evolve: refactor content-divergence resolution logic draft
authorSushil khanchi <sushilkhanchi97@gmail.com>
Sun, 29 Dec 2019 23:59:41 +0530 (2019-12-29)
changeset 5239 13152b2fe8f7
parent 5238 4a9f9cd7a0ab
child 5240 6f5e6253324f
evolve: refactor content-divergence resolution logic > What is the case we are looking at? This is about refactoring the part of content-div resolution logic where it decides which cset should be relocated and where. > What is a "topologicial common ancestors" vs a "greatest common ancestors"? `tca` is an ancestor which we can decide/find by looking at the at graph visually for e.g ``` c3(*) c4(*) | | c2(x) c1(x) c5 | / \ | / c0 ``` (c5 is the successor of c2 and c1) now here, `tca` of c3 and c4 is: c0 `gca` of c3 and c4 is: c5 > What is the new top-level logic/behavior that makes it better? The old code had some unnecessary edge cases just because we were using `gca`, since it can point to a revision that is not a topological ancestor. For e.g see b779b40f996e Eventually, the code around this was getting messy unnecessarily. So I looked into it and found a simple and more robust approach. And in new code, it is simple and straightforward (and easy to understand), where we handle the following 4 cases when solving content-div: 1) when both are on the same parent => (no need to do anything special, and simply proceed) 2) both are on the different parent but a) `tca` is the parent of one of them or b) there is no non-obsolete revision between `tca` and one of the divergent cset. => (relocate one to the other side and proceed) 3) both are on different parents and `tca` is not the parent of any of them and there is at least one non-obsolete cset between tca and both the divergent cset i.e (tca::div1) and (tca::div2) both the ranges have at least one non-obs revision. => (this is the case which we don't handle yet, but the solution would be to prompt the user to choose an evolve destination.) 4) both are in the parent-child relation => (both are merged and new cset will be based on the successor of `tca`) Changes in test-evolve-issue5958.t demonstrate that new code also covered case4 because in a resolution of "two divergent csets with parent-child relation" there should be one cset as a result and no orphan revs (as you can see there was an orphan before this patch).
--- a/hgext3rd/evolve/evolvecmd.py	Mon Dec 30 00:11:00 2019 +0530
+++ b/hgext3rd/evolve/evolvecmd.py	Sun Dec 29 23:59:41 2019 +0530
@@ -349,32 +349,9 @@
         return (False, b".")
-    otherp1 = succsotherp1 = other.p1().rev()
-    divp1 = succsdivp1 = divergent.p1().rev()
-    # finding single successors of otherp1 and divp1
-    try:
-        succsotherp1 = utility._singlesuccessor(repo, other.p1())
-    except utility.MultipleSuccessorsError:
-        pass
+    otherp1 = other.p1().rev()
+    divp1 = divergent.p1().rev()
-    try:
-        succsdivp1 = utility._singlesuccessor(repo, divergent.p1())
-    except utility.MultipleSuccessorsError:
-        pass
-    # the changeset on which resolution changeset will be based on
-    resolutionparent = repo[succsdivp1].node()
-    # the nullrev has to be handled specially because -1 is overloaded to both
-    # mean nullrev (this meaning is used for the result of changectx.rev(), as
-    # called above) and the tipmost revision (this meaning is used for the %d
-    # format specifier, as used below)
-    if nodemod.nullrev in (succsotherp1, succsdivp1):
-        # nullrev is the only possible ancestor if succsotherp1 or succsdivp1 is nullrev
-        gca = [nodemod.nullrev]
-    else:
-        gca = repo.revs(b"ancestor(%d, %d)" % (succsotherp1, succsdivp1))
     # divonly: non-obsolete csets which are topological ancestor of "divergent"
     # but not "other"
     divonly = repo.revs(b"only(%d, %d) - obsolete()" % (divergent.rev(),
@@ -393,9 +370,9 @@
     # possible cases here:
     # 1) both have the same parents
-    # 2) both have different parents but greatest common anscestor of them is
+    # 2) both have different parents but topological common anscestor is
     #    parent of one of them
-    # 3) both have different parents and gca is not parent of any of them
+    # 3) both have different parents and tca is not parent of any of them
     # 4) one of them is parent of other
     # we are handling 1) very good now.
@@ -405,57 +382,44 @@
     if otherp1 == divp1:
         # both are on the same parents
-    elif succsotherp1 in gca and succsdivp1 in gca:
-        # both are not on the same parent but have same parents's succs.
-        if otheronly and divonly:
+    else:
+        if otheronly and divonly and not haspubdiv:
             # case: we have visible csets on both side diverging from
             # tca of "divergent" and "other". We still need to decide what
             # to do in this case
-            pass
+            msg = _(b"skipping %s: have a different parent than %s "
+                    b"(not handled yet)\n") % (divergent, other)
+            hint = _(b"| %(d)s, %(o)s are not based on the same changeset.\n"
+                     b"| With the current state of its implementation, \n"
+                     b"| evolve does not work in that case.\n"
+                     b"| rebase one of them next to the other and run \n"
+                     b"| this command again.\n"
+                     b"| - either: hg rebase --dest 'p1(%(d)s)' -r %(o)s\n"
+                     b"| - or:     hg rebase --dest 'p1(%(o)s)' -r %(d)s\n"
+                     ) % {b'd': divergent, b'o': other}
+            ui.write_err(msg)
+            ui.write_err(hint)
+            return (False, b".")
         if otheronly:
             relocatereq = True
+            # When public branch is behind to the mutable branch, for now we
+            # relocate mutable cset to public one's side in every case.
+            #
+            # This behaviour might be sub optimal when ancestors of mutable
+            # cset has changes its relocated descendant rely on.
+            #
+            # Otherwise, we are going to rebase the "behind" branch up to the
+            # new brancmap level.
             if not haspubdiv:
                 # can't swap when public divergence, as public can't move
                 divergent, other = swapnodes(divergent, other)
-                resolutionparent = repo[succsotherp1].node()
         elif divonly:
             relocatereq = True
             # no extra cset on either side; so not considering relocation
-    elif succsotherp1 in gca and succsdivp1 not in gca:
-        relocatereq = True
-        pass
-    elif succsdivp1 in gca and succsotherp1 not in gca:
-        relocatereq = True
-        # When public branch is behind to the mutable branch, for now we
-        # relocate mutable cset to public one's side in every case.
-        #
-        # This behaviour might be sub optimal when ancestors of mutable
-        # cset has changes its relocated descendant rely on.
-        #
-        # Otherwise, we are going to rebase the "behind" branch up to the new
-        # brancmap level.
-        if not haspubdiv:
-            divergent, other = swapnodes(divergent, other)
-            resolutionparent = divergent.p1().node()
-    else:
-        msg = _(b"skipping %s: have a different parent than %s "
-                b"(not handled yet)\n") % (divergent, other)
-        hint = _(b"| %(d)s, %(o)s are not based on the same changeset.\n"
-                 b"| With the current state of its implementation, \n"
-                 b"| evolve does not work in that case.\n"
-                 b"| rebase one of them next to the other and run \n"
-                 b"| this command again.\n"
-                 b"| - either: hg rebase --dest 'p1(%(d)s)' -r %(o)s\n"
-                 b"| - or:     hg rebase --dest 'p1(%(o)s)' -r %(d)s\n"
-                 ) % {b'd': divergent, b'o': other}
-        ui.write_err(msg)
-        ui.write_err(hint)
-        return (False, b".")
-    return (True, divergent, other, resolutionparent, relocatereq)
+    return (True, divergent, other, relocatereq)
 def _solvedivergent(ui, repo, divergent, evolvestate, displayer, dryrun=False,
                     confirm=False, progresscb=None):
@@ -495,10 +459,17 @@
     if not datatoproceed[0]:
         return (False, b".")
-    divergent, other, resolutionparent, relocatereq = datatoproceed[1:]
+    divergent, other, relocatereq = datatoproceed[1:]
     if relocatereq:
         evolvestate[b'relocation-req'] = True
+    try:
+        succsdivp1 = utility._singlesuccessor(repo, divergent.p1())
+    except utility.MultipleSuccessorsError:
+        msg = _(b"ambiguous orphan resolution parent for %s")
+        raise error.Abort(msg % divergent.hex()[:12])
+    resolutionparent = repo[succsdivp1].node()
     evolvestate[b'resolutionparent'] = resolutionparent
     if not ui.quiet or confirm:
@@ -520,13 +491,10 @@
         ui.write((b'hg commit -m "`hg log -r %s --template={desc}`";\n'
                   % divergent))
         return (False, b".")
-    try:
-        succsdivp1 = utility._singlesuccessor(repo, divergent.p1())
-    except utility.MultipleSuccessorsError:
-        msg = _(b"ambiguous orphan resolution parent for %s")
-        raise error.Abort(msg % divergent.hex()[:12])
-    # relocate divergent cset to its obsolete parent's successsor
-    if succsdivp1 != divergent.p1().rev():
+    # relocate divergent cset to resolution parent (which is its obsolete
+    # parent's successsor)
+    if divergent.p1().rev() != repo[resolutionparent].rev():
         evolvestate[b'relocating-div'] = True
         ui.status(_(b'rebasing "divergent" content-divergent changeset %s on'
                     b' %s\n' % (divergent, repo[succsdivp1])))
--- a/tests/test-evolve-content-divergent-stack.t	Mon Dec 30 00:11:00 2019 +0530
+++ b/tests/test-evolve-content-divergent-stack.t	Sun Dec 29 23:59:41 2019 +0530
@@ -997,11 +997,5 @@
   1 changesets pruned
   $ hg evolve --content-divergent
-  skipping 57a3f8edf065: have a different parent than 9a1f460df8b5 (not handled yet)
-  | 57a3f8edf065, 9a1f460df8b5 are not based on the same changeset.
-  | With the current state of its implementation, 
-  | evolve does not work in that case.
-  | rebase one of them next to the other and run 
-  | this command again.
-  | - either: hg rebase --dest 'p1(57a3f8edf065)' -r 9a1f460df8b5
-  | - or:     hg rebase --dest 'p1(9a1f460df8b5)' -r 57a3f8edf065
+  abort: ambiguous orphan resolution parent for 9a1f460df8b5
+  [255]
--- a/tests/test-evolve-issue5958.t	Mon Dec 30 00:11:00 2019 +0530
+++ b/tests/test-evolve-issue5958.t	Sun Dec 29 23:59:41 2019 +0530
@@ -80,43 +80,33 @@
        rewritten(date) as c17bf400a278 using metaedit by test (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000)
   $ hg evolve --content-divergent
-  merge:[6] add foo.txt
-  with: [4] add foo.txt
+  merge:[4] add foo.txt
+  with: [6] add foo.txt
   base: [1] add foo.txt
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  1 new orphan changesets
-  working directory is now at 459c64f7eaad
+  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+  working directory is now at 95a06d27be64
   $ hg log -Gp
-  @  changeset:   7:459c64f7eaad
+  @  changeset:   7:95a06d27be64
   |  tag:         tip
-  |  parent:      4:c17bf400a278
+  |  parent:      0:a24ed8ad918c
   |  user:        test
   |  date:        Wed Dec 31 23:59:58 1969 -0000
-  |  instability: orphan
   |  summary:     add foo.txt
-  |  diff -r c17bf400a278 -r 459c64f7eaad bar.txt
+  |  diff -r a24ed8ad918c -r 95a06d27be64 bar.txt
   |  --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   |  +++ b/bar.txt	Wed Dec 31 23:59:58 1969 -0000
   |  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
   |  +hi
-  |  diff -r c17bf400a278 -r 459c64f7eaad baz.txt
+  |  diff -r a24ed8ad918c -r 95a06d27be64 baz.txt
   |  --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   |  +++ b/baz.txt	Wed Dec 31 23:59:58 1969 -0000
   |  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
   |  +hi
-  |
-  x  changeset:   4:c17bf400a278
-  |  parent:      0:a24ed8ad918c
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Wed Dec 31 23:59:59 1969 -0000
-  |  obsolete:    rewritten using evolve as 7:459c64f7eaad
-  |  summary:     add foo.txt
-  |
-  |  diff -r a24ed8ad918c -r c17bf400a278 foo.txt
+  |  diff -r a24ed8ad918c -r 95a06d27be64 foo.txt
   |  --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  +++ b/foo.txt	Wed Dec 31 23:59:59 1969 -0000
+  |  +++ b/foo.txt	Wed Dec 31 23:59:58 1969 -0000
   |  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
   |  +hi