code movement: gather discovery code together
authorPierre-Yves David <>
Wed, 27 Aug 2014 10:49:58 +0200 (2014-08-27)
changeset 1072 1639810c11c2
parent 1071 3009e6eaea4c
child 1073 f15f02007a0b
code movement: gather discovery code together The discovery code is the one thing that will survive the great purge.
--- a/hgext/	Wed Aug 27 10:53:09 2014 +0200
+++ b/hgext/	Wed Aug 27 10:49:58 2014 +0200
@@ -2229,6 +2229,78 @@
+### Set discovery START
+import random
+from mercurial import dagutil
+from mercurial import setdiscovery
+def _obshash(repo, nodes):
+    hashs = _obsrelsethashtree(repo)
+    nm = repo.changelog.nodemap
+    return  [hashs[nm.get(n)][1] for n in nodes]
+def srv_obshash(repo, proto, nodes):
+    return wireproto.encodelist(_obshash(repo, wireproto.decodelist(nodes)))
+@eh.addattr(localrepo.localpeer, 'evoext_obshash')
+def local_obshash(peer, nodes):
+    return _obshash(peer._repo, nodes)
+@eh.addattr(wireproto.wirepeer, 'evoext_obshash')
+def peer_obshash(self, nodes):
+    d = self._call("evoext_obshash", nodes=wireproto.encodelist(nodes))
+    try:
+        return wireproto.decodelist(d)
+    except ValueError:
+        self._abort(error.ResponseError(_("unexpected response:"), d))
+def findcommonobsmarkers(ui, local, remote, probeset,
+                         initialsamplesize=100,
+                         fullsamplesize=200):
+    # from discovery
+    roundtrips = 0
+    cl = local.changelog
+    dag = dagutil.revlogdag(cl)
+    localhash = _obsrelsethashtree(local)
+    missing = set()
+    common = set()
+    undecided = set(probeset)
+    _takefullsample = setdiscovery._takefullsample
+    while undecided:
+        ui.note(_("sampling from both directions\n"))
+        sample = _takefullsample(dag, undecided, size=fullsamplesize)
+        roundtrips += 1
+        ui.debug("query %i; still undecided: %i, sample size is: %i\n"
+                 % (roundtrips, len(undecided), len(sample)))
+        # indices between sample and externalized version must match
+        sample = list(sample)
+        remotehash = remote.evoext_obshash(dag.externalizeall(sample))
+        yesno = [localhash[ix][1] == remotehash[si]
+                 for si, ix in enumerate(sample)]
+        commoninsample = set(n for i, n in enumerate(sample) if yesno[i])
+        common.update(dag.ancestorset(commoninsample, common))
+        missinginsample = [n for i, n in enumerate(sample) if not yesno[i]]
+        missing.update(dag.descendantset(missinginsample, missing))
+        undecided.difference_update(missing)
+        undecided.difference_update(common)
+    result = dag.headsetofconnecteds(common)
+    ui.debug("%d total queries\n" % roundtrips)
+    if not result:
+        return set([nullid])
+    return dag.externalizeall(result)
 _pushkeyescape = getattr(obsolete, '_pushkeyescape', None)
 if _pushkeyescape is None:
     _maxpayload = 5300
@@ -2676,77 +2748,6 @@
         ui.status('%s %s\n' % (node.hex(chg), node.hex(obs)))
-### Set discovery START
-import random
-from mercurial import dagutil
-from mercurial import setdiscovery
-def _obshash(repo, nodes):
-    hashs = _obsrelsethashtree(repo)
-    nm = repo.changelog.nodemap
-    return  [hashs[nm.get(n)][1] for n in nodes]
-def srv_obshash(repo, proto, nodes):
-    return wireproto.encodelist(_obshash(repo, wireproto.decodelist(nodes)))
-@eh.addattr(localrepo.localpeer, 'evoext_obshash')
-def local_obshash(peer, nodes):
-    return _obshash(peer._repo, nodes)
-@eh.addattr(wireproto.wirepeer, 'evoext_obshash')
-def peer_obshash(self, nodes):
-    d = self._call("evoext_obshash", nodes=wireproto.encodelist(nodes))
-    try:
-        return wireproto.decodelist(d)
-    except ValueError:
-        self._abort(error.ResponseError(_("unexpected response:"), d))
-def findcommonobsmarkers(ui, local, remote, probeset,
-                    initialsamplesize=100,
-                    fullsamplesize=200):
-    # from discovery
-    roundtrips = 0
-    cl = local.changelog
-    dag = dagutil.revlogdag(cl)
-    localhash = _obsrelsethashtree(local)
-    missing = set()
-    common = set()
-    undecided = set(probeset)
-    _takefullsample = setdiscovery._takefullsample
-    while undecided:
-        ui.note(_("sampling from both directions\n"))
-        sample = _takefullsample(dag, undecided, size=fullsamplesize)
-        roundtrips += 1
-        ui.debug("query %i; still undecided: %i, sample size is: %i\n"
-                 % (roundtrips, len(undecided), len(sample)))
-        # indices between sample and externalized version must match
-        sample = list(sample)
-        remotehash = remote.evoext_obshash(dag.externalizeall(sample))
-        yesno = [localhash[ix][1] == remotehash[si]
-                 for si, ix in enumerate(sample)]
-        commoninsample = set(n for i, n in enumerate(sample) if yesno[i])
-        common.update(dag.ancestorset(commoninsample, common))
-        missinginsample = [n for i, n in enumerate(sample) if not yesno[i]]
-        missing.update(dag.descendantset(missinginsample, missing))
-        undecided.difference_update(missing)
-        undecided.difference_update(common)
-    result = dag.headsetofconnecteds(common)
-    ui.debug("%d total queries\n" % roundtrips)
-    if not result:
-        return set([nullid])
-    return dag.externalizeall(result)
 @eh.wrapfunction(wireproto, 'capabilities')
 def capabilities(orig, repo, proto):
     """wrapper to advertise new capability"""