2020-04-08 Pierre-Yves David branching: merge 9.3.1 release into default
2020-04-08 Anton Shestakov packaging: prepare version 9.3.1 stable 9.3.1
2020-04-07 Pierre-Yves David branching: merge with stable
2020-03-11 Pierre-Yves David head-checking: ignore obsolete section when checking for single heads stable
2020-04-06 Pierre-Yves David head-checking: update changelog stable
2020-04-06 Pierre-Yves David topics: fix auto-publish=abort with servers publishing bare branches stable
2020-03-27 Pierre-Yves David branching: merge with stable
2020-03-25 Pierre-Yves David changelog: mention the recent evolve improvements stable
2020-03-11 Pierre-Yves David exchange: deal with empty obscommon stable
2020-03-06 Pierre-Yves David obsexchange: fallback to simpler request for dumb http server stable
2020-03-10 Pierre-Yves David changelog: add an entry about the cleanup
2020-03-04 Anton Shestakov packaging: prepare version 9.3.0 stable 9.3.0 @
2020-03-04 Anton Shestakov changelog: more entries for 9.3.0, sorting stable
2020-03-04 Anton Shestakov compat: officialy drop compatibility with mercurial 4.5 stable
2020-02-19 Pierre-Yves David topic: option to hide topic changesets to plain client
2020-02-04 Anton Shestakov changelog: obslog shows folds now
2020-01-14 Anton Shestakov obslog: use _successorsetverb() in regular obslog too
2020-02-01 Pierre-Yves David branching
2020-01-31 Anton Shestakov packaging: update changelog for version 9.2.2 stable
2019-11-03 Sushil khanchi evolve: add pre-check logic for content-divergence in rewriteutil.precheck()
2020-01-20 Anton Shestakov changelog: add missing entries stable
2020-01-08 Anton Shestakov changelog: mention all the cleanups as one item
2019-12-26 Pierre-Yves David branching: merge with stable
2019-12-10 Pierre-Yves David changelog: mention the python 3 fix stable
2019-12-10 Pierre-Yves David changelog: mention the date fix for content divergence stable
2019-12-10 Pierre-Yves David branching: merge with stable
2019-09-29 Sushil khanchi amend: abort if both --patch and --extract are used stable
2019-11-18 Pierre-Yves David branching: merge with stable
2019-11-18 Pierre-Yves David changelog: add a couple of missing entry about the next feature release
2019-11-18 Pierre-Yves David changelog: fix entry in the wrong location
2019-11-18 Pierre-Yves David changelog: add a wheelbarrow of missing entries stable
2019-10-19 Martin von Zweigbergk obsexchange: delete dead code for old exchange protocol
2019-10-09 Anton Shestakov metaedit: don't change commit date by default (issue5994) stable
2019-10-07 Anton Shestakov pick: don't create any successors when there were no changes (issue6093) stable
2019-10-05 Pierre-Yves David packaging: update changelog stable
2019-09-28 Pierre-Yves David changelog: update for coming 9.2.0 stable 9.2.0
2019-09-27 Pierre-Yves David branching: merge with stable
2019-09-09 Anton Shestakov evolve: check that relocating makes sense in _solvedivergent() (issue5958) stable
2019-09-24 Pierre-Yves David branching: merge stable into default
2019-07-19 Raphaël Gomès docs: add example for the `prune` command stable
2019-09-10 Pierre-Yves David branching: merge with stable
2019-09-07 Anton Shestakov fold: check allowdivergence before folding obsolete changesets (issue5817) stable
2019-09-06 Anton Shestakov stack: make a deep copy of `dependencies` before modifying its items stable
2019-09-03 Pierre-Yves David branching: merge with stable
2019-09-03 Anton Shestakov changelog: add missing entry for 9af212b8565a stable
2019-08-30 Anton Shestakov obslog: only indent the first chunk and chunks just after newlines (issue6175) stable
2019-07-25 Anton Shestakov rewind: add --keep flag that "doesn't modify working directory"
2019-08-07 Raphaël Gomès python3: add python3 beta support to the CHANGELOG
2019-08-05 Taapas Agrawal pick: added support for hg abort
2019-07-12 Taapas Agrawal evolve: fixed lock acquire before checking state
2019-08-02 Kyle Lippincott prune: adjust 'nothing to prune' to imply user needs to specify revs to prune
2019-07-30 Pierre-Yves David changelog: add missing entry for dfd88e3fa90a stable
2019-07-29 Pierre-Yves David packaging: groom changelog prior to release stable
2019-07-29 Pierre-Yves David branching: merge stable into default
2019-07-19 Anton Shestakov prune: spell --successor flag without any unnecessary shortcuts stable
2019-07-17 Pierre-Yves David branching: merge with stable
2019-07-17 Sushil khanchi touch: fix the inconsistent behavior of divergence catching logic (issue6107) stable
2019-07-13 Anton Shestakov metaedit: allow operations on merge commits with some conditions
2019-07-11 Anton Shestakov fold: allow operations on merge commits with some conditions
2019-07-11 Anton Shestakov rewind: make sure merge commits include files from p1 and p2
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