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next: add extensive testing to the 'next' command
2015-06-24, by Pierre-Yves David
readme: add an entry about the obsolete wdir parent hint
2015-06-24, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: add a hint when the parent working copy become obsolete
2015-06-24, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: better error message when command is Ambiguous
2015-06-23, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: mechanism to load some commands selectively
2015-05-20, by Laurent Charignon
evolve: clarify code in _singlesuccessor
2015-06-22, by Laurent Charignon
merge with stable
2015-06-23, by Pierre-Yves David
merge with inactive compat branch
2015-06-23, by Pierre-Yves David
merge with inactive compat branch
2015-06-23, by Pierre-Yves David
close inactive compatibility branch
2015-06-23, by Pierre-Yves David
close inactive compatibility branch
2015-06-23, by Pierre-Yves David
merge with inactive compat branch
2015-06-23, by Pierre-Yves David
merge with inactive compat branch
2015-06-23, by Pierre-Yves David
merge with inactive compat branch
2015-06-23, by Pierre-Yves David
close inactive compatibility branch
2015-06-23, by Pierre-Yves David
close inactive compatibility branch
2015-06-23, by Pierre-Yves David
close inactive compatibility branch
2015-06-23, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: raise MultipleSuccessorsError when computing dependency for split commits
2015-06-22, by Laurent Charignon
next/prev: require --merge to move with uncommitted changes
2015-06-23, by Pierre-Yves David
merge with stable
2015-06-23, by Pierre-Yves David
Added tag 5.1.5 for changeset 1377f6a7f9ec
2015-06-23, by Pierre-Yves David
prepare version 5.1.5
2015-06-23, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: non recursive implementation for _aspiringdescendants
2015-06-23, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: distinct between '--all' and '--all --any'
2015-06-22, by Pierre-Yves David
rework refactor _aspiringchildren by introducing _possibledestination
2015-06-23, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: consider all potential candidates on bare evolve
2015-06-22, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: fix an issue in the documentation of the evolve function
2015-06-23, by Laurent Charignon
evolve: fix error in builddependencies
2015-06-22, by Laurent Charignon
test-evolve-bumped: add new test case for merge
2015-06-19, by Laurent Charignon
test-evolve-bumped: improve tests legibility
2015-06-19, by Laurent Charignon
evolve: drop len comparison in prune and fold
2015-06-22, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: add an help topic about evolution
2015-06-20, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: remove _picknexttroubled
2015-06-19, by Laurent Charignon
evolve: warn about every skipped evolution
2015-06-19, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: some style fix
2015-06-19, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: unify revision handling and rework error message
2015-06-19, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: move the 'update' if '.' is obsolete earlier
2015-06-19, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: skip unstable changesets with multiple successorssets
2015-06-16, by Laurent Charignon
evolve: allow multiple --rev argument
2015-06-19, by Pierre-Yves David
test-evolve: fix tests failing on some platform
2015-06-19, by Laurent Charignon
evolve: prevent using --rev and --any together
2015-06-16, by Laurent Charignon
evolve: add selector for trouble types
2015-06-16, by Laurent Charignon
evolve: refresh the documentation
2015-06-19, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: check for uncommited change earlier
2015-06-16, by Laurent Charignon
merge with some old heads
2015-06-19, by Pierre-Yves David
merge with some older backport
2014-06-16, by Pierre-Yves David
template: add a troubles keyword
2014-06-12, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: make fold aware of allowunstable
2015-06-19, by Laurent Charignon
evolve: make prune respect allowunsable
2015-06-19, by Laurent Charignon
merge with stable
2015-06-19, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: add a hint about how to abort an evolve with conflict
2015-06-19, by Pierre-Yves David
merge with branch closing commit
2015-06-19, by Pierre-Yves David
close 3.1 compat branch
2015-06-19, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: marks the extension as tested with 4.1
2015-06-19, by Pierre-Yves David
merge with stable
2015-06-18, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: fix default value for --confirm
2015-06-18, by Pierre-Yves David
prune: use the bookmark wrapper for 3.4 compatibility
2015-06-18, by Pierre-Yves David
merge with stable
2015-06-18, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: update readme regarding the preview perf improvement
2015-06-18, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: move 'allsuccessors()' to smarted usage
2015-06-18, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: move 'successors()' to smarted usage
2015-06-18, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: move 'allprecursors()' to smarted usage
2015-06-18, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: move 'precursors()' to smarted usage
2015-06-18, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: move 'suspended()' to smarted usage
2015-06-18, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: move 'troubled()' to smarted usage
2015-06-18, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: avoid creating changectx object in _allsuccessors
2015-06-18, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: avoid creating changectx object in _successors
2015-06-18, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: avoid creating changectx object in _allprecursors
2015-06-18, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: avoid creating changectx object in _precursors
2015-06-18, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: fix the template keyworkd decorator docstring
2015-06-18, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: search divergence within all precursors
2015-06-18, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: make sure we use an unfiltered repo when looking for divergence data
2015-06-18, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: make sure we use an unfiltered repo when looking for divergence data
2015-06-18, by Pierre-Yves David
directaccess: remove import from the no warning list
2015-06-17, by Pierre-Yves David
directaccess: add some commands to the directaccess list
2015-06-17, by Laurent Charignon
evolve: move test for evolve --rev ordering in a separate file
2015-06-16, by Laurent Charignon
evolve: properly evolve stacked unstable with --rev
2015-06-16, by Laurent Charignon
directaccess: disable directaccess for push and serve
2015-06-16, by Laurent Charignon
directaccess: change rule from opt-in to opt-out
2015-06-16, by Laurent Charignon
inhibit: move transaction wrapping outside of repo setup
2015-06-16, by Laurent Charignon
tests: ignores other core output in capability testing
2015-06-15, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: make uncommit respect allowunsable
2015-05-20, by Laurent Charignon
directaccess: use cached filteredrevs
2015-06-13, by Laurent Charignon
inhibit: improve performance of transaction wrapping
2015-06-13, by Laurent Charignon
evolve: extract the code computing dependencies in a separate function
2015-06-04, by Laurent Charignon
directaccess: add mechanism to load directaccess after some other extensions
2015-06-04, by Laurent Charignon
evolve: add another test for evolve --rev
2015-06-02, by Laurent Charignon
evolve: add a more complex test for evolve --rev
2015-06-02, by Laurent Charignon
evolve: add ordering of the revisions for evolve --rev
2015-06-04, by Laurent Charignon
test: adapt to change in mercurial core
2015-06-04, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: add directaccess to the
2015-06-03, by Laurent Charignon
evolve: don't crash on singled out revisions
2015-06-01, by Laurent Charignon
test: adapt test to less frequent branch warning
2015-06-01, by Pierre-Yves David
tests: adapt summary output to 6084926366b9
2015-06-01, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: small refactoring of the uncommit function
2015-05-27, by Laurent Charignon
evolve: improve error message
2015-05-13, by Laurent Charignon
evolve: move return statement at the right level
2015-05-13, by Laurent Charignon
evolve: remove extra whitespace
2015-05-27, by Laurent Charignon
directaccess: don't crash when evolve is not loaded
2015-05-22, by Laurent Charignon
inhbit: don't crash on commit with no changes
2015-05-20, by Laurent Charignon
evolve: add a test for prune --keep -r . with active bookmark
2015-05-20, by Laurent Charignon
Merge with stable
2015-05-20, by Laurent Charignon
inhibit: add test to ensure that --hidden is working with inhibit
2015-05-14, by Laurent Charignon
prune: with active bookmark should stay active
2015-05-18, by Laurent Charignon
merge with stable
2015-05-19, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: migrate off of now-dead util.any
2015-05-18, by Augie Fackler
inhibit: create direct access extension
2015-05-14, by Laurent Charignon
inhibit: handle inhibit marker on stripped revision
2015-05-14, by Pierre-Yves David
update README
2015-05-13, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: don't use python sets on top of revset for evolve --rev
2015-05-13, by Laurent Charignon
evolve: current bookmark wrongly moving during prune (issue4559)
2015-05-13, by Laurent Charignon
inhibit: direct access with and without warning on a per command basis
2015-05-12, by Laurent Charignon
inhbit: make tests work with evolution.createmarkers config
2015-05-12, by Laurent Charignon
inhibit: config to enable only direct access
2015-04-30, by Laurent Charignon
merge with stable
2015-05-11, by Pierre-Yves David
bookmarks: update to use new bookmarks api via compatibility layer
2015-05-07, by Ryan McElroy
simple4server: remove buggy wrapping of pull related function
2015-05-07, by Pierre-Yves David
simple4server: update bugtracker link
2015-05-06, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: rename handlenotrouble to _handlenotrouble and add doc
2015-05-05, by Laurent Charignon
evolve: improve the help message of --rev
2015-05-05, by Laurent Charignon