2017-02-28 Pierre-Yves David evolve: move the extensions to 'hgext3rd'
2015-04-29 Pierre-Yves David tests: ensure we keep capturing output
2014-12-14 Pierre-Yves David evolve: remove the dependency to the rebase extension stable
2014-07-27 Pierre-Yves David enable bundle2
2014-08-29 Pierre-Yves David drop the debug output
2014-08-15 Pierre-Yves David test: work around a bug in debugobsolete stable
2014-08-09 Pierre-Yves David evolve: hide the OBSEXC message behind a config option
2014-07-25 Pierre-Yves David test: use `hg log` in the `getid` function
2014-04-23 Pierre-Yves David exchange: use fixed order for obstore content
2014-03-04 Pierre-Yves David exchange: add test case for D.1
2014-03-03 Pierre-Yves David exchange: add test case for A.3
2014-03-03 Pierre-Yves David exchange: automate the testing process too
2014-03-03 Pierre-Yves David exchange: have a function doing all the common initial setup
2014-03-03 Pierre-Yves David exchance: add a common setup script for all test
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