merge with auc improvement
authorPierre-Yves David <>
Tue, 27 Mar 2012 17:29:16 +0200
changeset 170 7151691b85ef
parent 168 37d3300786a7 (diff)
parent 169 06c942f9bac6 (current diff)
child 171 642f07cd9c77
child 175 f86ed5a82723
merge with auc improvement
--- a/docs/	Tue Mar 27 17:28:47 2012 +0200
+++ b/docs/	Tue Mar 27 17:29:16 2012 +0200
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 # The name for this set of Sphinx documents.  If None, it defaults to
 # "<project> v<release> documentation".
 html_title = project
-#html_theme = 
+html_theme = 'haiku'
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 # A shorter title for the navigation bar.  Default is the same as html_title.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/docs/evolve-collaboration.rst	Tue Mar 27 17:29:16 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+Collaboration Using Evolve: A user story
+After having written some code for ticket #42, M W. start a patch (this
+will be kind of like a 'work-in-progress' checkpoint initially)::
+    $ ci -m '[entities] remove magic'
+Instant patch ! Note how the default phase of this changeset is (still)
+in "draft" state.
+This is easily checkable::
+    $ hg phase tip
+    827: draft
+See ? Until the day it becomes a "public" changeset, this can be altered
+to no end. How ? It happens with an explicit::
+    $ hg phase -p
+In practice, pushing to a "publishing" repository can also turn draft
+changesets into public ones. Older mercurial releases are automatically
+"publishing" since they do not have the notion of non-public changesets
+(or mutable history).
+In the transition ... phase from older mercurial servers, this will
+happen often, so be careful.
+Now let's come back to our patch. Next hour sees good progress and W.
+wants to complete the patch with the recent stuff (all that's shown by
+an "hg diff") to share with a co-worker (let's call him C.W.)::
+    $ hg amend -m '[entities] fix frobulator (closes #42)'
+Note that we also fix the commit message. (For recovering mq users: this
+is just like "hg qrefresh -m").
+Before leaving, let's push to the central shared repository. That will
+give C.W. the signal that something is ripe for review / further amendments::
+    $ hg push # was done with a modern mercurial, draft phase is preserved
+The next day, Mr C.W, which arrives very very early, can immediately
+work out some glitches in the patch.
+He then starts another one, for ticket #43 and finally commits it.
+Then, as original worker arrives, he pushes his stuff.
+M W., now equipped with enough properly sugared coffee to survive the
+next two hours::
+    $ hg pull
+    $ hg up "tip ~ 1"
+brings him to yesterday's patch. Indeed the patch serial number has
+increased (827 still exists but has been obsoleted).
+He understands that his original patch has been altered. But how did it
+evolve ?
+The enhanced hgview shows the two patches. By default only the most
+recent version of a patch is shown.
+Now, when W. installed the mutable-history extensions, he got an alias
+that allows him to see the diff between two amendments, defined like this::
+    odiff=diff --rev 'limit(obsparents(.),1)' --rev .
+He can see exactly how C.W. amended his work.
+* odiff
--- a/docs/evolve-intro.rst	Tue Mar 27 17:28:47 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Introduction to the evolve extension
-An history rewriting extension
-* Using the obsolete marker concept
-* Inspired from mq
-it is simple to enable::
-    $ hg clone
-    $ mutable-history/ > ~/.hgrc
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2121.7026 C 575.90967 2123.5149 553.70416 2096.4143 553.70416 2096.4148 L 498.5315 2097.185 C 498.5315 2097.185 500.21146 2125.1155 452.02893 2119.2227 C 403.84808 2113.3301 378.49112 2069.8181 419.06274 2052.1411 Z" stroke="red" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="4" stroke-dasharray="4,9,1,5"/></g><text transform="translate(481.40805 1999.724)" fill="red"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="17" font-weight="bold" fill="red" x=".11987305" y="16" textLength="43.429688">Confl</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="17" font-weight="bold" fill="red" x="43.54956" y="16" textLength="45.330566">icting</tspan></text></g></g></svg>
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d="M 128.52225 2406.8218 C 134.05727 2412.3567 134.05727 2421.3308 128.52225 2426.8657 C 122.98724 2432.4009 114.01326 2432.4009 108.478264 2426.8657 C 102.94324 2421.3308 102.94324 2412.3567 108.478264 2406.8218 C 114.01326 2401.2866 122.98724 2401.2866 128.52225 2406.8218" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/></g><g id="id529_Graphic"><path d="M 128.52225 2452.3218 C 134.05727 2457.8567 134.05727 2466.8308 128.52225 2472.3657 C 122.98724 2477.9009 114.01326 2477.9009 108.478264 2472.3657 C 102.94324 2466.8308 102.94324 2457.8567 108.478264 2452.3218 C 114.01326 2446.7866 122.98724 2446.7866 128.52225 2452.3218" fill="black"/><path d="M 128.52225 2452.3218 C 134.05727 2457.8567 134.05727 2466.8308 128.52225 2472.3657 C 122.98724 2477.9009 114.01326 2477.9009 108.478264 2472.3657 C 102.94324 2466.8308 102.94324 2457.8567 108.478264 2452.3218 C 114.01326 2446.7866 122.98724 2446.7866 128.52225 2452.3218" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/></g><line x1="118.50025" y1="2431.5171" x2="118.50025" y2="2447.6704" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><line x1="393.10349" y1="2414.4607" x2="364.69394" y2="2374.9673" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="3"/><g id="id534_Graphic"><path d="M 411.69525 2416.352 C 417.23026 2421.887 417.23026 2430.8611 411.69525 2436.396 C 406.16025 2441.9312 397.18625 2441.9312 391.65125 2436.396 C 386.11624 2430.8611 386.11624 2421.887 391.65125 2416.352 C 397.18625 2410.8169 406.16025 2410.8169 411.69525 2416.352" fill="black"/><path d="M 411.69525 2416.352 C 417.23026 2421.887 417.23026 2430.8611 411.69525 2436.396 C 406.16025 2441.9312 397.18625 2441.9312 391.65125 2436.396 C 386.11624 2430.8611 386.11624 2421.887 391.65125 2416.352 C 397.18625 2410.8169 406.16025 2410.8169 411.69525 2416.352" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/></g><g id="id535_Graphic"><path d="M 411.69525 2461.852 C 417.23026 2467.387 417.23026 2476.3611 411.69525 2481.896 C 406.16025 2487.4312 397.18625 2487.4312 391.65125 2481.896 C 386.11624 2476.3611 386.11624 2467.387 391.65125 2461.852 C 397.18625 2456.3169 406.16025 2456.3169 411.69525 2461.852" fill="black"/><path d="M 411.69525 2461.852 C 417.23026 2467.387 417.23026 2476.3611 411.69525 2481.896 C 406.16025 2487.4312 397.18625 2487.4312 391.65125 2481.896 C 386.11624 2476.3611 386.11624 2467.387 391.65125 2461.852 C 397.18625 2456.3169 406.16025 2456.3169 411.69525 2461.852" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/></g><line x1="401.67325" y1="2441.0474" x2="401.67325" y2="2457.2007" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><g id="id537_Graphic"><path d="M 367.89038 2331.5027 C 378.96042 2342.5728 378.96042 2360.5205 367.89038 2371.5906 C 356.8204 2382.6606 338.87247 2382.6606 327.8025 2371.5906 C 316.73245 2360.5205 316.73245 2342.5728 327.8025 2331.5027 C 338.87247 2320.4326 356.8204 2320.4326 367.89038 2331.5027" fill="red" fill-opacity=".5"/><path d="M 367.89038 2331.5027 C 378.96042 2342.5728 378.96042 2360.5205 367.89038 2371.5906 C 356.8204 2382.6606 338.87247 2382.6606 327.8025 2371.5906 C 316.73245 2360.5205 316.73245 2342.5728 327.8025 2331.5027 C 338.87247 2320.4326 356.8204 2320.4326 367.89038 2331.5027" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1" stroke-dasharray="8,5"/><text transform="translate(330.16928 2336.0466)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="26" font-weight="500" x="9.006262" y="25" textLength="17.341797">A</tspan></text></g><line x1="118.500275" y1="2313.1704" x2="118.50013" y2="2289.523" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="3"/><g id="id540_Graphic"><path d="M 138.5439 2240.6326 C 149.61392 2251.7026 149.61392 2269.6504 138.5439 2280.7205 C 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356.8204 2212.7925 367.89038 2223.8625" fill="yellow" fill-opacity=".5"/><path d="M 367.89038 2223.8625 C 378.96042 2234.9326 378.96042 2252.8804 367.89038 2263.9504 C 356.8204 2275.0205 338.87247 2275.0205 327.8025 2263.9504 C 316.73245 2252.8804 316.73245 2234.9326 327.8025 2223.8625 C 338.87247 2212.7925 356.8204 2212.7925 367.89038 2223.8625" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1" stroke-dasharray="8,5"/><text transform="translate(330.16928 2228.4065)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="26" font-weight="500" x="9.006262" y="25" textLength="17.341797">B</tspan></text></g><line x1="347.84644" y1="2322.7002" x2="347.84644" y2="2272.7529" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="3"/><g id="id546_Graphic"><path d="M 467.39038 2218.6619 C 478.46042 2229.732 478.46042 2247.6797 467.39038 2258.7498 C 456.3204 2269.8198 438.37247 2269.8198 427.3025 2258.7498 C 416.23245 2247.6797 416.23245 2229.732 427.3025 2218.6619 C 438.37247 2207.5918 456.3204 2207.5918 467.39038 2218.6619" fill="red"/><path d="M 467.39038 2218.6619 C 478.46042 2229.732 478.46042 2247.6797 467.39038 2258.7498 C 456.3204 2269.8198 438.37247 2269.8198 427.3025 2258.7498 C 416.23245 2247.6797 416.23245 2229.732 427.3025 2218.6619 C 438.37247 2207.5918 456.3204 2207.5918 467.39038 2218.6619" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(429.66928 2223.2058)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="26" font-weight="500" x="6.5243282" y="25" textLength="22.305664">A'</tspan></text></g><line x1="409.35617" y1="2413.8691" x2="432.46094" y2="2376.2634" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="3"/><line x1="447.3466" y1="2267.5522" x2="447.34692" y2="2322.7002" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="3"/><g id="id549_Graphic"><path d="M 467.39038 2331.5027 C 478.46042 2342.5728 478.46042 2360.5205 467.39038 2371.5906 C 456.3204 2382.6606 438.37247 2382.6606 427.3025 2371.5906 C 416.23245 2360.5205 416.23245 2342.5728 427.3025 2331.5027 C 438.37247 2320.4326 456.3204 2320.4326 467.39038 2331.5027" fill="yellow"/><path d="M 467.39038 2331.5027 C 478.46042 2342.5728 478.46042 2360.5205 467.39038 2371.5906 C 456.3204 2382.6606 438.37247 2382.6606 427.3025 2371.5906 C 416.23245 2360.5205 416.23245 2342.5728 427.3025 2331.5027 C 438.37247 2320.4326 456.3204 2320.4326 467.39038 2331.5027" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(429.66928 2336.0466)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="26" font-weight="500" x="6.5243282" y="25" textLength="22.305664">B'</tspan></text></g><line x1="428.2673" y1="2260.343" x2="376.15155" y2="2319.4465" marker-end="url(#FilledDiamond_Marker)" stroke="red" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="3" 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id="id575_Graphic"><rect x="322.92328" y="2656" width="143" height="221.08398" fill="white" fill-opacity=".5"/><rect x="322.92328" y="2656" width="143" height="221.08398" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/></g><g id="id554_Graphic"><rect x="86" y="2670.28" width="143" height="192.52393" fill="white" fill-opacity=".5"/><rect x="86" y="2670.28" width="143" height="192.52393" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/></g><g id="id555_Graphic"><path d="M 177.54439 2708.2524 C 188.61441 2719.3225 188.61441 2737.2703 177.54439 2748.3403 C 166.47443 2759.4104 148.52646 2759.4104 137.4565 2748.3403 C 126.38647 2737.2703 126.38647 2719.3225 137.4565 2708.2524 C 148.52646 2697.1824 166.47443 2697.1824 177.54439 2708.2524" fill="red"/><path d="M 177.54439 2708.2524 C 188.61441 2719.3225 188.61441 2737.2703 177.54439 2748.3403 C 166.47443 2759.4104 148.52646 2759.4104 137.4565 2748.3403 C 126.38647 2737.2703 126.38647 2719.3225 137.4565 2708.2524 C 148.52646 2697.1824 166.47443 2697.1824 177.54439 2708.2524" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(139.82329 2712.7964)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="26" font-weight="500" x="9.006262" y="25" textLength="17.341797">A</tspan></text></g><line x1="157.50027" y1="2788.45" x2="157.50037" y2="2757.1428" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="3"/><g id="id557_Graphic"><path d="M 167.52223 2793.1013 C 173.05725 2798.6362 173.05725 2807.6104 167.52223 2813.1453 C 161.98724 2818.6804 153.013245 2818.6804 147.47826 2813.1453 C 141.94324 2807.6104 141.94324 2798.6362 147.47826 2793.1013 C 153.013245 2787.5662 161.98724 2787.5662 167.52223 2793.1013" fill="black"/><path d="M 167.52223 2793.1013 C 173.05725 2798.6362 173.05725 2807.6104 167.52223 2813.1453 C 161.98724 2818.6804 153.013245 2818.6804 147.47826 2813.1453 C 141.94324 2807.6104 141.94324 2798.6362 147.47826 2793.1013 C 153.013245 2787.5662 161.98724 2787.5662 167.52223 2793.1013" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/></g><g id="id558_Graphic"><path d="M 167.52223 2838.6013 C 173.05725 2844.1362 173.05725 2853.1104 167.52223 2858.6453 C 161.98724 2864.1804 153.013245 2864.1804 147.47826 2858.6453 C 141.94324 2853.1104 141.94324 2844.1362 147.47826 2838.6013 C 153.013245 2833.0662 161.98724 2833.0662 167.52223 2838.6013" fill="black"/><path d="M 167.52223 2838.6013 C 173.05725 2844.1362 173.05725 2853.1104 167.52223 2858.6453 C 161.98724 2864.1804 153.013245 2864.1804 147.47826 2858.6453 C 141.94324 2853.1104 141.94324 2844.1362 147.47826 2838.6013 C 153.013245 2833.0662 161.98724 2833.0662 167.52223 2838.6013" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/></g><line x1="157.50024" y1="2817.7966" x2="157.50024" y2="2833.95" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" 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2874.4304 389.93625 2874.4304 384.40125 2868.8953 C 378.86624 2863.3604 378.86624 2854.3862 384.40125 2848.8513 C 389.93625 2843.3162 398.91025 2843.3162 404.44525 2848.8513" fill="black"/><path d="M 404.44525 2848.8513 C 409.98026 2854.3862 409.98026 2863.3604 404.44525 2868.8953 C 398.91025 2874.4304 389.93625 2874.4304 384.40125 2868.8953 C 378.86624 2863.3604 378.86624 2854.3862 384.40125 2848.8513 C 389.93625 2843.3162 398.91025 2843.3162 404.44525 2848.8513" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/></g><line x1="394.42325" y1="2828.0466" x2="394.42325" y2="2844.2" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><g id="id565_Graphic"><path d="M 414.46722 2715.4094 C 425.53726 2726.4795 425.53726 2744.4272 414.46722 2755.4973 C 403.39725 2766.5674 385.4493 2766.5674 374.37933 2755.4973 C 363.3093 2744.4272 363.3093 2726.4795 374.37933 2715.4094 C 385.4493 2704.3394 403.39725 2704.3394 414.46722 2715.4094" 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--- a/docs/index.rst	Tue Mar 27 17:28:47 2012 +0200
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 Here are various Materials on planned improvement to mercurial regarding
-rewriting mutable history.
+rewriting history.
+The effort  splits in two parts:
+ * The **obsolete marker** concept aims to provide and alternative to ``strip``
+   to get ride of changesets.
+ * The **evolve** mercurial extension to rewrite history using *obsolete marker*
+   under the hood.
-The effort is splitted in two part:
+The first and most important step is by far the **obsolete marker**. However
+most user will never be directly exposed to the concept. For this reason
+document about changeset evolution are put first.
+Evolve: A robust alternative to MQ
+Evolve is an experimental history rewriting extensions that use obsolete
+markers. It is inspired from MQ and pbranch but have multiple advantage over
+* sticks to "Work where you are" philosophy (I'll need better wording
+  for that)
- * The **obsolete marker** concept that
-    add an alternative to strip to remove changeset from a repository.
+* Handle **non-linear history with branches and merges**
+* Use **robust merge** mechanism of mercurial.
+  simple conflict are handled by real merge tools using appropriate ancestor.
+  Conflict are much rarer and much more user friendly.
+*  Mutable history **fully available all the time**.
+  You are do not need to unapply and apply patche to access various part of you
+  history.
+* Use **plain changeset** only. Evole create and exchange real changeset only. 
+  Mutable history can be used in all usual operation 'pull, push, log, diff …)
+* Allow **sharing and collaboration** mutable history without fear of duplicate.
+  (thanks to obsolete marker).
+* Cover all mq usage but guard.
+.. warning:: The evolve extention and the obsolete marker are at an experimental
+            stage. While using obsolet you'll likely be exposed to complexe
+            implication of the **obsolete marker** concept. I do not recommend
+            non power user to test this at this stage.
+            Production ready version should hide such details to normal user.
- * The changeset evolution UI
+To enable the evolve extension use::
+    $ hg clone
+    $ mutable-history/ > ~/.hgrc
+You will probably want to use the associated version of hgview (QT viewer only)
+    $ hg clone
+    $ cd hgview
+    $ python install --user
+ ---
+For more information see documents below
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 2
+   tutorial
+   evolve-faq
+   from-mq
+   evolve-collaboration
+Smart changeset deletion: Obselete Marker
-    to replace mq.
- adding in mercurial core an new concept of **obsolete marker** in mercurial
-   core,
+Obsolete marker is a powerful concept that allow mercurial to safely handle
+history rewriting operations. It is a new type of relation between Mercurial
+changesets that track the result of history rewriting operations.
+This concept is simple to define and provides a very solid base to:
+- Very fast history rewriting operations,
+- auditable and reversible history rewritting process,
+- clean final history,
+- share and collaborate on mutable part of the history,
- * 
+- gracefully handle history rewriting conflict,
+- allows various history rewriting UI to collaborate with a underlying common API.
+ ---
+For more information see documents below
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 2
+   obs-concept
+   obs-implementation
-Evolve: A new UI to replace MQ
+Know canveas
-For user
+Here is a list of know issue that will be fixed later:
+* Unstable changeset turns secret.
+* ``hg stabilize`` does not handle conflict.
+* Mercurial think you are pushing additional heads even when the new head
+  obsolete another one. You have to use hg push -f more than necessary.
+* ``hg update`` can move an obsolete parent
+* you need to provideto graft --continue -O if you started you graft using -O.
+* hg graphlog show extinct changeset
+* hg heads show extinct changeset
+* hg merge considered extinct head as valid target. requiring you to manually
+  specify target all the time.
 .. toctree::
-   :maxdepth: 1
-   evolve-intro
-   tutorial
-   evolve-faq
-   from-mq
-A new UI to replace MQ
-for dev and advanced user
-.. toctree::
-   :maxdepth: 1
-   obs-concept
-   obs-implementation
-Big flasshy warning on current remaining issue
--- a/docs/obs-concept.rst	Tue Mar 27 17:28:47 2012 +0200
+++ b/docs/obs-concept.rst	Tue Mar 27 17:29:16 2012 +0200
@@ -1,26 +1,99 @@
-Obsolete Marker Concept
+Why Do We Need a New Concept
+Current DVCS are great tool to forge a series of flawless changeset on your own.
+But they perform poorly whe is comes to **share** work in progress and
+**collaborate** on such work in progress.
+When people forge new version of a changeset they create a new changeset and get
+ride of the original changeset. Difficultis to collaborate mostly came from the
+way old content are *removed* from repository.
+Mercurial Approach: Strip
+With current version of mercurial, every changesets that exist in your
+repository are *visible* and *meaningful*. To get ride of old changeset you
+rewrote mercurial remove them from the repository storage. with an operation
+called *strip*. After the *strip* the repository looks like if the changeset
+never existed.
+This approach is simple and effective but have a very big drawnback: You can
+remove changesets from **your repository only**. If strip exists in other
+repositories it will show of again and again. This only cure for this is to
+strip the offending changeset from all repository. And operation at best
+impractical and in most case impossible!
-Obsolete marker is a powerful concept that allow mercurial to safely handle
-history rewriting operations. It is a new type of relation between Mercurial
-changesets that track the result of history rewriting operations.
+As consequence, **you can not rewrite something once you exchange it with
+others**. The old version will still exists along side the new one [#]_.
-This concept is simple to define and provides a very solid base to:
+Moreover backup are create stripped changeset in most case. This allow
+restoration of old changeset but the process is painful.
+Finally, as the repository format is not optimized for deletion. stripping a
+changeset may be slow in some situation.
-- Very fast history rewriting operations,
+To sum up, the strip approach is very simple but does not handle interaction
+with the outer world. Which is unfortunate for a *Distributed* VCS.
+.. [#] various work around exists but they are work around with their own flow.
+Git Approach: Overwrite Reference
+Git approach for repository is a bit more complex: They can be any amount of
+changeset can exist in a repository. but **only changesets referenced by a git
+branch** are *visible* and *meaningful*.
-- auditable and reversible history rewritting process,
+.. warning:: add a schema::
-- clean final history,
+        C
+        | B---<foo>
+        |/
+        |
+        A
+    Only B and A are visible.
+This ease the process of getting ride of old changeset. You can just leave them
+in place and move the reference on the new one. You can then propagate those
+change by moving the git-branch on remote host, newer version overwritting the
+older one.
-- share and collaborate on mutable part of the history,
+This approach goes a bit further but still have major drawback:
+Because you **overwrite** git-branch  you have no conflit resolution. The last
+to spoke win. This make collaboration on multiple changeset difficult because
+you can't merge concurent update on changeset.
+Every overwrite is forced operation where the operator say "Yes I want this to
+replace that. On higly distributed environment user may end with conflicting
+reference with and no proper way to choose.
+Because of this way to visualize a repository,  git-branches are a very core
+part of git. This make user interface more complicated and move through history
+more constrainted.
-- gracefully handle history rewriting conflict,
+Finally, even if all older changeset still exist in the repository acces to them
+is still painful.
+The Obsolete Marker Concept
-- allows various history rewriting UI to collaborate with a underlying common API.
+As None of the concept was powerful enough to embrace the need to safely rewrite
+history, easily share and collaborate on mutable history we needed another one.
 Basic concept
@@ -30,12 +103,10 @@
 Every history rewriting operation  stores the information that old rewritten
 changesets has newer version available in a set of changeset.
-This simple rules allows to express any possible history rewriting operation:
+All basic history rewriting operation can create a appropriate obsolete marker.
-.. figure:: ./figures/example-1-update.png
+.. figure:: ./figures/example-1-update.*
     *Updating* a changeset
@@ -43,20 +114,20 @@
-.. figure:: ./figures/example-2-split.png
+.. figure:: ./figures/example-2-split.*
     *Splitting* a changeset in multiple one
     Create one obsolete marker ``([B1, B2] obsolete B)]``
-.. figure:: ./figures/example-3-merge.png
+.. figure:: ./figures/example-3-merge.*
     *Merging* multiple changeset in a single one
     Create two obsolete markers ``([C] obsolete A), ([C] obsolete B)``
-.. figure:: ./figures/example-4-reorder.png
+.. figure:: ./figures/example-4-reorder.*
     *Moving* changeset around
@@ -65,7 +136,7 @@
-.. figure:: ./figures/example-5-delete.png
+.. figure:: ./figures/example-5-delete.*
     *Removing* a changeset:
@@ -122,7 +193,7 @@
 With current version of mercurial, this *obsolete* part is stripped from the
 repository before the end of every rewritting operation.
-.. figure:: ./figures/error-obsolete.png
+.. figure:: ./figures/error-obsolete.*
     Rebasing `B` and `C` on `A` (as `B'`, `C'`)
@@ -148,7 +219,7 @@
 *Non-obsolete* changeset based on *obsolete* one are said **unstable**
-.. figure:: ./figures/error-unstable.png
+.. figure:: ./figures/error-unstable.*
     Amend `A` into `A'` leaving `B` behind.
@@ -187,7 +258,7 @@
 * *obsolete* changeset with *unstable* descendants, said **suspended**.
-.. figure:: ./figures/error-extinct.png
+.. figure:: ./figures/error-extinct.*
     Amend `A` and `C` leaving `B` behind.
@@ -210,7 +281,7 @@
 different versions.
-.. figure:: ./figures/error-conflicting.png
+.. figure:: ./figures/error-conflicting.*
     Conflicting rewriting of `A` into `A'` and `A''`
@@ -252,3 +323,65 @@
 .. warning:: add a schema
+Obsolete marker is a powerful concept that allow mercurial to safely handle
+history rewriting operations. It is a new type of relation between Mercurial
+changesets that track the result of history rewriting operations.
+This concept is simple to define and provides a very solid base to:
+- Very fast history rewriting operations,
+- auditable and reversible history rewritting process,
+- clean final history,
+- share and collaborate on mutable part of the history,
+- gracefully handle history rewriting conflict,
+- allows various history rewriting UI to collaborate with a underlying common API.
+.. list-table:: Comparison on solution [#]_
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Solution
+     - Remove changeset locally
+     - Works on any point of your history
+     - Propagation
+     - Collaboration
+     - Speed
+     - Access to older version
+   * - Strip
+     - `+`
+     - `+`
+     - \
+     - \ 
+     - \ 
+     - `- -`
+   * - Reference
+     - `+`
+     - \ 
+     - `+`
+     - \ 
+     - `+`
+     - `-`
+   * - Obsolete
+     - `+`
+     - `+`
+     - `++`
+     - `++`
+     - `+`
+     - `+`
+.. [#] To preserve good tradition in comparison table, an overwhelming advantage
+       goes to the defended solution.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/docs/tutorials/tutorial.t	Tue Mar 27 17:29:16 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,677 @@
+Mutable History and collaboration
+.. warning:: need heavy update
+Single Developer Usage
+This tutorial shows how to use evolution to replace the basics of *mq*.
+Amending a changeset
+First there is some setup phase you will understand later.
+there is a local repository and a remote one.
+Please close your eyes.
+  $ hg init local
+  $ cat >> local/.hg/hgrc << EOF
+  > [paths]
+  > remote = ../remote
+  > [ui]
+  > user = Albert Beugras
+  > [diff]
+  > git = 1
+  > [alias]
+  > amend = amend -d '0 0'
+  > tlog = log --template "{node|short}: '{desc}'\n"
+  > ttlog = log --template "{node|short}: '{desc}' ({state})\n"
+  > tglog = log -G --template "{node|short}: '{desc}' {branches}\n"
+  > [extensions]
+  > hgext.graphlog=
+  > hgext.rebase=
+  > EOF
+  $ echo "states=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext/" >> local/.hg/hgrc
+  $ echo "obsolete=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext/" >> local/.hg/hgrc
+  $ echo "evolution=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext/" >> local/.hg/hgrc
+  $ hg init remote
+  $ cat >> remote/.hg/hgrc << EOF
+  > [paths]
+  > local = ../local
+  > [ui]
+  > user = René de Robert
+  > [diff]
+  > git = 1
+  > [alias]
+  > amend = amend -d '0 0'
+  > tlog = log --template "{node|short}: '{desc}' {branches}\n"
+  > ttlog = log --template "{node|short}: '{desc}' {state}\n"
+  > tglog = log -G --template "{node|short}: '{desc}' {branches}\n"
+  > [extensions]
+  > hgext.graphlog=
+  > hgext.rebase=
+  > EOF
+  $ echo "states=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext/" >> remote/.hg/hgrc
+  $ echo "obsolete=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext/" >> remote/.hg/hgrc
+  $ echo "evolution=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext/" >> remote/.hg/hgrc
+  $ cd local
+You can reopen you eyes.
+Now we make a first version of our shopping list.
+  $ cat  >> shopping << EOF
+  > Spam
+  > Whizzo butter
+  > Albatross
+  > Rat (rather a lot)
+  > Jugged fish
+  > Blancmange
+  > Salmon mousse
+  > EOF
+  $ hg commit -A -m "Monthy Python Shopping list"
+  adding shopping
+We share this first version with the outside.
+  $ hg push remote
+  pushing to $TESTTMP/remote
+  searching for changes
+  adding changesets
+  adding manifests
+  adding file changes
+  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
+Later I add additional item to my list
+  $ cat >> shopping << EOF
+  > Egg
+  > Suggar
+  > Vinegar
+  > Oil
+  > EOF
+  $ hg commit -m "adding condiment"
+  $ cat >> shopping << EOF
+  > Bananos
+  > Pear
+  > Apple
+  > EOF
+  $ hg commit -m "adding fruit"
+I now have the following history:
+  $ hg tlog
+  d85de4546133: 'adding fruit'
+  4d5dc8187023: 'adding condiment'
+  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list'
+But, I just notice, I made a typo in Banana.
+  $ hg export tip
+  # HG changeset patch
+  # User test
+  # Date 0 0
+  # Node ID d85de4546133030c82d257bbcdd9b1b416d0c31c
+  # Parent  4d5dc81870237d492284826e21840b2ca00e26d1
+  adding fruit
+  diff --git a/shopping b/shopping
+  --- a/shopping
+  +++ b/shopping
+  @@ -9,3 +9,6 @@
+   Suggar
+   Vinegar
+   Oil
+  +Bananos
+  +Pear
+  +Apple
+hopefully. I can use hg amend to rewrite my faulty changeset!
+  $ sed -i'' -e s/Bananos/Banana/ shopping
+  $ hg diff
+  diff --git a/shopping b/shopping
+  --- a/shopping
+  +++ b/shopping
+  @@ -9,6 +9,6 @@
+   Suggar
+   Vinegar
+   Oil
+  -Bananos
+  +Banana
+   Pear
+   Apple
+  $ hg amend
+  abort: can not rewrite immutable changeset d85de4546133
+  [255]
+By default all changeset are considered "published" and can't be rewrittent.
+ $ hg ttlog
+You need to enable a mutable state in your repo the "ready" one
+  $ hg states ready --clever
+  $ hg ttlog
+  d85de4546133: 'adding fruit' (ready)
+  4d5dc8187023: 'adding condiment' (ready)
+  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list' (published)
+Notice that changeset you already shared with the outside have been keep
+The changeset we want to rewrite is now in a mutable state.
+  $ hg amend
+A new changeset with the right diff replace the wrong one.
+  $ hg tlog
+  0cacb48f4482: 'adding fruit'
+  4d5dc8187023: 'adding condiment'
+  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list'
+  $ hg export tip
+  # HG changeset patch
+  # User test
+  # Date 0 0
+  # Node ID 0cacb48f44828d2fd31c4e45e18fde32a5b2f07b
+  # Parent  4d5dc81870237d492284826e21840b2ca00e26d1
+  adding fruit
+  diff --git a/shopping b/shopping
+  --- a/shopping
+  +++ b/shopping
+  @@ -9,3 +9,6 @@
+   Suggar
+   Vinegar
+   Oil
+  +Banana
+  +Pear
+  +Apple
+Getting Ride of branchy history
+While I was working on my list. someone help made a change remotly.
+close your eyes
+  $ cd ../remote
+  $ hg up -q
+  $ sed -i'' -e 's/Spam/Spam Spam Spam/' shopping
+  $ hg ci -m 'SPAM'
+  $ cd ../local
+open your eyes
+  $ hg pull remote
+  pulling from $TESTTMP/remote
+  searching for changes
+  adding changesets
+  adding manifests
+  adding file changes
+  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files (+1 heads)
+  (run 'hg heads .' to see heads, 'hg merge' to merge)
+I now have a new heads. Note that the remote head is immutable
+  $ hg ttlog
+  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM' (published)
+  0cacb48f4482: 'adding fruit' (ready)
+  4d5dc8187023: 'adding condiment' (ready)
+  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list' (published)
+  $ hg tglog -r "::(9ca060c80d74 + 0cacb48f4482)"
+  o  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM'
+  |
+  | @  0cacb48f4482: 'adding fruit'
+  | |
+  | o  4d5dc8187023: 'adding condiment'
+  |/
+  o  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list'
+instead of merging my head with the new one. I'm going to rebase my work
+  $ hg diff
+  $ hg rebase -d 9ca060c80d74 -s 4d5dc8187023
+  merging shopping
+  merging shopping
+  merging shopping
+  merging shopping
+My local work is now rebase on the remote one.
+  $ hg kill e7a71e229632 ad97bbd3e37d # XXX fix me instead
+  $ hg ttlog
+  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit' (ready)
+  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment' (ready)
+  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM' (published)
+  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list' (published)
+  $ hg tglog -r '::.'
+  @  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit'
+  |
+  o  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment'
+  |
+  o  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM'
+  |
+  o  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list'
+Removing changeset
+I add new item to my list
+  $ cat >> shopping << EOF
+  > car
+  > bus
+  > plane
+  > boat
+  > EOF
+  $ hg ci -m 'transport'
+  $ hg ttlog
+  d58c77aa15d7: 'transport' (ready)
+  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit' (ready)
+  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment' (ready)
+  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM' (published)
+  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list' (published)
+I have a new commit but I realize that don't want it. (transport shop list does
+not fit well in my standard shopping list)
+  $ hg kill . # . is for working directory parent.
+  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+  working directory now at 387187ad9bd9
+The silly changeset is gone.
+  $ hg ttlog
+  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit' (ready)
+  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment' (ready)
+  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM' (published)
+  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list' (published)
+Reordering changeset
+We create two changeset.
+  $ cat >> shopping << EOF
+  > Shampoo
+  > Toothbrush
+  > ... More bathroom stuff to come
+  > Towel
+  > Soap
+  > EOF
+  $ hg ci -m 'bathroom stuff' -q # XXX remove the -q
+  $ sed -i'' -e 's/Spam/Spam Spam Spam/g' shopping
+  $ hg ci -m 'SPAM SPAM'
+  $ hg ttlog
+  c48f32fb1787: 'SPAM SPAM' (ready)
+  8d39a843582d: 'bathroom stuff' (ready)
+  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit' (ready)
+  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment' (ready)
+  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM' (published)
+  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list' (published)
+.. note: don't amend changeset 7e82d3f3c2cb or 9ca060c80d74 as they are
+I now want to push to remote all my change but the bathroom one that i'm not totally happy with yet.
+To be able to push "SPAM SPAM" I need a version of "SPAM SPAM" not children of "bathroom stuff"
+You can use rebase or relocate for that:
+  $ hg relocate 'p1(8d39a843582d)' --traceback
+  merging shopping
+  $ hg tglog -r '::(. + 8d39a843582d)'
+  @  02e33960e937: 'SPAM SPAM'
+  |
+  | o  8d39a843582d: 'bathroom stuff'
+  |/
+  o  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit'
+  |
+  o  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment'
+  |
+  o  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM'
+  |
+  o  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list'
+We have a new SPAM SPAM version without the bathroom stuff
+  $ grep Spam shopping  # enouth spamm
+  Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam
+  $ grep Toothbrush shopping # no Toothbrush
+  [1]
+  $ hg export .
+  # HG changeset patch
+  # User test
+  # Date 0 0
+  # Node ID 02e33960e937ad1bd59241ebdafd7a2494240ddf
+  # Parent  387187ad9bd9d8f9a00a9fa804a26231db547429
+  diff --git a/shopping b/shopping
+  --- a/shopping
+  +++ b/shopping
+  @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+  -Spam Spam Spam
+  +Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam
+   Whizzo butter
+   Albatross
+   Rat (rather a lot)
+we can now push our change:
+  $ hg push -r . remote
+  pushing to $TESTTMP/remote
+  searching for changes
+  adding changesets
+  adding manifests
+  adding file changes
+  added 3 changesets with 3 changes to 1 files
+for simplicity shake we relocate the bathroom changeset
+  $ hg relocate -r 8d39a843582d 02e33960e937
+  merging shopping
+Splitting change
+To be done (currently achieve with "two commit + debugobsolete")
+Collapsing change
+To be done (currently achieve with "revert + debugobsolete" or "rebase --collapse")
+sharing mutable changeset
+To share mutable changeset with other just check that both have the "ready"
+state activated. Otherwise you will get the previously observe behavior where
+exchanged changeset are automatically published.
+  $ cd ../remote
+  $ hg states 
+  published
+The remote repository have only the immutable "published" state activated. Any
+changeset echanged from "local" to "remote" will be set in the publised state:
+  $ hg -R ../local push -f remote # XXX we should pull but the support is awful
+  pushing to $TESTTMP/remote
+  searching for changes
+  adding changesets
+  adding manifests
+  adding file changes
+  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
+  $ hg ttlog
+  a3515e5d0332: 'bathroom stuff' published
+  02e33960e937: 'SPAM SPAM' published
+  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit' published
+  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment' published
+  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM' published
+  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list' published
+We do not want to publish the "bathroom changeset". Let's rollback the last transaction
+  $ hg rollback
+  repository tip rolled back to revision 4 (undo push)
+  working directory now based on revision 1
+  $ hg ttlog
+  02e33960e937: 'SPAM SPAM' published
+  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit' published
+  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment' published
+  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM' published
+  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list' published
+  $ rm ../local/.hg/states/published-heads     # XXX USE --exact
+  $ hg -R ../local publish 02e33960e937 # XXX FIX THE BUG
+To enable the mutable "ready" state in a repository, use the states command.
+  $ hg states ready
+  $ hg states 
+  published
+  ready
+I can nom exchange mutable changeset between "remote" and "local" repository.
+  $ hg pull local # XXX We pull too much stuff
+  pulling from $TESTTMP/local
+  searching for changes
+  adding changesets
+  adding manifests
+  adding file changes
+  added 10 changesets with 10 changes to 1 files (+5 heads)
+  (run 'hg heads' to see heads, 'hg merge' to merge)
+  $ hg ttlog
+  a3515e5d0332: 'bathroom stuff' ready
+  02e33960e937: 'SPAM SPAM' published
+  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit' published
+  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment' published
+  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM' published
+  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list' published
+Rebasing out-of-sync change after update
+Remotely someone add a new changeset on top of our mutable "bathroom" on.
+  $ hg up a3515e5d0332 -q
+  $ cat >> shopping << EOF
+  > Giraffe
+  > Rhino
+  > Lion
+  > Bear
+  > EOF
+  $ hg ci -m 'animals' -q # XXX remove the -q
+While this time locally, we rebase the updated the "bathroom changeset"
+  $ cd ../local
+  $ hg up a3515e5d0332 -q
+  $ sed -i'' -e 's/... More bathroom stuff to come/Bath Robe/' shopping
+  $ hg amend
+  $ hg tlog
+  962d3a7d27ad: 'bathroom stuff'
+  02e33960e937: 'SPAM SPAM'
+  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit'
+  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment'
+  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM'
+  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list'
+When we pull from remote again we get an unstable state!
+  $ hg pull remote
+  pulling from $TESTTMP/remote
+  searching for changes
+  adding changesets
+  adding manifests
+  adding file changes
+  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files (+1 heads)
+  (run 'hg heads .' to see heads, 'hg merge' to merge)
+  $ hg tlog
+  0b061760b677: 'animals'
+  962d3a7d27ad: 'bathroom stuff'
+  a3515e5d0332: 'bathroom stuff'
+  02e33960e937: 'SPAM SPAM'
+  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit'
+  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment'
+  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM'
+  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list'
+The new changeset "animal" is based one an old changeset of "bathroom". You can
+see both version showing up the log.
+  $ hg tglog -r '::(962d3a7d27ad + 0b061760b677)'
+  o  0b061760b677: 'animals'
+  |
+  | @  962d3a7d27ad: 'bathroom stuff'
+  | |
+  o |  a3515e5d0332: 'bathroom stuff'
+  |/
+  o  02e33960e937: 'SPAM SPAM'
+  |
+  o  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit'
+  |
+  o  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment'
+  |
+  o  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM'
+  |
+  o  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list'
+In hgviewn there is a nice doted relation highlighting 962d3a7d27ad  is a new
+version of a3515e5d0332. this is not yet ported to graphlog.
+To resolve this unstable state, you need to relocate 0b061760b677 onto
+962d3a7d27ad the "hg evolve" will make the thinking for you and suggest it to
+  $ hg evolve
+  hg relocate --rev 0b061760b677 962d3a7d27ad
+Let's do it
+  $ hg relocate --rev 0b061760b677 962d3a7d27ad
+  merging shopping
+The old vesion of bathroom is hidden again now.
+  $ hg tlog
+  39a85a192689: 'animals'
+  962d3a7d27ad: 'bathroom stuff'
+  02e33960e937: 'SPAM SPAM'
+  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit'
+  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment'
+  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM'
+  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list'
+We can push this evolution to remote
+  $ hg push -f remote # XXX should not require -f
+  pushing to $TESTTMP/remote
+  searching for changes
+  adding changesets
+  adding manifests
+  adding file changes
+  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 1 files (+1 heads)
+remote get a warning that current working directory is based on an obsolete changeset
+  $ cd ../remote
+  $ hg up . # XXX "loulz"
+  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+  Working directory parent is obsolete
+  $ hg up 39a85a192689
+  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+Relocating out-of-sync change after kill
+The remote guy keep working
+  $ sed -i'' -e 's/Spam/Spam Spam Spam Spam/g' shopping
+  $ hg commit -m "SPAM SPAM SPAM"
+Work I can keep getting localy
+  $ cd ../local
+  $ hg pull remote
+  pulling from $TESTTMP/remote
+  searching for changes
+  adding changesets
+  adding manifests
+  adding file changes
+  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
+  (run 'hg update' to get a working copy)
+  $ hg tlog
+  e768beeb835c: 'SPAM SPAM SPAM'
+  39a85a192689: 'animals'
+  962d3a7d27ad: 'bathroom stuff'
+  02e33960e937: 'SPAM SPAM'
+  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit'
+  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment'
+  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM'
+  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list'
+In the mean time I noticed you can't buy animals in a super market and I kill the animal changeset:
+  $ hg kill 39a85a192689 # issue warning here
+  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+  working directory now at 962d3a7d27ad
+The animals changeset is still displayed because the "SPAM SPAM SPAM" changeset
+is neither dead or obsolete.  My repository is in an unstable state again.
+  $ hg tlog 
+  e768beeb835c: 'SPAM SPAM SPAM'
+  39a85a192689: 'animals'
+  962d3a7d27ad: 'bathroom stuff'
+  02e33960e937: 'SPAM SPAM'
+  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit'
+  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment'
+  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM'
+  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list'
+  $ hg tglog  -r '::e768beeb835c'
+  o  e768beeb835c: 'SPAM SPAM SPAM'
+  |
+  o  39a85a192689: 'animals'
+  |
+  @  962d3a7d27ad: 'bathroom stuff'
+  |
+  o  02e33960e937: 'SPAM SPAM'
+  |
+  o  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit'
+  |
+  o  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment'
+  |
+  o  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM'
+  |
+  o  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list'
+#  $ hg evolve # XXX not ready yet
+#  hg relocate --rev  e768beeb835c 962d3a7d27ad
+  $ hg relocate -r  e768beeb835c 'p1(39a85a192689)'
+  merging shopping
+  $ hg tlog 
+  19098f8178f3: 'SPAM SPAM SPAM'
+  962d3a7d27ad: 'bathroom stuff'
+  02e33960e937: 'SPAM SPAM'
+  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit'
+  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment'
+  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM'
+  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list'
+Handling Conflicting amend
+We can detect that multiple diverging//conflicting amend have been made. There
+will be a "evol-merge" command to merge conflicting amend
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/test-tutorial.t	Tue Mar 27 17:29:16 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/tests/tutorial.t	Tue Mar 27 17:28:47 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,677 +0,0 @@
-Mutable History and collaboration
-.. warning:: need heavy update
-Single Developer Usage
-This tutorial shows how to use evolution to replace the basics of *mq*.
-Amending a changeset
-First there is some setup phase you will understand later.
-there is a local repository and a remote one.
-Please close your eyes.
-  $ hg init local
-  $ cat >> local/.hg/hgrc << EOF
-  > [paths]
-  > remote = ../remote
-  > [ui]
-  > user = Albert Beugras
-  > [diff]
-  > git = 1
-  > [alias]
-  > amend = amend -d '0 0'
-  > tlog = log --template "{node|short}: '{desc}'\n"
-  > ttlog = log --template "{node|short}: '{desc}' ({state})\n"
-  > tglog = log -G --template "{node|short}: '{desc}' {branches}\n"
-  > [extensions]
-  > hgext.graphlog=
-  > hgext.rebase=
-  > EOF
-  $ echo "states=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext/" >> local/.hg/hgrc
-  $ echo "obsolete=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext/" >> local/.hg/hgrc
-  $ echo "evolution=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext/" >> local/.hg/hgrc
-  $ hg init remote
-  $ cat >> remote/.hg/hgrc << EOF
-  > [paths]
-  > local = ../local
-  > [ui]
-  > user = René de Robert
-  > [diff]
-  > git = 1
-  > [alias]
-  > amend = amend -d '0 0'
-  > tlog = log --template "{node|short}: '{desc}' {branches}\n"
-  > ttlog = log --template "{node|short}: '{desc}' {state}\n"
-  > tglog = log -G --template "{node|short}: '{desc}' {branches}\n"
-  > [extensions]
-  > hgext.graphlog=
-  > hgext.rebase=
-  > EOF
-  $ echo "states=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext/" >> remote/.hg/hgrc
-  $ echo "obsolete=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext/" >> remote/.hg/hgrc
-  $ echo "evolution=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext/" >> remote/.hg/hgrc
-  $ cd local
-You can reopen you eyes.
-Now we make a first version of our shopping list.
-  $ cat  >> shopping << EOF
-  > Spam
-  > Whizzo butter
-  > Albatross
-  > Rat (rather a lot)
-  > Jugged fish
-  > Blancmange
-  > Salmon mousse
-  > EOF
-  $ hg commit -A -m "Monthy Python Shopping list"
-  adding shopping
-We share this first version with the outside.
-  $ hg push remote
-  pushing to $TESTTMP/remote
-  searching for changes
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
-Later I add additional item to my list
-  $ cat >> shopping << EOF
-  > Egg
-  > Suggar
-  > Vinegar
-  > Oil
-  > EOF
-  $ hg commit -m "adding condiment"
-  $ cat >> shopping << EOF
-  > Bananos
-  > Pear
-  > Apple
-  > EOF
-  $ hg commit -m "adding fruit"
-I now have the following history:
-  $ hg tlog
-  d85de4546133: 'adding fruit'
-  4d5dc8187023: 'adding condiment'
-  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list'
-But, I just notice, I made a typo in Banana.
-  $ hg export tip
-  # HG changeset patch
-  # User test
-  # Date 0 0
-  # Node ID d85de4546133030c82d257bbcdd9b1b416d0c31c
-  # Parent  4d5dc81870237d492284826e21840b2ca00e26d1
-  adding fruit
-  diff --git a/shopping b/shopping
-  --- a/shopping
-  +++ b/shopping
-  @@ -9,3 +9,6 @@
-   Suggar
-   Vinegar
-   Oil
-  +Bananos
-  +Pear
-  +Apple
-hopefully. I can use hg amend to rewrite my faulty changeset!
-  $ sed -i'' -e s/Bananos/Banana/ shopping
-  $ hg diff
-  diff --git a/shopping b/shopping
-  --- a/shopping
-  +++ b/shopping
-  @@ -9,6 +9,6 @@
-   Suggar
-   Vinegar
-   Oil
-  -Bananos
-  +Banana
-   Pear
-   Apple
-  $ hg amend
-  abort: can not rewrite immutable changeset d85de4546133
-  [255]
-By default all changeset are considered "published" and can't be rewrittent.
- $ hg ttlog
-You need to enable a mutable state in your repo the "ready" one
-  $ hg states ready --clever
-  $ hg ttlog
-  d85de4546133: 'adding fruit' (ready)
-  4d5dc8187023: 'adding condiment' (ready)
-  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list' (published)
-Notice that changeset you already shared with the outside have been keep
-The changeset we want to rewrite is now in a mutable state.
-  $ hg amend
-A new changeset with the right diff replace the wrong one.
-  $ hg tlog
-  0cacb48f4482: 'adding fruit'
-  4d5dc8187023: 'adding condiment'
-  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list'
-  $ hg export tip
-  # HG changeset patch
-  # User test
-  # Date 0 0
-  # Node ID 0cacb48f44828d2fd31c4e45e18fde32a5b2f07b
-  # Parent  4d5dc81870237d492284826e21840b2ca00e26d1
-  adding fruit
-  diff --git a/shopping b/shopping
-  --- a/shopping
-  +++ b/shopping
-  @@ -9,3 +9,6 @@
-   Suggar
-   Vinegar
-   Oil
-  +Banana
-  +Pear
-  +Apple
-Getting Ride of branchy history
-While I was working on my list. someone help made a change remotly.
-close your eyes
-  $ cd ../remote
-  $ hg up -q
-  $ sed -i'' -e 's/Spam/Spam Spam Spam/' shopping
-  $ hg ci -m 'SPAM'
-  $ cd ../local
-open your eyes
-  $ hg pull remote
-  pulling from $TESTTMP/remote
-  searching for changes
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files (+1 heads)
-  (run 'hg heads .' to see heads, 'hg merge' to merge)
-I now have a new heads. Note that the remote head is immutable
-  $ hg ttlog
-  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM' (published)
-  0cacb48f4482: 'adding fruit' (ready)
-  4d5dc8187023: 'adding condiment' (ready)
-  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list' (published)
-  $ hg tglog -r "::(9ca060c80d74 + 0cacb48f4482)"
-  o  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM'
-  |
-  | @  0cacb48f4482: 'adding fruit'
-  | |
-  | o  4d5dc8187023: 'adding condiment'
-  |/
-  o  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list'
-instead of merging my head with the new one. I'm going to rebase my work
-  $ hg diff
-  $ hg rebase -d 9ca060c80d74 -s 4d5dc8187023
-  merging shopping
-  merging shopping
-  merging shopping
-  merging shopping
-My local work is now rebase on the remote one.
-  $ hg kill e7a71e229632 ad97bbd3e37d # XXX fix me instead
-  $ hg ttlog
-  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit' (ready)
-  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment' (ready)
-  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM' (published)
-  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list' (published)
-  $ hg tglog -r '::.'
-  @  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit'
-  |
-  o  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment'
-  |
-  o  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM'
-  |
-  o  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list'
-Removing changeset
-I add new item to my list
-  $ cat >> shopping << EOF
-  > car
-  > bus
-  > plane
-  > boat
-  > EOF
-  $ hg ci -m 'transport'
-  $ hg ttlog
-  d58c77aa15d7: 'transport' (ready)
-  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit' (ready)
-  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment' (ready)
-  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM' (published)
-  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list' (published)
-I have a new commit but I realize that don't want it. (transport shop list does
-not fit well in my standard shopping list)
-  $ hg kill . # . is for working directory parent.
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  working directory now at 387187ad9bd9
-The silly changeset is gone.
-  $ hg ttlog
-  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit' (ready)
-  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment' (ready)
-  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM' (published)
-  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list' (published)
-Reordering changeset
-We create two changeset.
-  $ cat >> shopping << EOF
-  > Shampoo
-  > Toothbrush
-  > ... More bathroom stuff to come
-  > Towel
-  > Soap
-  > EOF
-  $ hg ci -m 'bathroom stuff' -q # XXX remove the -q
-  $ sed -i'' -e 's/Spam/Spam Spam Spam/g' shopping
-  $ hg ci -m 'SPAM SPAM'
-  $ hg ttlog
-  c48f32fb1787: 'SPAM SPAM' (ready)
-  8d39a843582d: 'bathroom stuff' (ready)
-  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit' (ready)
-  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment' (ready)
-  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM' (published)
-  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list' (published)
-.. note: don't amend changeset 7e82d3f3c2cb or 9ca060c80d74 as they are
-I now want to push to remote all my change but the bathroom one that i'm not totally happy with yet.
-To be able to push "SPAM SPAM" I need a version of "SPAM SPAM" not children of "bathroom stuff"
-You can use rebase or relocate for that:
-  $ hg relocate 'p1(8d39a843582d)' --traceback
-  merging shopping
-  $ hg tglog -r '::(. + 8d39a843582d)'
-  @  02e33960e937: 'SPAM SPAM'
-  |
-  | o  8d39a843582d: 'bathroom stuff'
-  |/
-  o  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit'
-  |
-  o  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment'
-  |
-  o  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM'
-  |
-  o  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list'
-We have a new SPAM SPAM version without the bathroom stuff
-  $ grep Spam shopping  # enouth spamm
-  Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam
-  $ grep Toothbrush shopping # no Toothbrush
-  [1]
-  $ hg export .
-  # HG changeset patch
-  # User test
-  # Date 0 0
-  # Node ID 02e33960e937ad1bd59241ebdafd7a2494240ddf
-  # Parent  387187ad9bd9d8f9a00a9fa804a26231db547429
-  diff --git a/shopping b/shopping
-  --- a/shopping
-  +++ b/shopping
-  @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-  -Spam Spam Spam
-  +Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam
-   Whizzo butter
-   Albatross
-   Rat (rather a lot)
-we can now push our change:
-  $ hg push -r . remote
-  pushing to $TESTTMP/remote
-  searching for changes
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 3 changesets with 3 changes to 1 files
-for simplicity shake we relocate the bathroom changeset
-  $ hg relocate -r 8d39a843582d 02e33960e937
-  merging shopping
-Splitting change
-To be done (currently achieve with "two commit + debugobsolete")
-Collapsing change
-To be done (currently achieve with "revert + debugobsolete" or "rebase --collapse")
-sharing mutable changeset
-To share mutable changeset with other just check that both have the "ready"
-state activated. Otherwise you will get the previously observe behavior where
-exchanged changeset are automatically published.
-  $ cd ../remote
-  $ hg states 
-  published
-The remote repository have only the immutable "published" state activated. Any
-changeset echanged from "local" to "remote" will be set in the publised state:
-  $ hg -R ../local push -f remote # XXX we should pull but the support is awful
-  pushing to $TESTTMP/remote
-  searching for changes
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
-  $ hg ttlog
-  a3515e5d0332: 'bathroom stuff' published
-  02e33960e937: 'SPAM SPAM' published
-  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit' published
-  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment' published
-  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM' published
-  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list' published
-We do not want to publish the "bathroom changeset". Let's rollback the last transaction
-  $ hg rollback
-  repository tip rolled back to revision 4 (undo push)
-  working directory now based on revision 1
-  $ hg ttlog
-  02e33960e937: 'SPAM SPAM' published
-  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit' published
-  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment' published
-  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM' published
-  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list' published
-  $ rm ../local/.hg/states/published-heads     # XXX USE --exact
-  $ hg -R ../local publish 02e33960e937 # XXX FIX THE BUG
-To enable the mutable "ready" state in a repository, use the states command.
-  $ hg states ready
-  $ hg states 
-  published
-  ready
-I can nom exchange mutable changeset between "remote" and "local" repository.
-  $ hg pull local # XXX We pull too much stuff
-  pulling from $TESTTMP/local
-  searching for changes
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 10 changesets with 10 changes to 1 files (+5 heads)
-  (run 'hg heads' to see heads, 'hg merge' to merge)
-  $ hg ttlog
-  a3515e5d0332: 'bathroom stuff' ready
-  02e33960e937: 'SPAM SPAM' published
-  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit' published
-  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment' published
-  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM' published
-  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list' published
-Rebasing out-of-sync change after update
-Remotely someone add a new changeset on top of our mutable "bathroom" on.
-  $ hg up a3515e5d0332 -q
-  $ cat >> shopping << EOF
-  > Giraffe
-  > Rhino
-  > Lion
-  > Bear
-  > EOF
-  $ hg ci -m 'animals' -q # XXX remove the -q
-While this time locally, we rebase the updated the "bathroom changeset"
-  $ cd ../local
-  $ hg up a3515e5d0332 -q
-  $ sed -i'' -e 's/... More bathroom stuff to come/Bath Robe/' shopping
-  $ hg amend
-  $ hg tlog
-  962d3a7d27ad: 'bathroom stuff'
-  02e33960e937: 'SPAM SPAM'
-  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit'
-  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment'
-  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM'
-  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list'
-When we pull from remote again we get an unstable state!
-  $ hg pull remote
-  pulling from $TESTTMP/remote
-  searching for changes
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files (+1 heads)
-  (run 'hg heads .' to see heads, 'hg merge' to merge)
-  $ hg tlog
-  0b061760b677: 'animals'
-  962d3a7d27ad: 'bathroom stuff'
-  a3515e5d0332: 'bathroom stuff'
-  02e33960e937: 'SPAM SPAM'
-  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit'
-  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment'
-  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM'
-  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list'
-The new changeset "animal" is based one an old changeset of "bathroom". You can
-see both version showing up the log.
-  $ hg tglog -r '::(962d3a7d27ad + 0b061760b677)'
-  o  0b061760b677: 'animals'
-  |
-  | @  962d3a7d27ad: 'bathroom stuff'
-  | |
-  o |  a3515e5d0332: 'bathroom stuff'
-  |/
-  o  02e33960e937: 'SPAM SPAM'
-  |
-  o  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit'
-  |
-  o  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment'
-  |
-  o  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM'
-  |
-  o  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list'
-In hgviewn there is a nice doted relation highlighting 962d3a7d27ad  is a new
-version of a3515e5d0332. this is not yet ported to graphlog.
-To resolve this unstable state, you need to relocate 0b061760b677 onto
-962d3a7d27ad the "hg evolve" will make the thinking for you and suggest it to
-  $ hg evolve
-  hg relocate --rev 0b061760b677 962d3a7d27ad
-Let's do it
-  $ hg relocate --rev 0b061760b677 962d3a7d27ad
-  merging shopping
-The old vesion of bathroom is hidden again now.
-  $ hg tlog
-  39a85a192689: 'animals'
-  962d3a7d27ad: 'bathroom stuff'
-  02e33960e937: 'SPAM SPAM'
-  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit'
-  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment'
-  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM'
-  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list'
-We can push this evolution to remote
-  $ hg push -f remote # XXX should not require -f
-  pushing to $TESTTMP/remote
-  searching for changes
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 1 files (+1 heads)
-remote get a warning that current working directory is based on an obsolete changeset
-  $ cd ../remote
-  $ hg up . # XXX "loulz"
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  Working directory parent is obsolete
-  $ hg up 39a85a192689
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-Relocating out-of-sync change after kill
-The remote guy keep working
-  $ sed -i'' -e 's/Spam/Spam Spam Spam Spam/g' shopping
-  $ hg commit -m "SPAM SPAM SPAM"
-Work I can keep getting localy
-  $ cd ../local
-  $ hg pull remote
-  pulling from $TESTTMP/remote
-  searching for changes
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
-  (run 'hg update' to get a working copy)
-  $ hg tlog
-  e768beeb835c: 'SPAM SPAM SPAM'
-  39a85a192689: 'animals'
-  962d3a7d27ad: 'bathroom stuff'
-  02e33960e937: 'SPAM SPAM'
-  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit'
-  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment'
-  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM'
-  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list'
-In the mean time I noticed you can't buy animals in a super market and I kill the animal changeset:
-  $ hg kill 39a85a192689 # issue warning here
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  working directory now at 962d3a7d27ad
-The animals changeset is still displayed because the "SPAM SPAM SPAM" changeset
-is neither dead or obsolete.  My repository is in an unstable state again.
-  $ hg tlog 
-  e768beeb835c: 'SPAM SPAM SPAM'
-  39a85a192689: 'animals'
-  962d3a7d27ad: 'bathroom stuff'
-  02e33960e937: 'SPAM SPAM'
-  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit'
-  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment'
-  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM'
-  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list'
-  $ hg tglog  -r '::e768beeb835c'
-  o  e768beeb835c: 'SPAM SPAM SPAM'
-  |
-  o  39a85a192689: 'animals'
-  |
-  @  962d3a7d27ad: 'bathroom stuff'
-  |
-  o  02e33960e937: 'SPAM SPAM'
-  |
-  o  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit'
-  |
-  o  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment'
-  |
-  o  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM'
-  |
-  o  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list'
-#  $ hg evolve # XXX not ready yet
-#  hg relocate --rev  e768beeb835c 962d3a7d27ad
-  $ hg relocate -r  e768beeb835c 'p1(39a85a192689)'
-  merging shopping
-  $ hg tlog 
-  19098f8178f3: 'SPAM SPAM SPAM'
-  962d3a7d27ad: 'bathroom stuff'
-  02e33960e937: 'SPAM SPAM'
-  387187ad9bd9: 'adding fruit'
-  dfd3a2d7691e: 'adding condiment'
-  9ca060c80d74: 'SPAM'
-  7e82d3f3c2cb: 'Monthy Python Shopping list'
-Handling Conflicting amend
-We can detect that multiple diverging//conflicting amend have been made. There
-will be a "evol-merge" command to merge conflicting amend