[server] Make connection pooler configurable and set better default values
Drop the configuration connections-pool-size and add new configurations options:
* connections-pool-min-size. Set to 0 by default so we open connections only
when needed. This avoid opening min-size*processes connections at startup,
which is, it think, a good default.
* connections-pool-max-size. Set to 0 (unlimited) by default, so we move the
bottleneck to postgresql.
* connections-idle-timeout. Set to 10 minutes. I don't have arguments about
this except that this is the default in pgbouncer.
BNF grammar
The terminal elements are in capital letters, non-terminal in lowercase.
The value of the terminal elements (between quotes) is a Python regular
statement ::= (select | delete | insert | update) ';'
# select specific rules
select ::= 'DISTINCT'? E_TYPE selected_terms restriction? group? sort?
selected_terms ::= expression ( ',' expression)*
sort ::= 'ORDERBY' sort_term ( ',' sort_term)*
sort_term ::= VARIABLE sort_method =?
sort_method ::= 'ASC' | 'DESC'
# delete specific rules
delete ::= 'DELETE' (variables_declaration | relations_declaration) restriction?
# insert specific rules
insert ::= 'INSERT' variables_declaration ( ':' relations_declaration)? restriction?
# update specific rules
update ::= 'SET' relations_declaration restriction
# common rules
variables_declaration ::= E_TYPE VARIABLE (',' E_TYPE VARIABLE)*
relations_declaration ::= simple_relation (',' simple_relation)*
simple_relation ::= VARIABLE R_TYPE expression
restriction ::= 'WHERE' relations
relations ::= relation (LOGIC_OP relation)*
| '(' relations')'
relation ::= 'NOT'? VARIABLE R_TYPE COMP_OP? expression
| 'NOT'? R_TYPE VARIABLE 'IN' '(' expression (',' expression)* ')'
expression ::= var_or_func_or_const (MATH_OP var_or_func_or_const) *
| '(' expression ')'
var_or_func_or_const ::= VARIABLE | function | constant
function ::= FUNCTION '(' expression ( ',' expression) * ')'
constant ::= KEYWORD | STRING | FLOAT | INT
# tokens
LOGIC_OP ::= ',' | 'OR' | 'AND'
MATH_OP ::= '+' | '-' | '/' | '*'
COMP_OP ::= '>' | '>=' | '=' | '<=' | '<' | '~=' | 'LIKE'
FUNCTION ::= 'MIN' | 'MAX' | 'SUM' | 'AVG' | 'COUNT' | 'UPPER' | 'LOWER'
VARIABLE ::= '[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*'
E_TYPE ::= '[A-Z]\w*'
R_TYPE ::= '[a-z_]+'
STRING ::= "'([^'\]|\\.)*'" |'"([^\"]|\\.)*\"'
FLOAT ::= '\d+\.\d*'
INT ::= '\d+'
Internal representation (syntactic tree)
The tree research does not contain the selected variables
(e.g. there is only what follows "WHERE").
The insertion tree does not contain the variables inserted or relations
defined on these variables (e.g. there is only what follows "WHERE").
The removal tree does not contain the deleted variables and relations
(e.g. there is only what follows the "WHERE").
The update tree does not contain the variables and relations updated
(e.g. there is only what follows the "WHERE").
Select ((Relationship | And | Or)?, Group?, Sort?)
Insert (Relations | And | Or)?
Delete (Relationship | And | Or)?
Update (Relations | And | Or)?
And ((Relationship | And | Or), (Relationship | And | Or))
Or ((Relationship | And | Or), (Relationship | And | Or))
Relationship ((VariableRef, Comparison))
Comparison ((Function | MathExpression | Keyword | Constant | VariableRef) +)
Function (())
MathExpression ((MathExpression | Keyword | Constant | VariableRef), (MathExpression | Keyword | Constant | VariableRef))
Group (VariableRef +)
Sort (SortTerm +)
SortTerm (VariableRef +)
VariableRef ()
Variable ()
Keyword ()
Constant ()
Known limitations
- The current implementation does not support linking two relations of type 'is'
with an OR. I do not think that the negation is supported on this type of
relation (XXX to be confirmed).
- missing COALESCE and certainly other things...
- writing an rql query requires knowledge of the used schema (with real relation
names and entities, not those viewed in the user interface). On the other
hand, we cannot really bypass that, and it is the job of a user interface to
hide the RQL.
It would be convenient to express the schema matching
relations (non-recursive rules)::
Document class Type <-> Document occurence_of Fiche class Type
Sheet class Type <-> Form collection Collection class Type
Therefore 1. becomes::
Document X where
X class C, C name 'Cartoon'
X owned_by U, U login 'syt'
X available true
I'm not sure that we should handle this at RQL level ...
There should also be a special relation 'anonymous'.