Merge with stable, updating tests output mercurial-3.6
authorPierre-Yves David <>
Wed, 10 Feb 2016 23:44:00 +0000 (2016-02-10)
changeset 1604 61dd08f4dc62
parent 1601 15318c3460bf (current diff)
parent 1603 6482497d859b (diff)
child 1606 c2739551ea4e
child 1697 093c445fd86a
Merge with stable, updating tests output Notable change: - We do not support evolving merge before 3.7 - We don't support inhibit/direct-access
--- a/Makefile	Thu Feb 04 11:13:38 2016 +0000
+++ b/Makefile	Wed Feb 10 23:44:00 2016 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-HG=`which hg`
 VERSION=$(shell python --version)
@@ -11,21 +9,6 @@
 all: help
-	cd tests && $(PYTHON) --with-hg=$(HG) $(TESTFLAGS)
-	cd tests && $(PYTHON) --with-hg=$(HG) $(TESTFLAGS) $@
-	@echo "Path to crew repo is $(CREW) - set this with CREW= if needed."
-	hg -R $(CREW) checkout $$(echo $@ | sed s/tests-//) && \
-	(cd $(CREW) ; $(MAKE) clean ) && \
-	cd tests && $(PYTHON) $(CREW)/tests/ $(TESTFLAGS)
-all-version-tests: tests-1.3.1 tests-1.4.3 tests-1.5.4 \
-                   tests-1.6.4 tests-1.7.5 tests-1.8 tests-tip
 	python sdist --dist-dir ..
 	mv -f ../hg-evolve-$(VERSION).tar.gz ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig.tar.gz
@@ -34,5 +17,3 @@
 	mv hg-evolve-$(VERSION) ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig
 	cp -r debian/ ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig/
 	@cd ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig && echo 'debian build directory ready at' `pwd`
-.PHONY: tests all-version-tests
--- a/README	Thu Feb 04 11:13:38 2016 +0000
+++ b/README	Wed Feb 10 23:44:00 2016 +0000
@@ -28,17 +28,17 @@
-Bugs are to be reported on the mercurial's bug tracker:
+Bugs are to be reported on the mercurial's bug tracker:
 Use the the "evolution" component.
 Please use the patchbomb extension to send email to mercurial devel. Please
 make sure to use the evolve-ext flag when doing so. You can use a command like
-    hg email --to --flag evolve-ext --rev '<your patches>'
+    hg email --to --flag evolve-ext --rev '<your patches>'
 See also
 for guidelines on the patch description.
 Please don't forget to update and run the tests when you fix a bug or
@@ -58,7 +58,14 @@
 5.3.0 --
-- split: add a new command to split changesets
+- split: add a new command to split changesets,
+- tests: drop our copy of '' use core one instead,
+- bookmark: do all bookmark movement within a transaction.
+- evolve: compatibility with Mercurial 3.7
+- evolve: support merge with a single obsolete parent.
+- evolve: prevent added file to be marked as unknown if evolve fails (issue4966)
+- evolve: stop relying on graftstate file for save evolve state
+          (for `hg evolve --continue`)
 5.2.2 --
--- a/debian/rules	Thu Feb 04 11:13:38 2016 +0000
+++ b/debian/rules	Wed Feb 10 23:44:00 2016 +0000
@@ -8,9 +8,13 @@
 	$(MAKE) -C docs
+	# Use "! -z" instead of "-n", because "-n" without arguments is true
+	test ! -z $(HGSRC) && test -d $(HGSRC) || (echo "$(HGSRC) is not a directory"; false)
 ifeq (,$(filter nocheck, $(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
-	cd tests &&  python --with-hg=`which hg` --blacklist=$(CURDIR)/debian/test-blacklist
+override_dh_auto_test: hgsrc_defined
+	cd tests && python $(HGSRC)/tests/ --with-hg=$(HGSRC)/hg --blacklist=$(CURDIR)/debian/test-blacklist
--- a/debian/test-blacklist	Thu Feb 04 11:13:38 2016 +0000
+++ b/debian/test-blacklist	Wed Feb 10 23:44:00 2016 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
--- a/hgext/	Thu Feb 04 11:13:38 2016 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-""" This extension provides direct access
-It is the ability to refer and access hidden sha in commands provided that you 
-know their value.
-For example hg log -r xxx where xxx is a commit has should work whether xxx is
-hidden or not as we assume that the user knows what he is doing when referring
-to xxx.
-from mercurial import extensions
-from mercurial import cmdutil
-from mercurial import repoview
-from mercurial import branchmap
-from mercurial import revset
-from mercurial import error
-from mercurial import commands
-from mercurial import hg
-from mercurial import util
-from mercurial.i18n import _
-cmdtable = {}
-command = cmdutil.command(cmdtable)
-# By default, all the commands have directaccess with warnings
-# List of commands that have no directaccess and directaccess with no warning
-directaccesslevel = [
-    # Format:
-    # ('nowarning', 'evolve', 'prune'),
-    # means: no directaccess warning, for the command in evolve named prune
-    #
-    # ('error', None, 'serve'),
-    # means: no directaccess for the command in core named serve
-    #
-    # The list is ordered alphabetically by command names, starting with all
-    # the commands in core then all the commands in the extensions
-    #
-    # The general guideline is:
-    # - remove directaccess warnings for read only commands
-    # - no direct access for commands with consequences outside of the repo
-    # - leave directaccess warnings for all the other commands
-    #
-    ('nowarning', None, 'annotate'),
-    ('nowarning', None, 'archive'),
-    ('nowarning', None, 'bisect'),
-    ('nowarning', None, 'bookmarks'),
-    ('nowarning', None, 'bundle'),
-    ('nowarning', None, 'cat'),
-    ('nowarning', None, 'diff'),
-    ('nowarning', None, 'export'),
-    ('nowarning', None, 'identify'),
-    ('nowarning', None, 'incoming'),
-    ('nowarning', None, 'log'),
-    ('nowarning', None, 'manifest'),
-    ('error', None, 'outgoing'), # confusing if push errors and not outgoing
-    ('error', None, 'push'), # destructive
-    ('nowarning', None, 'revert'),
-    ('error', None, 'serve'),
-    ('nowarning', None, 'tags'),
-    ('nowarning', None, 'unbundle'),
-    ('nowarning', None, 'update'),
-def reposetup(ui, repo):
-    repo._explicitaccess = set()
-def _computehidden(repo):
-    hidden = repoview.filterrevs(repo, 'visible')
-    cl = repo.changelog
-    dynamic = hidden & repo._explicitaccess
-    if dynamic:
-        blocked = cl.ancestors(dynamic, inclusive=True)
-        hidden = frozenset(r for r in hidden if r not in blocked)
-    return hidden
-def setupdirectaccess():
-    """ Add two new filtername that behave like visible to provide direct access
-    and direct access with warning. Wraps the commands to setup direct access """
-    repoview.filtertable.update({'visible-directaccess-nowarn': _computehidden})
-    repoview.filtertable.update({'visible-directaccess-warn': _computehidden})
-    branchmap.subsettable['visible-directaccess-nowarn'] = 'visible'
-    branchmap.subsettable['visible-directaccess-warn'] = 'visible'
-    for warn, ext, cmd in directaccesslevel:
-        try:
-            cmdtable = extensions.find(ext).cmdtable if ext else commands.table
-            wrapper = wrapwitherror if warn == 'error' else wrapwithoutwarning
-            extensions.wrapcommand(cmdtable, cmd, wrapper)
-        except (error.UnknownCommand, KeyError):
-            pass
-def wrapwitherror(orig, ui, repo, *args, **kwargs):
-    if repo and repo.filtername == 'visible-directaccess-warn':
-        repo = repo.filtered('visible')
-    return orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
-def wrapwithoutwarning(orig, ui, repo, *args, **kwargs):
-    if repo and repo.filtername == 'visible-directaccess-warn':
-        repo = repo.filtered("visible-directaccess-nowarn")
-    return orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
-def uisetup(ui):
-    """ Change ordering of extensions to ensure that directaccess extsetup comes
-    after the one of the extensions in the loadsafter list """
-    loadsafter = ui.configlist('directaccess','loadsafter')
-    order = list(extensions._order)
-    directaccesidx = order.index('directaccess')
-    # The min idx for directaccess to load after all the extensions in loadafter
-    minidxdirectaccess = directaccesidx
-    for ext in loadsafter:
-        try:
-            minidxdirectaccess = max(minidxdirectaccess, order.index(ext))
-        except ValueError:
-            pass # extension not loaded
-    if minidxdirectaccess > directaccesidx:
-        order.insert(minidxdirectaccess + 1, 'directaccess')
-        order.remove('directaccess')
-        extensions._order = order
-def _repository(orig, *args, **kwargs):
-    """Make visible-directaccess-warn the default filter for new repos"""
-    repo = orig(*args, **kwargs)
-    return repo.filtered("visible-directaccess-warn")
-def extsetup(ui):
-    extensions.wrapfunction(revset, 'posttreebuilthook', _posttreebuilthook)
-    extensions.wrapfunction(hg, 'repository', _repository)
-    setupdirectaccess()
-hashre ='[0-9a-fA-F]{1,40}')
-_listtuple = ('symbol', '_list')
-def gethashsymbols(tree):
-    # Returns the list of symbols of the tree that look like hashes
-    # for example for the revset 3::abe3ff it will return ('abe3ff')
-    if not tree:
-        return []
-    if len(tree) == 2 and tree[0] == "symbol":
-        try:
-            int(tree[1])
-            return []
-        except ValueError as e:
-            if hashre.match(tree[1]):
-                return [tree[1]]
-            return []
-    elif tree[0] == "func" and tree[1] == _listtuple:
-        # the optimiser will group sequence of hash request
-        result = []
-        for entry in tree[2][1].split('\0'):
-            if hashre.match(entry):
-                result.append(entry)
-        return result
-    elif len(tree) >= 3:
-        results = []
-        for subtree in tree[1:]:
-            results += gethashsymbols(subtree)
-        return results
-    else:
-        return []
-def _posttreebuilthook(orig, tree, repo):
-    # This is use to enabled direct hash access
-    # We extract the symbols that look like hashes and add them to the
-    # explicitaccess set
-    orig(tree, repo)
-    filternm = ""
-    if repo is not None:
-        filternm = repo.filtername
-    if filternm is not None and filternm.startswith('visible-directaccess'):
-        prelength = len(repo._explicitaccess)
-        accessbefore = set(repo._explicitaccess)
-        repo.symbols = gethashsymbols(tree)
-        cl = repo.unfiltered().changelog
-        for node in repo.symbols:
-            try:
-                node = cl._partialmatch(node)
-            except error.LookupError:
-                node = None
-            if node is not None:
-                rev = cl.rev(node)
-                if rev not in repo.changelog:
-                    repo._explicitaccess.add(rev)
-        if prelength != len(repo._explicitaccess):
-            if repo.filtername != 'visible-directaccess-nowarn':
-                unhiddencommits = repo._explicitaccess - accessbefore
-                repo.ui.warn( _("Warning: accessing hidden changesets %s " 
-                                "for write operation\n") % 
-                                (",".join([str(repo.unfiltered()[l]) 
-                                    for l in unhiddencommits])))
-            repo.invalidatevolatilesets()
--- a/hgext/	Thu Feb 04 11:13:38 2016 +0000
+++ b/hgext/	Wed Feb 10 23:44:00 2016 +0000
@@ -150,7 +150,8 @@
                 stripmarker(ui, repo, markers)
         # strip the changeset
         with timed(ui, 'strip nodes'):
-            repair.strip(ui, repo, list(allnodes), backup="all", topic='drophack')
+            repair.strip(ui, repo, list(allnodes), backup="all",
+                         topic='drophack')
         lockmod.release(lock, wlock)
--- a/hgext/	Thu Feb 04 11:13:38 2016 +0000
+++ b/hgext/	Wed Feb 10 23:44:00 2016 +0000
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
 import collections
 import socket
 import errno
+import struct
 sha1re = re.compile(r'\b[0-9a-f]{6,40}\b')
 import mercurial
@@ -86,7 +87,7 @@
 # Flags for enabling optional parts of evolve
 commandopt = 'allnewcommands'
-from mercurial import bookmarks
+from mercurial import bookmarks as bookmarksmod
 from mercurial import cmdutil
 from mercurial import commands
 from mercurial import context
@@ -116,6 +117,7 @@
 command = cmdutil.command(cmdtable)
 _pack = struct.pack
+_unpack = struct.unpack
 if gboptsmap is not None:
     memfilectx = context.memfilectx
@@ -124,7 +126,8 @@
     def memfilectx(repo, *args, **kwargs):
         return oldmemfilectx(*args, **kwargs)
-    raise ImportError('evolve needs version %s or above' % min(testedwith.split()))
+    raise ImportError('evolve needs version %s or above' %
+                      min(testedwith.split()))
 aliases, entry = cmdutil.findcmd('commit', commands.table)
 hasinteractivemode = any(['interactive' in e for e in entry[1]])
@@ -415,8 +418,8 @@
             if not matchingevolvecommands:
                 raise error.Abort(_('unknown command: %s') % cmd)
             elif len(matchingevolvecommands) > 1:
-                raise error.Abort(_('ambiguous command specification: "%s" matches %r')
-                                  % (cmd, matchingevolvecommands))
+                msg = _('ambiguous command specification: "%s" matches %r')
+                raise error.Abort(msg % (cmd, matchingevolvecommands))
         for disabledcmd in set(cmdtable) - whitelist:
@@ -747,7 +750,7 @@
         return orig(repo, *args, **opts)
-    except util.Abort, ex:
+    except error.Abort as ex:
         hint = _("use 'hg evolve' to get a stable history "
                  "or --force to ignore warnings")
         if (len(ex.args) >= 1
@@ -764,12 +767,17 @@
-    nbunstable = len(getrevs(repo, 'unstable'))
-    nbbumped = len(getrevs(repo, 'bumped'))
-    nbdivergent = len(getrevs(repo, 'divergent'))
-    write('unstable: %i changesets\n', nbunstable)
-    write('bumped: %i changesets\n', nbbumped)
-    write('divergent: %i changesets\n', nbdivergent)
+    # util.versiontuple was introduced in 3.6.2
+    if not util.safehasattr(util, 'versiontuple'):
+        nbunstable = len(getrevs(repo, 'unstable'))
+        nbbumped = len(getrevs(repo, 'bumped'))
+        nbdivergent = len(getrevs(repo, 'divergent'))
+        write('unstable: %i changesets\n', nbunstable)
+        write('bumped: %i changesets\n', nbbumped)
+        write('divergent: %i changesets\n', nbdivergent)
+    else:
+        # In 3.6.2, summary in core gained this feature, no need to display it
+        pass
 def obssummarysetup(ui):
@@ -789,13 +797,13 @@
         if rebase:
             extensions.wrapcommand(rebase.cmdtable, 'rebase', warnobserrors)
     except KeyError:
-        pass  # rebase not found
+        pass # rebase not found
         histedit = extensions.find('histedit')
         if histedit:
             extensions.wrapcommand(histedit.cmdtable, 'histedit', warnobserrors)
     except KeyError:
-        pass  # histedit not found
+        pass # histedit not found
 ### Old Evolve extension content                                  ###
@@ -890,24 +898,27 @@
         return newid, created
-        lockmod.release(lock, wlock, tr)
-class MergeFailure(util.Abort):
+        lockmod.release(tr, lock, wlock)
+class MergeFailure(error.Abort):
-def relocate(repo, orig, dest, keepbranch=False):
+def relocate(repo, orig, dest, pctx=None, keepbranch=False):
     """rewrite <rev> on dest"""
     if orig.rev() == dest.rev():
-        raise util.Abort(_('tried to relocate a node on top of itself'),
+        raise error.Abort(_('tried to relocate a node on top of itself'),
                          hint=_("This shouldn't happen. If you still "
                                 "need to move changesets, please do so "
                                 "manually with nothing to rebase - working "
                                 "directory parent is also destination"))
-    if not orig.p2().rev() == node.nullrev:
-        raise util.Abort(
-            'no support for evolving merge changesets yet',
-            hint="Redo the merge and use `hg prune <old> --succ <new>` to obsolete the old one")
+    if pctx is None:
+        if len(orig.parents()) == 2:
+            raise error.Abort(_("tried to relocate a merge commit without "
+                                "specifying which parent should be moved"),
+                              hint=_("Specify the parent by passing in pctx"))
+        pctx = orig.p1()
     destbookmarks = repo.nodebookmarks(dest.node())
     nodesrc = orig.node()
     destphase = repo[nodesrc].phase()
@@ -937,37 +948,16 @@
             repo.ui.note(_('The stale commit message reference to %s could '
                            'not be updated\n') % sha1)
-    tr = repo.transaction('relocate')
+    tr = repo.currenttransaction()
+    assert tr is not None
-            if repo['.'].rev() != dest.rev():
-                merge.update(repo, dest, False, True, False)
-            if bmactive(repo):
-                repo.ui.status(_("(leaving bookmark %s)\n") % bmactive(repo))
-            bmdeactivate(repo)
-            if keepbranch:
-                repo.dirstate.setbranch(orig.branch())
-            r = merge.graft(repo, orig, orig.p1(), ['local', 'graft'])
+            r = _evolvemerge(repo, orig, dest, pctx, keepbranch)
             if r[-1]:  #some conflict
-                raise util.Abort(
+                raise error.Abort(
                         'unresolved merge conflicts (see hg help resolve)')
-            if commitmsg is None:
-                commitmsg = orig.description()
-            extra = dict(orig.extra())
-            if 'branch' in extra:
-                del extra['branch']
-            extra['rebase_source'] = orig.hex()
-            backup = repo.ui.backupconfig('phases', 'new-commit')
-            try:
-                targetphase = max(orig.phase(), phases.draft)
-                repo.ui.setconfig('phases', 'new-commit', targetphase, 'rebase')
-                # Commit might fail if unresolved files exist
-                nodenew = repo.commit(text=commitmsg, user=orig.user(),
-                            , extra=extra)
-            finally:
-                repo.ui.restoreconfig(backup)
-        except util.Abort, exc:
+            nodenew = _relocatecommit(repo, orig, commitmsg)
+        except error.Abort as exc:
             repo.setparents(repo['.'].node(), nullid)
             writedirstate(repo.dirstate, tr)
@@ -977,25 +967,12 @@
             class LocalMergeFailure(MergeFailure, exc.__class__):
             exc.__class__ = LocalMergeFailure
+            tr.close() # to keep changes in this transaction (e.g. dirstate)
         oldbookmarks = repo.nodebookmarks(nodesrc)
-        if nodenew is not None:
-            phases.retractboundary(repo, tr, destphase, [nodenew])
-            obsolete.createmarkers(repo, [(repo[nodesrc], (repo[nodenew],))])
-            for book in oldbookmarks:
-                repo._bookmarks[book] = nodenew
-        else:
-            obsolete.createmarkers(repo, [(repo[nodesrc], ())])
-            # Behave like rebase, move bookmarks to dest
-            for book in oldbookmarks:
-                repo._bookmarks[book] = dest.node()
-        for book in destbookmarks: # restore bookmark that rebase move
-            repo._bookmarks[book] = dest.node()
-        if oldbookmarks or destbookmarks:
-            repo._bookmarks.recordchange(tr)
-        tr.close()
+        _finalizerelocate(repo, orig, dest, nodenew, tr)
-        tr.release()
+        pass # TODO: remove this redundant try/finally block
     return nodenew
 def _bookmarksupdater(repo, oldid, tr):
@@ -1016,14 +993,14 @@
 ### bookmarks api compatibility layer ###
 def bmdeactivate(repo):
-        return bookmarks.deactivate(repo)
+        return bookmarksmod.deactivate(repo)
     except AttributeError:
-        return bookmarks.unsetcurrent(repo)
+        return bookmarksmod.unsetcurrent(repo)
 def bmactivate(repo, book):
-        return bookmarks.activate(repo, book)
+        return bookmarksmod.activate(repo, book)
     except AttributeError:
-        return bookmarks.setcurrent(repo, book)
+        return bookmarksmod.setcurrent(repo, book)
 def bmactive(repo):
@@ -1156,7 +1133,7 @@
                     store.create(tr, mark[0], mark[1], mark[2], marks[3],
                     if len(store._all) - before:
-                        ui.write('created new markers for %i\n' % rev)
+                        ui.write(_('created new markers for %i\n') % rev)
             ui.progress(pgop, idx, total=pgtotal)
         ui.progress(pgop, None)
@@ -1186,7 +1163,7 @@
     store = repo.obsstore
     unfi = repo.unfiltered()
     nm = unfi.changelog.nodemap
-    ui.write('markers total:              %9i\n' % len(store._all))
+    ui.write(_('markers total:              %9i\n') % len(store._all))
     sucscount = [0, 0 , 0, 0]
     known = 0
     parentsdata = 0
@@ -1195,7 +1172,7 @@
     #   a cluster is a (set(nodes), set(markers)) tuple
     clustersmap = {}
     # same data using parent information
-    pclustersmap= {}
+    pclustersmap = {}
     for mark in store:
         if mark[0] in nm:
             known += 1
@@ -1228,47 +1205,50 @@
         fc = (frozenset(c[0]), frozenset(c[1]))
         for n in fc[0]:
             pclustersmap[n] = fc
-    ui.write('    for known precursors:   %9i\n' % known)
-    ui.write('    with parents data:      %9i\n' % parentsdata)
+    ui.write(('    for known precursors:   %9i\n' % known))
+    ui.write(('    with parents data:      %9i\n' % parentsdata))
     # successors data
-    ui.write('markers with no successors: %9i\n' % sucscount[0])
-    ui.write('              1 successors: %9i\n' % sucscount[1])
-    ui.write('              2 successors: %9i\n' % sucscount[2])
-    ui.write('    more than 2 successors: %9i\n' % sucscount[3])
+    ui.write(('markers with no successors: %9i\n' % sucscount[0]))
+    ui.write(('              1 successors: %9i\n' % sucscount[1]))
+    ui.write(('              2 successors: %9i\n' % sucscount[2]))
+    ui.write(('    more than 2 successors: %9i\n' % sucscount[3]))
     # meta data info
-    ui.write('    available  keys:\n')
+    ui.write(('    available  keys:\n'))
     for key in sorted(metakeys):
-        ui.write('    %15s:        %9i\n' % (key, metakeys[key]))
+        ui.write(('    %15s:        %9i\n' % (key, metakeys[key])))
     allclusters = list(set(clustersmap.values()))
     allclusters.sort(key=lambda x: len(x[1]))
-    ui.write('disconnected clusters:      %9i\n' % len(allclusters))
+    ui.write(('disconnected clusters:      %9i\n' % len(allclusters)))
     ui.write('        any known node:     %9i\n'
              % len([c for c in allclusters
                     if [n for n in c[0] if nm.get(n) is not None]]))
     if allclusters:
         nbcluster = len(allclusters)
-        ui.write('        smallest length:    %9i\n' % len(allclusters[0][1]))
-        ui.write('        longer length:      %9i\n' % len(allclusters[-1][1]))
+        ui.write(('        smallest length:    %9i\n' % len(allclusters[0][1])))
+        ui.write(('        longer length:      %9i\n'
+                 % len(allclusters[-1][1])))
         median = len(allclusters[nbcluster//2][1])
-        ui.write('        median length:      %9i\n' % median)
+        ui.write(('        median length:      %9i\n' % median))
         mean = sum(len(x[1]) for x in allclusters) // nbcluster
-        ui.write('        mean length:        %9i\n' % mean)
+        ui.write(('        mean length:        %9i\n' % mean))
     allpclusters = list(set(pclustersmap.values()))
     allpclusters.sort(key=lambda x: len(x[1]))
-    ui.write('    using parents data:     %9i\n' % len(allpclusters))
+    ui.write(('    using parents data:     %9i\n' % len(allpclusters)))
     ui.write('        any known node:     %9i\n'
              % len([c for c in allclusters
                     if [n for n in c[0] if nm.get(n) is not None]]))
     if allpclusters:
         nbcluster = len(allpclusters)
-        ui.write('        smallest length:    %9i\n' % len(allpclusters[0][1]))
-        ui.write('        longer length:      %9i\n' % len(allpclusters[-1][1]))
+        ui.write(('        smallest length:    %9i\n'
+                 % len(allpclusters[0][1])))
+        ui.write(('        longer length:      %9i\n'
+                 % len(allpclusters[-1][1])))
         median = len(allpclusters[nbcluster//2][1])
-        ui.write('        median length:      %9i\n' % median)
+        ui.write(('        median length:      %9i\n' % median))
         mean = sum(len(x[1]) for x in allpclusters) // nbcluster
-        ui.write('        mean length:        %9i\n' % mean)
+        ui.write(('        mean length:        %9i\n' % mean))
 def _solveone(ui, repo, ctx, dryrun, confirm, progresscb, category):
     """Resolve the troubles affecting one revision"""
@@ -1367,8 +1347,8 @@
             l = len(troubled[targetcat])
             if l:
-                hint = (_("%d other %s in the repository, do you want --any or --rev")
-                        % (l, targetcat))
+                hint = _("%d other %s in the repository, do you want --any "
+                        "or --rev") % (l, targetcat)
                 othertroubles = []
                 for cat in unselectedcategories:
@@ -1389,7 +1369,7 @@
 def _cleanup(ui, repo, startnode, showprogress):
     if showprogress:
-        ui.progress('evolve', None)
+        ui.progress(_('evolve'), None)
     if repo['.'] != startnode:
         ui.status(_('working directory is now at %s\n') % repo['.'])
@@ -1442,7 +1422,7 @@
         for p in repo[r].parents():
                 succ = _singlesuccessor(repo, p)
-            except MultipleSuccessorsError, exc:
+            except MultipleSuccessorsError as exc:
                 dependencies[r] = exc.successorssets
             if succ in revs:
@@ -1476,7 +1456,8 @@
         if revopt:
             revs = scmutil.revrange(repo, revopt) & revs
         elif not anyopt and targetcat == 'unstable':
-            revs = set(_aspiringdescendant(repo, repo.revs('(.::) - obsolete()::')))
+            revs = set(_aspiringdescendant(repo,
+                                           repo.revs('(.::) - obsolete()::')))
         if targetcat == 'divergent':
             # Pick one divergent per group of divergents
             revs = _dedupedivergents(repo, revs)
@@ -1534,22 +1515,24 @@
         _('do not perform actions, just print what would be done')),
      ('', 'confirm', False,
         _('ask for confirmation before performing the action')),
-    ('A', 'any', False, _('also consider troubled changesets unrelated to current working directory')),
+    ('A', 'any', False,
+        _('also consider troubled changesets unrelated to current working '
+          'directory')),
     ('r', 'rev', [], _('solves troubles of these revisions')),
     ('', 'bumped', False, _('solves only bumped changesets')),
     ('', 'divergent', False, _('solves only divergent changesets')),
     ('', 'unstable', False, _('solves only unstable changesets (default)')),
-    ('a', 'all', False, _('evolve all troubled changesets related to the current '
-                         'working directory and its descendants')),
+    ('a', 'all', False, _('evolve all troubled changesets related to the '
+                          'current  working directory and its descendants')),
     ('c', 'continue', False, _('continue an interrupted evolution')),
     ] + mergetoolopts,
 def evolve(ui, repo, **opts):
     """solve troubled changesets in your repository
-    Modifying history can lead to various types of troubled changesets: unstable,
-    bumped, or divergent. The evolve command resolves your troubles by executing one
-    of the following actions:
+    Modifying history can lead to various types of troubled changesets:
+    unstable, bumped, or divergent. The evolve command resolves your troubles
+    by executing one of the following actions:
     - update working copy to a successor
     - rebase an unstable changeset
@@ -1557,53 +1540,57 @@
     - fuse divergent changesets back together
     If you pass no arguments, evolve works in automatic mode: it will execute a
-    single action to reduce instability related to your working copy. There are two
-    cases for this action. First, if the parent of your working copy is obsolete,
-    evolve updates to the parent's successor. Second, if the working copy parent is
-    not obsolete but has obsolete predecessors, then evolve determines if there is an
-    unstable changeset that can be rebased onto the working copy parent in order to
-    reduce instability. If so, evolve rebases that changeset. If not, evolve refuses
-    to guess your intention, and gives a hint about what you might want to do next.
+    single action to reduce instability related to your working copy. There are
+    two cases for this action. First, if the parent of your working copy is
+    obsolete, evolve updates to the parent's successor. Second, if the working
+    copy parent is not obsolete but has obsolete predecessors, then evolve
+    determines if there is an unstable changeset that can be rebased onto the
+    working copy parent in order to reduce instability.
+    If so, evolve rebases that changeset. If not, evolve refuses to guess your
+    intention, and gives a hint about what you might want to do next.
     Any time evolve creates a changeset, it updates the working copy to the new
-    changeset. (Currently, every successful evolve operation involves an update as
-    well; this may change in future.)
+    changeset. (Currently, every successful evolve operation involves an update
+    as well; this may change in future.)
     Automatic mode only handles common use cases. For example, it avoids taking
-    action in the case of ambiguity, and it ignores unstable changesets that are not
-    related to your working copy. It also refuses to solve bumped or divergent
-    changesets unless you explicity request such behavior (see below).
+    action in the case of ambiguity, and it ignores unstable changesets that
+    are not related to your working copy.
+    It also refuses to solve bumped or divergent changesets unless you explicity
+    request such behavior (see below).
     Eliminating all instability around your working copy may require multiple
-    invocations of :hg:`evolve`. Alternately, use ``--all`` to recursively select and
-    evolve all unstable changesets that can be rebased onto the working copy parent.
+    invocations of :hg:`evolve`. Alternately, use ``--all`` to recursively
+    select and evolve all unstable changesets that can be rebased onto the
+    working copy parent.
     This is more powerful than successive invocations, since ``--all`` handles
-    ambiguous cases (e.g. unstable changesets with multiple children) by evolving all
-    branches.
-    When your repository cannot be handled by automatic mode, you might need to use
-    ``--rev`` to specify a changeset to evolve. For example, if you have an unstable
-    changeset that is not related to the working copy parent, you could use ``--rev``
-    to evolve it. Or, if some changeset has multiple unstable children, evolve in
-    automatic mode refuses to guess which one to evolve; you have to use ``--rev``
-    in that case.
+    ambiguous cases (e.g. unstable changesets with multiple children) by
+    evolving all branches.
+    When your repository cannot be handled by automatic mode, you might need to
+    use ``--rev`` to specify a changeset to evolve. For example, if you have
+    an unstable changeset that is not related to the working copy parent,
+    you could use ``--rev`` to evolve it. Or, if some changeset has multiple
+    unstable children, evolve in automatic mode refuses to guess which one to
+    evolve; you have to use ``--rev`` in that case.
     Alternately, ``--any`` makes evolve search for the next evolvable changeset
     regardless of whether it is related to the working copy parent.
-    You can supply multiple revisions to evolve multiple troubled changesets in a
-    single invocation. In revset terms, ``--any`` is equivalent to ``--rev
+    You can supply multiple revisions to evolve multiple troubled changesets
+    in a single invocation. In revset terms, ``--any`` is equivalent to ``--rev
     first(unstable())``. ``--rev`` and ``--all`` are mutually exclusive, as are
     ``--rev`` and ``--any``.
     ``hg evolve --any --all`` is useful for cleaning up instability across all
     branches, letting evolve figure out the appropriate order and destination.
-    When you have troubled changesets that are not unstable, :hg:`evolve` refuses to
-    consider them unless you specify the category of trouble you wish to resolve,
-    with ``--bumped`` or ``--divergent``. These options are currently mutually
-    exclusive with each other and with ``--unstable`` (the default). You can combine
-    ``--bumped`` or ``--divergent`` with ``--rev``, ``--all``, or ``--any``.
+    When you have troubled changesets that are not unstable, :hg:`evolve`
+    refuses to consider them unless you specify the category of trouble you
+    wish to resolve, with ``--bumped`` or ``--divergent``. These options are
+    currently mutually exclusive with each other and with ``--unstable``
+    (the default). You can combine ``--bumped`` or ``--divergent`` with
+    ``--rev``, ``--all``, or ``--any``.
@@ -1620,15 +1607,16 @@
     targetcat = 'unstable'
     if 1 < len(specifiedcategories):
         msg = _('cannot specify more than one trouble category to solve (yet)')
-        raise util.Abort(msg)
+        raise error.Abort(msg)
     elif len(specifiedcategories) == 1:
         targetcat = specifiedcategories[0]
     elif repo['.'].obsolete():
-        displayer = cmdutil.show_changeset(ui, repo, {'template': shorttemplate})
+        displayer = cmdutil.show_changeset(ui, repo,
+                                           {'template': shorttemplate})
         # no args and parent is obsolete, update to successors
             ctx = repo[_singlesuccessor(repo, repo['.'])]
-        except MultipleSuccessorsError, exc:
+        except MultipleSuccessorsError as exc:
             repo.ui.write_err('parent is obsolete with multiple successors:\n')
             for ln in exc.successorssets:
                 for n in ln:
@@ -1657,23 +1645,34 @@
     def progresscb():
         if revopt or allopt:
-            ui.progress('evolve', seen, unit='changesets', total=count)
+            ui.progress(_('evolve'), seen, unit='changesets', total=count)
     # Continuation handling
     if contopt:
         if anyopt:
-            raise util.Abort('cannot specify both "--any" and "--continue"')
+            raise error.Abort('cannot specify both "--any" and "--continue"')
         if allopt:
-            raise util.Abort('cannot specify both "--all" and "--continue"')
-        graftcmd = commands.table['graft'][0]
-        return graftcmd(ui, repo, old_obsolete=True, **{'continue': True})
+            raise error.Abort('cannot specify both "--all" and "--continue"')
+        state = _evolvestateread(repo)
+        if state is None:
+            raise error.Abort('no evolve to continue')
+        orig = repo[state['current']]
+        # XXX This is a terrible terrible hack, please get rid of it.
+        repo.opener.write('graftstate', orig.hex() + '\n')
+        try:
+            graftcmd = commands.table['graft'][0]
+            ret = graftcmd(ui, repo, old_obsolete=True, **{'continue': True})
+            _evolvestatedelete(repo)
+            return ret
+        finally:
+            util.unlinkpath(repo.join('graftstate'), ignoremissing=True)
     if revopt and allopt:
-        raise util.Abort('cannot specify both "--rev" and "--all"')
+        raise error.Abort('cannot specify both "--rev" and "--all"')
     if revopt and anyopt:
-        raise util.Abort('cannot specify both "--rev" and "--any"')
+        raise error.Abort('cannot specify both "--rev" and "--any"')
     revs = _selectrevs(repo, allopt, revopt, anyopt, targetcat)
@@ -1749,13 +1748,20 @@
 def _solveunstable(ui, repo, orig, dryrun=False, confirm=False,
     """Stabilize an unstable changeset"""
-    obs = orig.parents()[0]
-    if not obs.obsolete() and len(orig.parents()) == 2:
-        obs = orig.parents()[1] # second parent is obsolete ?
-    if not obs.obsolete():
-        ui.warn("cannot solve instability of %s, skipping\n" % orig)
+    pctx = orig.p1()
+    if len(orig.parents()) == 2:
+        if not pctx.obsolete():
+            pctx = orig.p2()  # second parent is obsolete ?
+        elif orig.p2().obsolete():
+            raise error.Abort(_("no support for evolving merge changesets "
+                                "with two obsolete parents yet"),
+                              hint=_("Redo the merge and use `hg prune <old> "
+                                   "--succ <new>` to obsolete the old one"))
+    if not pctx.obsolete():
+        ui.warn(_("cannot solve instability of %s, skipping\n") % orig)
         return False
+    obs = pctx
     newer = obsolete.successorssets(repo, obs.node())
     # search of a parent which is not killed
     while not newer or newer == [()]:
@@ -1765,7 +1771,8 @@
         obs = obs.parents()[0]
         newer = obsolete.successorssets(repo, obs.node())
     if len(newer) > 1:
-        msg = _("skipping %s: divergent rewriting. can't choose destination\n") % obs
+        msg = _("skipping %s: divergent rewriting. can't choose "
+                "destination\n") % obs
         return 2
     targets = newer[0]
@@ -1790,7 +1797,7 @@
     if confirm and ui.prompt('perform evolve? [Ny]', 'n') != 'y':
-            raise util.Abort(_('evolve aborted by user'))
+            raise error.Abort(_('evolve aborted by user'))
     if progresscb: progresscb()
     todo = 'hg rebase -r %s -d %s\n' % (orig, target)
     if dryrun:
@@ -1800,9 +1807,9 @@
         if progresscb: progresscb()
         keepbranch = orig.p1().branch() != orig.branch()
-            relocate(repo, orig, target, keepbranch)
+            relocate(repo, orig, target, pctx, keepbranch)
         except MergeFailure:
-            repo.opener.write('graftstate', orig.hex() + '\n')
+            _evolvestatewrite(repo, {'current': orig.node()})
             repo.ui.write_err(_('evolve failed!\n'))
                 _('fix conflict and run "hg evolve --continue"'
@@ -1822,7 +1829,8 @@
     prec = repo.set('last(allprecursors(%d) and public())', bumped).next()
     # For now we deny target merge
     if len(prec.parents()) > 1:
-        msg = _('skipping: %s: public version is a merge, this not handled yet\n') % prec
+        msg = _('skipping: %s: public version is a merge, '
+                'this is not handled yet\n') % prec
         return 2
@@ -1833,19 +1841,20 @@
     if confirm and ui.prompt('perform evolve? [Ny]', 'n') != 'y':
-        raise util.Abort(_('evolve aborted by user'))
+        raise error.Abort(_('evolve aborted by user'))
     if dryrun:
         todo = 'hg rebase --rev %s --dest %s;\n' % (bumped, prec.p1())
-        repo.ui.write('hg update %s;\n' % prec)
-        repo.ui.write('hg revert --all --rev %s;\n' % bumped)
-        repo.ui.write('hg commit --msg "bumped update to %s"')
+        repo.ui.write(('hg update %s;\n' % prec))
+        repo.ui.write(('hg revert --all --rev %s;\n' % bumped))
+        repo.ui.write(('hg commit --msg "bumped update to %s"'))
         return 0
     if progresscb: progresscb()
     newid = tmpctx = None
     tmpctx = bumped
     # Basic check for common parent. Far too complicated and fragile
-    tr = repo.transaction('bumped-stabilize')
+    tr = repo.currenttransaction()
+    assert tr is not None
     bmupdate = _bookmarksupdater(repo, bumped.node(), tr)
         if not list(repo.set('parents(%d) and parents(%d)', bumped, prec)):
@@ -1911,10 +1920,9 @@
             obsolete.createmarkers(repo, [(tmpctx, (repo[newid],))],
-        tr.close()
         repo.ui.status(_('committed as %s\n') % node.short(newid))
-        tr.release()
+        pass # TODO: remove this redundant try/finally block
     # reroute the working copy parent to the new changeset
     repo.dirstate.setparents(newid, node.nullid)
@@ -1927,7 +1935,8 @@
     base, others = divergentdata(divergent)
     if len(others) > 1:
         othersstr = "[%s]" % (','.join([str(i) for i in others]))
-        msg = _("skipping %d:divergent with a changeset that got splitted into multiple ones:\n"
+        msg = _("skipping %d:divergent with a changeset that got splitted"
+                " into multiple ones:\n"
                  "| This is not handled by automatic evolution yet\n"
                  "| You have to fallback to manual handling with commands "
@@ -1936,12 +1945,13 @@
                  "| - hg prune\n"
                  "| \n"
                  "| You should contact your local evolution Guru for help.\n"
-                 % (divergent, othersstr))
+                 ) % (divergent, othersstr)
         return 2
     other = others[0]
     if len(other.parents()) > 1:
-        msg = _("skipping %s: divergent changeset can't be a merge (yet)\n" % divergent)
+        msg = _("skipping %s: divergent changeset can't be "
+                "a merge (yet)\n") % divergent
         hint = _("You have to fallback to solving this by hand...\n"
                  "| This probably means redoing the merge and using \n"
@@ -1949,7 +1959,8 @@
         return 2
     if other.p1() not in divergent.parents():
-        msg = _("skipping %s: have a different parent than %s (not handled yet)\n") % (divergent, other)
+        msg = _("skipping %s: have a different parent than %s "
+                "(not handled yet)\n") % (divergent, other)
         hint = _("| %(d)s, %(o)s are not based on the same changeset.\n"
                  "| With the current state of its implementation, \n"
                  "| evolve does not work in that case.\n"
@@ -1957,7 +1968,7 @@
                  "| this command again.\n"
                  "| - either: hg rebase --dest 'p1(%(d)s)' -r %(o)s\n"
                  "| - or:     hg rebase --dest 'p1(%(o)s)' -r %(d)s\n"
-                 % {'d': divergent, 'o': other})
+                 ) % {'d': divergent, 'o': other}
         return 2
@@ -1971,35 +1982,45 @@
         ui.write(_('base: '))
     if confirm and ui.prompt(_('perform evolve? [Ny]'), 'n') != 'y':
-        raise util.Abort(_('evolve aborted by user'))
+        raise error.Abort(_('evolve aborted by user'))
     if dryrun:
-        ui.write('hg update -c %s &&\n' % divergent)
-        ui.write('hg merge %s &&\n' % other)
-        ui.write('hg commit -m "auto merge resolving conflict between '
-                 '%s and %s"&&\n' % (divergent, other))
-        ui.write('hg up -C %s &&\n' % base)
-        ui.write('hg revert --all --rev tip &&\n')
-        ui.write('hg commit -m "`hg log -r %s --template={desc}`";\n'
-                 % divergent)
+        ui.write(('hg update -c %s &&\n' % divergent))
+        ui.write(('hg merge %s &&\n' % other))
+        ui.write(('hg commit -m "auto merge resolving conflict between '
+                 '%s and %s"&&\n' % (divergent, other)))
+        ui.write(('hg up -C %s &&\n' % base))
+        ui.write(('hg revert --all --rev tip &&\n'))
+        ui.write(('hg commit -m "`hg log -r %s --template={desc}`";\n'
+                 % divergent))
     if divergent not in repo[None].parents():
         repo.ui.status(_('updating to "local" conflict\n'))
         hg.update(repo, divergent.rev())
     repo.ui.note(_('merging divergent changeset\n'))
     if progresscb: progresscb()
-    stats = merge.update(repo,
-                         other.node(),
-                         branchmerge=True,
-                         force=False,
-                         partial=None,
-                         ancestor=base.node(),
-                         mergeancestor=True)
+    if 'partial' in merge.update.__doc__:
+        # Mercurial  < 43c00ca887d1 (3.7)
+        stats = merge.update(repo,
+                             other.node(),
+                             branchmerge=True,
+                             force=False,
+                             partial=None,
+                             ancestor=base.node(),
+                             mergeancestor=True)
+    else:
+        stats = merge.update(repo,
+                             other.node(),
+                             branchmerge=True,
+                             force=False,
+                             ancestor=base.node(),
+                             mergeancestor=True)
     hg._showstats(repo, stats)
     if stats[3]:
         repo.ui.status(_("use 'hg resolve' to retry unresolved file merges "
                          "or 'hg update -C .' to abandon\n"))
     if stats[3] > 0:
-        raise util.Abort('merge conflict between several amendments '
+        raise error.Abort('merge conflict between several amendments '
             '(this is not automated yet)',
             hint="""/!\ You can try:
 /!\ * manual merge + resolve => new cset X
@@ -2009,8 +2030,11 @@
 /!\ * hg kill -n Y W Z
     if progresscb: progresscb()
-    tr = repo.transaction('stabilize-divergent')
+    emtpycommitallowed = repo.ui.backupconfig('ui', 'allowemptycommit')
+    tr = repo.currenttransaction()
+    assert tr is not None
+        repo.ui.setconfig('ui', 'allowemptycommit', True)
         repo.dirstate.setparents(divergent.node(), node.nullid)
@@ -2023,9 +2047,8 @@
             new = repo['.']
         obsolete.createmarkers(repo, [(other, (new,))])
         phases.retractboundary(repo, tr, other.phase(), [new.node()])
-        tr.close()
-        tr.release()
+        repo.ui.restoreconfig(emtpycommitallowed)
 def divergentdata(ctx):
     """return base, other part of a conflict
@@ -2041,7 +2064,7 @@
         newer = [n for n in newer if n and ctx.node() not in n]
         if newer:
             return base, tuple(ctx._repo[o] for o in newer[0])
-    raise util.Abort("base of divergent changeset %s not found" % ctx,
+    raise error.Abort("base of divergent changeset %s not found" % ctx,
                      hint='this case is not yet handled')
@@ -2052,7 +2075,8 @@
          [('B', 'move-bookmark', False,
              _('move active bookmark after update')),
           ('', 'merge', False, _('bring uncommitted change along')),
-          ('n', 'dry-run', False, _('do not perform actions, just print what would be done'))],
+          ('n', 'dry-run', False,
+             _('do not perform actions, just print what would be done'))],
 def cmdprevious(ui, repo, **opts):
     """update to parent revision
@@ -2062,11 +2086,11 @@
     wparents = wkctx.parents()
     dryrunopt = opts['dry_run']
     if len(wparents) != 1:
-        raise util.Abort('merge in progress')
+        raise error.Abort('merge in progress')
     if not opts['merge']:
-        except error.Abort, exc:
+        except error.Abort as exc:
             exc.hint = _('do you want --merge?')
@@ -2077,21 +2101,25 @@
         bm = bmactive(repo)
         shouldmove = opts.get('move_bookmark') and bm is not None
         if dryrunopt:
-            ui.write('hg update %s;\n' % p.rev())
+            ui.write(('hg update %s;\n' % p.rev()))
             if shouldmove:
-                ui.write('hg bookmark %s -r %s;\n' % (bm, p.rev()))
+                ui.write(('hg bookmark %s -r %s;\n' % (bm, p.rev())))
             ret = hg.update(repo, p.rev())
             if not ret:
+                tr = lock = None
                 wlock = repo.wlock()
+                    lock = repo.lock()
+                    tr = repo.transaction('previous')
                     if shouldmove:
                         repo._bookmarks[bm] = p.node()
-                        repo._bookmarks.write()
+                        repo._bookmarks.recordchange(tr)
+                    tr.close()
-                    wlock.release()
+                    lockmod.release(tr, lock, wlock)
         return 0
@@ -2105,8 +2133,9 @@
              _('move active bookmark after update')),
           ('', 'merge', False, _('bring uncommitted change along')),
           ('', 'evolve', False, _('evolve the next changeset if necessary')),
-          ('n', 'dry-run', False, _('do not perform actions, just print what would be done'))],
-         '[OPTION]...')
+          ('n', 'dry-run', False,
+              _('do not perform actions, just print what would be done'))],
+              '[OPTION]...')
 def cmdnext(ui, repo, **opts):
     """update to next child revision
@@ -2118,11 +2147,11 @@
     wparents = wkctx.parents()
     dryrunopt = opts['dry_run']
     if len(wparents) != 1:
-        raise util.Abort('merge in progress')
+        raise error.Abort('merge in progress')
     if not opts['merge']:
-        except error.Abort, exc:
+        except error.Abort as exc:
             exc.hint = _('do you want --merge?')
@@ -2133,25 +2162,29 @@
         bm = bmactive(repo)
         shouldmove = opts.get('move_bookmark') and bm is not None
         if dryrunopt:
-            ui.write('hg update %s;\n' % c.rev())
+            ui.write(('hg update %s;\n' % c.rev()))
             if shouldmove:
-                ui.write('hg bookmark %s -r %s;\n' % (bm, c.rev()))
+                ui.write(('hg bookmark %s -r %s;\n' % (bm, c.rev())))
             ret = hg.update(repo, c.rev())
             if not ret:
+                lock = tr = None
                 wlock = repo.wlock()
+                    lock = repo.lock()
+                    tr = repo.transaction('next')
                     if shouldmove:
                         repo._bookmarks[bm] = c.node()
-                        repo._bookmarks.write()
+                        repo._bookmarks.recordchange(tr)
+                    tr.close()
-                    wlock.release()
+                    lockmod.release(tr, lock, wlock)
         result = 0
     elif children:
-        ui.warn("ambigious next changeset:\n")
+        ui.warn(_("ambigious next changeset:\n"))
         for c in children:
         ui.warn(_('explicitly update to one of them\n'))
@@ -2181,46 +2214,48 @@
         return 1
     return result
-def _reachablefrombookmark(repo, revs, mark):
+def _reachablefrombookmark(repo, revs, bookmarks):
     """filter revisions and bookmarks reachable from the given bookmark
     yoinked from
-    marks = repo._bookmarks
-    if mark not in marks:
-        raise util.Abort(_("bookmark '%s' not found") % mark)
+    repomarks = repo._bookmarks
+    if not bookmarks.issubset(repomarks):
+        raise error.Abort(_("bookmark '%s' not found") %
+            ','.join(sorted(bookmarks - set(repomarks.keys()))))
     # If the requested bookmark is not the only one pointing to a
     # a revision we have to only delete the bookmark and not strip
     # anything. revsets cannot detect that case.
-    uniquebm = True
-    for m, n in marks.iteritems():
-        if m != mark and n == repo[mark].node():
-            uniquebm = False
-            break
-    if uniquebm:
-        if util.safehasattr(repair, 'stripbmrevset'):
-            rsrevs = repair.stripbmrevset(repo, mark)
-        else:
-            rsrevs = repo.revs("ancestors(bookmark(%s)) - "
-                               "ancestors(head() and not bookmark(%s)) - "
-                               "ancestors(bookmark() and not bookmark(%s)) - "
-                               "obsolete()",
-                               mark, mark, mark)
-        revs = set(revs)
-        revs.update(set(rsrevs))
-        revs = sorted(revs)
-    return marks, revs
-def _deletebookmark(repo, marks, mark):
+    nodetobookmarks = {}
+    for mark, node in repomarks.iteritems():
+        nodetobookmarks.setdefault(node, []).append(mark)
+    for marks in nodetobookmarks.values():
+        if bookmarks.issuperset(marks):
+           if util.safehasattr(repair, 'stripbmrevset'):
+               rsrevs = repair.stripbmrevset(repo, marks[0])
+           else:
+               rsrevs = repo.revs("ancestors(bookmark(%s)) - "
+                                  "ancestors(head() and not bookmark(%s)) - "
+                                  "ancestors(bookmark() and not bookmark(%s)) - "
+                                  "obsolete()",
+                                  marks[0], marks[0], marks[0])
+           revs = set(revs)
+           revs.update(set(rsrevs))
+           revs = sorted(revs)
+    return repomarks, revs
+def _deletebookmark(repo, repomarks, bookmarks):
     wlock = lock = tr = None
         wlock = repo.wlock()
         lock = repo.lock()
         tr = repo.transaction('prune')
-        del marks[mark]
-        marks.recordchange(tr)
+        for bookmark in bookmarks:
+            del repomarks[bookmark]
+        repomarks.recordchange(tr)
-        repo.ui.write(_("bookmark '%s' deleted\n") % mark)
+        for bookmark in sorted(bookmarks):
+            repo.ui.write(_("bookmark '%s' deleted\n") % bookmark)
         lockmod.release(tr, lock, wlock)
@@ -2243,9 +2278,11 @@
      ('r', 'rev', [], _("revisions to prune")),
      ('k', 'keep', None, _("does not modify working copy during prune")),
      ('', 'biject', False, _("do a 1-1 map between rev and successor ranges")),
-     ('', 'fold', False, _("record a fold (multiple precursors, one successors)")),
-     ('', 'split', False, _("record a split (on precursor, multiple successors)")),
-     ('B', 'bookmark', '', _("remove revs only reachable from given"
+     ('', 'fold', False,
+        _("record a fold (multiple precursors, one successors)")),
+     ('', 'split', False,
+        _("record a split (on precursor, multiple successors)")),
+     ('B', 'bookmark', [], _("remove revs only reachable from given"
                              " bookmark"))] + metadataopts,
     _('[OPTION] [-r] REV...'))
     # -U  --noupdate option to prevent wc update and or bookmarks update ?
@@ -2275,7 +2312,7 @@
     revs = scmutil.revrange(repo, list(revs) + opts.get('rev'))
     succs = opts['new'] + opts['succ']
-    bookmark = opts.get('bookmark')
+    bookmarks = set(opts.get('bookmark'))
     metadata = _getmetadata(**opts)
     biject = opts.get('biject')
     fold = opts.get('fold')
@@ -2283,16 +2320,16 @@
     options = [o for o in ('biject', 'fold', 'split') if opts.get(o)]
     if 1 < len(options):
-        raise util.Abort(_("can only specify one of %s") % ', '.join(options))
-    if bookmark:
-        marks,revs = _reachablefrombookmark(repo, revs, bookmark)
+        raise error.Abort(_("can only specify one of %s") % ', '.join(options))
+    if bookmarks:
+        repomarks, revs = _reachablefrombookmark(repo, revs, bookmarks)
         if not revs:
             # no revisions to prune - delete bookmark immediately
-            _deletebookmark(repo, marks, bookmark)
+            _deletebookmark(repo, repomarks, bookmarks)
     if not revs:
-        raise util.Abort(_('nothing to prune'))
+        raise error.Abort(_('nothing to prune'))
     wlock = lock = tr = None
@@ -2306,15 +2343,15 @@
             cp = repo[p]
             if not cp.mutable():
                 # note: createmarkers() would have raised something anyway
-                raise util.Abort('cannot prune immutable changeset: %s' % cp,
+                raise error.Abort('cannot prune immutable changeset: %s' % cp,
                                  hint='see "hg help phases" for details')
         if not precs:
-            raise util.Abort('nothing to prune')
+            raise error.Abort('nothing to prune')
         if not obsolete.isenabled(repo, obsolete.allowunstableopt):
             if repo.revs("(%ld::) - %ld", revs, revs):
-                raise util.Abort(_("cannot prune in the middle of a stack"))
+                raise error.Abort(_("cannot prune in the middle of a stack"))
         # defines successors changesets
         sucs = scmutil.revrange(repo, succs)
@@ -2322,17 +2359,17 @@
         sucs = tuple(repo[n] for n in sucs)
         if not biject and len(sucs) > 1 and len(precs) > 1:
             msg = "Can't use multiple successors for multiple precursors"
-            raise util.Abort(msg)
+            raise error.Abort(msg)
         elif biject and len(sucs) != len(precs):
             msg = "Can't use %d successors for %d precursors" \
                 % (len(sucs), len(precs))
-            raise util.Abort(msg)
+            raise error.Abort(msg)
         elif (len(precs) == 1 and len(sucs) > 1) and not split:
             msg = "please add --split if you want to do a split"
-            raise util.Abort(msg)
+            raise error.Abort(msg)
         elif len(sucs) == 1 and len(precs) > 1 and not fold:
             msg = "please add --fold if you want to do a fold"
-            raise util.Abort(msg)
+            raise error.Abort(msg)
         elif biject:
             relations = [(p, (s,)) for p, s in zip(precs, sucs)]
@@ -2362,33 +2399,35 @@
                 descendantrevs = repo.revs("%d::." % newnode.rev())
                 changedfiles = []
                 for rev in descendantrevs:
-                    # blindly reset the files, regardless of what actually changed
+                    # blindly reset the files, regardless of what actually
+                    # changed
                 # reset files that only changed in the dirstate too
                 dirstate = repo.dirstate
                 dirchanges = [f for f in dirstate if dirstate[f] != 'n']
-                repo.dirstate.rebuild(newnode.node(), newnode.manifest(), changedfiles)
+                repo.dirstate.rebuild(newnode.node(), newnode.manifest(),
+                                      changedfiles)
                 writedirstate(dirstate, tr)
                 bookactive = bmactive(repo)
                 # Active bookmark that we don't want to delete (with -B option)
                 # we deactivate and move it before the update and reactivate it
                 # after
-                movebookmark = bookactive and not bookmark
+                movebookmark = bookactive and not bookmarks
                 if movebookmark:
                     repo._bookmarks[bookactive] = newnode.node()
-                    repo._bookmarks.write()
+                    repo._bookmarks.recordchange(tr)
                 commands.update(ui, repo, newnode.rev())
                 ui.status(_('working directory now at %s\n') % newnode)
                 if movebookmark:
                     bmactivate(repo, bookactive)
         # update bookmarks
-        if bookmark:
-            _deletebookmark(repo, marks, bookmark)
+        if bookmarks:
+            _deletebookmark(repo, repomarks, bookmarks)
         # create markers
         obsolete.createmarkers(repo, relations, metadata=metadata)
@@ -2583,14 +2622,14 @@
         lock = repo.lock()
         wctx = repo[None]
         if len(wctx.parents()) <= 0:
-            raise util.Abort(_("cannot uncommit null changeset"))
+            raise error.Abort(_("cannot uncommit null changeset"))
         if len(wctx.parents()) > 1:
-            raise util.Abort(_("cannot uncommit while merging"))
+            raise error.Abort(_("cannot uncommit while merging"))
         old = repo['.']
         if old.phase() == phases.public:
-            raise util.Abort(_("cannot rewrite immutable changeset"))
+            raise error.Abort(_("cannot rewrite immutable changeset"))
         if len(old.parents()) > 1:
-            raise util.Abort(_("cannot uncommit merge changeset"))
+            raise error.Abort(_("cannot uncommit merge changeset"))
         oldphase = old.phase()
@@ -2599,12 +2638,13 @@
             rev = scmutil.revsingle(repo, opts.get('rev'))
             ctx = repo[None]
             if ctx.p1() == rev or ctx.p2() == rev:
-                raise util.Abort(_("cannot uncommit to parent changeset"))
+                raise error.Abort(_("cannot uncommit to parent changeset"))
         onahead = old.rev() in repo.changelog.headrevs()
-        disallowunstable = not obsolete.isenabled(repo, obsolete.allowunstableopt)
+        disallowunstable = not obsolete.isenabled(repo,
+                                                  obsolete.allowunstableopt)
         if disallowunstable and not onahead:
-            raise util.Abort(_("cannot uncommit in the middle of a stack"))
+            raise error.Abort(_("cannot uncommit in the middle of a stack"))
         # Recommit the filtered changeset
         tr = repo.transaction('uncommit')
@@ -2615,7 +2655,7 @@
             match = scmutil.match(old, pats, opts)
             newid = _commitfiltered(repo, old, match, target=rev)
         if newid is None:
-            raise util.Abort(_('nothing to uncommit'),
+            raise error.Abort(_('nothing to uncommit'),
                              hint=_("use --all to uncommit all files"))
         # Move local changes on filtered changeset
         obsolete.createmarkers(repo, [(old, (repo[newid],))])
@@ -2634,6 +2674,7 @@
 def commitwrapper(orig, ui, repo, *arg, **kwargs):
+    tr = None
     if kwargs.get('amend', False):
         wlock = lock = None
@@ -2656,17 +2697,23 @@
             for book in oldbookmarks:
                 repo._bookmarks[book] = new.node()
             if oldbookmarks:
-                repo._bookmarks.write()
+                if not wlock:
+                    wlock = repo.wlock()
+                if not lock:
+                    lock = repo.lock()
+                tr = repo.transaction('commit')
+                repo._bookmarks.recordchange(tr)
+                tr.close()
         return result
-        lockmod.release(lock, wlock)
+        lockmod.release(tr, lock, wlock)
     [('r', 'rev', [], _("revision to fold")),
     ] + commitopts + commitopts2,
     _('hg split [OPTION]... [-r] REV'))
 def cmdsplit(ui, repo, *revs, **opts):
-    """split a changeset into smaller changesets (EXPERIMENTAL)
+    """split a changeset into smaller changesets
     By default, split the current revision by prompting for all its hunks to be
     redistributed into new changesets.
@@ -2676,16 +2723,13 @@
     tr = wlock = lock = None
     newcommits = []
-    revopt = opts.get('rev')
-    if revopt:
-        revs = scmutil.revrange(repo, revopt)
-        if len(revs) != 1:
-            raise util.Abort(_("you can only specify one revision to split"))
-        else:
-            rev = list(revs)[0]
-    else:
-        rev = '.'
+    revarg = (list(revs) + opts.get('rev')) or ['.']
+    if len(revarg) != 1:
+        msg = _("more than one revset is given")
+        hnt = _("use either `hg split <rs>` or `hg split --rev <rs>`, not both")
+        raise error.Abort(msg, hint=hnt)
+    rev = scmutil.revsingle(repo, revarg[0])
         wlock = repo.wlock()
         lock = repo.lock()
@@ -2698,10 +2742,10 @@
         if disallowunstable:
             # XXX We should check head revs
             if repo.revs("(%d::) - %d", rev, rev):
-                raise util.Abort(_("cannot split commit: %s not a head") % ctx)
+                raise error.Abort(_("cannot split commit: %s not a head") % ctx)
         if len(ctx.parents()) > 1:
-            raise util.Abort(_("cannot split merge commits"))
+            raise error.Abort(_("cannot split merge commits"))
         prev = ctx.p1()
         bmupdate = _bookmarksupdater(repo, ctx.node(), tr)
         bookactive = bmactive(repo)
@@ -2714,6 +2758,10 @@
         def haschanges():
             modified, added, removed, deleted = repo.status()[:4]
             return modified or added or removed or deleted
+        msg = 'HG: Please, edit the original changeset description.\n\n'
+        msg += ctx.description()
+        opts['message'] = msg
+        opts['edit'] = True
         while haschanges():
             pats = ()
             cmdutil.dorecord(ui, repo, commands.commit, 'commit', False,
@@ -2727,7 +2775,7 @@
-                ui.status("no more change to split\n")
+                ui.status(_("no more change to split\n"))
         tip = repo[newcommits[-1]]
@@ -2767,15 +2815,20 @@
     [('r', 'rev', [], 'revision to update'),
      ('D', 'duplicate', False,
-      'do not mark the new revision as successor of the old one')],
+      'do not mark the new revision as successor of the old one'),
+     ('A', 'allowdivergence', False,
+      'mark the new revision as successor of the old one potentially creating '
+      'divergence')],
     # allow to choose the seed ?
     _('[-r] revs'))
 def touch(ui, repo, *revs, **opts):
-    """create successors that are identical to their predecessors except for the changeset ID
+    """create successors that are identical to their predecessors except
+    for the changeset ID
     This is used to "resurrect" changesets
     duplicate = opts['duplicate']
+    allowdivergence = opts['allowdivergence']
     revs = list(revs)
     if not revs:
@@ -2785,7 +2838,8 @@
         ui.write_err('no revision to touch\n')
         return 1
     if not duplicate and repo.revs('public() and %ld', revs):
-        raise util.Abort("can't touch public revision")
+        raise error.Abort("can't touch public revision")
+    displayer = cmdutil.show_changeset(ui, repo, {'template': shorttemplate})
     wlock = lock = tr = None
         wlock = repo.wlock()
@@ -2802,11 +2856,37 @@
             p2 = ctx.p2().node()
             p1 = newmapping.get(p1, p1)
             p2 = newmapping.get(p2, p2)
+            if not (duplicate or allowdivergence):
+                # The user hasn't yet decided what to do with the revived
+                # cset, let's ask
+                sset = obsolete.successorssets(repo, ctx.node())
+                nodivergencerisk = len(sset) == 0 or (
+                                    len(sset) == 1 and
+                                    len(sset[0]) == 1 and
+                                    repo[sset[0][0]].rev() == ctx.rev()
+                                   )
+                if nodivergencerisk:
+                    duplicate = False
+                else:
+                    index = ui.promptchoice(
+                        _("reviving this changeset will create divergence"
+                        " unless you make a duplicate.\n(a)llow divergence or"
+                        " (d)uplicate the changeset? $$ &Allowdivergence $$ "
+                        "&Duplicate"), 0)
+                    choice = ['allowdivergence', 'duplicate'][index]
+                    if choice == 'allowdivergence':
+                        duplicate = False
+                    else:
+                        duplicate = True
             new, unusedvariable = rewrite(repo, ctx, [], ctx,
                                           [p1, p2],
                                           commitopts={'extra': extra})
             # store touched version to help potential children
             newmapping[ctx.node()] = new
             if not duplicate:
                 obsolete.createmarkers(repo, [(ctx, (repo[new],))])
             phases.retractboundary(repo, tr, ctx.phase(), [new])
@@ -2863,7 +2943,7 @@
     revs = list(revs)
     if not revs:
-        raise util.Abort(_('no revisions specified'))
+        raise error.Abort(_('no revisions specified'))
     revs = scmutil.revrange(repo, revs)
@@ -2872,7 +2952,7 @@
         extrevs = repo.revs('(%ld::.) or (.::%ld)', revs, revs)
         discardedrevs = [r for r in revs if r not in extrevs]
         if discardedrevs:
-            raise util.Abort(_("cannot fold non-linear revisions"),
+            raise error.Abort(_("cannot fold non-linear revisions"),
                                hint=_("given revisions are unrelated to parent "
                                       "of working directory"))
         revs = extrevs
@@ -2883,20 +2963,20 @@
     roots = repo.revs('roots(%ld)', revs)
     if len(roots) > 1:
-        raise util.Abort(_("cannot fold non-linear revisions "
+        raise error.Abort(_("cannot fold non-linear revisions "
                            "(multiple roots given)"))
     root = repo[roots.first()]
     if root.phase() <= phases.public:
-        raise util.Abort(_("cannot fold public revisions"))
+        raise error.Abort(_("cannot fold public revisions"))
     heads = repo.revs('heads(%ld)', revs)
     if len(heads) > 1:
-        raise util.Abort(_("cannot fold non-linear revisions "
+        raise error.Abort(_("cannot fold non-linear revisions "
                            "(multiple heads given)"))
     head = repo[heads.first()]
     disallowunstable = not obsolete.isenabled(repo, obsolete.allowunstableopt)
     if disallowunstable:
         if repo.revs("(%ld::) - %ld", revs, revs):
-            raise util.Abort(_("cannot fold chain not ending with a head "\
+            raise error.Abort(_("cannot fold chain not ending with a head "\
                                "or with branching"))
     wlock = lock = None
@@ -2918,7 +2998,8 @@
                 commitopts['edit'] = True
             newid, unusedvariable = rewrite(repo, root, allctx, head,
-                                            [root.p1().node(), root.p2().node()],
+                                            [root.p1().node(),
+                                             root.p2().node()],
             phases.retractboundary(repo, tr, targetphase, [newid])
             obsolete.createmarkers(repo, [(ctx, (repo[newid],))
@@ -3026,7 +3107,8 @@
         obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "looking for common markers in %i nodes\n"
                            % len(revs))
         commonrevs = list(unfi.revs('::%ln', pushop.outgoing.commonheads))
-        common = findcommonobsmarkers(pushop.ui, unfi, pushop.remote, commonrevs)
+        common = findcommonobsmarkers(pushop.ui, unfi, pushop.remote,
+                                      commonrevs)
         revs = list(unfi.revs('%ld - (::%ln)', revs, common))
         nodes = [cl.node(r) for r in revs]
@@ -3058,8 +3140,9 @@
     wireproto.commands['evoext_obshash'] = (srv_obshash, 'nodes')
     wireproto.commands['evoext_obshash1'] = (srv_obshash1, 'nodes')
     if getattr(exchange, '_pushdiscoveryobsmarkers', None) is None:
-        ui.warn('evolve: your mercurial version is too old\n'
-                'evolve: (running in degraded mode, push will includes all markers)\n')
+        ui.warn(_('evolve: your mercurial version is too old\n'
+                  'evolve: (running in degraded mode, push will '
+                  'includes all markers)\n'))
         olddisco = exchange.pushdiscoverymapping['obsmarker']
         def newdisco(pushop):
@@ -3086,7 +3169,8 @@
     return wireproto.encodelist(_obshash(repo, wireproto.decodelist(nodes)))
 def srv_obshash1(repo, proto, nodes):
-    return wireproto.encodelist(_obshash(repo, wireproto.decodelist(nodes), version=1))
+    return wireproto.encodelist(_obshash(repo, wireproto.decodelist(nodes),
+                                version=1))
 @eh.addattr(localrepo.localpeer, 'evoext_obshash')
 def local_obshash(peer, nodes):
@@ -3123,7 +3207,7 @@
     common = set()
     undecided = set(probeset)
     totalnb = len(undecided)
-    ui.progress("comparing with other", 0, total=totalnb)
+    ui.progress(_("comparing with other"), 0, total=totalnb)
     _takefullsample = setdiscovery._takefullsample
     if remote.capable('_evoext_obshash_1'):
         getremotehash = remote.evoext_obshash1
@@ -3141,7 +3225,7 @@
             sample = _takefullsample(dag, undecided, size=fullsamplesize)
         roundtrips += 1
-        ui.progress("comparing with other", totalnb - len(undecided),
+        ui.progress(_("comparing with other"), totalnb - len(undecided),
         ui.debug("query %i; still undecided: %i, sample size is: %i\n"
                  % (roundtrips, len(undecided), len(sample)))
@@ -3162,7 +3246,7 @@
-    ui.progress("comparing with other", None, total=totalnb)
+    ui.progress(_("comparing with other"), None, total=totalnb)
     result = dag.headsetofconnecteds(common)
     ui.debug("%d total queries\n" % roundtrips)
@@ -3226,10 +3310,11 @@
             rslts = []
             remotedata = _pushkeyescape(markers).items()
-            totalbytes = sum(len(d) for k,d in remotedata)
+            totalbytes = sum(len(d) for k, d in remotedata)
             sentbytes = 0
-            obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "pushing %i obsolescence markers in %i pushkey payload (%i bytes)\n"
-                                % (len(markers), len(remotedata), totalbytes),
+            obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "pushing %i obsolescence markers in %i "
+                               "pushkey payload (%i bytes)\n"
+                               % (len(markers), len(remotedata), totalbytes),
             for key, data in remotedata:
                 obsexcprg(repo.ui, sentbytes, item=key, unit="bytes",
@@ -3271,10 +3356,10 @@
             if l.strip():
                 self.ui.status(_('remote: '), l)
         return vals[0]
-    except socket.error, err:
+    except socket.error as err:
         if err.args[0] in (errno.ECONNRESET, errno.EPIPE):
-            raise util.Abort(_('push failed: %s') % err.args[1])
-        raise util.Abort(err.args[1])
+            raise error.Abort(_('push failed: %s') % err.args[1])
+        raise error.Abort(err.args[1])
 @eh.wrapfunction(localrepo.localrepository, '_restrictcapabilities')
 def local_pushobsmarker_capabilities(orig, repo, caps):
@@ -3333,7 +3418,8 @@
 @eh.wrapfunction(exchange, '_pullbundle2extraprepare')
 def _addobscommontob2pull(orig, pullop, kwargs):
     ret = orig(pullop, kwargs)
-    if 'obsmarkers' in kwargs and pullop.remote.capable('_evoext_getbundle_obscommon'):
+    if ('obsmarkers' in kwargs and
+        pullop.remote.capable('_evoext_getbundle_obscommon')):
         boundaries = _buildpullobsmarkersboundaries(pullop)
         common = boundaries['common']
         if common != [nullid]:
@@ -3446,7 +3532,7 @@
     ui = self.ui
     obsexcprg(ui, current, unit="bytes", total=length)
     while current < length:
-        readsize = min(length-current, chunk)
+        readsize = min(length - current, chunk)
         current += readsize
         obsexcprg(ui, current, unit="bytes", total=length)
@@ -3481,7 +3567,7 @@
     cache = []
     unfi = repo.unfiltered()
     markercache = {}
-    repo.ui.progress("preparing locally", 0, total=len(unfi))
+    repo.ui.progress(_("preparing locally"), 0, total=len(unfi))
     for i in unfi:
         ctx = unfi[i]
         entry = 0
@@ -3511,14 +3597,13 @@
             cache.append((ctx.node(), sha.digest()))
             cache.append((ctx.node(), nullid))
-        repo.ui.progress("preparing locally", i, total=len(unfi))
-    repo.ui.progress("preparing locally", None)
+        repo.ui.progress(_("preparing locally"), i, total=len(unfi))
+    repo.ui.progress(_("preparing locally"), None)
     return cache
         [('', 'v0', None, 'hash on marker format "0"'),
-         ('', 'v1', None, 'hash on marker format "1" (default)')
-         ,] , _(''))
+         ('', 'v1', None, 'hash on marker format "1" (default)')] , _(''))
 def debugobsrelsethashtree(ui, repo, v0=False, v1=False):
     """display Obsolete markers, Relevant Set, Hash Tree
     changeset-node obsrelsethashtree-node
@@ -3526,7 +3611,7 @@
     It computed form the "orsht" of its parent and markers
     relevant to the changeset itself."""
     if v0 and v1:
-        raise util.Abort('cannot only specify one format')
+        raise error.Abort('cannot only specify one format')
     elif v0:
         treefunc = _obsrelsethashtreefm0
@@ -3549,7 +3634,7 @@
     for mark in markers:
         if node.nullid in mark[1]:
-            raise util.Abort(_('bad obsolescence marker detected: '
+            raise error.Abort(_('bad obsolescence marker detected: '
                                'invalid successors nullid'),
                              hint=_('You should run `hg debugobsconvert`'))
@@ -3561,7 +3646,7 @@
     origmarkers = repo.obsstore._all  # settle version
     if new_format == repo.obsstore._version:
         msg = _('New format is the same as the old format, not upgrading!')
-        raise util.Abort(msg)
+        raise error.Abort(msg)
     f = repo.svfs('obsstore', 'wb', atomictemp=True)
     known = set()
     markers = []
@@ -3621,3 +3706,144 @@
         help.helptable.append((["evolution"], _("Safely Rewriting History"),
+def _relocatecommit(repo, orig, commitmsg):
+    if commitmsg is None:
+        commitmsg = orig.description()
+    extra = dict(orig.extra())
+    if 'branch' in extra:
+        del extra['branch']
+    extra['rebase_source'] = orig.hex()
+    backup = repo.ui.backupconfig('phases', 'new-commit')
+    try:
+        targetphase = max(orig.phase(), phases.draft)
+        repo.ui.setconfig('phases', 'new-commit', targetphase, 'rebase')
+        # Commit might fail if unresolved files exist
+        nodenew = repo.commit(text=commitmsg, user=orig.user(),
+                    , extra=extra)
+    finally:
+        repo.ui.restoreconfig(backup)
+    return nodenew
+def _finalizerelocate(repo, orig, dest, nodenew, tr):
+    destbookmarks = repo.nodebookmarks(dest.node())
+    nodesrc = orig.node()
+    destphase = repo[nodesrc].phase()
+    oldbookmarks = repo.nodebookmarks(nodesrc)
+    if nodenew is not None:
+        phases.retractboundary(repo, tr, destphase, [nodenew])
+        obsolete.createmarkers(repo, [(repo[nodesrc], (repo[nodenew],))])
+        for book in oldbookmarks:
+            repo._bookmarks[book] = nodenew
+    else:
+        obsolete.createmarkers(repo, [(repo[nodesrc], ())])
+        # Behave like rebase, move bookmarks to dest
+        for book in oldbookmarks:
+            repo._bookmarks[book] = dest.node()
+    for book in destbookmarks: # restore bookmark that rebase move
+        repo._bookmarks[book] = dest.node()
+    if oldbookmarks or destbookmarks:
+        repo._bookmarks.recordchange(tr)
+evolvestateversion = 0
+def setupevolveunfinished(ui):
+    data = ('evolvestate', True, False, _('evolve in progress'),
+           _("use 'hg evolve --continue' or 'hg update' to abort"))
+    cmdutil.unfinishedstates.append(data)
+@eh.wrapfunction(hg, 'clean')
+def clean(orig, repo, *args, **kwargs):
+    ret = orig(repo, *args, **kwargs)
+    util.unlinkpath(repo.join('evolvestate'), ignoremissing=True)
+    return ret
+def _evolvestatewrite(repo, state):
+    # [version]
+    # [type][length][content]
+    #
+    # `version` is a 4 bytes integer (handled at higher level)
+    # `type` is a single character, `length` is a 4 byte integer, and
+    # `content` is an arbitrary byte sequence of length `length`.
+    f = repo.vfs('evolvestate', 'w')
+    try:
+        f.write(_pack('>I', evolvestateversion))
+        current = state['current']
+        key = 'C' # as in 'current'
+        format = '>sI%is' % len(current)
+        f.write(_pack(format, key, len(current), current))
+    finally:
+        f.close()
+def _evolvestateread(repo):
+    try:
+        f = repo.vfs('evolvestate')
+    except IOError, err:
+        if err.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+            raise
+        return None
+    try:
+        versionblob =
+        if len(versionblob) < 4:
+            repo.ui.debug('ignoring corrupted evolvestte (file contains %i bits)'
+                          % len(versionblob))
+            return None
+        version = _unpack('>I', versionblob)[0]
+        if version != evolvestateversion:
+            raise error.Abort(_('unknown evolvestate version %i')
+                                % version, hint=_('upgrade your evolve'))
+        records = []
+        data =
+        off = 0
+        end = len(data)
+        while off < end:
+            rtype = data[off]
+            off += 1
+            length = _unpack('>I', data[off:(off + 4)])[0]
+            off += 4
+            record = data[off:(off + length)]
+            off += length
+            if rtype == 't':
+                rtype, record = record[0], record[1:]
+            records.append((rtype, record))
+        state = {}
+        for rtype, rdata in records:
+            if rtype == 'C':
+                state['current'] = rdata
+            elif rtype.lower():
+                repo.ui.debug('ignore evolve state record type %s' % rtype)
+            else:
+                raise error.Abort(_('unknown evolvestate field type %r')
+                                  % rtype, hint=_('upgrade your evolve'))
+        return state
+    finally:
+        f.close()
+def _evolvestatedelete(repo):
+    util.unlinkpath(repo.join('evolvestate'), ignoremissing=True)
+def _evolvemerge(repo, orig, dest, pctx, keepbranch):
+    """Used by the evolve function to merge dest on top of pctx.
+    return the same tuple as merge.graft"""
+    if repo['.'].rev() != dest.rev():
+       merge.update(repo, dest, False, True, False)
+    if bmactive(repo):
+       repo.ui.status(_("(leaving bookmark %s)\n") % bmactive(repo))
+    bmdeactivate(repo)
+    if keepbranch:
+       repo.dirstate.setbranch(orig.branch())
+    try:
+       r = merge.graft(repo, orig, pctx, ['local', 'graft'], True)
+    except TypeError:
+       # not using recent enough mercurial
+       if len(orig.parents()) == 2:
+           raise error.Abort(
+               _("no support for evolving merge changesets yet"),
+               hint=_("Redo the merge and use `hg prune <old> --succ "
+                      "<new>` to obsolete the old one"))
+       r = merge.graft(repo, orig, pctx, ['local', 'graft'])
+    return r
--- a/hgext/	Thu Feb 04 11:13:38 2016 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-"""reduce the changesets evolution feature scope for early and noob friendly ui
-the full scale changeset evolution have some massive bleeding edge and it is
-very easy for people not very intimate with the concept to end up in intricate
-situation. in order to get some of the benefit sooner, this extension is
-disabling some of the less polished aspect of evolution. it should gradually
-get thinner and thinner as changeset evolution will get more polished. this
-extension is only recommended for large scale organisations. individual user
-should probably stick on using evolution in its current state, understand its
-concept and provide feedback
-This extension provides the ability to "inhibit" obsolescence markers. obsolete 
-revision can be cheaply brought back to life that way. 
-However as the inhibitor are not fitting in an append only model, this is 
-incompatible with sharing mutable history.
-from mercurial import localrepo
-from mercurial import obsolete
-from mercurial import extensions
-from mercurial import cmdutil
-from mercurial import error
-from mercurial import scmutil
-from mercurial import commands
-from mercurial import lock as lockmod
-from mercurial import bookmarks
-from mercurial import util
-from mercurial.i18n import _
-cmdtable = {}
-command = cmdutil.command(cmdtable)
-def _inhibitenabled(repo):
-    return util.safehasattr(repo, '_obsinhibit')
-def reposetup(ui, repo):
-    class obsinhibitedrepo(repo.__class__):
-        @localrepo.storecache('obsinhibit')
-        def _obsinhibit(self):
-            # XXX we should make sure it is invalidated by transaction failure
-            obsinhibit = set()
-            raw = self.svfs.tryread('obsinhibit')
-            for i in xrange(0, len(raw), 20):
-                obsinhibit.add(raw[i:i+20])
-            return obsinhibit
-        def commit(self, *args, **kwargs):
-            newnode = super(obsinhibitedrepo, self).commit(*args, **kwargs)
-            if newnode is not None:
-                _inhibitmarkers(repo, [newnode])
-            return newnode
-    repo.__class__ = obsinhibitedrepo
-def _update(orig, ui, repo, *args, **kwargs):
-    """
-    When moving to a commit we want to inhibit any obsolete commit affecting
-    the changeset we are updating to. In other words we don't want any visible
-    commit to be obsolete.
-    """
-    wlock = None
-    try:
-        # Evolve is running a hook on lock release to display a warning message 
-        # if the workind dir's parent is obsolete.
-        # We take the lock here to make sure that we inhibit the parent before
-        # that hook get a chance to run.
-        wlock = repo.wlock()
-        res = orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
-        newhead = repo['.'].node()
-        _inhibitmarkers(repo, [newhead])
-        return res
-    finally:
-        lockmod.release(wlock)
-def _bookmarkchanged(orig, bkmstoreinst, *args, **kwargs):
-    """ Add inhibition markers to every obsolete bookmarks """
-    repo = bkmstoreinst._repo
-    bkmstorenodes = [repo[v].node() for v in bkmstoreinst.values()]
-    _inhibitmarkers(repo, bkmstorenodes)
-    return orig(bkmstoreinst, *args, **kwargs)
-def _bookmark(orig, ui, repo, *bookmarks, **opts):
-    """ Add a -D option to the bookmark command, map it to prune -B """
-    haspruneopt = opts.get('prune', False)
-    if not haspruneopt:
-        return orig(ui, repo, *bookmarks, **opts)
-    # Call prune -B
-    evolve = extensions.find('evolve')
-    optsdict = {
-        'new': [],
-        'succ': [],
-        'rev': [],
-        'bookmark': bookmarks[0],
-        'keep': None,
-        'biject': False,
-    }
-    evolve.cmdprune(ui, repo, **optsdict)
-# obsolescence inhibitor
-def _schedulewrite(tr, obsinhibit):
-    """Make sure on disk content will be updated on transaction commit"""
-    def writer(fp):
-        """Serialize the inhibited list to disk.
-        """
-        raw = ''.join(obsinhibit)
-        fp.write(raw)
-    tr.addfilegenerator('obsinhibit', ('obsinhibit',), writer)
-    tr.hookargs['obs_inbihited'] = '1'
-def _filterpublic(repo, nodes):
-    """filter out inhibitor on public changeset
-    Public changesets are already immune to obsolescence"""
-    getrev = repo.changelog.nodemap.get
-    getphase = repo._phasecache.phase
-    return (n for n in repo._obsinhibit
-            if getrev(n) is not None and getphase(repo, getrev(n)))
-def _inhibitmarkers(repo, nodes):
-    """add marker inhibitor for all obsolete revision under <nodes>
-    Content of <nodes> and all mutable ancestors are considered. Marker for
-    obsolete revision only are created.
-    """
-    if not _inhibitenabled(repo):
-        return
-    newinhibit = repo.set('::%ln and obsolete()', nodes)
-    if newinhibit:
-        lock = tr = None
-        try:
-            lock = repo.lock()
-            tr = repo.transaction('obsinhibit')
-            repo._obsinhibit.update(c.node() for c in newinhibit)
-            _schedulewrite(tr, _filterpublic(repo, repo._obsinhibit))
-            repo.invalidatevolatilesets()
-            tr.close()
-        finally:
-            lockmod.release(tr, lock)
-def _deinhibitmarkers(repo, nodes):
-    """lift obsolescence inhibition on a set of nodes
-    This will be triggered when inhibited nodes received new obsolescence
-    markers. Otherwise the new obsolescence markers would also be inhibited.
-    """
-    if not _inhibitenabled(repo):
-        return
-    deinhibited = repo._obsinhibit & set(nodes)
-    if deinhibited:
-        tr = repo.transaction('obsinhibit')
-        try:
-            repo._obsinhibit -= deinhibited
-            _schedulewrite(tr, _filterpublic(repo, repo._obsinhibit))
-            repo.invalidatevolatilesets()
-            tr.close()
-        finally:
-            tr.release()
-def _createmarkers(orig, repo, relations, flag=0, date=None, metadata=None):
-    """wrap markers create to make sure we de-inhibit target nodes"""
-    # wrapping transactio to unify the one in each function
-    lock = tr = None
-    try:
-        lock = repo.lock()
-        tr = repo.transaction('add-obsolescence-marker')
-        orig(repo, relations, flag, date, metadata)
-        precs = (r[0].node() for r in relations)
-        _deinhibitmarkers(repo, precs)
-        tr.close()
-    finally:
-        lockmod.release(tr, lock)
-def transactioncallback(orig, repo, desc, *args, **kwargs):
-    """ Wrap localrepo.transaction to inhibit new obsolete changes """
-    def inhibitposttransaction(transaction):
-        # At the end of the transaction we catch all the new visible and
-        # obsolete commit to inhibit them
-        visibleobsolete = repo.revs('obsolete() - hidden()')
-        ignoreset = set(getattr(repo, '_rebaseset', []))
-        visibleobsolete = list(r for r in visibleobsolete if r not in ignoreset)
-        if visibleobsolete:
-            _inhibitmarkers(repo, [repo[r].node() for r in visibleobsolete])
-    transaction = orig(repo, desc, *args, **kwargs)
-    if desc != 'strip' and _inhibitenabled(repo):
-        transaction.addpostclose('inhibitposttransaction', inhibitposttransaction)
-    return transaction
-def extsetup(ui):
-    # lets wrap the computation of the obsolete set
-    # We apply inhibition there
-    obsfunc = obsolete.cachefuncs['obsolete']
-    def _computeobsoleteset(repo):
-        """remove any inhibited nodes from the obsolete set
-        This will trickle down to other part of mercurial (hidden, log, etc)"""
-        obs = obsfunc(repo)
-        if _inhibitenabled(repo):
-            getrev = repo.changelog.nodemap.get
-            for n in repo._obsinhibit:
-                obs.discard(getrev(n))
-        return obs
-    try:
-        extensions.find('directaccess')
-    except KeyError:
-        errormsg = _('cannot use inhibit without the direct access extension\n')
-        hint = _("(please enable it or inhibit won\'t work)\n")
-        ui.warn(errormsg)
-        ui.warn(hint)
-        return
-    # Wrapping this to inhibit obsolete revs resulting from a transaction
-    extensions.wrapfunction(localrepo.localrepository,
-                            'transaction', transactioncallback)
-    obsolete.cachefuncs['obsolete'] = _computeobsoleteset
-    # wrap create marker to make it able to lift the inhibition
-    extensions.wrapfunction(obsolete, 'createmarkers', _createmarkers)
-    # drop divergence computation since it is incompatible with "light revive"
-    obsolete.cachefuncs['divergent'] = lambda repo: set()
-    # drop bumped computation since it is incompatible with "light revive"
-    obsolete.cachefuncs['bumped'] = lambda repo: set()
-    # wrap update to make sure that no obsolete commit is visible after an
-    # update
-    extensions.wrapcommand(commands.table, 'update', _update)
-    # There are two ways to save bookmark changes during a transation, we
-    # wrap both to add inhibition markers.
-    extensions.wrapfunction(bookmarks.bmstore, 'recordchange', _bookmarkchanged)
-    extensions.wrapfunction(bookmarks.bmstore, 'write', _bookmarkchanged)
-    # Add bookmark -D option
-    entry = extensions.wrapcommand(commands.table, 'bookmark', _bookmark)
-    entry[1].append(('D','prune',None,
-                    _('delete the bookmark and prune the commits underneath')))
-@command('debugobsinhibit', [], '')
-def cmddebugobsinhibit(ui, repo, *revs):
-    """inhibit obsolescence markers effect on a set of revs"""
-    nodes = (repo[r].node() for r in scmutil.revrange(repo, revs))
-    _inhibitmarkers(repo, nodes)
--- a/hgext/	Thu Feb 04 11:13:38 2016 +0000
+++ b/hgext/	Wed Feb 10 23:44:00 2016 +0000
@@ -5,9 +5,12 @@
 # GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
 """Deprecated extension that formely introduces "Changeset Obsolescence".
-This concept is now partially in Mercurial core (starting with mercurial 2.3). The remaining logic have been grouped with the evolve extension.
+This concept is now partially in Mercurial core (starting with mercurial 2.3).
+The remaining logic have been grouped with the evolve extension.
-Some code cemains in this extensions to detect and convert prehistoric format of obsolete marker than early user may have create. Keep it enabled if you were such user.
+Some code cemains in this extensions to detect and convert prehistoric format
+of obsolete marker than early user may have create. Keep it enabled if you
+were such user.
 from mercurial import util
@@ -15,13 +18,14 @@
     from mercurial import obsolete
 except ImportError:
-    raise util.Abort('Obsolete extension requires Mercurial 2.3 (or later)')
+    raise error.Abort('Obsolete extension requires Mercurial 2.3 (or later)')
 import sys
 import json
 from mercurial import cmdutil
 from mercurial import error
+from mercurial.i18n import _
 from mercurial.node import bin, nullid
@@ -50,8 +54,8 @@
         if not data:
             data = repo.svfs.tryread('obsoletemarkers')
         if data:
-            raise util.Abort('old format of obsolete marker detected!\n'
-                             'run `hg debugconvertobsolete` once.')
+            raise error.Abort('old format of obsolete marker detected!\n'
+                              'run `hg debugconvertobsolete` once.')
 def _obsdeserialise(flike):
     """read a file like object serialised with _obsserialise
@@ -65,7 +69,7 @@
         subnode = bin(subhex)
         if subnode == nullid:
             subnode = None
-        rels.setdefault( subnode, set()).add(bin(objhex))
+        rels.setdefault(subnode, set()).add(bin(objhex))
     return rels
 cmdtable = {}
@@ -153,7 +157,7 @@
         del repo._importoldobsolete
     if not some:
-            ui.warn('nothing to do\n')
+        ui.warn(_('nothing to do\n'))
     ui.status('%i obsolete marker converted\n' % cnt)
     if err:
         ui.write_err('%i conversion failed. check you graph!\n' % err)
--- a/hgext/	Thu Feb 04 11:13:38 2016 +0000
+++ b/hgext/	Wed Feb 10 23:44:00 2016 +0000
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
 - Add a new wire protocol command to exchange obsolescence markers. Sending the
   raw file as a binary instead of using pushkey hack.
 - Add a "push done" notification
-- Push obsolescence marker before anything else (This works around the lack of global transaction)
+- Push obsolescence marker before anything else (This works around the lack
+of global transaction)
@@ -61,7 +62,8 @@
 def client_notifypushend(self):
     """wire peer  command to notify a push is done"""
-    self.requirecap('_push_experiment_notifypushend_0', _('hook once push is all done'))
+    self.requirecap('_push_experiment_notifypushend_0',
+                    _('hook once push is all done'))
     return self._call('push_experiment_notifypushend_0')
@@ -75,7 +77,7 @@
 def augmented_push(orig, repo, remote, *args, **kwargs):
     """push wrapped that call the wire protocol command"""
     if not remote.canpush():
-        raise util.Abort(_("destination does not support push"))
+        raise error.Abort(_("destination does not support push"))
     if (obsolete.isenabled(repo, obsolete.exchangeopt) and repo.obsstore
         and remote.capable('_push_experiment_pushobsmarkers_0')):
         # push marker early to limit damage of pushing too early.
@@ -104,8 +106,10 @@
 def extsetup(ui):
     wireproto.wirepeer.push_experiment_pushobsmarkers_0 = client_pushobsmarkers
     wireproto.wirepeer.push_experiment_notifypushend_0 = client_notifypushend
-    wireproto.commands['push_experiment_pushobsmarkers_0'] = (srv_pushobsmarkers, '')
-    wireproto.commands['push_experiment_notifypushend_0'] = (srv_notifypushend, '')
+    wireproto.commands['push_experiment_pushobsmarkers_0'] = \
+        (srv_pushobsmarkers, '')
+    wireproto.commands['push_experiment_notifypushend_0'] = \
+        (srv_notifypushend, '')
     extensions.wrapfunction(wireproto, 'capabilities', capabilities)
     extensions.wrapfunction(obsolete, 'syncpush', syncpush)
     extensions.wrapfunction(localrepo.localrepository, 'push', augmented_push)
--- a/hgext/	Thu Feb 04 11:13:38 2016 +0000
+++ b/hgext/	Wed Feb 10 23:44:00 2016 +0000
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
     gboptslist = getattr(wireproto, 'gboptslist', None)
     gboptsmap = getattr(wireproto, 'gboptsmap', None)
 except (ImportError, AttributeError):
-    raise util.Abort('Your Mercurial is too old for this version of Evolve\n'
-                     'requires version 3.0.1 or above')
+    raise error.Abort('Your Mercurial is too old for this version of Evolve\n'
+                      'requires version 3.0.1 or above')
 # Start of simple4server specific content
@@ -101,10 +101,11 @@
 if not util.safehasattr(obsolete.obsstore, 'relevantmarkers'):
     # from evolve extension: 1a23c7c52a43
     class pruneobsstore(obsolete.obsstore):
-        """And extended obsstore class that read parent information from v1 format
+        """And extended obsstore class that read parent information from v1
+        format
-        Evolve extension adds parent information in prune marker. We use it to make
-        markers relevant to pushed changeset."""
+        Evolve extension adds parent information in prune marker.
+        We use it to make markers relevant to pushed changeset."""
         def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
             self.prunedchildren = {}
@@ -237,7 +238,8 @@
 # from evolve extension: 3249814dabd1
 def srv_obshash1(repo, proto, nodes):
-    return wireproto.encodelist(_obshash(repo, wireproto.decodelist(nodes), version=1))
+    return wireproto.encodelist(_obshash(repo, wireproto.decodelist(nodes),
+                                version=1))
 # from evolve extension: 3249814dabd1
 def capabilities(orig, repo, proto):
--- a/tests/dummyssh	Thu Feb 04 11:13:38 2016 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys
-import os
-if sys.argv[1] != "user@dummy":
-    sys.exit(-1)
-os.environ["SSH_CLIENT"] = " 1 2"
-log = open("dummylog", "ab")
-log.write("Got arguments")
-for i, arg in enumerate(sys.argv[1:]):
-    log.write(" %d:%s" % (i + 1, arg))
-hgcmd = sys.argv[2]
-if == 'nt':
-    # hack to make simple unix single quote quoting work on windows
-    hgcmd = hgcmd.replace("'", '"')
-r = os.system(hgcmd)
--- a/tests/	Thu Feb 04 11:13:38 2016 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os, sys, time, errno, signal
-if =='nt':
-    import ctypes
-    def _check(ret, expectederr=None):
-        if ret == 0:
-            winerrno = ctypes.GetLastError()
-            if winerrno == expectederr:
-                return True
-            raise ctypes.WinError(winerrno)
-    def kill(pid, logfn, tryhard=True):
-        logfn('# Killing daemon process %d' % pid)
-        SYNCHRONIZE = 0x00100000
-        WAIT_OBJECT_0 = 0
-        WAIT_TIMEOUT = 258
-        handle = ctypes.windll.kernel32.OpenProcess(
-                False, pid)
-        if handle == 0:
-            _check(0, 87) # err 87 when process not found
-            return # process not found, already finished
-        try:
-            r = ctypes.windll.kernel32.WaitForSingleObject(handle, 100)
-            if r == WAIT_OBJECT_0:
-                pass # terminated, but process handle still available
-            elif r == WAIT_TIMEOUT:
-                _check(ctypes.windll.kernel32.TerminateProcess(handle, -1))
-            else:
-                _check(r)
-            # TODO?: forcefully kill when timeout
-            #        and ?shorter waiting time? when tryhard==True
-            r = ctypes.windll.kernel32.WaitForSingleObject(handle, 100)
-                                                       # timeout = 100 ms
-            if r == WAIT_OBJECT_0:
-                pass # process is terminated
-            elif r == WAIT_TIMEOUT:
-                logfn('# Daemon process %d is stuck')
-            else:
-                _check(r) # any error
-        except: #re-raises
-            ctypes.windll.kernel32.CloseHandle(handle) # no _check, keep error
-            raise
-        _check(ctypes.windll.kernel32.CloseHandle(handle))
-    def kill(pid, logfn, tryhard=True):
-        try:
-            os.kill(pid, 0)
-            logfn('# Killing daemon process %d' % pid)
-            os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
-            if tryhard:
-                for i in range(10):
-                    time.sleep(0.05)
-                    os.kill(pid, 0)
-            else:
-                time.sleep(0.1)
-                os.kill(pid, 0)
-            logfn('# Daemon process %d is stuck - really killing it' % pid)
-            os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
-        except OSError, err:
-            if err.errno != errno.ESRCH:
-                raise
-def killdaemons(pidfile, tryhard=True, remove=False, logfn=None):
-    if not logfn:
-        logfn = lambda s: s
-    # Kill off any leftover daemon processes
-    try:
-        fp = open(pidfile)
-        for line in fp:
-            try:
-                pid = int(line)
-            except ValueError:
-                continue
-            kill(pid, logfn, tryhard)
-        fp.close()
-        if remove:
-            os.unlink(pidfile)
-    except IOError:
-        pass
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    path, = sys.argv[1:]
-    killdaemons(path)
--- a/tests/	Thu Feb 04 11:13:38 2016 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1128 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# - Run a set of tests on Mercurial
-# Copyright 2006 Matt Mackall <>
-# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
-# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
-# Modifying this script is tricky because it has many modes:
-#   - serial (default) vs parallel (-jN, N > 1)
-#   - no coverage (default) vs coverage (-c, -C, -s)
-#   - temp install (default) vs specific hg script (--with-hg, --local)
-#   - tests are a mix of shell scripts and Python scripts
-# If you change this script, it is recommended that you ensure you
-# haven't broken it by running it in various modes with a representative
-# sample of test scripts.  For example:
-#  1) serial, no coverage, temp install:
-#      ./ test-s*
-#  2) serial, no coverage, local hg:
-#      ./ --local test-s*
-#  3) serial, coverage, temp install:
-#      ./ -c test-s*
-#  4) serial, coverage, local hg:
-#      ./ -c --local test-s*      # unsupported
-#  5) parallel, no coverage, temp install:
-#      ./ -j2 test-s*
-#  6) parallel, no coverage, local hg:
-#      ./ -j2 --local test-s*
-#  7) parallel, coverage, temp install:
-#      ./ -j2 -c test-s*          # currently broken
-#  8) parallel, coverage, local install:
-#      ./ -j2 -c --local test-s*  # unsupported (and broken)
-#  9) parallel, custom tmp dir:
-#      ./ -j2 --tmpdir /tmp/myhgtests
-# (You could use any subset of the tests: test-s* happens to match
-# enough that it's worth doing parallel runs, few enough that it
-# completes fairly quickly, includes both shell and Python scripts, and
-# includes some scripts that run daemon processes.)
-from distutils import version
-import difflib
-import errno
-import optparse
-import os
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import signal
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import time
-import re
-closefds = == 'posix'
-def Popen4(cmd, bufsize=-1):
-    p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, bufsize=bufsize,
-                         close_fds=closefds,
-                         stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                         stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-    p.fromchild = p.stdout
-    p.tochild = p.stdin
-    p.childerr = p.stderr
-    return p
-# reserved exit code to skip test (used by hghave)
-SKIPPED_PREFIX = 'skipped: '
-FAILED_PREFIX  = 'hghave check failed: '
-PYTHON = sys.executable
-if 'java' in sys.platform:
-requiredtools = ["python", "diff", "grep", "sed"]
-defaults = {
-    'jobs': ('HGTEST_JOBS', 1),
-    'timeout': ('HGTEST_TIMEOUT', 180),
-    'port': ('HGTEST_PORT', 20059),
-def parseargs():
-    parser = optparse.OptionParser("%prog [options] [tests]")
-    # keep these sorted
-    parser.add_option("--blacklist", action="append",
-        help="skip tests listed in the specified blacklist file")
-    parser.add_option("-C", "--annotate", action="store_true",
-        help="output files annotated with coverage")
-    parser.add_option("--child", type="int",
-        help="run as child process, summary to given fd")
-    parser.add_option("-c", "--cover", action="store_true",
-        help="print a test coverage report")
-    parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true",
-        help="debug mode: write output of test scripts to console"
-             " rather than capturing and diff'ing it (disables timeout)")
-    parser.add_option("-f", "--first", action="store_true",
-        help="exit on the first test failure")
-    parser.add_option("--inotify", action="store_true",
-        help="enable inotify extension when running tests")
-    parser.add_option("-i", "--interactive", action="store_true",
-        help="prompt to accept changed output")
-    parser.add_option("-j", "--jobs", type="int",
-        help="number of jobs to run in parallel"
-             " (default: $%s or %d)" % defaults['jobs'])
-    parser.add_option("--keep-tmpdir", action="store_true",
-        help="keep temporary directory after running tests")
-    parser.add_option("-k", "--keywords",
-        help="run tests matching keywords")
-    parser.add_option("-l", "--local", action="store_true",
-        help="shortcut for --with-hg=<testdir>/../hg")
-    parser.add_option("-n", "--nodiff", action="store_true",
-        help="skip showing test changes")
-    parser.add_option("-p", "--port", type="int",
-        help="port on which servers should listen"
-             " (default: $%s or %d)" % defaults['port'])
-    parser.add_option("--pure", action="store_true",
-        help="use pure Python code instead of C extensions")
-    parser.add_option("-R", "--restart", action="store_true",
-        help="restart at last error")
-    parser.add_option("-r", "--retest", action="store_true",
-        help="retest failed tests")
-    parser.add_option("-S", "--noskips", action="store_true",
-        help="don't report skip tests verbosely")
-    parser.add_option("-t", "--timeout", type="int",
-        help="kill errant tests after TIMEOUT seconds"
-             " (default: $%s or %d)" % defaults['timeout'])
-    parser.add_option("--tmpdir", type="string",
-        help="run tests in the given temporary directory"
-             " (implies --keep-tmpdir)")
-    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
-        help="output verbose messages")
-    parser.add_option("--view", type="string",
-        help="external diff viewer")
-    parser.add_option("--with-hg", type="string",
-        metavar="HG",
-        help="test using specified hg script rather than a "
-             "temporary installation")
-    parser.add_option("-3", "--py3k-warnings", action="store_true",
-        help="enable Py3k warnings on Python 2.6+")
-    for option, default in defaults.items():
-        defaults[option] = int(os.environ.get(*default))
-    parser.set_defaults(**defaults)
-    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-    # jython is always pure
-    if 'java' in sys.platform or '__pypy__' in sys.modules:
-        options.pure = True
-    if options.with_hg:
-        if not (os.path.isfile(options.with_hg) and
-                os.access(options.with_hg, os.X_OK)):
-            parser.error('--with-hg must specify an executable hg script')
-        if not os.path.basename(options.with_hg) == 'hg':
-            sys.stderr.write('warning: --with-hg should specify an hg script')
-    if options.local:
-        testdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))
-        hgbin = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(testdir), 'hg')
-        if not os.access(hgbin, os.X_OK):
-            parser.error('--local specified, but %r not found or not executable'
-                         % hgbin)
-        options.with_hg = hgbin
-    options.anycoverage = options.cover or options.annotate
-    if options.anycoverage:
-        try:
-            import coverage
-            covver = version.StrictVersion(coverage.__version__).version
-            if covver < (3, 3):
-                parser.error('coverage options require coverage 3.3 or later')
-        except ImportError:
-            parser.error('coverage options now require the coverage package')
-    if options.anycoverage and options.local:
-        # this needs some path mangling somewhere, I guess
-        parser.error("sorry, coverage options do not work when --local "
-                     "is specified")
-    global vlog
-    if options.verbose:
-        if > 1 or options.child is not None:
-            pid = "[%d]" % os.getpid()
-        else:
-            pid = None
-        def vlog(*msg):
-            if pid:
-                print pid,
-            for m in msg:
-                print m,
-            print
-            sys.stdout.flush()
-    else:
-        vlog = lambda *msg: None
-    if options.tmpdir:
-        options.tmpdir = os.path.expanduser(options.tmpdir)
-    if < 1:
-        parser.error('--jobs must be positive')
-    if options.interactive and > 1:
-        print '(--interactive overrides --jobs)'
- = 1
-    if options.interactive and options.debug:
-        parser.error("-i/--interactive and -d/--debug are incompatible")
-    if options.debug:
-        if options.timeout != defaults['timeout']:
-            sys.stderr.write(
-                'warning: --timeout option ignored with --debug\n')
-        options.timeout = 0
-    if options.py3k_warnings:
-        if sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 6) or sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 0):
-            parser.error('--py3k-warnings can only be used on Python 2.6+')
-    if options.blacklist:
-        blacklist = dict()
-        for filename in options.blacklist:
-            try:
-                path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(filename))
-                f = open(path, "r")
-            except IOError, err:
-                if err.errno != errno.ENOENT:
-                    raise
-                print "warning: no such blacklist file: %s" % filename
-                continue
-            for line in f.readlines():
-                line = line.strip()
-                if line and not line.startswith('#'):
-                    blacklist[line] = filename
-            f.close()
-        options.blacklist = blacklist
-    return (options, args)
-def rename(src, dst):
-    """Like os.rename(), trade atomicity and opened files friendliness
-    for existing destination support.
-    """
-    shutil.copy(src, dst)
-    os.remove(src)
-def splitnewlines(text):
-    '''like str.splitlines, but only split on newlines.
-    keep line endings.'''
-    i = 0
-    lines = []
-    while True:
-        n = text.find('\n', i)
-        if n == -1:
-            last = text[i:]
-            if last:
-                lines.append(last)
-            return lines
-        lines.append(text[i:n + 1])
-        i = n + 1
-def parsehghaveoutput(lines):
-    '''Parse hghave log lines.
-    Return tuple of lists (missing, failed):
-      * the missing/unknown features
-      * the features for which existence check failed'''
-    missing = []
-    failed = []
-    for line in lines:
-        if line.startswith(SKIPPED_PREFIX):
-            line = line.splitlines()[0]
-            missing.append(line[len(SKIPPED_PREFIX):])
-        elif line.startswith(FAILED_PREFIX):
-            line = line.splitlines()[0]
-            failed.append(line[len(FAILED_PREFIX):])
-    return missing, failed
-def showdiff(expected, output, ref, err):
-    try:
-        for line in difflib.unified_diff(expected, output, ref, err):
-            sys.stdout.write(line)
-    except IOError, ex:
-        print >>sys.stderr, 'BORKEN PIPE', ex.errno
-        pass
-def findprogram(program):
-    """Search PATH for a executable program"""
-    for p in os.environ.get('PATH', os.defpath).split(os.pathsep):
-        name = os.path.join(p, program)
-        if os.access(name, os.X_OK):
-            return name
-    return None
-def checktools():
-    # Before we go any further, check for pre-requisite tools
-    # stuff from coreutils (cat, rm, etc) are not tested
-    for p in requiredtools:
-        if == 'nt':
-            p += '.exe'
-        found = findprogram(p)
-        if found:
-            vlog("# Found prerequisite", p, "at", found)
-        else:
-            print "WARNING: Did not find prerequisite tool: "+p
-def killdaemons():
-    # Kill off any leftover daemon processes
-    try:
-        fp = open(DAEMON_PIDS)
-        for line in fp:
-            try:
-                pid = int(line)
-            except ValueError:
-                continue
-            try:
-                os.kill(pid, 0)
-                vlog('# Killing daemon process %d' % pid)
-                os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
-                time.sleep(0.25)
-                os.kill(pid, 0)
-                vlog('# Daemon process %d is stuck - really killing it' % pid)
-                os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
-            except OSError, err:
-                if err.errno != errno.ESRCH:
-                    raise
-        fp.close()
-        os.unlink(DAEMON_PIDS)
-    except IOError:
-        pass
-def cleanup(options):
-    if not options.keep_tmpdir:
-        vlog("# Cleaning up HGTMP", HGTMP)
-        shutil.rmtree(HGTMP, True)
-def usecorrectpython():
-    # some tests run python interpreter. they must use same
-    # interpreter we use or bad things will happen.
-    exedir, exename = os.path.split(sys.executable)
-    if exename == 'python':
-        path = findprogram('python')
-        if os.path.dirname(path) == exedir:
-            return
-    vlog('# Making python executable in test path use correct Python')
-    mypython = os.path.join(BINDIR, 'python')
-    try:
-        os.symlink(sys.executable, mypython)
-    except AttributeError:
-        # windows fallback
-        shutil.copyfile(sys.executable, mypython)
-        shutil.copymode(sys.executable, mypython)
-def installhg(options):
-    vlog("# Performing temporary installation of HG")
-    installerrs = os.path.join("tests", "install.err")
-    pure = options.pure and "--pure" or ""
-    # Run installer in hg root
-    script = os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])
-    hgroot = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(script))
-    os.chdir(hgroot)
-    nohome = '--home=""'
-    if == 'nt':
-        # The --home="" trick works only on OS where os.sep == '/'
-        # because of a distutils convert_path() fast-path. Avoid it at
-        # least on Windows for now, deal with .pydistutils.cfg bugs
-        # when they happen.
-        nohome = ''
-    cmd = ('%s %s clean --all'
-           ' build --build-base="%s"'
-           ' install --force --prefix="%s" --install-lib="%s"'
-           ' --install-scripts="%s" %s >%s 2>&1'
-           % (sys.executable, pure, os.path.join(HGTMP, "build"),
-              INST, PYTHONDIR, BINDIR, nohome, installerrs))
-    vlog("# Running", cmd)
-    if os.system(cmd) == 0:
-        if not options.verbose:
-            os.remove(installerrs)
-    else:
-        f = open(installerrs)
-        for line in f:
-            print line,
-        f.close()
-        sys.exit(1)
-    os.chdir(TESTDIR)
-    usecorrectpython()
-    vlog("# Installing dummy diffstat")
-    f = open(os.path.join(BINDIR, 'diffstat'), 'w')
-    f.write('#!' + sys.executable + '\n'
-            'import sys\n'
-            'files = 0\n'
-            'for line in sys.stdin:\n'
-            '    if line.startswith("diff "):\n'
-            '        files += 1\n'
-            'sys.stdout.write("files patched: %d\\n" % files)\n')
-    f.close()
-    os.chmod(os.path.join(BINDIR, 'diffstat'), 0700)
-    if options.py3k_warnings and not options.anycoverage:
-        vlog("# Updating hg command to enable Py3k Warnings switch")
-        f = open(os.path.join(BINDIR, 'hg'), 'r')
-        lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f]
-        lines[0] += ' -3'
-        f.close()
-        f = open(os.path.join(BINDIR, 'hg'), 'w')
-        for line in lines:
-            f.write(line + '\n')
-        f.close()
-    if options.anycoverage:
-        custom = os.path.join(TESTDIR, '')
-        target = os.path.join(PYTHONDIR, '')
-        vlog('# Installing coverage trigger to %s' % target)
-        shutil.copyfile(custom, target)
-        rc = os.path.join(TESTDIR, '.coveragerc')
-        vlog('# Installing coverage rc to %s' % rc)
-        os.environ['COVERAGE_PROCESS_START'] = rc
-        fn = os.path.join(INST, '..', '.coverage')
-        os.environ['COVERAGE_FILE'] = fn
-def outputcoverage(options):
-    vlog('# Producing coverage report')
-    os.chdir(PYTHONDIR)
-    def covrun(*args):
-        cmd = 'coverage %s' % ' '.join(args)
-        vlog('# Running: %s' % cmd)
-        os.system(cmd)
-    if options.child:
-        return
-    covrun('-c')
-    omit = ','.join([BINDIR, TESTDIR])
-    covrun('-i', '-r', '"--omit=%s"' % omit) # report
-    if options.annotate:
-        adir = os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'annotated')
-        if not os.path.isdir(adir):
-            os.mkdir(adir)
-        covrun('-i', '-a', '"--directory=%s"' % adir, '"--omit=%s"' % omit)
-class Timeout(Exception):
-    pass
-def alarmed(signum, frame):
-    raise Timeout
-def pytest(test, options, replacements):
-    py3kswitch = options.py3k_warnings and ' -3' or ''
-    cmd = '%s%s "%s"' % (PYTHON, py3kswitch, test)
-    vlog("# Running", cmd)
-    return run(cmd, options, replacements)
-def shtest(test, options, replacements):
-    cmd = '"%s"' % test
-    vlog("# Running", cmd)
-    return run(cmd, options, replacements)
-needescape = re.compile(r'[\x00-\x08\x0b-\x1f\x7f-\xff]').search
-escapesub = re.compile(r'[\x00-\x08\x0b-\x1f\\\x7f-\xff]').sub
-escapemap = dict((chr(i), r'\x%02x' % i) for i in range(256))
-escapemap.update({'\\': '\\\\', '\r': r'\r'})
-def escapef(m):
-    return escapemap[]
-def stringescape(s):
-    return escapesub(escapef, s)
-def tsttest(test, options, replacements):
-    t = open(test)
-    out = []
-    script = []
-    salt = "SALT" + str(time.time())
-    pos = prepos = -1
-    after = {}
-    expected = {}
-    for n, l in enumerate(t):
-        if not l.endswith('\n'):
-            l += '\n'
-        if l.startswith('  $ '): # commands
-            after.setdefault(pos, []).append(l)
-            prepos = pos
-            pos = n
-            script.append('echo %s %s $?\n' % (salt, n))
-            script.append(l[4:])
-        elif l.startswith('  > '): # continuations
-            after.setdefault(prepos, []).append(l)
-            script.append(l[4:])
-        elif l.startswith('  '): # results
-            # queue up a list of expected results
-            expected.setdefault(pos, []).append(l[2:])
-        else:
-            # non-command/result - queue up for merged output
-            after.setdefault(pos, []).append(l)
-    t.close()
-    script.append('echo %s %s $?\n' % (salt, n + 1))
-    fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='hg-tst')
-    try:
-        for l in script:
-            os.write(fd, l)
-        os.close(fd)
-        cmd = '/bin/sh "%s"' % name
-        vlog("# Running", cmd)
-        exitcode, output = run(cmd, options, replacements)
-        # do not merge output if skipped, return hghave message instead
-        # similarly, with --debug, output is None
-        if exitcode == SKIPPED_STATUS or output is None:
-            return exitcode, output
-    finally:
-        os.remove(name)
-    def rematch(el, l):
-        try:
-            # ensure that the regex matches to the end of the string
-            return re.match(el + r'\Z', l)
-        except re.error:
-            # el is an invalid regex
-            return False
-    def globmatch(el, l):
-        # The only supported special characters are * and ?. Escaping is
-        # supported.
-        i, n = 0, len(el)
-        res = ''
-        while i < n:
-            c = el[i]
-            i += 1
-            if c == '\\' and el[i] in '*?\\':
-                res += el[i - 1:i + 1]
-                i += 1
-            elif c == '*':
-                res += '.*'
-            elif c == '?':
-                res += '.'
-            else:
-                res += re.escape(c)
-        return rematch(res, l)
-    pos = -1
-    postout = []
-    ret = 0
-    for n, l in enumerate(output):
-        lout, lcmd = l, None
-        if salt in l:
-            lout, lcmd = l.split(salt, 1)
-        if lout:
-            if lcmd:
-                lout += ' (no-eol)\n'
-            el = None
-            if pos in expected and expected[pos]:
-                el = expected[pos].pop(0)
-            if el == lout: # perfect match (fast)
-                postout.append("  " + lout)
-            elif (el and
-                  (el.endswith(" (re)\n") and rematch(el[:-6] + '\n', lout) or
-                   el.endswith(" (glob)\n") and globmatch(el[:-8] + '\n', lout)
-                   or el.endswith(" (esc)\n") and
-                      el.decode('string-escape') == l)):
-                postout.append("  " + el) # fallback regex/glob/esc match
-            else:
-                if needescape(lout):
-                    lout = stringescape(lout.rstrip('\n')) + " (esc)\n"
-                postout.append("  " + lout) # let diff deal with it
-        if lcmd:
-            # add on last return code
-            ret = int(lcmd.split()[1])
-            if ret != 0:
-                postout.append("  [%s]\n" % ret)
-            if pos in after:
-                postout += after.pop(pos)
-            pos = int(lcmd.split()[0])
-    if pos in after:
-        postout += after.pop(pos)
-    return exitcode, postout
-wifexited = getattr(os, "WIFEXITED", lambda x: False)
-def run(cmd, options, replacements):
-    """Run command in a sub-process, capturing the output (stdout and stderr).
-    Return a tuple (exitcode, output).  output is None in debug mode."""
-    # TODO: Use subprocess.Popen if we're running on Python 2.4
-    if options.debug:
-        proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True)
-        ret = proc.wait()
-        return (ret, None)
-    if == 'nt' or sys.platform.startswith('java'):
-        tochild, fromchild = os.popen4(cmd)
-        tochild.close()
-        output =
-        ret = fromchild.close()
-        if ret is None:
-            ret = 0
-    else:
-        proc = Popen4(cmd)
-        def cleanup():
-            os.kill(, signal.SIGTERM)
-            ret = proc.wait()
-            if ret == 0:
-                ret = signal.SIGTERM << 8
-            killdaemons()
-            return ret
-        try:
-            output = ''
-            proc.tochild.close()
-            output =
-            ret = proc.wait()
-            if wifexited(ret):
-                ret = os.WEXITSTATUS(ret)
-        except Timeout:
-            vlog('# Process %d timed out - killing it' %
-            ret = cleanup()
-            output += ("\n### Abort: timeout after %d seconds.\n"
-                       % options.timeout)
-        except KeyboardInterrupt:
-            vlog('# Handling keyboard interrupt')
-            cleanup()
-            raise
-    for s, r in replacements:
-        output = re.sub(s, r, output)
-    return ret, splitnewlines(output)
-def runone(options, test, skips, fails):
-    '''tristate output:
-    None -> skipped
-    True -> passed
-    False -> failed'''
-    def skip(msg):
-        if not options.verbose:
-            skips.append((test, msg))
-        else:
-            print "\nSkipping %s: %s" % (testpath, msg)
-        return None
-    def fail(msg):
-        fails.append((test, msg))
-        if not options.nodiff:
-            print "\nERROR: %s %s" % (testpath, msg)
-        return None
-    vlog("# Test", test)
-    # create a fresh hgrc
-    hgrc = open(HGRCPATH, 'w+')
-    hgrc.write('[ui]\n')
-    hgrc.write('slash = True\n')
-    hgrc.write('[defaults]\n')
-    hgrc.write('backout = -d "0 0"\n')
-    hgrc.write('commit = -d "0 0"\n')
-    hgrc.write('tag = -d "0 0"\n')
-    if options.inotify:
-        hgrc.write('[extensions]\n')
-        hgrc.write('inotify=\n')
-        hgrc.write('[inotify]\n')
-        hgrc.write('pidfile=%s\n' % DAEMON_PIDS)
-        hgrc.write('appendpid=True\n')
-    hgrc.close()
-    testpath = os.path.join(TESTDIR, test)
-    ref = os.path.join(TESTDIR, test+".out")
-    err = os.path.join(TESTDIR, test+".err")
-    if os.path.exists(err):
-        os.remove(err)       # Remove any previous output files
-    try:
-        tf = open(testpath)
-        firstline = tf.readline().rstrip()
-        tf.close()
-    except:
-        firstline = ''
-    lctest = test.lower()
-    if lctest.endswith('.py') or firstline == '#!/usr/bin/env python':
-        runner = pytest
-    elif lctest.endswith('.t'):
-        runner = tsttest
-        ref = testpath
-    else:
-        # do not try to run non-executable programs
-        if not os.access(testpath, os.X_OK):
-            return skip("not executable")
-        runner = shtest
-    # Make a tmp subdirectory to work in
-    testtmp = os.environ["TESTTMP"] = os.path.join(HGTMP, test)
-    os.mkdir(testtmp)
-    os.chdir(testtmp)
-    if options.timeout > 0:
-        signal.alarm(options.timeout)
-    ret, out = runner(testpath, options, [
-        (re.escape(testtmp), '$TESTTMP'),
-        (r':%s\b' % options.port, ':$HGPORT'),
-        (r':%s\b' % (options.port + 1), ':$HGPORT1'),
-        (r':%s\b' % (options.port + 2), ':$HGPORT2'),
-        ])
-    vlog("# Ret was:", ret)
-    if options.timeout > 0:
-        signal.alarm(0)
-    mark = '.'
-    skipped = (ret == SKIPPED_STATUS)
-    # If we're not in --debug mode and reference output file exists,
-    # check test output against it.
-    if options.debug:
-        refout = None                   # to match "out is None"
-    elif os.path.exists(ref):
-        f = open(ref, "r")
-        refout = splitnewlines(
-        f.close()
-    else:
-        refout = []
-    if (ret != 0 or out != refout) and not skipped and not options.debug:
-        # Save errors to a file for diagnosis
-        f = open(err, "wb")
-        for line in out:
-            f.write(line)
-        f.close()
-    if skipped:
-        mark = 's'
-        if out is None:                 # debug mode: nothing to parse
-            missing = ['unknown']
-            failed = None
-        else:
-            missing, failed = parsehghaveoutput(out)
-        if not missing:
-            missing = ['irrelevant']
-        if failed:
-            fail("hghave failed checking for %s" % failed[-1])
-            skipped = False
-        else:
-            skip(missing[-1])
-    elif out != refout:
-        mark = '!'
-        if ret:
-            fail("output changed and returned error code %d" % ret)
-        else:
-            fail("output changed")
-        if not options.nodiff:
-            if options.view:
-                os.system("%s %s %s" % (options.view, ref, err))
-            else:
-                showdiff(refout, out, ref, err)
-        ret = 1
-    elif ret:
-        mark = '!'
-        fail("returned error code %d" % ret)
-    if not options.verbose:
-        try:
-            sys.stdout.write(mark)
-            sys.stdout.flush()
-        except IOError, ex:
-            print >>sys.stderr, 'BORKEN PIPE', ex.errno
-            pass
-    killdaemons()
-    os.chdir(TESTDIR)
-    if not options.keep_tmpdir:
-        shutil.rmtree(testtmp, True)
-    if skipped:
-        return None
-    return ret == 0
-_hgpath = None
-def _gethgpath():
-    """Return the path to the mercurial package that is actually found by
-    the current Python interpreter."""
-    global _hgpath
-    if _hgpath is not None:
-        return _hgpath
-    cmd = '%s -c "import mercurial; print mercurial.__path__[0]"'
-    pipe = os.popen(cmd % PYTHON)
-    try:
-        _hgpath =
-    finally:
-        pipe.close()
-    return _hgpath
-def _checkhglib(verb):
-    """Ensure that the 'mercurial' package imported by python is
-    the one we expect it to be.  If not, print a warning to stderr."""
-    expecthg = os.path.join(PYTHONDIR, 'mercurial')
-    actualhg = _gethgpath()
-    if actualhg != expecthg:
-        sys.stderr.write('warning: %s with unexpected mercurial lib: %s\n'
-                         '         (expected %s)\n'
-                         % (verb, actualhg, expecthg))
-def runchildren(options, tests):
-    if INST:
-        installhg(options)
-        _checkhglib("Testing")
-    optcopy = dict(options.__dict__)
-    optcopy['jobs'] = 1
-    del optcopy['blacklist']
-    if optcopy['with_hg'] is None:
-        optcopy['with_hg'] = os.path.join(BINDIR, "hg")
-    optcopy.pop('anycoverage', None)
-    opts = []
-    for opt, value in optcopy.iteritems():
-        name = '--' + opt.replace('_', '-')
-        if value is True:
-            opts.append(name)
-        elif value is not None:
-            opts.append(name + '=' + str(value))
-    tests.reverse()
-    jobs = [[] for j in xrange(]
-    while tests:
-        for job in jobs:
-            if not tests:
-                break
-            job.append(tests.pop())
-    fps = {}
-    for j, job in enumerate(jobs):
-        if not job:
-            continue
-        rfd, wfd = os.pipe()
-        childopts = ['--child=%d' % wfd, '--port=%d' % (options.port + j * 3)]
-        childtmp = os.path.join(HGTMP, 'child%d' % j)
-        childopts += ['--tmpdir', childtmp]
-        cmdline = [PYTHON, sys.argv[0]] + opts + childopts + job
-        vlog(' '.join(cmdline))
-        fps[os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT, cmdline[0], cmdline)] = os.fdopen(rfd, 'r')
-        os.close(wfd)
-    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
-    failures = 0
-    tested, skipped, failed = 0, 0, 0
-    skips = []
-    fails = []
-    while fps:
-        pid, status = os.wait()
-        fp = fps.pop(pid)
-        l =
-        try:
-            test, skip, fail = map(int, l[:3])
-        except ValueError:
-            test, skip, fail = 0, 0, 0
-        split = -fail or len(l)
-        for s in l[3:split]:
-            skips.append(s.split(" ", 1))
-        for s in l[split:]:
-            fails.append(s.split(" ", 1))
-        tested += test
-        skipped += skip
-        failed += fail
-        vlog('pid %d exited, status %d' % (pid, status))
-        failures |= status
-    print
-    if not options.noskips:
-        for s in skips:
-            print "Skipped %s: %s" % (s[0], s[1])
-    for s in fails:
-        print "Failed %s: %s" % (s[0], s[1])
-    _checkhglib("Tested")
-    print "# Ran %d tests, %d skipped, %d failed." % (
-        tested, skipped, failed)
-    if options.anycoverage:
-        outputcoverage(options)
-    sys.exit(failures != 0)
-def runtests(options, tests):
-    DAEMON_PIDS = os.environ["DAEMON_PIDS"] = os.path.join(HGTMP, 'daemon.pids')
-    HGRCPATH = os.environ["HGRCPATH"] = os.path.join(HGTMP, '.hgrc')
-    try:
-        if INST:
-            installhg(options)
-            _checkhglib("Testing")
-        if options.timeout > 0:
-            try:
-                signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarmed)
-                vlog('# Running each test with %d second timeout' %
-                     options.timeout)
-            except AttributeError:
-                print 'WARNING: cannot run tests with timeouts'
-                options.timeout = 0
-        tested = 0
-        failed = 0
-        skipped = 0
-        if options.restart:
-            orig = list(tests)
-            while tests:
-                if os.path.exists(tests[0] + ".err"):
-                    break
-                tests.pop(0)
-            if not tests:
-                print "running all tests"
-                tests = orig
-        skips = []
-        fails = []
-        for test in tests:
-            if options.blacklist:
-                filename = options.blacklist.get(test)
-                if filename is not None:
-                    skips.append((test, "blacklisted (%s)" % filename))
-                    skipped += 1
-                    continue
-            if options.retest and not os.path.exists(test + ".err"):
-                skipped += 1
-                continue
-            if options.keywords:
-                fp = open(test)
-                t = + test.lower()
-                fp.close()
-                for k in options.keywords.lower().split():
-                    if k in t:
-                        break
-                else:
-                    skipped += 1
-                    continue
-            ret = runone(options, test, skips, fails)
-            if ret is None:
-                skipped += 1
-            elif not ret:
-                if options.interactive:
-                    print "Accept this change? [n] ",
-                    answer = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
-                    if answer.lower() in "y yes".split():
-                        if test.endswith(".t"):
-                            rename(test + ".err", test)
-                        else:
-                            rename(test + ".err", test + ".out")
-                        tested += 1
-                        fails.pop()
-                        continue
-                failed += 1
-                if options.first:
-                    break
-            tested += 1
-        if options.child:
-            fp = os.fdopen(options.child, 'w')
-            fp.write('%d\n%d\n%d\n' % (tested, skipped, failed))
-            for s in skips:
-                fp.write("%s %s\n" % s)
-            for s in fails:
-                fp.write("%s %s\n" % s)
-            fp.close()
-        else:
-            print
-            for s in skips:
-                print "Skipped %s: %s" % s
-            for s in fails:
-                print "Failed %s: %s" % s
-            _checkhglib("Tested")
-            print "# Ran %d tests, %d skipped, %d failed." % (
-                tested, skipped, failed)
-        if options.anycoverage:
-            outputcoverage(options)
-    except KeyboardInterrupt:
-        failed = True
-        print "\ninterrupted!"
-    if failed:
-        sys.exit(1)
-def main():
-    (options, args) = parseargs()
-    if not options.child:
-        os.umask(022)
-        checktools()
-    if len(args) == 0:
-        args = os.listdir(".")
-    args.sort()
-    tests = []
-    skipped = []
-    for test in args:
-        if (test.startswith("test-") and '~' not in test and
-            ('.' not in test or test.endswith('.py') or
-             test.endswith('.bat') or test.endswith('.t'))):
-            if not os.path.exists(test):
-                skipped.append(test)
-            else:
-                tests.append(test)
-    if not tests:
-        for test in skipped:
-            print 'Skipped %s: does not exist' % test
-        print "# Ran 0 tests, %d skipped, 0 failed." % len(skipped)
-        return
-    tests = tests + skipped
-    # Reset some environment variables to well-known values so that
-    # the tests produce repeatable output.
-    os.environ['LANG'] = os.environ['LC_ALL'] = os.environ['LANGUAGE'] = 'C'
-    os.environ['TZ'] = 'GMT'
-    os.environ["EMAIL"] = "Foo Bar <>"
-    os.environ['CDPATH'] = ''
-    os.environ['COLUMNS'] = '80'
-    os.environ['GREP_OPTIONS'] = ''
-    os.environ['http_proxy'] = ''
-    # unset env related to hooks
-    for k in os.environ.keys():
-        if k.startswith('HG_'):
-            # can't remove on solaris
-            os.environ[k] = ''
-            del os.environ[k]
-    TESTDIR = os.environ["TESTDIR"] = os.getcwd()
-    if options.tmpdir:
-        options.keep_tmpdir = True
-        tmpdir = options.tmpdir
-        if os.path.exists(tmpdir):
-            # Meaning of tmpdir has changed since 1.3: we used to create
-            # HGTMP inside tmpdir; now HGTMP is tmpdir.  So fail if
-            # tmpdir already exists.
-            sys.exit("error: temp dir %r already exists" % tmpdir)
-            # Automatically removing tmpdir sounds convenient, but could
-            # really annoy anyone in the habit of using "--tmpdir=/tmp"
-            # or "--tmpdir=$HOME".
-            #vlog("# Removing temp dir", tmpdir)
-            #shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
-        os.makedirs(tmpdir)
-    else:
-        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp('', 'hgtests.')
-    HGTMP = os.environ['HGTMP'] = os.path.realpath(tmpdir)
-    DAEMON_PIDS = None
-    HGRCPATH = None
-    os.environ["HGEDITOR"] = sys.executable + ' -c "import sys; sys.exit(0)"'
-    os.environ["HGMERGE"] = "internal:merge"
-    os.environ["HGUSER"]   = "test"
-    os.environ["HGENCODING"] = "ascii"
-    os.environ["HGENCODINGMODE"] = "strict"
-    os.environ["HGPORT"] = str(options.port)
-    os.environ["HGPORT1"] = str(options.port + 1)
-    os.environ["HGPORT2"] = str(options.port + 2)
-    if options.with_hg:
-        INST = None
-        BINDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(options.with_hg))
-        # This looks redundant with how Python initializes sys.path from
-        # the location of the script being executed.  Needed because the
-        # "hg" specified by --with-hg is not the only Python script
-        # executed in the test suite that needs to import 'mercurial'
-        # ... which means it's not really redundant at all.
-    else:
-        INST = os.path.join(HGTMP, "install")
-        BINDIR = os.environ["BINDIR"] = os.path.join(INST, "bin")
-        PYTHONDIR = os.path.join(INST, "lib", "python")
-    os.environ["BINDIR"] = BINDIR
-    os.environ["PYTHON"] = PYTHON
-    if not options.child:
-        path = [BINDIR] + os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep)
-        os.environ["PATH"] = os.pathsep.join(path)
-        # Include TESTDIR in PYTHONPATH so that out-of-tree extensions
-        # can run .../tests/ test-foo where test-foo
-        # adds an extension to HGRC
-        pypath = [PYTHONDIR, TESTDIR]
-        # We have to augment PYTHONPATH, rather than simply replacing
-        # it, in case external libraries are only available via current
-        # PYTHONPATH.  (In particular, the Subversion bindings on OS X
-        # are in /opt/subversion.)
-        oldpypath = os.environ.get(IMPL_PATH)
-        if oldpypath:
-            pypath.append(oldpypath)
-        os.environ[IMPL_PATH] = os.pathsep.join(pypath)
-    COVERAGE_FILE = os.path.join(TESTDIR, ".coverage")
-    vlog("# Using TESTDIR", TESTDIR)
-    vlog("# Using HGTMP", HGTMP)
-    vlog("# Using PATH", os.environ["PATH"])
-    vlog("# Using", IMPL_PATH, os.environ[IMPL_PATH])
-    try:
-        if len(tests) > 1 and > 1:
-            runchildren(options, tests)
-        else:
-            runtests(options, tests)
-    finally:
-        time.sleep(1)
-        cleanup(options)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
--- a/tests/test-divergent.t	Thu Feb 04 11:13:38 2016 +0000
+++ b/tests/test-divergent.t	Wed Feb 10 23:44:00 2016 +0000
@@ -67,4 +67,45 @@
   o  0:135f39f4bd78@default(draft) add _a []
+Test divergence resolution when it yields to an empty commit (issue4950)
+cdivergent2 contains the same content than cdivergent1 and they are divergent
+versions of the revision _c
+  $ hg up "desc(_a)"
+  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+  $ mkcommit _c
+  created new head
+  $ hg up "desc(_a)"
+  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+  $ mkcommit cdivergent1
+  created new head
+  $ hg up "desc(_a)"
+  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+  $ echo "cdivergent1" > cdivergent1
+  $ hg add cdivergent1
+  $ hg ci -m "cdivergent2"
+  created new head
+  $ hg prune -s "desc(cdivergent1)" "desc(_c)"
+  1 changesets pruned
+  $ hg prune -s "desc(cdivergent2)" "desc(_c)" --hidden
+  1 changesets pruned
+  2 new divergent changesets
+  $ hg log -G
+  @  8:0a768ef678d9@default(draft) cdivergent2 [divergent]
+  |
+  | o  7:26c7705fee96@default(draft) add cdivergent1 [divergent]
+  |/
+  | o  5:c26f1d3baed2@default(draft) add bdivergent1 []
+  |/
+  o  0:135f39f4bd78@default(draft) add _a []
+  $ hg evolve --all --any --divergent
+  merge:[7] add cdivergent1
+  with: [8] cdivergent2
+  base: [6] add _c
+  updating to "local" conflict
+  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+  working directory is now at 6602ff5a79dc
   $ cd ..  
--- a/tests/test-evolve.t	Thu Feb 04 11:13:38 2016 +0000
+++ b/tests/test-evolve.t	Wed Feb 10 23:44:00 2016 +0000
@@ -1397,3 +1397,54 @@
   working directory is now at 43c3f5ef149f
+Check that dirstate changes are kept at failure for conflicts (issue4966)
+  $ echo "will be amended" > newfile
+  $ hg commit -m "will be amended"
+  $ hg parents
+  37	: will be amended - test
+  $ echo "will be evolved safely" >> a
+  $ hg commit -m "will be evolved safely"
+  $ echo "will cause conflict at evolve" > newfile
+  $ echo "newly added" > newlyadded
+  $ hg add newlyadded
+  $ hg commit -m "will cause conflict at evolve"
+  $ hg update -q 37
+  $ echo "amended" > newfile
+  $ hg amend -m "amended"
+  2 new unstable changesets
+  $ hg evolve --rev "37::"
+  move:[38] will be evolved safely
+  atop:[41] amended
+  move:[39] will cause conflict at evolve
+  atop:[42] will be evolved safely
+  merging newfile
+  warning: conflicts while merging newfile! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
+  evolve failed!
+  fix conflict and run "hg evolve --continue" or use "hg update -C" to abort
+  abort: unresolved merge conflicts (see hg help resolve)
+  [255]
+  $ glog -r "36::" --hidden
+  @  42:c904da5245b0@default(draft) will be evolved safely
+  |
+  o  41:34ae045ec400@default(draft) amended
+  |
+  | x  40:e88bee38ffc2@default(draft) temporary amend commit for 36030b147271
+  | |
+  | | o  39:02e943732647@default(draft) will cause conflict at evolve
+  | | |
+  | | x  38:f8e30e9317aa@default(draft) will be evolved safely
+  | |/
+  | x  37:36030b147271@default(draft) will be amended
+  |/
+  o  36:43c3f5ef149f@default(draft) add uu
+  |
+  $ hg status newlyadded
+  A newlyadded
--- a/tests/test-inhibit.t	Thu Feb 04 11:13:38 2016 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,789 +0,0 @@
-  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
-  > [ui]
-  > logtemplate = {rev}:{node|short} {desc}\n
-  > [experimental]
-  > prunestrip=True
-  > evolution=createmarkers
-  > [extensions]
-  > rebase=
-  > strip=
-  > EOF
-  $ echo "evolve=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext/" >> $HGRCPATH
-  $ echo "directaccess=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext/" >> $HGRCPATH
-  $ echo "inhibit=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext/" >> $HGRCPATH
-  $ mkcommit() {
-  >    echo "$1" > "$1"
-  >    hg add "$1"
-  >    hg ci -m "add $1"
-  > }
-  $ hg init inhibit
-  $ cd inhibit
-  $ mkcommit cA
-  $ mkcommit cB
-  $ mkcommit cC
-  $ mkcommit cD
-  $ hg up 'desc(cA)'
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 3 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ mkcommit cE
-  created new head
-  $ mkcommit cG
-  $ mkcommit cH
-  $ mkcommit cJ
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  7:18214586bf78 add cJ
-  |
-  o  6:cf5c4f4554ce add cH
-  |
-  o  5:5419eb264a33 add cG
-  |
-  o  4:98065434e5c6 add cE
-  |
-  | o  3:2db36d8066ff add cD
-  | |
-  | o  2:7df62a38b9bf add cC
-  | |
-  | o  1:02bcbc3f6e56 add cB
-  |/
-  o  0:54ccbc537fc2 add cA
-plain prune
-  $ hg strip 1::
-  3 changesets pruned
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  7:18214586bf78 add cJ
-  |
-  o  6:cf5c4f4554ce add cH
-  |
-  o  5:5419eb264a33 add cG
-  |
-  o  4:98065434e5c6 add cE
-  |
-  o  0:54ccbc537fc2 add cA
-  $ hg debugobsinhibit --hidden 1::
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  7:18214586bf78 add cJ
-  |
-  o  6:cf5c4f4554ce add cH
-  |
-  o  5:5419eb264a33 add cG
-  |
-  o  4:98065434e5c6 add cE
-  |
-  | o  3:2db36d8066ff add cD
-  | |
-  | o  2:7df62a38b9bf add cC
-  | |
-  | o  1:02bcbc3f6e56 add cB
-  |/
-  o  0:54ccbc537fc2 add cA
-  $ hg strip --hidden 1::
-  3 changesets pruned
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  7:18214586bf78 add cJ
-  |
-  o  6:cf5c4f4554ce add cH
-  |
-  o  5:5419eb264a33 add cG
-  |
-  o  4:98065434e5c6 add cE
-  |
-  o  0:54ccbc537fc2 add cA
-after amend
-  $ echo babar > cJ
-  $ hg commit --amend
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  9:55c73a90e4b4 add cJ
-  |
-  o  6:cf5c4f4554ce add cH
-  |
-  o  5:5419eb264a33 add cG
-  |
-  o  4:98065434e5c6 add cE
-  |
-  o  0:54ccbc537fc2 add cA
-  $ hg debugobsinhibit --hidden 18214586bf78
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  9:55c73a90e4b4 add cJ
-  |
-  | o  7:18214586bf78 add cJ
-  |/
-  o  6:cf5c4f4554ce add cH
-  |
-  o  5:5419eb264a33 add cG
-  |
-  o  4:98065434e5c6 add cE
-  |
-  o  0:54ccbc537fc2 add cA
-and no divergence
-  $ hg summary
-  parent: 9:55c73a90e4b4 tip
-   add cJ
-  branch: default
-  commit: (clean)
-  update: 1 new changesets, 2 branch heads (merge)
-  phases: 6 draft
-check public revision got cleared
-(when adding the second inhibitor, the first one is removed because it is public)
-  $ wc -m .hg/store/obsinhibit | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'
-  20 .hg/store/obsinhibit
-  $ hg strip 7
-  1 changesets pruned
-  $ hg debugobsinhibit --hidden 18214586bf78
-  $ wc -m .hg/store/obsinhibit | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'
-  20 .hg/store/obsinhibit
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  9:55c73a90e4b4 add cJ
-  |
-  | o  7:18214586bf78 add cJ
-  |/
-  o  6:cf5c4f4554ce add cH
-  |
-  o  5:5419eb264a33 add cG
-  |
-  o  4:98065434e5c6 add cE
-  |
-  o  0:54ccbc537fc2 add cA
-  $ hg phase --public 7
-  $ hg strip 9
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  working directory now at cf5c4f4554ce
-  1 changesets pruned
-  $ hg log -G
-  o  7:18214586bf78 add cJ
-  |
-  @  6:cf5c4f4554ce add cH
-  |
-  o  5:5419eb264a33 add cG
-  |
-  o  4:98065434e5c6 add cE
-  |
-  o  0:54ccbc537fc2 add cA
-  $ hg debugobsinhibit --hidden 55c73a90e4b4
-  $ wc -m .hg/store/obsinhibit | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'
-  20 .hg/store/obsinhibit
-  $ hg log -G
-  o  9:55c73a90e4b4 add cJ
-  |
-  | o  7:18214586bf78 add cJ
-  |/
-  @  6:cf5c4f4554ce add cH
-  |
-  o  5:5419eb264a33 add cG
-  |
-  o  4:98065434e5c6 add cE
-  |
-  o  0:54ccbc537fc2 add cA
-Update should inhibit all related unstable commits
-  $ hg update 2 --hidden
-  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 3 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ hg log -G
-  o  9:55c73a90e4b4 add cJ
-  |
-  | o  7:18214586bf78 add cJ
-  |/
-  o  6:cf5c4f4554ce add cH
-  |
-  o  5:5419eb264a33 add cG
-  |
-  o  4:98065434e5c6 add cE
-  |
-  | @  2:7df62a38b9bf add cC
-  | |
-  | o  1:02bcbc3f6e56 add cB
-  |/
-  o  0:54ccbc537fc2 add cA
-  $ hg update 9
-  4 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  9:55c73a90e4b4 add cJ
-  |
-  | o  7:18214586bf78 add cJ
-  |/
-  o  6:cf5c4f4554ce add cH
-  |
-  o  5:5419eb264a33 add cG
-  |
-  o  4:98065434e5c6 add cE
-  |
-  | o  2:7df62a38b9bf add cC
-  | |
-  | o  1:02bcbc3f6e56 add cB
-  |/
-  o  0:54ccbc537fc2 add cA
-  $ hg strip --hidden 1::
-  3 changesets pruned
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  9:55c73a90e4b4 add cJ
-  |
-  | o  7:18214586bf78 add cJ
-  |/
-  o  6:cf5c4f4554ce add cH
-  |
-  o  5:5419eb264a33 add cG
-  |
-  o  4:98065434e5c6 add cE
-  |
-  o  0:54ccbc537fc2 add cA
-Bookmark should inhibit all related unstable commits
-  $ hg bookmark -r 2 book1  --hidden
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  9:55c73a90e4b4 add cJ
-  |
-  | o  7:18214586bf78 add cJ
-  |/
-  o  6:cf5c4f4554ce add cH
-  |
-  o  5:5419eb264a33 add cG
-  |
-  o  4:98065434e5c6 add cE
-  |
-  | o  2:7df62a38b9bf add cC
-  | |
-  | o  1:02bcbc3f6e56 add cB
-  |/
-  o  0:54ccbc537fc2 add cA
-Removing a bookmark with bookmark -D should prune the changes underneath
-that are not reachable from another bookmark or head
-  $ hg bookmark -r 1 book2
-  $ hg bookmark -D book1  --config experimental.evolution=createmarkers #--config to make sure prune is not registered as a command.
-  bookmark 'book1' deleted
-  1 changesets pruned
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  9:55c73a90e4b4 add cJ
-  |
-  | o  7:18214586bf78 add cJ
-  |/
-  o  6:cf5c4f4554ce add cH
-  |
-  o  5:5419eb264a33 add cG
-  |
-  o  4:98065434e5c6 add cE
-  |
-  | o  1:02bcbc3f6e56 add cB
-  |/
-  o  0:54ccbc537fc2 add cA
-  $ hg bookmark -D book2
-  bookmark 'book2' deleted
-  1 changesets pruned
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  9:55c73a90e4b4 add cJ
-  |
-  | o  7:18214586bf78 add cJ
-  |/
-  o  6:cf5c4f4554ce add cH
-  |
-  o  5:5419eb264a33 add cG
-  |
-  o  4:98065434e5c6 add cE
-  |
-  o  0:54ccbc537fc2 add cA
-Test that direct access make changesets visible
-  $ hg export 2db36d8066ff 02bcbc3f6e56
-  # HG changeset patch
-  # User test
-  # Date 0 0
-  #      Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  # Node ID 2db36d8066ff50e8be3d3e6c2da1ebc0a8381d82
-  # Parent  7df62a38b9bf9daf968de235043ba88a8ef43393
-  add cD
-  diff -r 7df62a38b9bf -r 2db36d8066ff cD
-  --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/cD	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
-  +cD
-  # HG changeset patch
-  # User test
-  # Date 0 0
-  #      Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  # Node ID 02bcbc3f6e56fb2928efec2c6e24472720bf5511
-  # Parent  54ccbc537fc2d6845a5d61337c1cfb80d1d2815e
-  add cB
-  diff -r 54ccbc537fc2 -r 02bcbc3f6e56 cB
-  --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/cB	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
-  +cB
-But only with hash
-  $ hg export 2db36d8066ff::
-  # HG changeset patch
-  # User test
-  # Date 0 0
-  #      Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  # Node ID 2db36d8066ff50e8be3d3e6c2da1ebc0a8381d82
-  # Parent  7df62a38b9bf9daf968de235043ba88a8ef43393
-  add cD
-  diff -r 7df62a38b9bf -r 2db36d8066ff cD
-  --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/cD	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
-  +cD
-  $ hg export 1 3
-  abort: hidden revision '1'!
-  (use --hidden to access hidden revisions)
-  [255]
-Test directaccess in a larger revset
-  $ hg log -r '. + .^ + 2db36d8066ff' -T '{node|short}\n'
-  55c73a90e4b4
-  cf5c4f4554ce
-  2db36d8066ff
-With severals hidden sha, rebase of one hidden stack onto another one:
-  $ hg update -C 0
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 4 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ mkcommit cK
-  created new head
-  $ mkcommit cL
-  $ hg update -C 9
-  4 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ hg log -G
-  o  11:53a94305e133 add cL
-  |
-  o  10:ad78ff7d621f add cK
-  |
-  | @  9:55c73a90e4b4 add cJ
-  | |
-  | | o  7:18214586bf78 add cJ
-  | |/
-  | o  6:cf5c4f4554ce add cH
-  | |
-  | o  5:5419eb264a33 add cG
-  | |
-  | o  4:98065434e5c6 add cE
-  |/
-  o  0:54ccbc537fc2 add cA
-  $ hg strip --hidden 10:
-  2 changesets pruned
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  9:55c73a90e4b4 add cJ
-  |
-  | o  7:18214586bf78 add cJ
-  |/
-  o  6:cf5c4f4554ce add cH
-  |
-  o  5:5419eb264a33 add cG
-  |
-  o  4:98065434e5c6 add cE
-  |
-  o  0:54ccbc537fc2 add cA
-  $ hg rebase -s 10 -d 3 
-  abort: hidden revision '3'!
-  (use --hidden to access hidden revisions)
-  [255]
-  $ hg rebase -r ad78ff7d621f -r 53a94305e133 -d  2db36d8066ff
-  Warning: accessing hidden changesets 2db36d8066ff for write operation
-  Warning: accessing hidden changesets ad78ff7d621f,53a94305e133 for write operation
-  rebasing 10:ad78ff7d621f "add cK"
-  rebasing 11:53a94305e133 "add cL"
-  $ hg log -G
-  o  13:2f7b7704d714 add cL
-  |
-  o  12:fe1634cbe235 add cK
-  |
-  | @  9:55c73a90e4b4 add cJ
-  | |
-  | | o  7:18214586bf78 add cJ
-  | |/
-  | o  6:cf5c4f4554ce add cH
-  | |
-  | o  5:5419eb264a33 add cG
-  | |
-  | o  4:98065434e5c6 add cE
-  | |
-  o |  3:2db36d8066ff add cD
-  | |
-  o |  2:7df62a38b9bf add cC
-  | |
-  o |  1:02bcbc3f6e56 add cB
-  |/
-  o  0:54ccbc537fc2 add cA
-Check that amending in the middle of a stack does not show obsolete revs
-Since we are doing operation in the middle of the stack we cannot just
-have createmarkers as we are creating instability
-  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
-  > [experimental]
-  > evolution=all
-  > EOF
-  $ hg strip --hidden 1::
-  5 changesets pruned
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  9:55c73a90e4b4 add cJ
-  |
-  | o  7:18214586bf78 add cJ
-  |/
-  o  6:cf5c4f4554ce add cH
-  |
-  o  5:5419eb264a33 add cG
-  |
-  o  4:98065434e5c6 add cE
-  |
-  o  0:54ccbc537fc2 add cA
-  $ hg up 7
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ mkcommit cL
-  $ mkcommit cM
-  $ mkcommit cN
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  16:a438c045eb37 add cN
-  |
-  o  15:2d66e189f5b5 add cM
-  |
-  o  14:d66ccb8c5871 add cL
-  |
-  | o  9:55c73a90e4b4 add cJ
-  | |
-  o |  7:18214586bf78 add cJ
-  |/
-  o  6:cf5c4f4554ce add cH
-  |
-  o  5:5419eb264a33 add cG
-  |
-  o  4:98065434e5c6 add cE
-  |
-  o  0:54ccbc537fc2 add cA
-  $ hg up 15
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ echo "mmm" >> cM
-  $ hg amend
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  18:210589181b14 add cM
-  |
-  | o  16:a438c045eb37 add cN
-  | |
-  | o  15:2d66e189f5b5 add cM
-  |/
-  o  14:d66ccb8c5871 add cL
-  |
-  | o  9:55c73a90e4b4 add cJ
-  | |
-  o |  7:18214586bf78 add cJ
-  |/
-  o  6:cf5c4f4554ce add cH
-  |
-  o  5:5419eb264a33 add cG
-  |
-  o  4:98065434e5c6 add cE
-  |
-  o  0:54ccbc537fc2 add cA
-Check that rebasing a commit twice makes the commit visible again
-  $ hg rebase -d 18 -r 16 --keep
-  rebasing 16:a438c045eb37 "add cN"
-  $ hg log -r 14:: -G
-  o  19:104eed5354c7 add cN
-  |
-  @  18:210589181b14 add cM
-  |
-  | o  16:a438c045eb37 add cN
-  | |
-  | o  15:2d66e189f5b5 add cM
-  |/
-  o  14:d66ccb8c5871 add cL
-  |
-  $ hg strip -r 104eed5354c7
-  1 changesets pruned
-  $ hg rebase -d 18 -r 16 --keep
-  rebasing 16:a438c045eb37 "add cN"
-  $ hg log -r 14:: -G
-  o  19:104eed5354c7 add cN
-  |
-  @  18:210589181b14 add cM
-  |
-  | o  16:a438c045eb37 add cN
-  | |
-  | o  15:2d66e189f5b5 add cM
-  |/
-  o  14:d66ccb8c5871 add cL
-  |
-Test prunestrip
-  $ hg book foo -r 104eed5354c7
-  $ hg strip -r 210589181b14
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  working directory now at d66ccb8c5871
-  2 changesets pruned
-  $ hg log -r 14:: -G -T '{rev}:{node|short} {desc|firstline} {bookmarks}\n'
-  o  16:a438c045eb37 add cN
-  |
-  o  15:2d66e189f5b5 add cM
-  |
-  @  14:d66ccb8c5871 add cL foo
-  |
-Check that --hidden used with inhibit does not hide every obsolete commit
-We show the log before and after a log -G --hidden, they should be the same
-  $ hg log -G
-  o  16:a438c045eb37 add cN
-  |
-  o  15:2d66e189f5b5 add cM
-  |
-  @  14:d66ccb8c5871 add cL
-  |
-  | o  9:55c73a90e4b4 add cJ
-  | |
-  o |  7:18214586bf78 add cJ
-  |/
-  o  6:cf5c4f4554ce add cH
-  |
-  o  5:5419eb264a33 add cG
-  |
-  o  4:98065434e5c6 add cE
-  |
-  o  0:54ccbc537fc2 add cA
-  $ hg log -G --hidden
-  x  19:104eed5354c7 add cN
-  |
-  x  18:210589181b14 add cM
-  |
-  | x  17:b3c3274523f9 temporary amend commit for 2d66e189f5b5
-  | |
-  | | o  16:a438c045eb37 add cN
-  | |/
-  | o  15:2d66e189f5b5 add cM
-  |/
-  @  14:d66ccb8c5871 add cL
-  |
-  | x  13:2f7b7704d714 add cL
-  | |
-  | x  12:fe1634cbe235 add cK
-  | |
-  | | x  11:53a94305e133 add cL
-  | | |
-  | | x  10:ad78ff7d621f add cK
-  | | |
-  | | | o  9:55c73a90e4b4 add cJ
-  | | | |
-  +-------x  8:e84f73d9ad36 temporary amend commit for 18214586bf78
-  | | | |
-  o-----+  7:18214586bf78 add cJ
-   / / /
-  | | o  6:cf5c4f4554ce add cH
-  | | |
-  | | o  5:5419eb264a33 add cG
-  | | |
-  | | o  4:98065434e5c6 add cE
-  | |/
-  x |  3:2db36d8066ff add cD
-  | |
-  x |  2:7df62a38b9bf add cC
-  | |
-  x |  1:02bcbc3f6e56 add cB
-  |/
-  o  0:54ccbc537fc2 add cA
-  $ hg log -G
-  o  16:a438c045eb37 add cN
-  |
-  o  15:2d66e189f5b5 add cM
-  |
-  @  14:d66ccb8c5871 add cL
-  |
-  | o  9:55c73a90e4b4 add cJ
-  | |
-  o |  7:18214586bf78 add cJ
-  |/
-  o  6:cf5c4f4554ce add cH
-  |
-  o  5:5419eb264a33 add cG
-  |
-  o  4:98065434e5c6 add cE
-  |
-  o  0:54ccbc537fc2 add cA
-check that pruning and inhibited node does not confuse anything
-  $ hg up --hidden 210589181b14
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ hg strip --bundle 210589181b14
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/inhibit/.hg/strip-backup/210589181b14-e09c7b88-backup.hg (glob)
-  $ hg unbundle .hg/strip-backup/210589181b14-e09c7b88-backup.hg # restore state
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 1 changes to 2 files (+1 heads)
-  (run 'hg heads' to see heads, 'hg merge' to merge)
- Only allow direct access and check that evolve works like before
-(also disable evolve commands to avoid hint about using evolve)
-  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
-  > [extensions]
-  > inhibit=!
-  > [experimental]
-  > evolution=createmarkers
-  > EOF
-  $ hg up 15
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  working directory parent is obsolete!
-  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
-  > [experimental]
-  > evolution=all
-  > EOF
-  $ echo "CM" > cM
-  $ hg amend
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  21:721c3c279519 add cM
-  |
-  | o  16:a438c045eb37 add cN
-  | |
-  | x  15:2d66e189f5b5 add cM
-  |/
-  o  14:d66ccb8c5871 add cL
-  |
-  o  7:18214586bf78 add cJ
-  |
-  o  6:cf5c4f4554ce add cH
-  |
-  o  5:5419eb264a33 add cG
-  |
-  o  4:98065434e5c6 add cE
-  |
-  o  0:54ccbc537fc2 add cA
-  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
-  > [extensions]
-  > EOF
-  $ echo "inhibit=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext/" >> $HGRCPATH
-Empty commit
-  $ hg amend
-  nothing changed
-  [1]
-Directaccess should load after some extensions precised in the conf
-With no extension specified:
-  $ cat >$TESTTMP/  << EOF
-  > from mercurial import extensions
-  > def uisetup(ui):
-  >   print extensions._order
-  > EOF
-  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH << EOF
-  > [extensions]
-  > testextension=$TESTTMP/
-  > EOF
-  $ hg id
-  ['rebase', 'strip', 'evolve', 'directaccess', 'inhibit', 'testextension']
-  721c3c279519 tip
-With test_extension specified:
-  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH << EOF
-  > [directaccess]
-  > loadsafter=testextension
-  > EOF
-  $ hg id
-  ['rebase', 'strip', 'evolve', 'inhibit', 'testextension', 'directaccess']
-  721c3c279519 tip
-Inhibit should not work without directaccess
-  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
-  > [extensions]
-  > directaccess=!
-  > testextension=!
-  > EOF
-  $ hg up .
-  cannot use inhibit without the direct access extension
-  (please enable it or inhibit won't work)
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ echo "directaccess=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext/" >> $HGRCPATH
-  $ cd ..
-hg push should not allow directaccess unless forced with --hidden
-We copy the inhibhit repo to inhibit2 and make some changes to push to inhibit
-  $ cp -r inhibit inhibit2
-  $ pwd=$(pwd)
-  $ cd inhibit
-  $ mkcommit pk
-  $ hg id
-  003a4735afde tip
-  $ echo "OO" > pk
-  $ hg amend
-  $ hg id
-  71eb4f100663 tip
-Hidden commits cannot be pushed without --hidden
-  $ hg push -r 003a4735afde $pwd/inhibit2
-  pushing to $TESTTMP/inhibit2
-  abort: hidden revision '003a4735afde'!
-  (use --hidden to access hidden revisions)
-  [255]
-Visible commits can still be pushed
-  $ hg push -r 71eb4f100663 $pwd/inhibit2
-  pushing to $TESTTMP/inhibit2
-  searching for changes
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
-  2 new obsolescence markers
-Pulling from a inhibit repo to a non-inhibit repo should work
-  $ cd ..
-  $ hg clone -q inhibit not-inhibit
-  $ cat >> not-inhibit/.hg/hgrc <<EOF
-  > [extensions]
-  > inhibit=!
-  > directaccess=!
-  > evolve=!
-  > EOF
-  $ cd not-inhibit
-  $ hg book -d foo
-  $ hg pull
-  pulling from $TESTTMP/inhibit
-  searching for changes
-  no changes found
-  adding remote bookmark foo
--- a/tests/test-prune.t	Thu Feb 04 11:13:38 2016 +0000
+++ b/tests/test-prune.t	Wed Feb 10 23:44:00 2016 +0000
@@ -279,11 +279,15 @@
   $ cd ..
   $ hg init bookmarks
   $ cd bookmarks
-  $ hg debugbuilddag '..<2.*1/2:m<2+3:c<m+3:a<2.:b'
+  $ hg debugbuilddag '..<2.*1/2:m<2+3:c<m+3:a<2.:b<m+2:d<2.:e<m+1:f'
   $ hg bookmark -r 'a' 'todelete'
   $ hg bookmark -r 'b' 'B'
   $ hg bookmark -r 'b' 'nostrip'
   $ hg bookmark -r 'c' 'delete'
+  $ hg bookmark -r 'd' 'multipledelete1'
+  $ hg bookmark -r 'e' 'multipledelete2'
+  $ hg bookmark -r 'f' 'singlenode1'
+  $ hg bookmark -r 'f' 'singlenode2'
   $ hg up -C todelete
   0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
   (activating bookmark todelete)
@@ -307,6 +311,27 @@
   $ hg bookmarks
      B                         10:ff43616e5d0f
      delete                    6:2702dd0c91e7
+     multipledelete1           12:e46a4836065c
+     multipledelete2           13:b4594d867745
+     singlenode1               14:43227190fef8
+     singlenode2               14:43227190fef8
+  $ hg prune -B multipledelete1 -B multipledelete2
+  bookmark 'multipledelete1' deleted
+  bookmark 'multipledelete2' deleted
+  2 changesets pruned
+  $ hg prune -B singlenode1 -B singlenode2
+  bookmark 'singlenode1' deleted
+  bookmark 'singlenode2' deleted
+  1 changesets pruned
+  $ hg prune -B unknownbookmark
+  abort: bookmark 'unknownbookmark' not found
+  [255]
+  $ hg prune -B unknownbookmark1 -B unknownbookmark2
+  abort: bookmark 'unknownbookmark1,unknownbookmark2' not found
+  [255]
+  $ hg prune -B delete -B unknownbookmark
+  abort: bookmark 'unknownbookmark' not found
+  [255]
   $ hg prune -B delete
   bookmark 'delete' deleted
   3 changesets pruned
@@ -317,23 +342,23 @@
   $ hg debugobsstorestat
-  markers total:                      4
-      for known precursors:           4
+  markers total:                      7
+      for known precursors:           7
       with parents data:              [04] (re)
-  markers with no successors:         4
+  markers with no successors:         7
                 1 successors:         0
                 2 successors:         0
       more than 2 successors:         0
       available  keys:
-                 user:                4
-  disconnected clusters:              4
-          any known node:             4
+                 user:                7
+  disconnected clusters:              7
+          any known node:             7
           smallest length:            1
           longer length:              1
           median length:              1
           mean length:                1
-      using parents data:             4
-          any known node:             4
+      using parents data:             7
+          any known node:             7
           smallest length:            1
           longer length:              1
           median length:              1
@@ -347,14 +372,22 @@
   (leaving bookmark rg)
   $ hg bookmark r10
   $ hg log -G
-  o  11:cd0038e05e1b[rg] (stable/draft) add rg
+  o  15:cd0038e05e1b[rg] (stable/draft) add rg
-  | @  10:ff43616e5d0f[B r10] (stable/draft) r10
+  | x  14:43227190fef8[] (extinct/draft) r14
+  | |
+  | | x  13:b4594d867745[] (extinct/draft) r13
+  | | |
+  | | | x  12:e46a4836065c[] (extinct/draft) r12
+  | | |/
+  | | o  11:bab5d5bf48bd[] (stable/draft) r11
+  | |/
+  +---@  10:ff43616e5d0f[B r10] (stable/draft) r10
+  | |
+  o |  8:d62d843c9a01[] (stable/draft) r8
+  | |
+  o |  7:e7d9710d9fc6[] (stable/draft) r7
-  o  8:d62d843c9a01[] (stable/draft) r8
-  |
-  o  7:e7d9710d9fc6[] (stable/draft) r7
-  |
   o    3:2b6d669947cd[] (stable/draft) r3
   | o  2:fa942426a6fd[] (stable/draft) r2
@@ -366,12 +399,22 @@
   $ hg prune 11
   1 changesets pruned
   $ hg log -G
-  @  10:ff43616e5d0f[B r10] (stable/draft) r10
+  o  15:cd0038e05e1b[rg] (stable/draft) add rg
-  o  8:d62d843c9a01[rg] (stable/draft) r8
-  |
-  o  7:e7d9710d9fc6[] (stable/draft) r7
-  |
+  | x  14:43227190fef8[] (extinct/draft) r14
+  | |
+  | | x  13:b4594d867745[] (extinct/draft) r13
+  | | |
+  | | | x  12:e46a4836065c[] (extinct/draft) r12
+  | | |/
+  | | x  11:bab5d5bf48bd[] (extinct/draft) r11
+  | |/
+  +---@  10:ff43616e5d0f[B r10] (stable/draft) r10
+  | |
+  o |  8:d62d843c9a01[] (stable/draft) r8
+  | |
+  o |  7:e7d9710d9fc6[] (stable/draft) r7
+  |/
   o    3:2b6d669947cd[] (stable/draft) r3
   | o  2:fa942426a6fd[] (stable/draft) r2
@@ -387,5 +430,5 @@
      B                         8:d62d843c9a01
    * CELESTE                   8:d62d843c9a01
      r10                       8:d62d843c9a01
-     rg                        8:d62d843c9a01
+     rg                        15:cd0038e05e1b
--- a/tests/test-simple4server-bundle2.t	Thu Feb 04 11:13:38 2016 +0000
+++ b/tests/test-simple4server-bundle2.t	Wed Feb 10 23:44:00 2016 +0000
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
   $ echo '[__temporary__]' >> server/.hg/hgrc
   $ echo 'advertiseobsolete=False' >> server/.hg/hgrc
   $ hg serve -R server -n test -p $HGPORT -d -A access.log -E errors.log
   $ cat >> $DAEMON_PIDS
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
   $ echo 'advertiseobsolete=True' >> server/.hg/hgrc
   $ hg serve -R server -n test -p $HGPORT -d -A access.log -E errors.log
   $ cat >> $DAEMON_PIDS
--- a/tests/test-simple4server.t	Thu Feb 04 11:13:38 2016 +0000
+++ b/tests/test-simple4server.t	Wed Feb 10 23:44:00 2016 +0000
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
   $ echo '[__temporary__]' >> server/.hg/hgrc
   $ echo 'advertiseobsolete=False' >> server/.hg/hgrc
   $ hg serve -R server -n test -p $HGPORT -d -A access.log -E errors.log
   $ cat >> $DAEMON_PIDS
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
   $ echo 'advertiseobsolete=True' >> server/.hg/hgrc
   $ hg serve -R server -n test -p $HGPORT -d -A access.log -E errors.log
   $ cat >> $DAEMON_PIDS
--- a/tests/test-split.t	Thu Feb 04 11:13:38 2016 +0000
+++ b/tests/test-split.t	Wed Feb 10 23:44:00 2016 +0000
@@ -320,9 +320,14 @@
      bookA                     19:a2b5c9d9b362
    * bookB                     19:a2b5c9d9b362
-Cannot specify multiple revisions with -r
+Lastest revision is selected if multiple are given to -r
   $ hg split -r "desc(_a)::"
-  abort: you can only specify one revision to split
+  (leaving bookmark bookB)
+  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+  adding _d
+  diff --git a/_d b/_d
+  new file mode 100644
+  examine changes to '_d'? [Ynesfdaq?] abort: response expected
 Cannot split a commit that is not a head if instability is not allowed
@@ -335,4 +340,41 @@
   abort: cannot split commit: ced8fbcce3a7 not a head
+Changing evolution level to createmarkers
+  $ echo "[experimental]" >> $HGRCPATH
+  $ echo "evolution=createmarkers" >> $HGRCPATH
+Running split without any revision operates on the parent of the working copy
+  $ hg split << EOF
+  > q
+  > EOF
+  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+  adding _d
+  diff --git a/_d b/_d
+  new file mode 100644
+  examine changes to '_d'? [Ynesfdaq?] q
+  abort: user quit
+  [255]
+Running split with tip revision, specified as unnamed argument
+  $ hg split . << EOF
+  > q
+  > EOF
+  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+  adding _d
+  diff --git a/_d b/_d
+  new file mode 100644
+  examine changes to '_d'? [Ynesfdaq?] q
+  abort: user quit
+  [255]
+Running split with both unnamed and named revision arguments shows an error msg
+  $ hg split . --rev .^ << EOF
+  > q
+  > EOF
+  abort: more than one revset is given
+  (use either `hg split <rs>` or `hg split --rev <rs>`, not both)
+  [255]
--- a/tests/test-touch.t	Thu Feb 04 11:13:38 2016 +0000
+++ b/tests/test-touch.t	Wed Feb 10 23:44:00 2016 +0000
@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@
   @  1:[0-9a-f]{12} a (re)
   $ hg touch .
+  [1] a
+  reviving this changeset will create divergence unless you make a duplicate.
+  (a)llow divergence or (d)uplicate the changeset?  a
   2 new divergent changesets
   $ hg log -G
   @  4:[0-9a-f]{12} a (re)
@@ -110,3 +113,15 @@
   A gna2
   R gna1
+check that the --duplicate option does not create divergence
+  $ hg touch --duplicate 11 --hidden
+  1 new unstable changesets
+check that reviving a changeset with no successor does not show the prompt
+  $ hg prune 14
+  1 changesets pruned
+  $ hg touch 14 --hidden
+  1 new unstable changesets
--- a/tests/test-unstable.t	Thu Feb 04 11:13:38 2016 +0000
+++ b/tests/test-unstable.t	Wed Feb 10 23:44:00 2016 +0000
@@ -100,23 +100,21 @@
   o  0:b4952fcf48cf@default(draft) add base
-  $ hg evo --all --any --unstable
-  move:[3] merge
-  atop:[4] aprime
-  abort: no support for evolving merge changesets yet
-  (Redo the merge and use `hg prune <old> --succ <new>` to obsolete the old one)
-  [255]
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  4:47127ea62e5f@default(draft) aprime
-  |
-  | o    3:6b4280e33286@default(draft) merge
-  | |\
-  +---o  2:474da87dd33b@default(draft) add _c
-  | |
-  | x  1:b3264cec9506@default(draft) add _a
-  |/
-  o  0:b4952fcf48cf@default(draft) add base
+# Unsupported before 3.7
+#   $ hg evo --all --any --unstable
+#   move:[3] merge
+#   atop:[4] aprime
+#   working directory is now at 0bf3f3a59c8c
+#   $ hg log -G
+#   @    5:0bf3f3a59c8c@default(draft) merge
+#   |\
+#   | o  4:47127ea62e5f@default(draft) aprime
+#   | |
+#   o |  2:474da87dd33b@default(draft) add _c
+#   |/
+#   o  0:b4952fcf48cf@default(draft) add base
   $ cd ..
@@ -158,9 +156,7 @@
   $ hg evo --all --any --unstable
-  move:[3] merge
-  atop:[5] cprime
-  abort: no support for evolving merge changesets yet
+  abort: no support for evolving merge changesets with two obsolete parents yet
   (Redo the merge and use `hg prune <old> --succ <new>` to obsolete the old one)
   $ hg log -G
--- a/tests/test-wireproto-bundle1.t	Thu Feb 04 11:13:38 2016 +0000
+++ b/tests/test-wireproto-bundle1.t	Wed Feb 10 23:44:00 2016 +0000
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
   > [defaults]
   > amend=-d "0 0"
   > [ui]
-  > ssh=python "$TESTDIR/dummyssh"
+  > ssh=python "$RUNTESTDIR/dummyssh"
   > [phases]
   > publish = False
   > [extensions]
--- a/tests/test-wireproto.t	Thu Feb 04 11:13:38 2016 +0000
+++ b/tests/test-wireproto.t	Wed Feb 10 23:44:00 2016 +0000
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
   > obsmarkers-exchange-debug=true
   > bundle2-exp=true
   > [ui]
-  > ssh=python "$TESTDIR/dummyssh"
+  > ssh=python "$RUNTESTDIR/dummyssh"
   > [phases]
   > publish = False
   > [extensions]