2020-03-12 Manuel Jacob WIP: fix draft
2020-03-12 Manuel Jacob WIP: rotate loop draft
2020-03-12 Manuel Jacob WIP: test draft
2020-03-06 Martin von Zweigbergk build: make docs/conf.py compatible with py3 draft
2020-01-16 Anton Shestakov obshistory: add _debugobshistorydisplaypredsandmarkers() and test it draft
2020-01-13 Anton Shestakov obshistory: make patchavailable() handle predecessors too draft
2020-01-15 Anton Shestakov templatekw: add obsorigin keyword draft
2020-01-14 Anton Shestakov obshistory: implement predecessorsandmarkers() for obsorigin draft
2020-02-02 Pierre-Yves David fold: proposal for output improvement draft
2019-12-28 Rodrigo Damazio Bovendorp obslog: add display of precursor information to the default template draft
2019-12-28 Rodrigo Damazio Bovendorp obslog: add flags to control the output of precursors and successors draft
2020-02-01 Rodrigo Damazio Bovendorp obslog: extract display of a markers to its own function draft
2020-01-27 Anton Shestakov tests: allow an empty merge commit to have tests pass without too many changes draft stable
2020-01-26 Anton Shestakov uncommit: use repo.setparents() instead of repo.dirstate.setparents() draft stable
2020-01-26 Anton Shestakov touch: use repo.setparents() instead of repo.dirstate.setparents() draft stable
2020-01-26 Anton Shestakov evolve: use repo.setparents() instead of repo.dirstate.setparents() draft stable
2019-09-02 Anton Shestakov tests: demonstrate that evolve swaps parents of merge commits draft stable
2020-01-22 Anton Shestakov ci: cache pytype-related files between runs draft
2019-11-10 Sushil khanchi evolve: add pre-check logic for creation of phase divergence locally draft
2019-11-10 Sushil khanchi evolve: add test to show that user can create phase-divergence locally draft
2019-12-29 Sushil khanchi evolve: remove unnecessary code since it's been covered already draft
2019-12-29 Sushil khanchi test: no need to look at full log draft
2019-12-29 Sushil khanchi evolve: refactor content-divergence resolution logic draft
2019-12-29 Sushil khanchi evolve: remove duplicated code draft
2019-11-24 Sushil khanchi evolve: make necessary changes in a test to reflect a fix in next patch draft
2019-12-22 Sushil khanchi evolve: add quotes around the action in msg of pre-checking draft
2019-12-04 Sushil khanchi metaedit: use pre-checking before rewriting csets draft
2019-12-14 Sushil khanchi evolve: update the pre-check message for risk of orphans draft
2019-11-10 Sushil khanchi evolve: add pre-check logic for creation of phase divergence locally draft
2019-11-10 Sushil khanchi evolve: add test to show that user can create phase-divergence locally draft
2019-11-03 Sushil khanchi evolve: remove a check which is already done by rewriteutil.precheck() draft
2019-11-03 Sushil khanchi evolve: add pre-check logic for content-divergence in rewriteutil.precheck() draft
2019-12-26 Martin von Zweigbergk topic: make in-memory rebase preserve topic draft
2019-12-18 Boris Feld Temporary commit for time measurement of test file + pandoc draft
2019-12-18 Boris Feld ci: Add CI job for building the documentation draft
2019-11-22 Boris Feld tutorial: compile the tutorial in rst so it can be included draft
2019-11-22 Boris Feld tutorial: run the tutorial test file to update to latests ui messages draft
2019-11-22 Boris Feld ignore: fix hgignore to point to the correct folder draft
2019-09-12 Anton Shestakov stack: rename stack.revs into stack.indexedrevs draft
2019-09-12 Anton Shestakov stack: return from behindcount() early draft
2019-09-12 Anton Shestakov stack: use self._revs in stack.behindcount() draft
2019-09-12 Anton Shestakov stack: use self._revs in stack.heads() draft
2018-09-04 Boris Feld pick: Add a test to check that pick pick the right content draft
2018-02-01 Boris Feld WIP on handling stacks draft
2018-01-15 Boris Feld test: add a test for current behavior of precursors revset draft
2020-03-29 Anton Shestakov obshistory: give a more correct name to a variable
2020-03-29 Anton Shestakov tests: unindent lines that only have one leading space stable
2020-03-27 Anton Shestakov rewind: make __rewind-hash__ extra field be bytes stable
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