stablerange: cache known subrange at the stablerangecached level
That way, the 'stablerange_mergepoint' class also benefit from it.
# Code dedicated to the computation and properties of "stable ranges"
# These stable ranges are use for obsolescence markers discovery
# Copyright 2017 Pierre-Yves David <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
import abc
import heapq
import math
import os
import sqlite3
import time
import weakref
from mercurial import (
node as nodemod,
from mercurial.i18n import _
from . import (
eh = exthelper.exthelper()
# prior to hg-4.2 there are not util.timer
if util.safehasattr(util, 'timer'):
timer = util.timer
elif util.safehasattr(time, "perf_counter"):
timer = time.perf_counter
elif getattr(pycompat, 'osname', == 'nt':
timer = time.clock
timer = time.time
### Stable Range computation ###
def _hlp2(i):
"""return highest power of two lower than 'i'"""
return 2 ** int(math.log(i - 1, 2))
def subrangesclosure(repo, stablerange, heads):
"""set of all standard subrange under heads
This is intended for debug purposes. Range are returned from largest to
smallest in terms of number of revision it contains."""
subranges = stablerange.subranges
toproceed = [(r, 0, ) for r in heads]
ranges = set(toproceed)
while toproceed:
entry = toproceed.pop()
for r in subranges(repo, entry):
if r not in ranges:
ranges = list(ranges)
n = repo.changelog.node
rangelength = stablerange.rangelength
ranges.sort(key=lambda r: (-rangelength(repo, r), n(r[0])))
return ranges
_stablerangemethodmap = {
'branchpoint': lambda repo: repo.stablerange,
'basic-branchpoint': lambda repo: stablerangebasic(),
'basic-mergepoint': lambda repo: stablerangedummy_mergepoint(),
'mergepoint': lambda repo: stablerange_mergepoint(),
('r', 'rev', [], 'operate on (rev, 0) ranges for rev in REVS'),
('', 'subranges', False, 'recursively display data for subranges too'),
('', 'verify', False, 'checks subranges content (EXPENSIVE)'),
('', 'method', 'branchpoint',
'method to use, one of "branchpoint", "mergepoint"')
def debugstablerange(ui, repo, **opts):
"""display standard stable subrange for a set of ranges
Range as displayed as '<node>-<index> (<rev>, <depth>, <length>)', use
--verbose to get the extra details in ().
short = nodemod.short
revs = scmutil.revrange(repo, opts['rev'])
if not revs:
raise error.Abort('no revisions specified')
if ui.verbose:
template = '%s-%d (%d, %d, %d)'
def _rangestring(repo, rangeid):
return template % (
depth(unfi, rangeid[0]),
length(unfi, rangeid)
template = '%s-%d'
def _rangestring(repo, rangeid):
return template % (
# prewarm depth cache
unfi = repo.unfiltered()
node = unfi.changelog.node
method = opts['method']
getstablerange = _stablerangemethodmap.get(method)
if getstablerange is None:
raise error.Abort('unknown stable sort method: "%s"' % method)
stablerange = getstablerange(unfi)
depth = stablerange.depthrev
length = stablerange.rangelength
subranges = stablerange.subranges
stablerange.warmup(repo, max(revs))
if opts['subranges']:
ranges = subrangesclosure(unfi, stablerange, revs)
ranges = [(r, 0) for r in revs]
for r in ranges:
subs = subranges(unfi, r)
subsstr = ', '.join(_rangestring(unfi, s) for s in subs)
rstr = _rangestring(unfi, r)
if opts['verify']:
status = 'leaf'
if 1 < length(unfi, r):
status = 'complete'
revs = set(stablerange.revsfromrange(unfi, r))
subrevs = set()
for s in subs:
subrevs.update(stablerange.revsfromrange(unfi, s))
if revs != subrevs:
status = 'missing'
ui.status('%s [%s] - %s\n' % (rstr, status, subsstr))
ui.status('%s - %s\n' % (rstr, subsstr))
class abstractstablerange(object):
"""The official API for a stablerange"""
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
def subranges(self, repo, rangeid):
"""return the stable sub-ranges of a rangeid"""
raise NotImplemented()
def revsfromrange(self, repo, rangeid):
"""return revision contained in a range"""
raise NotImplemented()
def depthrev(self, repo, rev):
"""depth a revision"""
# Exist to allow basic implementation to ignore the depthcache
# Could be demoted to _depthrev.
raise NotImplemented()
def warmup(self, repo, upto=None):
"""warmup the stable range cache"""
raise NotImplemented()
def rangelength(self, repo, rangeid):
"""number of revision in <range>"""
raise NotImplemented()
def _slicepoint(self, repo, rangeid):
"""find the standard slicing point for a range"""
rangedepth = self.depthrev(repo, rangeid[0])
step = _hlp2(rangedepth)
standard_start = 0
while standard_start < rangeid[1] and 0 < step:
if standard_start + step < rangedepth:
standard_start += step
step //= 2
if rangeid[1] == standard_start:
slicesize = _hlp2(self.rangelength(repo, rangeid))
slicepoint = rangeid[1] + slicesize
assert standard_start < rangedepth
slicepoint = standard_start
return slicepoint
class stablerangebasic(abstractstablerange):
"""a very dummy implementation of stablerange
the implementation is here to lay down the basic algorithm in the stable
range in a inefficient but easy to read manners. It should be used by test
to validate output."""
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
def _sortfunction(self, repo, headrev):
return stablesort.stablesort_branchpoint(repo, [headrev])
def warmup(self, repo, upto=None):
# no cache to warm for basic implementation
def depthrev(self, repo, rev):
"""depth a revision"""
return len(repo.revs('::%d', rev))
def revsfromrange(self, repo, rangeid):
"""return revision contained in a range
The range `(<head>, <skip>)` contains all revisions stable-sorted from
<head>, skipping the <index>th lower revisions.
headrev, index = rangeid[0], rangeid[1]
revs = self._sortfunction(repo, headrev)
return revs[index:]
def rangelength(self, repo, rangeid):
"""number of revision in <range>"""
return len(self.revsfromrange(repo, rangeid))
def subranges(self, repo, rangeid):
"""return the stable sub-ranges of a rangeid"""
headrev, index = rangeid[0], rangeid[1]
if self.rangelength(repo, rangeid) == 1:
return []
slicepoint = self._slicepoint(repo, rangeid)
# search for range defining the lower set of revision
# we walk the lower set from the top following the stable order of the
# current "head" of the lower range.
# As soon as the revision in the lowerset diverges from the one in the
# range being generated, we emit the range and start a new one.
result = []
lowerrevs = self.revsfromrange(repo, rangeid)[:(slicepoint - index)]
head = None
headrange = None
skip = None
for rev in lowerrevs[::-1]:
if head is None:
head = rev
headrange = self.revsfromrange(repo, (head, 0))
skip = self.depthrev(repo, rev) - 1
elif rev != headrange[skip - 1]:
result.append((head, skip))
head = rev
headrange = self.revsfromrange(repo, (head, 0))
skip = self.depthrev(repo, rev) - 1
skip -= 1
result.append((head, skip))
# top part is trivial
top = (headrev, slicepoint)
# double check the result
initialrevs = self.revsfromrange(repo, rangeid)
subrangerevs = sum((self.revsfromrange(repo, sub) for sub in result),
assert initialrevs == subrangerevs
return result
class stablerangedummy_mergepoint(stablerangebasic):
"""a very dummy implementation of stablerange use 'mergepoint' sorting
def _sortfunction(self, repo, headrev):
return stablesort.stablesort_mergepoint_head_basic(repo, [headrev])
class stablerangecached(abstractstablerange):
"""an implementation of stablerange using caching"""
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
def __init__(self):
# cache the standard stable subranges or a range
self._subrangescache = {}
super(stablerangecached, self).__init__()
def depthrev(self, repo, rev):
return repo.depthcache.get(rev)
def rangelength(self, repo, rangeid):
"""number of revision in <range>"""
headrev, index = rangeid[0], rangeid[1]
return self.depthrev(repo, headrev) - index
def subranges(self, repo, rangeid):
cached = self._getsub(rangeid)
if cached is not None:
return cached
value = self._subranges(repo, rangeid)
self._setsub(rangeid, value)
return value
def _getsub(self, rev):
"""utility function used to access the subranges cache
This mostly exist to help the on disk persistence"""
return self._subrangescache.get(rev)
def _setsub(self, rev, value):
"""utility function used to set the subranges cache
This mostly exist to help the on disk persistence."""
self._subrangescache[rev] = value
class stablerange_mergepoint(stablerangecached, stablerangebasic):
"""Stablerange implementation using 'mergepoint' based sorting
def __init__(self):
self._sortcache = stablesort.stablesortcache()
super(stablerange_mergepoint, self).__init__()
def _sortfunction(self, repo, headrev):
return self._sortcache.get(repo, headrev)
def revsfromrange(self, repo, rangeid):
"""return revision contained in a range
The range `(<head>, <skip>)` contains all revisions stable-sorted from
<head>, skipping the <index>th lower revisions.
limit = self.rangelength(repo, rangeid)
return self._sortcache.get(repo, rangeid[0], limit=limit)
def _stableparent(self, repo, headrev):
"""The parent of the changeset with reusable subrange
For non-merge it is simple, there is a single parent. For Mercurial we
have to find the right one. Since the stable sort use merge-point, we
know that one of REV parents stable sort is a subset of REV stable
sort. In other word:
sort(::REV) = sort(::min(parents(REV))
+ sort(only(max(parents(REV)), min(parents(REV)))
+ [REV]
We are looking for that `min(parents(REV))`. Since the subrange are
based on the sort, we can reuse its subrange as well.
p1, p2 = repo.changelog.parentrevs(headrev)
relevant_parent = None
if p2 == nodemod.nullrev:
relevant_parent = p1
tiebreaker = stablesort._mergepoint_tie_breaker(repo)
relevant_parent = min(p1, p2, key=tiebreaker)
return relevant_parent
def _subranges(self, repo, rangeid):
headrev, initial_index = rangeid
# size 1 range can't be sliced
if self.rangelength(repo, rangeid) == 1:
return []
# find were we need to slice
slicepoint = self._slicepoint(repo, rangeid)
stable_parent = self._stableparent(repo, headrev)
stable_parent_depth = self.depthrev(repo, stable_parent)
stable_parent_range = (stable_parent, initial_index)
# top range is always the same, so we can build it early for all
top_range = (headrev, slicepoint)
# now find out about the lower range, if we are lucky there is only
# one, otherwise we need to issue multiple one to cover every revision
# on the lower set. (and cover them only once).
if slicepoint == stable_parent_depth:
# luckly shot, the parent is actually the head of the lower range
subranges = [
elif slicepoint < stable_parent_depth:
# The parent is above the slice point,
# it's lower subrange will be the same so we just get them,
# (and the top range is always the same)
subranges = self.subranges(repo, stable_parent_range)[:-1]
elif initial_index < stable_parent_depth < slicepoint:
# the parent is below the range we are considering, we need to
# compute these uniques subranges
subranges = [stable_parent_range]
subranges.extend(self._unique_subranges(repo, headrev,
# we cannot reuse the parent range at all
subranges = list(self._unique_subranges(repo, headrev,
return subranges
def _unique_subranges(self, repo, headrev, initial_index, slicepoint):
"""Compute subrange unique to the exclusive part of merge"""
result = []
depth = repo.depthcache.get
skips = depth(headrev) - slicepoint
def nextrevs():
revs = self._sortcache.walkfrom(repo, headrev)
towalk = depth(headrev) - initial_index
while 0 < towalk:
yield next(revs)
towalk -= 1
yield None
revs = nextrevs()
for i in xrange(skips):
rangehead = current = next(revs)
rangepath = self._sortcache.walkfrom(repo, current)
nextonpath = next(rangepath, None)
steps = 0
while current is not None:
while current == nextonpath and current is not None:
steps += 1
current = next(revs)
nextonpath = next(rangepath, None)
result.append((rangehead, depth(rangehead) - steps))
if current is not None:
rangehead = current
rangepath = self._sortcache.walkfrom(repo, current)
nextonpath = next(rangepath, None)
steps = 0
return result
class stablerange(stablerangecached):
def __init__(self, lrusize=2000):
# The point up to which we have data in cache
self._tiprev = None
self._tipnode = None
# To slices merge, we need to walk their descendant in reverse stable
# sort order. For now we perform a full stable sort their descendant
# and then use the relevant top most part. This order is going to be
# the same for all ranges headed at the same merge. So we cache these
# value to reuse them accross the same invocation.
self._stablesortcache = util.lrucachedict(lrusize)
# something useful to compute the above
# mergerev -> stablesort, length
self._stablesortprepared = util.lrucachedict(lrusize)
# caching parent call # as we do so many of them
self._parentscache = {}
# The first part of the stable sorted list of revision of a merge will
# shared with the one of others. This means we can reuse subranges
# computed from that point to compute some of the subranges from the
# merge.
self._inheritancecache = {}
super(stablerange, self).__init__()
def warmup(self, repo, upto=None):
"""warm the cache up"""
repo = repo.unfiltered()
cl = repo.changelog
# subrange should be warmed from head to range to be able to benefit
# from revsfromrange cache. otherwise each merge will trigger its own
# stablesort.
# we use the revnumber as an approximation for depth
ui = repo.ui
starttime = timer()
if upto is None:
upto = len(cl) - 1
if self._tiprev is None:
revs = cl.revs(stop=upto)
nbrevs = upto + 1
assert cl.node(self._tiprev) == self._tipnode
if upto <= self._tiprev:
revs = cl.revs(start=self._tiprev + 1, stop=upto)
nbrevs = upto - self._tiprev
rangeheap = []
for idx, r in enumerate(revs):
if not idx % 1000:
ui.progress(_("filling depth cache"), idx, total=nbrevs)
# warm up depth
self.depthrev(repo, r)
rangeheap.append((-r, (r, 0)))
ui.progress(_("filling depth cache"), None, total=nbrevs)
heappop = heapq.heappop
heappush = heapq.heappush
heapify = heapq.heapify
original = set(rangeheap)
seen = 0
# progress report is showing up in the profile for small and fast
# repository so we build that complicated work around.
progress_each = 100
progress_last = time.time()
while rangeheap:
value = heappop(rangeheap)
if value in original:
if not seen % progress_each:
# if a lot of time passed, report more often
progress_new = time.time()
if (1 < progress_each) and (0.1 < progress_new - progress_last):
progress_each /= 10
ui.progress(_("filling stablerange cache"), seen, total=nbrevs)
progress_last = progress_new
seen += 1
original.remove(value) # might have been added from other source
__, rangeid = value
if self._getsub(rangeid) is None:
for sub in self.subranges(repo, rangeid):
if self._getsub(sub) is None:
heappush(rangeheap, (-sub[0], sub))
ui.progress(_("filling stablerange cache"), None, total=nbrevs)
self._tiprev = upto
self._tipnode = cl.node(upto)
duration = timer() - starttime
repo.ui.log('evoext-cache', 'updated stablerange cache in %.4f seconds\n',
def subranges(self, repo, rangeid):
cached = self._getsub(rangeid)
if cached is not None:
return cached
value = self._subranges(repo, rangeid)
self._setsub(rangeid, value)
return value
def revsfromrange(self, repo, rangeid):
headrev, index = rangeid
rangelength = self.rangelength(repo, rangeid)
if rangelength == 1:
revs = [headrev]
# get all revs under heads in stable order
# note: In the general case we can just walk down and then request
# data about the merge. But I'm not sure this function will be even
# call for the general case.
allrevs = self._stablesortcache.get(headrev)
if allrevs is None:
allrevs = self._getrevsfrommerge(repo, headrev)
if allrevs is None:
mc = self._filestablesortcache
sorting = stablesort.stablesort_branchpoint
allrevs = sorting(repo, [headrev], mergecallback=mc)
self._stablesortcache[headrev] = allrevs
# takes from index
revs = allrevs[index:]
# sanity checks
assert len(revs) == rangelength
return revs
def _parents(self, rev, func):
parents = self._parentscache.get(rev)
if parents is None:
parents = func(rev)
self._parentscache[rev] = parents
return parents
def _getsub(self, rev):
"""utility function used to access the subranges cache
This mostly exist to help the on disk persistence"""
return self._subrangescache.get(rev)
def _setsub(self, rev, value):
"""utility function used to set the subranges cache
This mostly exist to help the on disk persistence."""
self._subrangescache[rev] = value
def _filestablesortcache(self, sortedrevs, merge):
if merge not in self._stablesortprepared:
self._stablesortprepared[merge] = (sortedrevs, len(sortedrevs))
def _getrevsfrommerge(self, repo, merge):
prepared = self._stablesortprepared.get(merge)
if prepared is None:
return None
mergedepth = self.depthrev(repo, merge)
allrevs = prepared[0][:prepared[1]]
nbextrarevs = prepared[1] - mergedepth
if not nbextrarevs:
return allrevs
anc = repo.changelog.ancestors([merge], inclusive=True)
top = []
counter = nbextrarevs
for rev in reversed(allrevs):
if rev in anc:
counter -= 1
if counter <= 0:
bottomidx = prepared[1] - (nbextrarevs + len(top))
revs = allrevs[:bottomidx]
return revs
def _inheritancepoint(self, repo, merge):
"""Find the inheritance point of a Merge
The first part of the stable sorted list of revision of a merge will shared with
the one of others. This means we can reuse subranges computed from that point to
compute some of the subranges from the merge.
That point is latest point in the stable sorted list where the depth of the
revisions match its index (that means all revision earlier in the stable sorted
list are its ancestors, no dangling unrelated branches exists).
value = self._inheritancecache.get(merge)
if value is None:
revs = self.revsfromrange(repo, (merge, 0))
i = reversed(revs) # pop the merge
expected = len(revs) - 1
# Since we do warmup properly, we can expect the cache to be hot
# for everythin under the merge we investigate
cache = repo.depthcache
# note: we cannot do a binary search because element under the
# inherited point might have mismatching depth because of inner
# branching.
for rev in i:
if cache.get(rev) == expected:
expected -= 1
value = (expected - 1, rev)
self._inheritancecache[merge] = value
return value
def _subranges(self, repo, rangeid):
if self.rangelength(repo, rangeid) == 1:
return []
slicepoint = self._slicepoint(repo, rangeid)
# make sure we have cache for all relevant parent first to prevent
# recursion (python is bad with recursion
stack = []
current = rangeid
while current is not None:
current = self._cold_reusable(repo, current, slicepoint)
if current is not None:
while stack:
# these call will directly compute the subranges
self.subranges(repo, stack.pop())
return self._slicesrangeat(repo, rangeid, slicepoint)
def _cold_reusable(self, repo, rangeid, slicepoint):
"""return parent range that it would be useful to prepare to slice
rangeid at slicepoint
This function also have the important task to update the revscache of
the parent rev s if possible and needed"""
p1, p2 = self._parents(rangeid[0], repo.changelog.parentrevs)
if p2 == nodemod.nullrev:
# regular changesets, we pick the parent
reusablerev = p1
# merge, we try the inheritance point
# if it is too low, it will be ditched by the depth check anyway
index, reusablerev = self._inheritancepoint(repo, rangeid[0])
# if we reached the slicepoint, no need to go further
if self.depthrev(repo, reusablerev) <= slicepoint:
return None
reurange = (reusablerev, rangeid[1])
# if we have an entry for the current range, lets update the cache
# if we already have subrange for this range, no need to prepare it.
if self._getsub(reurange) is not None:
return None
# look like we found a relevent parentrange with no cache yet
return reurange
def _slicesrangeat(self, repo, rangeid, globalindex):
p1, p2 = self._parents(rangeid[0], repo.changelog.parentrevs)
if p2 == nodemod.nullrev:
reuserev = p1
index, reuserev = self._inheritancepoint(repo, rangeid[0])
if index < globalindex:
return self._slicesrangeatmerge(repo, rangeid, globalindex)
assert reuserev != nodemod.nullrev
reuserange = (reuserev, rangeid[1])
top = (rangeid[0], globalindex)
if rangeid[1] + self.rangelength(repo, reuserange) == globalindex:
return [reuserange, top]
# This will not initiate a recursion since we took appropriate
# precaution in the caller of this method to ensure it will be so.
# It the parent is a merge that will not be the case but computing
# subranges from a merge will not recurse.
reusesubranges = self.subranges(repo, reuserange)
slices = reusesubranges[:-1] # pop the top
return slices
def _slicesrangeatmerge(self, repo, rangeid, globalindex):
localindex = globalindex - rangeid[1]
result = []
allrevs = self.revsfromrange(repo, rangeid)
bottomrevs = allrevs[:localindex]
if globalindex == self.depthrev(repo, bottomrevs[-1]):
# simple case, top revision in the bottom set contains exactly the
# revision we needs
result.append((bottomrevs[-1], rangeid[1]))
head = None
headrange = None
skip = None
for rev in bottomrevs[::-1]:
if head is None:
head = rev
headrange = self.revsfromrange(repo, (head, 0))
skip = self.depthrev(repo, rev) - 1
elif rev != headrange[skip - 1]:
result.append((head, skip))
head = rev
headrange = self.revsfromrange(repo, (head, 0))
skip = self.depthrev(repo, rev) - 1
skip -= 1
result.append((head, skip))
# top part is trivial
top = (rangeid[0], globalindex)
return result
### simple sqlite caching ###
_sqliteschema = [
"""CREATE TABLE meta(schemaversion INTEGER NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(rev, idx));""",
"""CREATE TABLE subranges(listidx INTEGER NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(listidx, suprev, supidx),
FOREIGN KEY (suprev, supidx) REFERENCES range(rev, idx),
FOREIGN KEY (subrev, subidx) REFERENCES range(rev, idx)
"CREATE INDEX subranges_index ON subranges (suprev, supidx);",
"CREATE INDEX range_index ON range (rev, idx);",
_newmeta = "INSERT INTO meta (schemaversion, tiprev, tipnode) VALUES (?,?,?);"
_updatemeta = "UPDATE meta SET tiprev = ?, tipnode = ?;"
_updaterange = "INSERT INTO range(rev, idx) VALUES (?,?);"
_updatesubranges = """INSERT
INTO subranges(listidx, suprev, supidx, subrev, subidx)
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?);"""
_queryexist = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='meta';"
_querymeta = "SELECT schemaversion, tiprev, tipnode FROM meta;"
_queryrange = "SELECT * FROM range WHERE (rev = ? AND idx = ?);"
_querysubranges = """SELECT subrev, subidx
FROM subranges
WHERE (suprev = ? AND supidx = ?)
ORDER BY listidx;"""
class sqlstablerange(stablerange):
_schemaversion = 1
def __init__(self, repo):
lrusize = repo.ui.configint('experimental', 'obshashrange.lru-size',
super(sqlstablerange, self).__init__(lrusize=lrusize)
self._vfs = repo.vfs
self._path = repo.vfs.join('cache/evoext_stablerange_v1.sqlite')
self._cl = repo.unfiltered().changelog # (okay to keep an old one)
self._ondisktiprev = None
self._ondisktipnode = None
self._unsavedsubranges = {}
def warmup(self, repo, upto=None):
self._con # make sure the data base is loaded
# samelessly lock the repo to ensure nobody will update the repo
# concurently. This should not be too much of an issue if we warm
# at the end of the transaction.
# XXX However, we lock even if we are up to date so we should check
# before locking
with repo.lock():
super(sqlstablerange, self).warmup(repo, upto)
except error.LockError:
# Exceptionnally we are noisy about it since performance impact is
# large We should address that before using this more widely.
repo.ui.warn('stable-range cache: unable to lock repo while warming\n')
repo.ui.warn('(cache will not be saved)\n')
super(sqlstablerange, self).warmup(repo, upto)
def _getsub(self, rangeid):
cache = self._subrangescache
if rangeid not in cache and rangeid[0] <= self._ondisktiprev and self._con is not None:
value = None
result = self._con.execute(_queryrange, rangeid).fetchone()
if result is not None: # database know about this node (skip in the future?)
value = self._con.execute(_querysubranges, rangeid).fetchall()
# in memory caching of the value
cache[rangeid] = value
return cache.get(rangeid)
def _setsub(self, rangeid, value):
assert rangeid not in self._unsavedsubranges
self._unsavedsubranges[rangeid] = value
super(sqlstablerange, self)._setsub(rangeid, value)
def _db(self):
except OSError:
return None
con = sqlite3.connect(self._path)
con.text_factory = str
return con
def _con(self):
con = self._db()
if con is None:
return None
cur = con.execute(_queryexist)
if cur.fetchone() is None:
return None
meta = con.execute(_querymeta).fetchone()
if meta is None:
return None
if meta[0] != self._schemaversion:
return None
if len(self._cl) <= meta[1]:
return None
if self._cl.node(meta[1]) != meta[2]:
return None
self._ondisktiprev = meta[1]
self._ondisktipnode = meta[2]
if self._tiprev < self._ondisktiprev:
self._tiprev = self._ondisktiprev
self._tipnode = self._ondisktipnode
return con
def _save(self, repo):
repo = repo.unfiltered()
if not self._unsavedsubranges:
return # no new data
if self._con is None:
util.unlinkpath(self._path, ignoremissing=True)
if '_con' in vars(self):
del self._con
con = self._db()
if con is None:
with con:
for req in _sqliteschema:
meta = [self._schemaversion,
con.execute(_newmeta, meta)
con = self._con
meta = con.execute(_querymeta).fetchone()
if meta[2] != self._ondisktipnode or meta[1] != self._ondisktiprev:
# drifting is currently an issue because this means another
# process might have already added the cache line we are about
# to add. This will confuse sqlite
msg = _('stable-range cache: skipping write, '
'database drifted under my feet\n')
hint = _('(disk: %s-%s vs mem: %s%s)\n')
data = (meta[2], meta[1], self._ondisktiprev, self._ondisktipnode)
repo.ui.warn(hint % data)
meta = [self._tiprev,
con.execute(_updatemeta, meta)
self._saverange(con, repo)
self._ondisktiprev = self._tiprev
self._ondisktipnode = self._tipnode
def _saverange(self, con, repo):
repo = repo.unfiltered()
data = []
allranges = set()
for key, value in self._unsavedsubranges.items():
for idx, sub in enumerate(value):
data.append((idx, key[0], key[1], sub[0], sub[1]))
con.executemany(_updaterange, allranges)
con.executemany(_updatesubranges, data)
def setupcache(ui, repo):
class stablerangerepo(repo.__class__):
def stablerange(self):
return sqlstablerange(repo)
def destroyed(self):
if 'stablerange' in vars(self):
del self.stablerange
super(stablerangerepo, self).destroyed()
def transaction(self, *args, **kwargs):
tr = super(stablerangerepo, self).transaction(*args, **kwargs)
if not repo.ui.configbool('experimental', 'obshashrange', False):
return tr
if not repo.ui.configbool('experimental', 'obshashrange.warm-cache',
return tr
maxrevs = self.ui.configint('experimental', 'obshashrange.max-revs', None)
if maxrevs is not None and maxrevs < len(self.unfiltered()):
return tr
reporef = weakref.ref(self)
def _warmcache(tr):
repo = reporef()
if repo is None:
if 'node' in tr.hookargs:
# new nodes !
tr.addpostclose('warmcache-10-stablerange', _warmcache)
return tr
repo.__class__ = stablerangerepo