def test_crossed_relation_eid_2_needattr(self):
         repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999)
         self._test('Any Y,T WHERE X eid %(x)s, X multisource_crossed_rel Y, Y type T',
-                   [('FetchStep', [('Any Y,T WHERE Y type T, Y is Note', [{'T': 'String', 'Y': 'Note'}])],
-                     [self.cards, self.system], None,
-                     {'T': 'table0.C1', 'Y': 'table0.C0', 'Y.type': 'table0.C1'}, []),
-                    ('UnionStep', None, None,
-                     [('OneFetchStep', [('Any Y,T WHERE 999999 multisource_crossed_rel Y, Y type T, Y is Note',
-                                         [{'T': 'String', 'Y': 'Note'}])],
-                       None, None, [self.cards], None,
-                       []),
-                      ('OneFetchStep', [('Any Y,T WHERE 999999 multisource_crossed_rel Y, Y type T, Y is Note',
-                                         [{'T': 'String', 'Y': 'Note'}])],
-                       None, None, [self.system],
-                       {'T': 'table0.C1', 'Y': 'table0.C0', 'Y.type': 'table0.C1'},
-                       [])]
-                     )],
+                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any Y,T WHERE 999999 multisource_crossed_rel Y, Y type T, Y is Note',
+                                       [{'T': 'String', 'Y': 'Note'}])],
+                     None, None, [self.cards, self.system], {},
+                     []),
+                    ],
                    {'x': 999999,})
     def test_crossed_relation_eid_not_1(self):
@@ -1789,39 +1780,22 @@
             self._test('Any X,AA ORDERBY AA WHERE E eid %(x)s, E see_also X, X modification_date AA',
-                       [('FetchStep', [('Any X,AA WHERE X modification_date AA, X is Note',
-                                        [{'AA': 'Datetime', 'X': 'Note'}])],
-                         [self.cards, self.system], None,
-                         {'AA': 'table0.C1', 'X': 'table0.C0',
-                          'X.modification_date': 'table0.C1'},
-                         []),
-                        ('AggrStep', 'SELECT table1.C0, table1.C1 FROM table1 ORDER BY table1.C1',
+                       [('AggrStep',
+                         'SELECT table0.C0, table0.C1 FROM table0 ORDER BY table0.C1',
-                         [('FetchStep', [('Any X,AA WHERE 999999 see_also X, X modification_date AA, X is IN(Bookmark)',
-                                          [{'AA': 'Datetime', 'X': 'Bookmark'}])],
-                           [self.cards, self.system],
-                           {},
-                           {'AA': 'table1.C1',
-                            'X': 'table1.C0', 'X.modification_date': 'table1.C1'},
+                         [('FetchStep',
+                           [('Any X,AA WHERE 999999 see_also X, X modification_date AA, X is Note',
+                             [{'AA': 'Datetime', 'X': 'Note'}])], [self.cards, self.system], {},
+                           {'AA': 'table0.C1', 'X': 'table0.C0',
+                            'X.modification_date': 'table0.C1'},
-                           [('Any X,AA WHERE 999999 see_also X, X modification_date AA, X is IN(Note)',
-                             [{'AA': 'Datetime', 'X': 'Note'}])],
-                           [self.cards],
-                           None,
-                           {'AA': 'table1.C1',
-                            'X': 'table1.C0', 'X.modification_date': 'table1.C1'},
-                           []),
-                          ('FetchStep',
-                           [('Any X,AA WHERE 999999 see_also X, X modification_date AA, X is IN(Note)',
-                             [{'AA': 'Datetime', 'X': 'Note'}])],
-                           [self.system],
-                           {'AA': 'table0.C1',
-                            'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.modification_date': 'table0.C1'},
-                           {'AA': 'table1.C1',
-                            'X': 'table1.C0', 'X.modification_date': 'table1.C1'},
-                           [])]
-                         )],
+                           [('Any X,AA WHERE 999999 see_also X, X modification_date AA, X is Bookmark',
+                             [{'AA': 'Datetime', 'X': 'Bookmark'}])],
+                           [self.system], {},
+                           {'AA': 'table0.C1', 'X': 'table0.C0',
+                            'X.modification_date': 'table0.C1'},
+                           [])])],
                          {'x': 999999})
             del self.cards.support_relations['see_also']
@@ -1943,11 +1917,16 @@
     def test_nonregr8(self):
         repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999)
         self._test('Any X,Z WHERE X eid %(x)s, X multisource_rel Y, Z concerne X',
-                   [('FetchStep', [('Any  WHERE 999999 multisource_rel Y, Y is Note', [{'Y': 'Note'}])],
-                     [self.cards], None, {}, []),
+                   [('FetchStep', [('Any 999999 WHERE 999999 multisource_rel Y, Y is Note',
+                                    [{'Y': 'Note'}])],
+                     [self.cards],
+                     None, {u'%(x)s': 'table0.C0'},
+                     []),
                     ('OneFetchStep', [('Any 999999,Z WHERE Z concerne 999999, Z is Affaire',
                                        [{'Z': 'Affaire'}])],
-                     None, None, [self.system], {}, [])],
+                     None, None, [self.system],
+                     {u'%(x)s': 'table0.C0'}, []),
+                    ],
                    {'x': 999999})
     def test_nonregr9(self):