exchange: rename the module
authorPierre-Yves David <>
Tue, 07 Mar 2017 14:19:12 +0100 (2017-03-07)
changeset 2053 f3765c4a352a
parent 2052 05170e635e26
child 2054 f9d65d24b9f9
exchange: rename the module Let's add a 'obs' prefix to make the module role clearer.
--- a/hgext3rd/evolve/	Wed Mar 08 23:04:45 2017 +0100
+++ b/hgext3rd/evolve/	Tue Mar 07 14:19:12 2017 +0100
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
 from mercurial.node import nullid
 from . import (
-    exchange,
+    obsexchange,
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
 eh = exthelper.exthelper()
 uisetup = eh.final_uisetup
 extsetup = eh.final_extsetup
 reposetup = eh.final_reposetup
@@ -3093,7 +3093,7 @@
-    [('', 'new-format', exchange._bestformat, _('Destination format for markers.'))],
+    [('', 'new-format', obsexchange._bestformat, _('Destination format for markers.'))],
 def debugobsconvert(ui, repo, new_format):
     origmarkers = repo.obsstore._all  # settle version
--- a/hgext3rd/evolve/	Wed Mar 08 23:04:45 2017 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
-### Obsolescence marker exchange experimenation                   ###
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-    import StringIO as io
-    StringIO = io.StringIO
-except ImportError:
-    import io
-    StringIO = io.StringIO
-import errno
-import socket
-from mercurial import (
-    error,
-    exchange,
-    httppeer,
-    localrepo,
-    node,
-    obsolete,
-    util,
-    wireproto,
-from mercurial.i18n import _
-from . import (
-    exthelper,
-    serveronly,
-    utility,
-eh = exthelper.exthelper()
-obsexcmsg = utility.obsexcmsg
-def obsexcprg(ui, *args, **kwargs):
-    topic = 'obsmarkers exchange'
-    if ui.configbool('experimental', 'verbose-obsolescence-exchange', False):
-        topic = 'OBSEXC'
-    ui.progress(topic, *args, **kwargs)
-@eh.wrapfunction(exchange, '_pushdiscoveryobsmarkers')
-def _pushdiscoveryobsmarkers(orig, pushop):
-    if (obsolete.isenabled(pushop.repo, obsolete.exchangeopt)
-        and pushop.repo.obsstore
-        and 'obsolete' in pushop.remote.listkeys('namespaces')):
-        repo = pushop.repo
-        obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "computing relevant nodes\n")
-        revs = list(repo.revs('::%ln', pushop.futureheads))
-        unfi = repo.unfiltered()
-        cl = unfi.changelog
-        if not pushop.remote.capable('_evoext_obshash_0'):
-            # do not trust core yet
-            # return orig(pushop)
-            nodes = [cl.node(r) for r in revs]
-            if nodes:
-                obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "computing markers relevant to %i nodes\n"
-                                   % len(nodes))
-                pushop.outobsmarkers = repo.obsstore.relevantmarkers(nodes)
-            else:
-                obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "markers already in sync\n")
-                pushop.outobsmarkers = []
-                pushop.outobsmarkers = repo.obsstore.relevantmarkers(nodes)
-            return
-        common = []
-        obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "looking for common markers in %i nodes\n"
-                           % len(revs))
-        commonrevs = list(unfi.revs('::%ln', pushop.outgoing.commonheads))
-        common = findcommonobsmarkers(pushop.ui, unfi, pushop.remote,
-                                      commonrevs)
-        revs = list(unfi.revs('%ld - (::%ln)', revs, common))
-        nodes = [cl.node(r) for r in revs]
-        if nodes:
-            obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "computing markers relevant to %i nodes\n"
-                               % len(nodes))
-            pushop.outobsmarkers = repo.obsstore.relevantmarkers(nodes)
-        else:
-            obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "markers already in sync\n")
-            pushop.outobsmarkers = []
-def _installobsmarkersdiscovery(ui):
-    olddisco = exchange.pushdiscoverymapping['obsmarker']
-    def newdisco(pushop):
-        _pushdiscoveryobsmarkers(olddisco, pushop)
-    exchange.pushdiscoverymapping['obsmarker'] = newdisco
-### Set discovery START
-from mercurial import dagutil
-from mercurial import setdiscovery
-@eh.addattr(localrepo.localpeer, 'evoext_obshash')
-def local_obshash(peer, nodes):
-    return serveronly._obshash(peer._repo, nodes)
-@eh.addattr(localrepo.localpeer, 'evoext_obshash1')
-def local_obshash1(peer, nodes):
-    return serveronly._obshash(peer._repo, nodes, version=1)
-@eh.addattr(wireproto.wirepeer, 'evoext_obshash')
-def peer_obshash(self, nodes):
-    d = self._call("evoext_obshash", nodes=wireproto.encodelist(nodes))
-    try:
-        return wireproto.decodelist(d)
-    except ValueError:
-        self._abort(error.ResponseError(_("unexpected response:"), d))
-@eh.addattr(wireproto.wirepeer, 'evoext_obshash1')
-def peer_obshash1(self, nodes):
-    d = self._call("evoext_obshash1", nodes=wireproto.encodelist(nodes))
-    try:
-        return wireproto.decodelist(d)
-    except ValueError:
-        self._abort(error.ResponseError(_("unexpected response:"), d))
-def findcommonobsmarkers(ui, local, remote, probeset,
-                         initialsamplesize=100,
-                         fullsamplesize=200):
-    # from discovery
-    roundtrips = 0
-    cl = local.changelog
-    dag = dagutil.revlogdag(cl)
-    missing = set()
-    common = set()
-    undecided = set(probeset)
-    totalnb = len(undecided)
-    ui.progress(_("comparing with other"), 0, total=totalnb)
-    _takefullsample = setdiscovery._takefullsample
-    if remote.capable('_evoext_obshash_1'):
-        getremotehash = remote.evoext_obshash1
-        localhash = serveronly._obsrelsethashtreefm1(local)
-    else:
-        getremotehash = remote.evoext_obshash
-        localhash = serveronly._obsrelsethashtreefm0(local)
-    while undecided:
-        ui.note(_("sampling from both directions\n"))
-        if len(undecided) < fullsamplesize:
-            sample = set(undecided)
-        else:
-            sample = _takefullsample(dag, undecided, size=fullsamplesize)
-        roundtrips += 1
-        ui.progress(_("comparing with other"), totalnb - len(undecided),
-                    total=totalnb)
-        ui.debug("query %i; still undecided: %i, sample size is: %i\n"
-                 % (roundtrips, len(undecided), len(sample)))
-        # indices between sample and externalized version must match
-        sample = list(sample)
-        remotehash = getremotehash(dag.externalizeall(sample))
-        yesno = [localhash[ix][1] == remotehash[si]
-                 for si, ix in enumerate(sample)]
-        commoninsample = set(n for i, n in enumerate(sample) if yesno[i])
-        common.update(dag.ancestorset(commoninsample, common))
-        missinginsample = [n for i, n in enumerate(sample) if not yesno[i]]
-        missing.update(dag.descendantset(missinginsample, missing))
-        undecided.difference_update(missing)
-        undecided.difference_update(common)
-    ui.progress(_("comparing with other"), None)
-    result = dag.headsetofconnecteds(common)
-    ui.debug("%d total queries\n" % roundtrips)
-    if not result:
-        return set([node.nullid])
-    return dag.externalizeall(result)
-_pushkeyescape = getattr(obsolete, '_pushkeyescape', None)
-class pushobsmarkerStringIO(StringIO):
-    """hacky string io for progress"""
-    @util.propertycache
-    def length(self):
-        return len(self.getvalue())
-    def read(self, size=None):
-        obsexcprg(self.ui, self.tell(), unit=_("bytes"), total=self.length)
-        return, size)
-    def __iter__(self):
-        d =
-        while d:
-            yield d
-            d =
-@eh.wrapfunction(exchange, '_pushobsolete')
-def _pushobsolete(orig, pushop):
-    """utility function to push obsolete markers to a remote"""
-    stepsdone = getattr(pushop, 'stepsdone', None)
-    if stepsdone is not None:
-        if 'obsmarkers' in stepsdone:
-            return
-        stepsdone.add('obsmarkers')
-    if pushop.cgresult == 0:
-        return
-    pushop.ui.debug('try to push obsolete markers to remote\n')
-    repo = pushop.repo
-    remote = pushop.remote
-    if (obsolete.isenabled(repo, obsolete.exchangeopt) and repo.obsstore and
-        'obsolete' in remote.listkeys('namespaces')):
-        markers = pushop.outobsmarkers
-        if not markers:
-            obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "no marker to push\n")
-        elif remote.capable('_evoext_pushobsmarkers_0'):
-            obsdata = pushobsmarkerStringIO()
-            for chunk in obsolete.encodemarkers(markers, True):
-                obsdata.write(chunk)
-            obsdata.ui = repo.ui
-            obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "pushing %i obsolescence markers (%i bytes)\n"
-                               % (len(markers), len(obsdata.getvalue())),
-                      True)
-            remote.evoext_pushobsmarkers_0(obsdata)
-            obsexcprg(repo.ui, None)
-        else:
-            rslts = []
-            remotedata = _pushkeyescape(markers).items()
-            totalbytes = sum(len(d) for k, d in remotedata)
-            sentbytes = 0
-            obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "pushing %i obsolescence markers in %i "
-                               "pushkey payload (%i bytes)\n"
-                               % (len(markers), len(remotedata), totalbytes),
-                      True)
-            for key, data in remotedata:
-                obsexcprg(repo.ui, sentbytes, item=key, unit=_("bytes"),
-                          total=totalbytes)
-                rslts.append(remote.pushkey('obsolete', key, '', data))
-                sentbytes += len(data)
-                obsexcprg(repo.ui, sentbytes, item=key, unit=_("bytes"),
-                          total=totalbytes)
-            obsexcprg(repo.ui, None)
-            if [r for r in rslts if not r]:
-                msg = _('failed to push some obsolete markers!\n')
-                repo.ui.warn(msg)
-        obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "DONE\n")
-@eh.addattr(wireproto.wirepeer, 'evoext_pushobsmarkers_0')
-def client_pushobsmarkers(self, obsfile):
-    """wireprotocol peer method"""
-    self.requirecap('_evoext_pushobsmarkers_0',
-                    _('push obsolete markers faster'))
-    ret, output = self._callpush('evoext_pushobsmarkers_0', obsfile)
-    for l in output.splitlines(True):
-        self.ui.status(_('remote: '), l)
-    return ret
-@eh.addattr(httppeer.httppeer, 'evoext_pushobsmarkers_0')
-def httpclient_pushobsmarkers(self, obsfile):
-    """httpprotocol peer method
-    (Cannot simply use _callpush as http is doing some special handling)"""
-    self.requirecap('_evoext_pushobsmarkers_0',
-                    _('push obsolete markers faster'))
-    try:
-        r = self._call('evoext_pushobsmarkers_0', data=obsfile)
-        vals = r.split('\n', 1)
-        if len(vals) < 2:
-            raise error.ResponseError(_("unexpected response:"), r)
-        for l in vals[1].splitlines(True):
-            if l.strip():
-                self.ui.status(_('remote: '), l)
-        return vals[0]
-    except socket.error as err:
-        if err.args[0] in (errno.ECONNRESET, errno.EPIPE):
-            raise error.Abort(_('push failed: %s') % err.args[1])
-        raise error.Abort(err.args[1])
-@eh.wrapfunction(localrepo.localrepository, '_restrictcapabilities')
-def local_pushobsmarker_capabilities(orig, repo, caps):
-    caps = orig(repo, caps)
-    caps.add('_evoext_pushobsmarkers_0')
-    return caps
-@eh.addattr(localrepo.localpeer, 'evoext_pushobsmarkers_0')
-def local_pushobsmarkers(peer, obsfile):
-    data =
-    serveronly._pushobsmarkers(peer._repo, data)
-def _buildpullobsmarkersboundaries(pullop):
-    """small funtion returning the argument for pull markers call
-    may to contains 'heads' and 'common'. skip the key for None.
-    Its a separed functio to play around with strategy for that."""
-    repo = pullop.repo
-    remote = pullop.remote
-    unfi = repo.unfiltered()
-    revs = unfi.revs('::(%ln - null)', pullop.common)
-    common = [node.nullid]
-    if remote.capable('_evoext_obshash_0'):
-        obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "looking for common markers in %i nodes\n"
-                           % len(revs))
-        common = findcommonobsmarkers(repo.ui, repo, remote, revs)
-    return {'heads': pullop.pulledsubset, 'common': common}
-def addgetbundleargs(self):
-    wireproto.gboptsmap['evo_obscommon'] = 'nodes'
-@eh.wrapfunction(exchange, '_pullbundle2extraprepare')
-def _addobscommontob2pull(orig, pullop, kwargs):
-    ret = orig(pullop, kwargs)
-    if ('obsmarkers' in kwargs and
-        pullop.remote.capable('_evoext_getbundle_obscommon')):
-        boundaries = _buildpullobsmarkersboundaries(pullop)
-        common = boundaries['common']
-        if common != [node.nullid]:
-            kwargs['evo_obscommon'] = common
-    return ret
-@eh.wrapfunction(exchange, '_pullobsolete')
-def _pullobsolete(orig, pullop):
-    if not obsolete.isenabled(pullop.repo, obsolete.exchangeopt):
-        return None
-    if 'obsmarkers' not in getattr(pullop, 'todosteps', ['obsmarkers']):
-        return None
-    if 'obsmarkers' in getattr(pullop, 'stepsdone', []):
-        return None
-    wirepull = pullop.remote.capable('_evoext_pullobsmarkers_0')
-    if not wirepull:
-        return orig(pullop)
-    if 'obsolete' not in pullop.remote.listkeys('namespaces'):
-        return None # remote opted out of obsolescence marker exchange
-    tr = None
-    ui = pullop.repo.ui
-    boundaries = _buildpullobsmarkersboundaries(pullop)
-    if not set(boundaries['heads']) - set(boundaries['common']):
-        obsexcmsg(ui, "nothing to pull\n")
-        return None
-    obsexcmsg(ui, "pull obsolescence markers\n", True)
-    new = 0
-    if wirepull:
-        obsdata = pullop.remote.evoext_pullobsmarkers_0(**boundaries)
-        obsdata =
-        if len(obsdata) > 5:
-            msg = "merging obsolescence markers (%i bytes)\n" % len(obsdata)
-            obsexcmsg(ui, msg)
-            tr = pullop.gettransaction()
-            old = len(pullop.repo.obsstore._all)
-            pullop.repo.obsstore.mergemarkers(tr, obsdata)
-            new = len(pullop.repo.obsstore._all) - old
-            obsexcmsg(ui, "%i obsolescence markers added\n" % new, True)
-        else:
-            obsexcmsg(ui, "no unknown remote markers\n")
-        obsexcmsg(ui, "DONE\n")
-    if new:
-        pullop.repo.invalidatevolatilesets()
-    return tr
-@eh.addattr(wireproto.wirepeer, 'evoext_pullobsmarkers_0')
-def client_pullobsmarkers(self, heads=None, common=None):
-    self.requirecap('_evoext_pullobsmarkers_0', _('look up remote obsmarkers'))
-    opts = {}
-    if heads is not None:
-        opts['heads'] = wireproto.encodelist(heads)
-    if common is not None:
-        opts['common'] = wireproto.encodelist(common)
-    f = self._callcompressable("evoext_pullobsmarkers_0", **opts)
-    length = int(
-    chunk = 4096
-    current = 0
-    data = StringIO()
-    ui = self.ui
-    obsexcprg(ui, current, unit=_("bytes"), total=length)
-    while current < length:
-        readsize = min(length - current, chunk)
-        data.write(
-        current += readsize
-        obsexcprg(ui, current, unit=_("bytes"), total=length)
-    obsexcprg(ui, None)
-    return data
-@eh.addattr(localrepo.localpeer, 'evoext_pullobsmarkers_0')
-def local_pullobsmarkers(self, heads=None, common=None):
-    return serveronly._getobsmarkersstream(self._repo, heads=heads,
-                                           common=common)
-    'debugobsrelsethashtree',
-    [('', 'v0', None, 'hash on marker format "0"'),
-     ('', 'v1', None, 'hash on marker format "1" (default)')], _(''))
-def debugobsrelsethashtree(ui, repo, v0=False, v1=False):
-    """display Obsolete markers, Relevant Set, Hash Tree
-    changeset-node obsrelsethashtree-node
-    It computed form the "orsht" of its parent and markers
-    relevant to the changeset itself."""
-    if v0 and v1:
-        raise error.Abort('cannot only specify one format')
-    elif v0:
-        treefunc = serveronly._obsrelsethashtreefm0
-    else:
-        treefunc = serveronly._obsrelsethashtreefm1
-    for chg, obs in treefunc(repo):
-        ui.status('%s %s\n' % (node.hex(chg), node.hex(obs)))
-_bestformat = max(obsolete.formats.keys())
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hgext3rd/evolve/	Tue Mar 07 14:19:12 2017 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+# Code dedicated to the exchange of obsolescence markers
+# Copyright 2017 Pierre-Yves David <>
+# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
+# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+    import StringIO as io
+    StringIO = io.StringIO
+except ImportError:
+    import io
+    StringIO = io.StringIO
+import errno
+import socket
+from mercurial import (
+    error,
+    exchange,
+    httppeer,
+    localrepo,
+    node,
+    obsolete,
+    util,
+    wireproto,
+from mercurial.i18n import _
+from . import (
+    exthelper,
+    serveronly,
+    utility,
+eh = exthelper.exthelper()
+obsexcmsg = utility.obsexcmsg
+def obsexcprg(ui, *args, **kwargs):
+    topic = 'obsmarkers exchange'
+    if ui.configbool('experimental', 'verbose-obsolescence-exchange', False):
+        topic = 'OBSEXC'
+    ui.progress(topic, *args, **kwargs)
+@eh.wrapfunction(exchange, '_pushdiscoveryobsmarkers')
+def _pushdiscoveryobsmarkers(orig, pushop):
+    if (obsolete.isenabled(pushop.repo, obsolete.exchangeopt)
+        and pushop.repo.obsstore
+        and 'obsolete' in pushop.remote.listkeys('namespaces')):
+        repo = pushop.repo
+        obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "computing relevant nodes\n")
+        revs = list(repo.revs('::%ln', pushop.futureheads))
+        unfi = repo.unfiltered()
+        cl = unfi.changelog
+        if not pushop.remote.capable('_evoext_obshash_0'):
+            # do not trust core yet
+            # return orig(pushop)
+            nodes = [cl.node(r) for r in revs]
+            if nodes:
+                obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "computing markers relevant to %i nodes\n"
+                                   % len(nodes))
+                pushop.outobsmarkers = repo.obsstore.relevantmarkers(nodes)
+            else:
+                obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "markers already in sync\n")
+                pushop.outobsmarkers = []
+                pushop.outobsmarkers = repo.obsstore.relevantmarkers(nodes)
+            return
+        common = []
+        obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "looking for common markers in %i nodes\n"
+                           % len(revs))
+        commonrevs = list(unfi.revs('::%ln', pushop.outgoing.commonheads))
+        common = findcommonobsmarkers(pushop.ui, unfi, pushop.remote,
+                                      commonrevs)
+        revs = list(unfi.revs('%ld - (::%ln)', revs, common))
+        nodes = [cl.node(r) for r in revs]
+        if nodes:
+            obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "computing markers relevant to %i nodes\n"
+                               % len(nodes))
+            pushop.outobsmarkers = repo.obsstore.relevantmarkers(nodes)
+        else:
+            obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "markers already in sync\n")
+            pushop.outobsmarkers = []
+def _installobsmarkersdiscovery(ui):
+    olddisco = exchange.pushdiscoverymapping['obsmarker']
+    def newdisco(pushop):
+        _pushdiscoveryobsmarkers(olddisco, pushop)
+    exchange.pushdiscoverymapping['obsmarker'] = newdisco
+### Set discovery START
+from mercurial import dagutil
+from mercurial import setdiscovery
+@eh.addattr(localrepo.localpeer, 'evoext_obshash')
+def local_obshash(peer, nodes):
+    return serveronly._obshash(peer._repo, nodes)
+@eh.addattr(localrepo.localpeer, 'evoext_obshash1')
+def local_obshash1(peer, nodes):
+    return serveronly._obshash(peer._repo, nodes, version=1)
+@eh.addattr(wireproto.wirepeer, 'evoext_obshash')
+def peer_obshash(self, nodes):
+    d = self._call("evoext_obshash", nodes=wireproto.encodelist(nodes))
+    try:
+        return wireproto.decodelist(d)
+    except ValueError:
+        self._abort(error.ResponseError(_("unexpected response:"), d))
+@eh.addattr(wireproto.wirepeer, 'evoext_obshash1')
+def peer_obshash1(self, nodes):
+    d = self._call("evoext_obshash1", nodes=wireproto.encodelist(nodes))
+    try:
+        return wireproto.decodelist(d)
+    except ValueError:
+        self._abort(error.ResponseError(_("unexpected response:"), d))
+def findcommonobsmarkers(ui, local, remote, probeset,
+                         initialsamplesize=100,
+                         fullsamplesize=200):
+    # from discovery
+    roundtrips = 0
+    cl = local.changelog
+    dag = dagutil.revlogdag(cl)
+    missing = set()
+    common = set()
+    undecided = set(probeset)
+    totalnb = len(undecided)
+    ui.progress(_("comparing with other"), 0, total=totalnb)
+    _takefullsample = setdiscovery._takefullsample
+    if remote.capable('_evoext_obshash_1'):
+        getremotehash = remote.evoext_obshash1
+        localhash = serveronly._obsrelsethashtreefm1(local)
+    else:
+        getremotehash = remote.evoext_obshash
+        localhash = serveronly._obsrelsethashtreefm0(local)
+    while undecided:
+        ui.note(_("sampling from both directions\n"))
+        if len(undecided) < fullsamplesize:
+            sample = set(undecided)
+        else:
+            sample = _takefullsample(dag, undecided, size=fullsamplesize)
+        roundtrips += 1
+        ui.progress(_("comparing with other"), totalnb - len(undecided),
+                    total=totalnb)
+        ui.debug("query %i; still undecided: %i, sample size is: %i\n"
+                 % (roundtrips, len(undecided), len(sample)))
+        # indices between sample and externalized version must match
+        sample = list(sample)
+        remotehash = getremotehash(dag.externalizeall(sample))
+        yesno = [localhash[ix][1] == remotehash[si]
+                 for si, ix in enumerate(sample)]
+        commoninsample = set(n for i, n in enumerate(sample) if yesno[i])
+        common.update(dag.ancestorset(commoninsample, common))
+        missinginsample = [n for i, n in enumerate(sample) if not yesno[i]]
+        missing.update(dag.descendantset(missinginsample, missing))
+        undecided.difference_update(missing)
+        undecided.difference_update(common)
+    ui.progress(_("comparing with other"), None)
+    result = dag.headsetofconnecteds(common)
+    ui.debug("%d total queries\n" % roundtrips)
+    if not result:
+        return set([node.nullid])
+    return dag.externalizeall(result)
+_pushkeyescape = getattr(obsolete, '_pushkeyescape', None)
+class pushobsmarkerStringIO(StringIO):
+    """hacky string io for progress"""
+    @util.propertycache
+    def length(self):
+        return len(self.getvalue())
+    def read(self, size=None):
+        obsexcprg(self.ui, self.tell(), unit=_("bytes"), total=self.length)
+        return, size)
+    def __iter__(self):
+        d =
+        while d:
+            yield d
+            d =
+@eh.wrapfunction(exchange, '_pushobsolete')
+def _pushobsolete(orig, pushop):
+    """utility function to push obsolete markers to a remote"""
+    stepsdone = getattr(pushop, 'stepsdone', None)
+    if stepsdone is not None:
+        if 'obsmarkers' in stepsdone:
+            return
+        stepsdone.add('obsmarkers')
+    if pushop.cgresult == 0:
+        return
+    pushop.ui.debug('try to push obsolete markers to remote\n')
+    repo = pushop.repo
+    remote = pushop.remote
+    if (obsolete.isenabled(repo, obsolete.exchangeopt) and repo.obsstore and
+        'obsolete' in remote.listkeys('namespaces')):
+        markers = pushop.outobsmarkers
+        if not markers:
+            obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "no marker to push\n")
+        elif remote.capable('_evoext_pushobsmarkers_0'):
+            obsdata = pushobsmarkerStringIO()
+            for chunk in obsolete.encodemarkers(markers, True):
+                obsdata.write(chunk)
+            obsdata.ui = repo.ui
+            obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "pushing %i obsolescence markers (%i bytes)\n"
+                               % (len(markers), len(obsdata.getvalue())),
+                      True)
+            remote.evoext_pushobsmarkers_0(obsdata)
+            obsexcprg(repo.ui, None)
+        else:
+            rslts = []
+            remotedata = _pushkeyescape(markers).items()
+            totalbytes = sum(len(d) for k, d in remotedata)
+            sentbytes = 0
+            obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "pushing %i obsolescence markers in %i "
+                               "pushkey payload (%i bytes)\n"
+                               % (len(markers), len(remotedata), totalbytes),
+                      True)
+            for key, data in remotedata:
+                obsexcprg(repo.ui, sentbytes, item=key, unit=_("bytes"),
+                          total=totalbytes)
+                rslts.append(remote.pushkey('obsolete', key, '', data))
+                sentbytes += len(data)
+                obsexcprg(repo.ui, sentbytes, item=key, unit=_("bytes"),
+                          total=totalbytes)
+            obsexcprg(repo.ui, None)
+            if [r for r in rslts if not r]:
+                msg = _('failed to push some obsolete markers!\n')
+                repo.ui.warn(msg)
+        obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "DONE\n")
+@eh.addattr(wireproto.wirepeer, 'evoext_pushobsmarkers_0')
+def client_pushobsmarkers(self, obsfile):
+    """wireprotocol peer method"""
+    self.requirecap('_evoext_pushobsmarkers_0',
+                    _('push obsolete markers faster'))
+    ret, output = self._callpush('evoext_pushobsmarkers_0', obsfile)
+    for l in output.splitlines(True):
+        self.ui.status(_('remote: '), l)
+    return ret
+@eh.addattr(httppeer.httppeer, 'evoext_pushobsmarkers_0')
+def httpclient_pushobsmarkers(self, obsfile):
+    """httpprotocol peer method
+    (Cannot simply use _callpush as http is doing some special handling)"""
+    self.requirecap('_evoext_pushobsmarkers_0',
+                    _('push obsolete markers faster'))
+    try:
+        r = self._call('evoext_pushobsmarkers_0', data=obsfile)
+        vals = r.split('\n', 1)
+        if len(vals) < 2:
+            raise error.ResponseError(_("unexpected response:"), r)
+        for l in vals[1].splitlines(True):
+            if l.strip():
+                self.ui.status(_('remote: '), l)
+        return vals[0]
+    except socket.error as err:
+        if err.args[0] in (errno.ECONNRESET, errno.EPIPE):
+            raise error.Abort(_('push failed: %s') % err.args[1])
+        raise error.Abort(err.args[1])
+@eh.wrapfunction(localrepo.localrepository, '_restrictcapabilities')
+def local_pushobsmarker_capabilities(orig, repo, caps):
+    caps = orig(repo, caps)
+    caps.add('_evoext_pushobsmarkers_0')
+    return caps
+@eh.addattr(localrepo.localpeer, 'evoext_pushobsmarkers_0')
+def local_pushobsmarkers(peer, obsfile):
+    data =
+    serveronly._pushobsmarkers(peer._repo, data)
+def _buildpullobsmarkersboundaries(pullop):
+    """small funtion returning the argument for pull markers call
+    may to contains 'heads' and 'common'. skip the key for None.
+    Its a separed functio to play around with strategy for that."""
+    repo = pullop.repo
+    remote = pullop.remote
+    unfi = repo.unfiltered()
+    revs = unfi.revs('::(%ln - null)', pullop.common)
+    common = [node.nullid]
+    if remote.capable('_evoext_obshash_0'):
+        obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "looking for common markers in %i nodes\n"
+                           % len(revs))
+        common = findcommonobsmarkers(repo.ui, repo, remote, revs)
+    return {'heads': pullop.pulledsubset, 'common': common}
+def addgetbundleargs(self):
+    wireproto.gboptsmap['evo_obscommon'] = 'nodes'
+@eh.wrapfunction(exchange, '_pullbundle2extraprepare')
+def _addobscommontob2pull(orig, pullop, kwargs):
+    ret = orig(pullop, kwargs)
+    if ('obsmarkers' in kwargs and
+        pullop.remote.capable('_evoext_getbundle_obscommon')):
+        boundaries = _buildpullobsmarkersboundaries(pullop)
+        common = boundaries['common']
+        if common != [node.nullid]:
+            kwargs['evo_obscommon'] = common
+    return ret
+@eh.wrapfunction(exchange, '_pullobsolete')
+def _pullobsolete(orig, pullop):
+    if not obsolete.isenabled(pullop.repo, obsolete.exchangeopt):
+        return None
+    if 'obsmarkers' not in getattr(pullop, 'todosteps', ['obsmarkers']):
+        return None
+    if 'obsmarkers' in getattr(pullop, 'stepsdone', []):
+        return None
+    wirepull = pullop.remote.capable('_evoext_pullobsmarkers_0')
+    if not wirepull:
+        return orig(pullop)
+    if 'obsolete' not in pullop.remote.listkeys('namespaces'):
+        return None # remote opted out of obsolescence marker exchange
+    tr = None
+    ui = pullop.repo.ui
+    boundaries = _buildpullobsmarkersboundaries(pullop)
+    if not set(boundaries['heads']) - set(boundaries['common']):
+        obsexcmsg(ui, "nothing to pull\n")
+        return None
+    obsexcmsg(ui, "pull obsolescence markers\n", True)
+    new = 0
+    if wirepull:
+        obsdata = pullop.remote.evoext_pullobsmarkers_0(**boundaries)
+        obsdata =
+        if len(obsdata) > 5:
+            msg = "merging obsolescence markers (%i bytes)\n" % len(obsdata)
+            obsexcmsg(ui, msg)
+            tr = pullop.gettransaction()
+            old = len(pullop.repo.obsstore._all)
+            pullop.repo.obsstore.mergemarkers(tr, obsdata)
+            new = len(pullop.repo.obsstore._all) - old
+            obsexcmsg(ui, "%i obsolescence markers added\n" % new, True)
+        else:
+            obsexcmsg(ui, "no unknown remote markers\n")
+        obsexcmsg(ui, "DONE\n")
+    if new:
+        pullop.repo.invalidatevolatilesets()
+    return tr
+@eh.addattr(wireproto.wirepeer, 'evoext_pullobsmarkers_0')
+def client_pullobsmarkers(self, heads=None, common=None):
+    self.requirecap('_evoext_pullobsmarkers_0', _('look up remote obsmarkers'))
+    opts = {}
+    if heads is not None:
+        opts['heads'] = wireproto.encodelist(heads)
+    if common is not None:
+        opts['common'] = wireproto.encodelist(common)
+    f = self._callcompressable("evoext_pullobsmarkers_0", **opts)
+    length = int(
+    chunk = 4096
+    current = 0
+    data = StringIO()
+    ui = self.ui
+    obsexcprg(ui, current, unit=_("bytes"), total=length)
+    while current < length:
+        readsize = min(length - current, chunk)
+        data.write(
+        current += readsize
+        obsexcprg(ui, current, unit=_("bytes"), total=length)
+    obsexcprg(ui, None)
+    return data
+@eh.addattr(localrepo.localpeer, 'evoext_pullobsmarkers_0')
+def local_pullobsmarkers(self, heads=None, common=None):
+    return serveronly._getobsmarkersstream(self._repo, heads=heads,
+                                           common=common)
+    'debugobsrelsethashtree',
+    [('', 'v0', None, 'hash on marker format "0"'),
+     ('', 'v1', None, 'hash on marker format "1" (default)')], _(''))
+def debugobsrelsethashtree(ui, repo, v0=False, v1=False):
+    """display Obsolete markers, Relevant Set, Hash Tree
+    changeset-node obsrelsethashtree-node
+    It computed form the "orsht" of its parent and markers
+    relevant to the changeset itself."""
+    if v0 and v1:
+        raise error.Abort('cannot only specify one format')
+    elif v0:
+        treefunc = serveronly._obsrelsethashtreefm0
+    else:
+        treefunc = serveronly._obsrelsethashtreefm1
+    for chg, obs in treefunc(repo):
+        ui.status('%s %s\n' % (node.hex(chg), node.hex(obs)))
+_bestformat = max(obsolete.formats.keys())