2015-08-12 Durham Goode inhibit: fix inhibit working with non-inhibit repos stable
2015-08-12 Siddharth Agarwal directaccess: don't try to partialmatch things that aren't hashes stable
2015-08-10 Pierre-Yves David merge with stable
2015-08-10 Pierre-Yves David next: properly report no children when --evolve is used stable
2015-08-10 Pierre-Yves David inhibit: do not search for visible obsolete changeset during stripping stable
2015-08-08 Laurent Charignon split: handle bookmarks instead of leaving them on precursor
2015-08-08 Laurent Charignon split: don't update before it is actually needed
2015-08-08 Laurent Charignon split: add more output to the test
2015-08-08 Laurent Charignon split: fix commit message numbering error in the test
2015-06-24 Laurent Charignon evolve: handle split commit for instability
2015-08-07 Pierre-Yves David merge with stable
2015-08-07 Laurent Charignon evolve: add test for instability stable
2015-06-18 Laurent Charignon evolve: add a command to split commits
2015-08-03 Pierre-Yves David merge with stable
2015-08-02 Matt Harbison test-inhibit: simplify push destinations for Windows stable
2015-08-02 Matt Harbison test-sharing: fix globs for Windows stable
2015-07-29 Laurent Charignon inhibit: don't abort when directaccess is not enabled
2015-07-10 Pierre-Yves David merge with stable
2015-07-09 Laurent Charignon inhibit: add missing locking in wrapper for obsmarker creation stable
2015-06-25 Laurent Charignon evolve: (issue4386) cleanup, split, fold and bijection in `hg prune`
2015-07-01 Pierre-Yves David merge with stable
2015-06-26 André Sintzoff evolve: fix typo in fold docstring stable
2015-06-26 André Sintzoff evolve: remove trailing spaces stable
2015-06-24 Laurent Charignon evolve: dedupe divergents when running evolve --all --any or evolve --rev stable
2015-06-24 Laurent Charignon evolve: remove unused warning message in _solvedivergent stable
2015-06-29 Pierre-Yves David compat: use svfs instead of sopener stable
2015-06-26 Pierre-Yves David fold: avoid using x:y in the help stable
2015-06-25 Laurent Charignon evolve: improve the help of the fold command stable
2015-06-26 Pierre-Yves David merge with stable
2015-06-26 Pierre-Yves David Added tag 5.2.0 for changeset 44a9dcb3fefc stable
2015-06-26 Pierre-Yves David merge with 3.3 stable 5.2.0
2015-06-26 Pierre-Yves David fix version number mercurial-3.3
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