Boris Feld <> [Fri, 26 May 2017 19:21:36 +0200] rev 2490
template: update obsfate to be more human friendly
Approach the obslog output for the moment.
Boris Feld <> [Fri, 26 May 2017 13:28:49 +0200] rev 2489
template: add the obsfate template
Reuse _getobsoletefate and nextvisiblesuccessors to easily get the
obsolescence fate of any node. The limitation is that obsfate is as precise as
these two functions, which is not great for nextvisiblesuccessors.
Boris Feld <> [Fri, 26 May 2017 13:18:26 +0200] rev 2488
refactor: extract obs fate algorithm from _getobsoletereason
Refactor _getobsoletereason to extract the obs fate computation into a
separate function, it will be used later and put it in obshistory as it will
be needed in other files.
Rename _getobsoletereason to _getobsoletefateandsuccessors.