warning: rename warning message
divergent has been renamed into contentdivergent. Use their renamed
counterpart in warning message for new unstable changesets.
Renaming done according to
+ − .. Copyright © 2014 Greg Ward <greg@gerg.ca>
+ −
+ − ==================================
+ − Changeset Evolution with Mercurial
+ − ==================================
+ −
+ − .. toctree ::
+ − :maxdepth: 2
+ −
+ − user-guide
+ − sharing
+ − concepts
+ − from-mq
+ −
+ − `evolve`_ is an experimental Mercurial extension for safe mutable history.
+ −
+ − .. _`evolve`: https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/EvolveExtension
+ −
+ − With core Mercurial, changesets are permanent and immutable. You can
+ − commit new changesets to modify your source code, but you cannot
+ − modify or remove old changesets—they are carved in stone for all
+ − eternity.
+ −
+ − For years, Mercurial has included various extensions that allow
+ − history modification: ``rebase`` , ``mq`` , ``histedit`` , and so forth.
+ − These are useful and popular extensions, and in fact history
+ − modification is one of the big reasons DVCSes (distributed version
+ − control systems) like Mercurial took off.
+ −
+ − But there's a catch: until now, Mercurial's various mechanisms for
+ − modifying history have been *unsafe* , in that changesets were
+ − destroyed (“stripped”) rather than simply made invisible.
+ −
+ − ``evolve`` makes things better in a couple of ways:
+ −
+ − * It changes the behaviour of most existing history modification
+ − extensions (``rebase`` , ``histedit`` , etc.) so they use a safer
+ − mechanism (*changeset obsolescence* , covered below) rather than
+ − the older, less safe *strip* operation.
+ −
+ − * It provides a new way of modifying history that is roughly
+ − equivalent to ``mq`` (but much nicer and safer).
+ −
+ − It helps to understand that ``evolve`` builds on infrastructure
+ − already in core Mercurial:
+ −
+ − * *Phases* (starting in Mercurial 2.1) allow you to distinguish
+ − mutable and immutable changesets. We'll cover phases early in the
+ − user guide, since understanding phases is essential to
+ − understanding ``evolve`` .
+ −
+ − * *Changeset obsolescence* (starting in Mercurial 2.3) is how
+ − Mercurial knows how history has been modified, specifically when
+ − one changeset replaces another. In the obsolescence model, a
+ − changeset is neither removed nor modified, but is instead marked
+ − *obsolete* and typically replaced by a *successor* . Obsolete
+ − changesets usually become *hidden* as well. Obsolescence is an
+ − invisible feature until you start using ``evolve`` , so we'll cover
+ − it in the user guide too.
+ −
+ − Some of the things you can do with ``evolve`` are:
+ −
+ − * Fix a mistake immediately: “Oops! I just committed a changeset
+ − with a syntax error—I'll fix that and amend the changeset so no
+ − one sees my mistake.” (While this is possible using existing
+ − features of core Mercurial, ``evolve`` makes it safer.)
+ −
+ − * Fix a mistake a little bit later: “Oops! I broke the tests three
+ − commits back, but only noticed it now—I'll just update back to the
+ − bad changeset, fix my mistake, amend the changeset, and evolve
+ − history to update the affected changesets.”
+ −
+ − * Remove unwanted changes: “I hacked in some debug output two
+ − commits back; everything is working now, so I'll just prune that
+ − unwanted changeset and evolve history before pushing.”
+ −
+ − * Share mutable history with yourself: say you do most of your
+ − programming work locally, but need to test on a big remote server
+ − somewhere before you know everything is good. You can use
+ − ``evolve`` to share mutable history between two computers, pushing
+ − finely polished changesets to a public repository only after
+ − testing on the test server.
+ −
+ − * Share mutable history for code review: you don't want to publish
+ − unreviewed changesets, but you can't block every commit waiting
+ − for code review. The solution is to share mutable history with
+ − your reviewer, amending each changeset until it passes review.
+ −
+ − ``evolve`` is experimental!
+ − ---------------------------
+ −
+ − The long-term plan for ``evolve`` is to add it to core Mercurial.
+ − However, it is not yet stable enough for that. In particular:
+ −
+ − * The UI is unstable: ``evolve`` 's command names and command options
+ − are not completely nailed down yet. They are subject to occasional
+ − backwards-incompatible changes. If you write scripts that use
+ − evolve commands, a future release could break your scripts.
+ −
+ − * There are still some corner cases that aren't handled yet. If you
+ − think you have found such a case, please check if it's already
+ − described in the Mercurial bug tracker (https://bz.mercurial-scm.org/).
+ − Bugs in ``evolve`` are files under component "evolution": use
+ − `this query`_ to view open bugs in ``evolve`` .
+ −
+ − .. _`this query`: https://bz.mercurial-scm.org/buglist.cgi?component=evolution&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=CONFIRMED&bug_status=NEED_EXAMPLE
+ −
+ − Installation and setup
+ − ----------------------
+ −
+ − To use ``evolve`` , you must:
+ −
+ − #. Clone the ``evolve`` repository::
+ −
+ − cd ~/src
+ − hg clone https://www.mercurial-scm.org/repo/evolve
+ −
+ − #. Configure the extension, either locally ::
+ −
+ − hg config --local
+ −
+ − or for all your repositories ::
+ −
+ − hg config --edit
+ −
+ − Then add ::
+ −
+ − evolve=~/src/evolve-main/hgext3rd/evolve/
+ −
+ − in the ``[extensions]`` section (adding the section if necessary). Use
+ − the directory that you actually cloned to, of course.
+ −
+ −
+ − Next steps:
+ − -----------
+ −
+ − * For a practical guide to using ``evolve`` in a single repository,
+ − see the `user guide`_ .
+ − * For more advanced tricks, see `sharing mutable history`_ .
+ − * To learn about the concepts underlying ``evolve`` , see `concepts`_
+ − (incomplete).
+ − * If you're coming from MQ, see the `MQ migration guide`_ (incomplete).
+ −
+ − .. _`user guide`: user-guide.html
+ − .. _`sharing mutable history`: sharing.html
+ − .. _`concepts`: concepts.html
+ − .. _`MQ migration guide`: from-mq.html