alias: allow reference through 's#'
We keep the 't#' option, but we hope to be able to deprecate it at some point.
We move to 's#' because it refers to `stack` a more generic concept. than topic.
In addition, this allows to phase out 'b#' that collide with normal hex-node.
testing topic with shelve extension
$ . "$TESTDIR/testlib/"
$ hg init repo
$ cd repo
$ cat <<EOF >>.hg/hgrc
> [extensions]
> shelve=
$ touch a
$ echo "Hello" >> a
$ hg topic "testing-shelve"
marked working directory as topic: testing-shelve
$ hg topic
* testing-shelve (0 changesets)
$ hg ci -m "First commit" -A
adding a
active topic 'testing-shelve' grew its first changeset
(see 'hg help topics' for more information)
$ hg topic
* testing-shelve (1 changesets)
$ echo " World" >> a
$ hg stack
### topic: testing-shelve
### target: default (branch)
t1@ First commit (current)
shelve test
$ hg shelve
shelved as default
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg topic
* testing-shelve (1 changesets)
$ hg stack
### topic: testing-shelve
### target: default (branch)
t1@ First commit (current)
unshelve test
$ hg unshelve
unshelving change 'default'
$ hg topic
* testing-shelve (1 changesets)
$ hg stack
### topic: testing-shelve
### target: default (branch)
t1@ First commit (current)