====== LVM - Logical volume manager ====== * https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html/logical_volume_manager_administration/index * https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/LVM * https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/LVM * List Physical Volumes: ''pvs'' * List Volume Groups: ''vgs'' * List Volumes: ''lvs'' pvcreate /dev/sdX vgcreate vg0 /dev/sdX ===== Thin volumes ===== It's better to use thin provisioned volumes to have snapshots comes for free (copy on write) and are better for SSDs Thin provisioned volumes are created from a "pool". lvcreate -L 100G --thin vg/thin Then create volume within the pool: lvcreate -n myvol -T vg/thin -V 10G Then to take a snapshot: lvcreate -kn -n myvol_snap -s vg/myvol To restore the snapshot lvremove vg/myvol lvrename vg/myvol_snap vg/myvol ==== Non-Thin volumes ==== Create a volume: lvcreate -L10G -n myvol vg Take a snapshot, you **MUST** give a size here, the diff between snapshot and original volume will be stored here. In case of this space being consumed, the snapshot is corrupted :/ lvcreate -L2G -s -n myvol_snap vg/myvol To restore the snapshot lvconvert --merge vg/myvol_snap === Backup using lvm snapshots === * [[soft:burp|script for BURP backup program]] * http://ed.zehome.com/2018/sauvegarde-lvm-simple-partie-2/ backup block device limiting impact on CPU and disk I/O