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evolve: update in file version
2014-11-25, by Pierre-Yves David
Added tag 5.0.1 for changeset 51e1e962172c
2014-11-25, by Pierre-Yves David
readme: prepare for release 5.0.1
2014-11-25, by Pierre-Yves David
readme: update changelog
2014-11-25, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: tell user which "base of divergent changeset" is not found
2014-11-20, by Martin von Zweigbergk
debugobsconvert: fix 6f08a8f6bb1d and add proper test
2014-11-20, by Pierre-Yves David
merge with stable
2014-11-20, by Pierre-Yves David
debugobsconvert: fix a typo on "version"
2014-11-20, by Pierre-Yves David
debugobsconvert: also deduplicate markers in the process
2014-11-20, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: fix capitalization in docstring for commands
2014-11-20, by André Sintzoff
test: ensure we echo prompt
2014-11-17, by Pierre-Yves David
debian: blacklist simple4server tests
2014-10-13, by Julien Cristau
debian: blacklist test-drop
2014-10-13, by Julien Cristau
debian: update control file to reflect dependency to mercurial 3.2
2014-11-17, by Julien Cristau
evolve: fix the version number
2014-11-17, by Julien Cristau
help: fix typo in help for 'obsolete' option added to import command
2014-11-18, by Mike Edgar
test: add an explicit test for simple4server with bundle2
2014-11-14, by Pierre-Yves David
Make next/prev only move bookmarks optionally
2014-10-29, by Ryan McElroy
obsup: hack extension to make in-place upgrading of obsolete markers easy
2014-10-20, by Augie Fackler
merge stable into default
2014-11-11, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: fix selection of changeset to evolve from the middle of a stack (issue4434)
2014-11-11, by Pierre-Yves David
2014-11-11, by Pierre-Yves David
merge back with compat branch
2014-11-11, by Pierre-Yves David
create a branch compatible with mercurial between 3.0.1 and 3.1.2
2014-11-11, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: fix suggested commands in "parents are not common" hint
2014-11-05, by Martin von Zweigbergk
evolve: add missing newlines in "parents are not common" hint
2014-11-05, by Martin von Zweigbergk
test-touch: add a test for rename preservation after touch
2014-11-03, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: fix error during iteration over bumped changesets (bug38)
2014-11-03, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: add various version info to save time on troubleshooting
2014-10-20, by anatoly techtonik
readme: drop the mention to the wip repo
2014-11-03, by Pierre-Yves David
readme: update the contribution process
2014-11-03, by Pierre-Yves David
merge 5.x line into stable (drop pre hg-3.2 compat)
2014-11-02, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: add the missing newline to output messages where needed
2014-09-29, by Matt Harbison
evolve: add the missing argument to a debug statement
2014-09-29, by Matt Harbison
uncommit: abort when rev specifies the current changeset
2014-10-28, by Nathan Goldbaum
test-amend: add a test for amend with no configured username (issue4211)
2014-10-28, by Matt Harbison
evolve: preserve branch change
2014-11-01, by Pierre-Yves David
amend: allow the --logfile argument to work properly
2014-10-25, by Matt Harbison
Added tag 5.0.0 for changeset c13b408c0006
2014-10-22, by Pierre-Yves David bump version to 5.0.0
2014-10-22, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: update tested with statement
2014-10-22, by Pierre-Yves David
README: update for 5.0 release
2014-10-22, by Pierre-Yves David
fixup previous changesets (after forgot to amend).
2014-10-22, by Pierre-Yves David
prune: stop reinjecting all selected revisions back into the revrange
2014-10-20, by Pierre-Yves David
test: adapt to new hidden-changeset message
2014-10-20, by Pierre-Yves David
pullobsolete: handle migration from todosteps to donesteps
2014-10-17, by Augie Fackler
evolve: adapt to change in core rebase
2014-10-16, by Pierre-Yves David
test: ignore bytes lenght in message
2014-10-16, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: adapt to the new metadata storage
2014-10-16, by Pierre-Yves David
debugobsstorestats: drop the average meta length
2014-10-16, by Pierre-Yves David
debian: remove .PHONY line completely
2014-10-11, by Faheem Mitha
debian: replace clean with override_dh_auto_clean
2014-10-11, by Faheem Mitha
debian: replace build line with a override_dh_auto_build line
2014-10-11, by Faheem Mitha
debian: remove clean target before implicit match rule
2014-10-11, by Faheem Mitha
debian: Add DH_VERBOSE, commented out, for debugging convenience
2014-10-11, by Faheem Mitha
evolve: wrap exchange.push() for compatability with core mercurial 4d52e6eb98ea
2014-10-02, by Matt Harbison
drophack: use `first` and `last` on smartset
2014-10-08, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: use `first` and `last` on revset
2014-10-08, by Pierre-Yves David
test: adapt to core mercurial 9ab18a912c44
2014-10-02, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: adapt to core changeset 4f14303e8954
2014-10-02, by Pierre-Yves David
merge with stable
2014-10-02, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: update evolve merge message
2014-09-30, by Pierre-Yves David
import: fix the "is None" check for the Node
2014-09-30, by Pierre-Yves David
test: remote "date" from the output of obsmarker meta
2014-09-22, by Pierre-Yves David
test: adapt to mercurial changes
2014-09-22, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: wrap setparents calls in begin/endparentchange
2014-09-17, by Siddharth Agarwal
merge with stable
2014-09-04, by Pierre-Yves David
test: add glob annotations where Mercurial's suggests
2014-08-12, by Matt Harbison
evolve: really fix the 'grab' alias on Windows
2014-09-03, by Matt Harbison
evolve: keep vague compatibility with 3.1
2014-09-03, by Pierre-Yves David
merge: all the stable sweetness into default
2014-09-02, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: replace each obsolete sha1 in the description with its latest successor
2014-08-09, by Matt Harbison
test: add parent hash to commit message in test-evolve.t
2014-08-09, by Matt Harbison
evolve: fix the 'grab' alias to work on Windows
2014-08-12, by Matt Harbison
debian: add README to the list of documents shipped with the package.
2014-08-24, by Faheem Mitha
debian: add missing curl Build-Depends
2014-08-24, by Faheem Mitha
prune: work around lazy revset slowdown
2014-04-25, by Pierre-Yves David
readme: act that there will not be a 4.1.1 release
2014-09-02, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: write a status message when the working directory changes
2014-08-29, by David Soria Parra
merge small default improvement before dropping compat with released Mercurial
2014-08-29, by Pierre-Yves David
pull: use discovery to pull less obsmarkers through bundle2
2014-08-29, by Pierre-Yves David
pull: run obsmarker discovery only on the common set
2014-08-29, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: fix a typo in a long function name
2014-08-29, by Pierre-Yves David
bundle2: burn some more of the old code
2014-08-29, by Pierre-Yves David
obsexch: respect todosteps when using the old push
2014-08-27, by Pierre-Yves David
compat: update the tests after the jump
2014-08-27, by Pierre-Yves David
compat: use in-core encodemarkers
2014-08-27, by Pierre-Yves David
compat: rename encodeonemarkers to _fm0encodemarkers
2014-08-27, by Pierre-Yves David
enable bundle2
2014-07-27, by Pierre-Yves David
drop the debug output
2014-08-29, by Pierre-Yves David
test-simple4server: add error output for http
2014-08-27, by Pierre-Yves David
compat: adapt to change to memctx
2014-08-29, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: use pushkeyescape from core
2014-08-27, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: display more message
2014-08-27, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: drop a very old safe guard about bad marker
2014-08-27, by Pierre-Yves David
pull: drop the custom bundle2 part
2014-08-27, by Pierre-Yves David
obsexc: add support for evoext_pushobsmarkers_0 on localpeer
2014-08-27, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: allow read() from the magic StringIO
2014-08-27, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: drop old obsmarker discovery code
2014-08-27, by Pierre-Yves David
obsexc: use the common discovery
2014-08-27, by Pierre-Yves David
obsexc: push nothing if push fail
2014-08-27, by Pierre-Yves David
discovery: hook on the official discovery for obsmarker
2014-08-29, by Pierre-Yves David
discovery: use a different setup step for discovery
2014-08-27, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: remove unused drop random
2014-08-27, by Pierre-Yves David
obshash: resist to unknown revision during discovery
2014-08-27, by Pierre-Yves David
code movement: gather discovery code together
2014-08-27, by Pierre-Yves David
bundle2: drop custom compat
2014-08-27, by Pierre-Yves David
drop relevant marker compat
2014-08-27, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: always use the transaction version of phase movement
2014-08-27, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: drop debugobsoleterelevant
2014-08-27, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: yield to relevant markers handling in core
2014-08-20, by Pierre-Yves David
test-wireproto: adapt to output change from core
2014-08-20, by Pierre-Yves David
test: update test to new date formatting in debuobsolete output
2014-08-15, by Pierre-Yves David
test: update help output to future 3.2
2014-08-15, by Pierre-Yves David
merge with stable
2014-08-18, by Pierre-Yves David
pkg: make tests pass using the generated tarball
2014-08-17, by Faheem Mitha
compat: always call metadata as a keyword argument
2014-08-15, by Pierre-Yves David
test: work around a bug in debugobsolete
2014-08-15, by Pierre-Yves David
merge with stable
2014-08-15, by Pierre-Yves David
uncommit: add a --rev argument
2014-08-15, by Pierre-Yves David
readme: add missing changelog entry
2014-08-14, by Pierre-Yves David
merge with stable
2014-08-14, by Pierre-Yves David
import: handle patch with no node information
2014-08-14, by Pierre-Yves David
import: compare binary node with binary node when using --obsolete
2014-08-14, by Pierre-Yves David
README: fix version number
2014-08-10, by Pierre-Yves David
relocate: fix typo
2014-08-11, by Faheem Mitha
merge back with stable
2014-08-08, by Pierre-Yves David
Added tag 4.1.0 for changeset 4d5d101e878f
2014-08-08, by Pierre-Yves David
pkg: prepare release 4.1.0
2014-08-08, by Pierre-Yves David
merge default into stable
2014-08-08, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: adds a --confirm option
2014-08-08, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: gather evolve output together
2014-08-08, by Pierre-Yves David
doc: forgotten amend
2014-08-08, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: attempt to clarify the documentation around --all and --any
2014-06-12, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: re enable progress for all
2014-08-08, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: stop pretending we are pulling markers when we don't
2014-08-08, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: do not even try to pull if all remote markers are known
2014-08-08, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: add "obsolescence" in front of marked in the previous message
2014-08-08, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: make the "X markers added" message during pull important
2014-08-08, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: make the "pulling obsolescence marker" message important
2014-08-08, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: add "absolescence" in front of markers in the message
2014-08-08, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: re-introduce the "pushing 42 markers…" message
2014-08-08, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: hide the OBSEXC message behind a config option
2014-08-08, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: move OBSEXC progress in a dedicated function
2014-08-08, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: move OBSEXC message in a dedicated function
2014-08-08, by Pierre-Yves David
merge with stable
2014-08-08, by Pierre-Yves David
Added tag 4.0.1 for changeset e914884fb721
2014-08-08, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: prepare release 4.0.1
2014-08-08, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: fix distribution for 4.0.0
2014-08-08, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: update readme
2014-08-08, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: update tested with statement
2014-08-08, by Pierre-Yves David
test: apply message changes introduced by mercurial 3.1
2014-08-08, by Pierre-Yves David
test: use `hg log` in the `getid` function
2014-07-25, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: add a tr arguement to retractboundary
2014-08-06, by Pierre-Yves David
relocate: add transaction around phase movement
2014-08-06, by Pierre-Yves David
uncommit tr
2014-08-06, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: saner locking an transaction in `hg evolve`
2014-08-06, by Pierre-Yves David
uncommit: saner locking scheme
2014-08-06, by Pierre-Yves David
prune: lock inside the try
2014-08-06, by Pierre-Yves David
debugrecordpruneparents: release tr the same way than the lock
2014-08-06, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: drop useless wlock in rewrite
2014-08-06, by Pierre-Yves David
divergence: actually use the hint that have been around for age
2014-08-06, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: rename `tr` variable (for troubled) to `tro`
2014-08-06, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: add a custom layer around retractboundary
2014-08-06, by Pierre-Yves David
merge with stable
2014-07-30, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: point to the core mercurial tracker for bugfix
2014-07-30, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: drop reference to 2.3 in the extension help text
2014-07-30, by Pierre-Yves David
readme: update the work in progress repository location
2014-07-30, by Pierre-Yves David
readme: update the official documentation location
2014-07-30, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: deprecated --obsolete and --old-obsolete option on commit and graft
2014-07-30, by Pierre-Yves David
push: put phase in the same bundle2 than changegroup and obsmarkers
2014-07-25, by Pierre-Yves David
push: put obsmarkers in the same bundle2 than changeset
2014-07-25, by Pierre-Yves David
push: extract obsmarkers discovery in a dedicated function
2014-07-28, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: update the tested with statement
2014-07-29, by Pierre-Yves David
test: adapt to upstream message change
2014-07-29, by Pierre-Yves David
uncommit: improve error message for use with no arguments
2014-07-24, by Nathan Goldbaum
test: use `hg log` in the `getid` function
2014-07-25, by Pierre-Yves David
readme: mention patchbomb usage and patch description guidelines on wiki
2014-07-13, by Faheem Mitha
debian: add line to clean target to delete error files caused by failing tests
2014-07-23, by Faheem Mitha
fold: improve error messages for multiple heads and roots
2014-06-30, by Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso
fold: reword error message for public commits
2014-06-30, by Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso
fold: overhaul handling of revisions with --rev (BC)
2014-06-30, by Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso
fold: emit error message when folding a single revision
2014-06-30, by Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso
fold: clarify message for empty revision set and abort instead (BC)
2014-06-30, by Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso
evolve: do not use _ as an unused variable
2014-07-04, by Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso
merge with stable
2014-06-26, by Pierre-Yves David
merge with very old 2.2 branch
2014-06-26, by Pierre-Yves David
test-obsolete: make log templates more consistent: add {desc} to one
2014-06-23, by Greg Ward
test-obsolete: explicitly show which changesets are divergent
2014-06-23, by Greg Ward
merge with stable
2014-06-23, by Pierre-Yves David
update readme
2014-06-23, by Pierre-Yves David
evolve: add --tool option so we don't have to use HGMERGE
2014-06-22, by Greg Ward