author Philippe Pepiot <>
Tue, 31 Mar 2020 18:22:05 +0200
changeset 12966 6cd938c29ca3
parent 12567 26744ad37953
permissions -rw-r--r--
[server] Make connection pooler configurable and set better default values Drop the configuration connections-pool-size and add new configurations options: * connections-pool-min-size. Set to 0 by default so we open connections only when needed. This avoid opening min-size*processes connections at startup, which is, it think, a good default. * connections-pool-max-size. Set to 0 (unlimited) by default, so we move the bottleneck to postgresql. * connections-idle-timeout. Set to 10 minutes. I don't have arguments about this except that this is the default in pgbouncer.

add_relation_definition('CWSource', 'cw_source', 'CWSource')

with session.allow_all_hooks_but('cw.sources'):
    create_entity('CWSource', type=u'native', name=u'system')

sql('INSERT INTO cw_source_relation(eid_from,eid_to) '
    'SELECT e.eid,s.cw_eid FROM entities as e, cw_CWSource as s '
    'WHERE s.cw_name=e.type')

for uri, cfg in config.read_sources_file().items():
    if uri in ('system', 'admin'):
    config = u'\n'.join('%s=%s' % (key, value) for key, value in cfg.items()
                        if key != 'adapter' and value is not None)
    create_entity('CWSource', name=uri, type=cfg['adapter'],

# rename cwprops for boxes/contentnavigation
for x in rql('Any X,XK WHERE X pkey XK, '
             'X pkey ~= "boxes.%" OR '
             'X pkey ~= "contentnavigation.%"').entities():
    x.cw_set(pkey=u'ctxcomponents.' + x.pkey.split('.', 1)[1])