author | Sylvain Thénault <> |
Wed, 14 Apr 2010 11:26:36 +0200 | |
changeset 5246 | 3246b1f88a18 |
parent 5223 | 6abd6e3599f4 |
child 5423 | e15abfdcce38 |
permissions | -rw-r--r-- |
"""WSGI request handler for cubicweb :organization: Logilab :copyright: 2008-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), license is LGPL v2. :contact: -- :license: GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 - """ __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" from cubicweb import AuthenticationError from cubicweb.web import Redirect, DirectResponse, StatusResponse, LogOut from cubicweb.web.application import CubicWebPublisher from cubicweb.wsgi.request import CubicWebWsgiRequest # See STATUS_CODE_TEXT = { 100: 'CONTINUE', 101: 'SWITCHING PROTOCOLS', 200: 'OK', 201: 'CREATED', 202: 'ACCEPTED', 203: 'NON-AUTHORITATIVE INFORMATION', 204: 'NO CONTENT', 205: 'RESET CONTENT', 206: 'PARTIAL CONTENT', 300: 'MULTIPLE CHOICES', 301: 'MOVED PERMANENTLY', 302: 'FOUND', 303: 'SEE OTHER', 304: 'NOT MODIFIED', 305: 'USE PROXY', 306: 'RESERVED', 307: 'TEMPORARY REDIRECT', 400: 'BAD REQUEST', 401: 'UNAUTHORIZED', 402: 'PAYMENT REQUIRED', 403: 'FORBIDDEN', 404: 'NOT FOUND', 405: 'METHOD NOT ALLOWED', 406: 'NOT ACCEPTABLE', 407: 'PROXY AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED', 408: 'REQUEST TIMEOUT', 409: 'CONFLICT', 410: 'GONE', 411: 'LENGTH REQUIRED', 412: 'PRECONDITION FAILED', 413: 'REQUEST ENTITY TOO LARGE', 414: 'REQUEST-URI TOO LONG', 415: 'UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE', 416: 'REQUESTED RANGE NOT SATISFIABLE', 417: 'EXPECTATION FAILED', 500: 'INTERNAL SERVER ERROR', 501: 'NOT IMPLEMENTED', 502: 'BAD GATEWAY', 503: 'SERVICE UNAVAILABLE', 504: 'GATEWAY TIMEOUT', 505: 'HTTP VERSION NOT SUPPORTED', } class WSGIResponse(object): """encapsulates the wsgi response parameters (code, headers and body if there is one) """ def __init__(self, code, req, body=None): text = STATUS_CODE_TEXT.get(code, 'UNKNOWN STATUS CODE') self.status = '%s %s' % (code, text) self.headers = [(str(k), str(v)) for k, v in req.headers_out.items()] if body: self.body = [body] else: self.body = [] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.body) class CubicWebWSGIApplication(object): """This is the wsgi application which will be called by the wsgi server with the WSGI ``environ`` and ``start_response`` parameters. XXX: missing looping tasks and proper repository shutdown when the application is stopped. NOTE: no pyro """ def __init__(self, config, debug=None, vreg=None): self.appli = CubicWebPublisher(config, debug=debug, vreg=vreg) self.debugmode = debug self.config = config self.base_url = None # self.base_url = config['base-url'] or config.default_base_url() # assert self.base_url[-1] == '/' # self.https_url = config['https-url'] # assert not self.https_url or self.https_url[-1] == '/' self.url_rewriter = self.appli.vreg['components'].select_or_none('urlrewriter') def _render(self, req): """this function performs the actual rendering XXX missing: https handling, url rewriting, cache management, authentication """ if self.base_url is None: self.base_url = self.config._base_url = req.base_url() # XXX https handling needs to be implemented if req.authmode == 'http': # activate realm-based auth realm = self.config['realm'] req.set_header('WWW-Authenticate', [('Basic', {'realm' : realm })], raw=False) try: self.appli.connect(req) except Redirect, ex: return self.redirect(req, ex.location) path = req.path if not path or path == "/": path = 'view' try: result = self.appli.publish(path, req) except DirectResponse, ex: return WSGIResponse(200, req, ex.response) except StatusResponse, ex: return WSGIResponse(ex.status, req, ex.content) except AuthenticationError: # must be before AuthenticationError return self.request_auth(req) except LogOut: if self.config['auth-mode'] == 'cookie': # in cookie mode redirecting to the index view is enough : # either anonymous connection is allowed and the page will # be displayed or we'll be redirected to the login form msg = req._('you have been logged out') # if req.https: # req._base_url = self.base_url # req.https = False url = req.build_url('view', vid='index', __message=msg) return self.redirect(req, url) else: # in http we have to request auth to flush current http auth # information return self.request_auth(req, loggedout=True) except Redirect, ex: return self.redirect(req, ex.location) if not result: # no result, something went wrong... self.error('no data (%s)', req) # 500 Internal server error return self.redirect(req, req.build_url('error')) return WSGIResponse(200, req, result) def __call__(self, environ, start_response): """WSGI protocol entry point""" req = CubicWebWsgiRequest(environ, self.appli.vreg, self.base_url) response = self._render(req) start_response(response.status, response.headers) return response.body def redirect(self, req, location): """convenience function which builds a redirect WSGIResponse""" self.debug('redirecting to %s', location) req.set_header('location', str(location)) return WSGIResponse(303, req) def request_auth(self, req, loggedout=False): """returns the appropriate WSGIResponse to require the user to log in """ # if self.https_url and req.base_url() != self.https_url: # return self.redirect(self.https_url + 'login') if self.config['auth-mode'] == 'http': code = 401 # UNAUTHORIZED else: code = 403 # FORBIDDEN if loggedout: # if req.https: # req._base_url = self.base_url # req.https = False content = self.appli.loggedout_content(req) else: content = self.appli.need_login_content(req) return WSGIResponse(code, req, content) from logging import getLogger from cubicweb import set_log_methods set_log_methods(CubicWebWSGIApplication, getLogger('cubicweb.wsgi'))