split: move the debugcommand into a dedicated module
authorPierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@ens-lyon.org>
Wed, 22 Mar 2017 03:13:15 +0100 (2017-03-22)
changeset 2123 cf7b4ab31f0c
parent 2122 efc6633e78e1
child 2124 6665aad2d41b
split: move the debugcommand into a dedicated module The code related to debugobsstorestat is fairly independant, we move it into its own module.
--- a/hgext3rd/evolve/__init__.py	Wed Mar 22 03:00:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/hgext3rd/evolve/__init__.py	Wed Mar 22 03:13:15 2017 +0100
@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@
 from mercurial.node import nullid
 from . import (
+    debugcmd,
@@ -143,6 +144,7 @@
 # - Older format compat
 eh = exthelper.exthelper()
 uisetup = eh.final_uisetup
@@ -814,116 +816,6 @@
     _deprecatealias('gup', 'next')
     _deprecatealias('gdown', 'previous')
-@eh.command('debugobsstorestat', [], '')
-def cmddebugobsstorestat(ui, repo):
-    """print statistics about obsolescence markers in the repo"""
-    def _updateclustermap(nodes, mark, clustersmap):
-        c = (set(nodes), set([mark]))
-        toproceed = set(nodes)
-        while toproceed:
-            n = toproceed.pop()
-            other = clustersmap.get(n)
-            if (other is not None
-                and other is not c):
-                other[0].update(c[0])
-                other[1].update(c[1])
-                for on in c[0]:
-                    if on in toproceed:
-                        continue
-                    clustersmap[on] = other
-                c = other
-            clustersmap[n] = c
-    store = repo.obsstore
-    unfi = repo.unfiltered()
-    nm = unfi.changelog.nodemap
-    ui.write(_('markers total:              %9i\n') % len(store._all))
-    sucscount = [0, 0, 0, 0]
-    known = 0
-    parentsdata = 0
-    metakeys = {}
-    # node -> cluster mapping
-    #   a cluster is a (set(nodes), set(markers)) tuple
-    clustersmap = {}
-    # same data using parent information
-    pclustersmap = {}
-    for mark in store:
-        if mark[0] in nm:
-            known += 1
-        nbsucs = len(mark[1])
-        sucscount[min(nbsucs, 3)] += 1
-        meta = mark[3]
-        for key, value in meta:
-            metakeys.setdefault(key, 0)
-            metakeys[key] += 1
-        meta = dict(meta)
-        parents = [meta.get('p1'), meta.get('p2')]
-        parents = [node.bin(p) for p in parents if p is not None]
-        if parents:
-            parentsdata += 1
-        # cluster handling
-        nodes = set(mark[1])
-        nodes.add(mark[0])
-        _updateclustermap(nodes, mark, clustersmap)
-        # same with parent data
-        nodes.update(parents)
-        _updateclustermap(nodes, mark, pclustersmap)
-    # freezing the result
-    for c in clustersmap.values():
-        fc = (frozenset(c[0]), frozenset(c[1]))
-        for n in fc[0]:
-            clustersmap[n] = fc
-    # same with parent data
-    for c in pclustersmap.values():
-        fc = (frozenset(c[0]), frozenset(c[1]))
-        for n in fc[0]:
-            pclustersmap[n] = fc
-    ui.write(('    for known precursors:   %9i\n' % known))
-    ui.write(('    with parents data:      %9i\n' % parentsdata))
-    # successors data
-    ui.write(('markers with no successors: %9i\n' % sucscount[0]))
-    ui.write(('              1 successors: %9i\n' % sucscount[1]))
-    ui.write(('              2 successors: %9i\n' % sucscount[2]))
-    ui.write(('    more than 2 successors: %9i\n' % sucscount[3]))
-    # meta data info
-    ui.write(('    available  keys:\n'))
-    for key in sorted(metakeys):
-        ui.write(('    %15s:        %9i\n' % (key, metakeys[key])))
-    allclusters = list(set(clustersmap.values()))
-    allclusters.sort(key=lambda x: len(x[1]))
-    ui.write(('disconnected clusters:      %9i\n' % len(allclusters)))
-    ui.write('        any known node:     %9i\n'
-             % len([c for c in allclusters
-                    if [n for n in c[0] if nm.get(n) is not None]]))
-    if allclusters:
-        nbcluster = len(allclusters)
-        ui.write(('        smallest length:    %9i\n' % len(allclusters[0][1])))
-        ui.write(('        longer length:      %9i\n'
-                 % len(allclusters[-1][1])))
-        median = len(allclusters[nbcluster // 2][1])
-        ui.write(('        median length:      %9i\n' % median))
-        mean = sum(len(x[1]) for x in allclusters) // nbcluster
-        ui.write(('        mean length:        %9i\n' % mean))
-    allpclusters = list(set(pclustersmap.values()))
-    allpclusters.sort(key=lambda x: len(x[1]))
-    ui.write(('    using parents data:     %9i\n' % len(allpclusters)))
-    ui.write('        any known node:     %9i\n'
-             % len([c for c in allclusters
-                    if [n for n in c[0] if nm.get(n) is not None]]))
-    if allpclusters:
-        nbcluster = len(allpclusters)
-        ui.write(('        smallest length:    %9i\n'
-                 % len(allpclusters[0][1])))
-        ui.write(('        longer length:      %9i\n'
-                 % len(allpclusters[-1][1])))
-        median = len(allpclusters[nbcluster // 2][1])
-        ui.write(('        median length:      %9i\n' % median))
-        mean = sum(len(x[1]) for x in allpclusters) // nbcluster
-        ui.write(('        mean length:        %9i\n' % mean))
 def _solveone(ui, repo, ctx, dryrun, confirm, progresscb, category):
     """Resolve the troubles affecting one revision"""
     wlock = lock = tr = None
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hgext3rd/evolve/debugcmd.py	Wed Mar 22 03:13:15 2017 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Code dedicated to debug commands around evolution
+# Copyright 2017 Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@ens-lyon.org>
+# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
+# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
+# Status: Ready to Upstream
+#  * We could have the same code in core as `hg debugobsolete --stat`,
+#  * We probably want a way for the extension to hook in for extra data.
+from mercurial import node
+from mercurial.i18n import _
+from . import exthelper
+eh = exthelper.exthelper()
+@eh.command('debugobsstorestat', [], '')
+def cmddebugobsstorestat(ui, repo):
+    """print statistics about obsolescence markers in the repo"""
+    def _updateclustermap(nodes, mark, clustersmap):
+        c = (set(nodes), set([mark]))
+        toproceed = set(nodes)
+        while toproceed:
+            n = toproceed.pop()
+            other = clustersmap.get(n)
+            if (other is not None
+                and other is not c):
+                other[0].update(c[0])
+                other[1].update(c[1])
+                for on in c[0]:
+                    if on in toproceed:
+                        continue
+                    clustersmap[on] = other
+                c = other
+            clustersmap[n] = c
+    store = repo.obsstore
+    unfi = repo.unfiltered()
+    nm = unfi.changelog.nodemap
+    ui.write(_('markers total:              %9i\n') % len(store._all))
+    sucscount = [0, 0, 0, 0]
+    known = 0
+    parentsdata = 0
+    metakeys = {}
+    # node -> cluster mapping
+    #   a cluster is a (set(nodes), set(markers)) tuple
+    clustersmap = {}
+    # same data using parent information
+    pclustersmap = {}
+    for mark in store:
+        if mark[0] in nm:
+            known += 1
+        nbsucs = len(mark[1])
+        sucscount[min(nbsucs, 3)] += 1
+        meta = mark[3]
+        for key, value in meta:
+            metakeys.setdefault(key, 0)
+            metakeys[key] += 1
+        meta = dict(meta)
+        parents = [meta.get('p1'), meta.get('p2')]
+        parents = [node.bin(p) for p in parents if p is not None]
+        if parents:
+            parentsdata += 1
+        # cluster handling
+        nodes = set(mark[1])
+        nodes.add(mark[0])
+        _updateclustermap(nodes, mark, clustersmap)
+        # same with parent data
+        nodes.update(parents)
+        _updateclustermap(nodes, mark, pclustersmap)
+    # freezing the result
+    for c in clustersmap.values():
+        fc = (frozenset(c[0]), frozenset(c[1]))
+        for n in fc[0]:
+            clustersmap[n] = fc
+    # same with parent data
+    for c in pclustersmap.values():
+        fc = (frozenset(c[0]), frozenset(c[1]))
+        for n in fc[0]:
+            pclustersmap[n] = fc
+    ui.write(('    for known precursors:   %9i\n' % known))
+    ui.write(('    with parents data:      %9i\n' % parentsdata))
+    # successors data
+    ui.write(('markers with no successors: %9i\n' % sucscount[0]))
+    ui.write(('              1 successors: %9i\n' % sucscount[1]))
+    ui.write(('              2 successors: %9i\n' % sucscount[2]))
+    ui.write(('    more than 2 successors: %9i\n' % sucscount[3]))
+    # meta data info
+    ui.write(('    available  keys:\n'))
+    for key in sorted(metakeys):
+        ui.write(('    %15s:        %9i\n' % (key, metakeys[key])))
+    allclusters = list(set(clustersmap.values()))
+    allclusters.sort(key=lambda x: len(x[1]))
+    ui.write(('disconnected clusters:      %9i\n' % len(allclusters)))
+    ui.write('        any known node:     %9i\n'
+             % len([c for c in allclusters
+                    if [n for n in c[0] if nm.get(n) is not None]]))
+    if allclusters:
+        nbcluster = len(allclusters)
+        ui.write(('        smallest length:    %9i\n' % len(allclusters[0][1])))
+        ui.write(('        longer length:      %9i\n'
+                 % len(allclusters[-1][1])))
+        median = len(allclusters[nbcluster // 2][1])
+        ui.write(('        median length:      %9i\n' % median))
+        mean = sum(len(x[1]) for x in allclusters) // nbcluster
+        ui.write(('        mean length:        %9i\n' % mean))
+    allpclusters = list(set(pclustersmap.values()))
+    allpclusters.sort(key=lambda x: len(x[1]))
+    ui.write(('    using parents data:     %9i\n' % len(allpclusters)))
+    ui.write('        any known node:     %9i\n'
+             % len([c for c in allclusters
+                    if [n for n in c[0] if nm.get(n) is not None]]))
+    if allpclusters:
+        nbcluster = len(allpclusters)
+        ui.write(('        smallest length:    %9i\n'
+                 % len(allpclusters[0][1])))
+        ui.write(('        longer length:      %9i\n'
+                 % len(allpclusters[-1][1])))
+        median = len(allpclusters[nbcluster // 2][1])
+        ui.write(('        median length:      %9i\n' % median))
+        mean = sum(len(x[1]) for x in allpclusters) // nbcluster
+        ui.write(('        mean length:        %9i\n' % mean))