2015-06-23 Pierre-Yves David close inactive compatibility branch compat-hg2.4
2015-06-23 Pierre-Yves David close inactive compatibility branch mercurial-2.2
2015-06-22 Laurent Charignon evolve: raise MultipleSuccessorsError when computing dependency for split commits
2015-06-23 Pierre-Yves David next/prev: require --merge to move with uncommitted changes
2015-06-23 Pierre-Yves David merge with stable
2015-06-23 Pierre-Yves David Added tag 5.1.5 for changeset 1377f6a7f9ec stable
2015-06-23 Pierre-Yves David prepare version 5.1.5 stable 5.1.5
2015-06-23 Pierre-Yves David evolve: non recursive implementation for _aspiringdescendants
2015-06-23 Pierre-Yves David evolve: distinct between '--all' and '--all --any'
2015-06-23 Pierre-Yves David rework refactor _aspiringchildren by introducing _possibledestination
2015-06-23 Pierre-Yves David evolve: consider all potential candidates on bare evolve
2015-06-23 Laurent Charignon evolve: fix an issue in the documentation of the evolve function
2015-06-22 Laurent Charignon evolve: fix error in builddependencies
2015-06-20 Laurent Charignon test-evolve-bumped: add new test case for merge
2015-06-20 Laurent Charignon test-evolve-bumped: improve tests legibility
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