author Anton Shestakov <av6@dwimlabs.net>
Wed, 11 Mar 2020 18:09:11 +0700
changeset 5302 f5d9b5771b45
parent 5301 35c15057e2e5
child 5303 61538e2db220
permissions -rw-r--r--
obshistory: rename _debugobshistorydisplaymarker() to displaymarkers() Apart from the obvious change, the function now can show multiple markers, not just one.

# Code dedicated to display and exploration of the obsolescence history
# This module content aims at being upstreamed enventually.
# Copyright 2017 Octobus SAS <contact@octobus.net>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

import re

from mercurial import (
    node as nodemod,

from mercurial.i18n import _

from . import (

eh = exthelper.exthelper()

# Config
efd = {b'default': True} # pass a default value unless the config is registered

def enableeffectflags(ui):
    item = (getattr(ui, '_knownconfig', {})
            .get(b'experimental', {})
    if item is not None:
        item.default = True

def addtouchnoise(ui):

    [(b'G', b'graph', True, _(b"show the revision DAG")),
     (b'r', b'rev', [], _(b'show the specified revision or revset'), _(b'REV')),
     (b'a', b'all', False, _(b'show all related changesets, not only precursors')),
     (b'p', b'patch', False, _(b'show the patch between two obs versions')),
     (b'f', b'filternonlocal', False, _(b'filter out non local commits')),
     ] + commands.formatteropts,
    _(b'hg olog [OPTION]... [[-r] REV]...'),
def cmdobshistory(ui, repo, *revs, **opts):
    """show the obsolescence history of the specified revisions

    If no revision range is specified, we display the log for the current
    working copy parent.

    By default this command prints the selected revisions and all its
    precursors. For precursors pointing on existing revisions in the repository,
    it will display revisions node id, revision number and the first line of the
    description. For precursors pointing on non existing revisions in the
    repository (that can happen when exchanging obsolescence-markers), display
    only the node id.

    In both case, for each node, its obsolescence marker will be displayed with
    the obsolescence operation (rewritten or pruned) in addition of the user and
    date of the operation.

    The output is a graph by default but can deactivated with the option

    'o' is a changeset, '@' is a working directory parent, 'x' is obsolete,
    and '+' represents a fork where the changeset from the lines below is a
    parent of the 'o' merge on the same line.

    Paths in the DAG are represented with '|', '/' and so forth.

    Returns 0 on success.
    revs = list(revs) + opts['rev']
    if not revs:
        revs = [b'.']
    revs = scmutil.revrange(repo, revs)

    # Use the default template unless the user provided one.
    if not opts['template']:
        opts['template'] = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE

    if opts['graph']:
        return displaygraph(ui, repo, revs, opts)

    displayrevs(ui, repo, revs, opts)

TEMPLATE_MISSING_NODE = b"""{label("evolve.node evolve.missing_change_ctx", node|short)}"""
TEMPLATE_PRESENT_NODE = b"""{label("evolve.node", node|short)} {label("evolve.rev", "({rev})")} {label("evolve.short_description", desc|firstline)}"""
TEMPLATE_FIRST_LINE = b"""{if(rev, "%(presentnode)s", "%(missingnode)s")}""" % {
    b"presentnode": TEMPLATE_PRESENT_NODE,
    b"missingnode": TEMPLATE_MISSING_NODE
TEMPLATE_VERB = b"""{label("evolve.verb", verb)}"""
TEMPLATE_SUCCNODES = b"""{label("evolve.node", join(succnodes % "{succnode|short}", ", "))}"""
TEMPLATE_REWRITE = b"""{if(succnodes, "%(verb)s{if(effects, "({join(effects, ", ")})")} as %(succnodes)s", "pruned")}""" % {
    b"verb": TEMPLATE_VERB,
    b"succnodes": TEMPLATE_SUCCNODES
TEMPLATE_OPERATIONS = b"""{if(operations, "using {label("evolve.operation", join(operations, ", "))}")}"""
TEMPLATE_USERS = b"""by {label("evolve.user", join(users, ", "))}"""
TEMPLATE_ONE_DATE = b"""({date(max(dates), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %1%2")})"""
TEMPLATE_MANY_DATES = b"""(between {date(min(dates), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %1%2")} and {date(max(dates), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %1%2")})"""
TEMPLATE_DATES = b"""{label("evolve.date", ifeq(min(dates), max(dates), "%(onedate)s", "%(manydates)s"))}""" % {
    b"onedate": TEMPLATE_ONE_DATE,
    b"manydates": TEMPLATE_MANY_DATES
TEMPLATE_NOTES = b"""{if(notes, notes % "\n    note: {label("evolve.note", note)}")}"""
TEMPLATE_PATCH = b"""{if(patch, "{patch}")}{if(nopatchreason, "\n(No patch available, {nopatchreason})")}"""
DEFAULT_TEMPLATE = (b"""%(firstline)s
{markers %% "  {separate(" ", "%(rewrite)s", "%(operations)s", "%(users)s", "%(dates)s")}%(notes)s{indent(descdiff, "    ")}{indent("%(patch)s", "    ")}\n"}
""") % {
    b"firstline": TEMPLATE_FIRST_LINE,
    b"rewrite": TEMPLATE_REWRITE,
    b"operations": TEMPLATE_OPERATIONS,
    b"users": TEMPLATE_USERS,
    b"dates": TEMPLATE_DATES,
    b"notes": TEMPLATE_NOTES,
    b"patch": TEMPLATE_PATCH,

class obsmarker_printer(logcmdutil.changesetprinter):
    """show (available) information about a node

    We display the node, description (if available) and various information
    about obsolescence markers affecting it"""

    def __init__(self, ui, repo, *args, **kwargs):

        if kwargs.pop('obspatch', False):
            if logcmdutil.changesetdiffer is None:
                kwargs['matchfn'] = scmutil.matchall(repo)
                kwargs['differ'] = scmutil.matchall(repo)

        super(obsmarker_printer, self).__init__(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
        diffopts = kwargs.get('diffopts', {})

        # hg <= 4.6 (3fe1c9263024)
        if not util.safehasattr(self, "_includediff"):
            self._includediff = diffopts and diffopts.get(b'patch')

        self.template = diffopts and diffopts.get(b'template')
        self.filter = diffopts and diffopts.get(b'filternonlocal')

    def show(self, ctx, copies=None, matchfn=None, **props):
        if self.buffered:

            changenode = ctx.node()

            _props = {b"template": self.template}
            fm = self.ui.formatter(b'debugobshistory', _props)

            displaynode(fm, self.repo, changenode)

            markerfm = fm.nested(b"markers")

            # Succs markers
            if self.filter is False:
                succs = self.repo.obsstore.successors.get(changenode, ())
                succs = sorted(succs)

                for successor in succs:
                    displaymarkers(self.ui, markerfm, successor[1],
                                   [successor], ctx.node(), self.repo,

                r = obsutil.successorsandmarkers(self.repo, ctx)
                if r is None:
                    r = []

                for succset in sorted(r):
                    markers = succset[b"markers"]
                    if not markers:
                    successors = succset[b"successors"]
                    displaymarkers(self.ui, markerfm, successors, markers,
                                   ctx.node(), self.repo, self._includediff)



            self.hunk[ctx.node()] = self.ui.popbuffer()
            ### graph output is buffered only
            msg = b'cannot be used outside of the graphlog (yet)'
            raise error.ProgrammingError(msg)

    def flush(self, ctx):
        ''' changeset_printer has some logic around buffering data
        in self.headers that we don't use

def patchavailable(node, repo, successors):
    if node not in repo:
        return False, b"context is not local"

    if len(successors) == 0:
        return False, b"no successors"
    elif len(successors) > 1:
        return False, b"too many successors (%d)" % len(successors)

    succ = successors[0]

    if succ not in repo:
        return False, b"successor is unknown locally"

    # Check that both node and succ have the same parents
    nodep1, nodep2 = repo[node].p1(), repo[node].p2()
    succp1, succp2 = repo[succ].p1(), repo[succ].p2()

    if nodep1 != succp1 or nodep2 != succp2:
        return False, b"changesets rebased"

    return True, succ

def getmarkerdescriptionpatch(repo, basedesc, succdesc):
    # description are stored without final new line,
    # add one to avoid ugly diff
    basedesc += b'\n'
    succdesc += b'\n'

    # fake file name
    basename = b"changeset-description"
    succname = b"changeset-description"

    uheaders, hunks = mdiff.unidiff(basedesc, b'', succdesc, b'',
                                    basename, succname, False)

    # Copied from patch.diff
    text = b''.join(sum((list(hlines) for hrange, hlines in hunks), []))
    patch = b"\n".join(uheaders + [text])

    return patch

class missingchangectx(object):
    ''' a minimal object mimicking changectx for change contexts
    references by obs markers but not available locally '''

    def __init__(self, repo, nodeid):
        self._repo = repo
        self._node = nodeid

    def node(self):
        return self._node

    def obsolete(self):
        # If we don't have it locally, it's obsolete
        return True

def cyclic(graph):
    """Return True if the directed graph has a cycle.
    The graph must be represented as a dictionary mapping vertices to
    iterables of neighbouring vertices. For example:

    >>> cyclic({1: (2,), 2: (3,), 3: (1,)})
    >>> cyclic({1: (2,), 2: (3,), 3: (4,)})

    Taken from: https://codereview.stackexchange.com/a/86067

    visited = set()
    o = object()
    path = [o]
    path_set = set(path)
    stack = [iter(graph)]
    while stack:
        for v in sorted(stack[-1]):
            if v in path_set:
                return path_set
            elif v not in visited:
                stack.append(iter(graph.get(v, ())))
    return False

def _obshistorywalker(repo, revs, walksuccessors=False, filternonlocal=False):
    """ Directly inspired by graphmod.dagwalker,
    walk the obs marker tree and yield
    (id, CHANGESET, ctx, [parentinfo]) tuples

    # Get the list of nodes and links between them
    candidates, nodesucc, nodeprec = _obshistorywalker_links(repo, revs, walksuccessors)

    # Shown, set of nodes presents in items
    shown = set()

    def isvalidcandidate(candidate):
        """ Function to filter candidates, check the candidate succ are
        in shown set
        return nodesucc.get(candidate, set()).issubset(shown)

    # While we have some nodes to show
    while candidates:

        # Filter out candidates, returns only nodes with all their successors
        # already shown
        validcandidates = list(filter(isvalidcandidate, candidates))

        # If we likely have a cycle
        if not validcandidates:
            cycle = cyclic(nodesucc)
            assert cycle

            # Then choose a random node from the cycle
            breaknode = sorted(cycle)[0]
            # And display it by force
            repo.ui.debug(b'obs-cycle detected, forcing display of %s\n'
                          % nodemod.short(breaknode))
            validcandidates = [breaknode]

        # Display all valid candidates
        for cand in sorted(validcandidates):
            # Remove candidate from candidates set
            # And remove it from nodesucc in case of future cycle detected
                del nodesucc[cand]
            except KeyError:


            # Add the right changectx class
            if cand in repo:
                changectx = repo[cand]
                if filternonlocal is False:
                    changectx = missingchangectx(repo, cand)

            if filternonlocal is False:
                relations = nodeprec.get(cand, ())
                relations = obsutil.closestpredecessors(repo, cand)
            parents = [(graphmod.PARENT, x) for x in relations]
            yield (cand, graphmod.CHANGESET, changectx, parents)

def _obshistorywalker_links(repo, revs, walksuccessors=False):
    """ Iterate the obs history tree starting from revs, traversing
    each revision precursors recursively.
    If walksuccessors is True, also check that every successor has been
    walked, which ends up walking on all connected obs markers. It helps
    getting a better view with splits and divergences.
    Return a tuple of:
    - The list of node crossed
    - The dictionnary of each node successors, values are a set
    - The dictionnary of each node precursors, values are a list
    precursors = repo.obsstore.predecessors
    successors = repo.obsstore.successors
    nodec = repo.changelog.node

    # Parents, set of parents nodes seen during walking the graph for node
    nodesucc = dict()
    # Childrens
    nodeprec = dict()

    nodes = [nodec(r) for r in revs]
    seen = set(nodes)

    # Iterate on each node
    while nodes:
        node = nodes.pop()

        precs = precursors.get(node, ())

        nodeprec[node] = []

        for prec in sorted(precs):
            precnode = prec[0]

            # Mark node as prec successor
            nodesucc.setdefault(precnode, set()).add(node)

            # Mark precnode as node precursor

            # Add prec for future processing if not node already processed
            if precnode not in seen:

        # Also walk on successors if the option is enabled
        if walksuccessors:
            for successor in successors.get(node, ()):
                for succnodeid in successor[1]:
                    if succnodeid not in seen:

    return sorted(seen), nodesucc, nodeprec

def displaygraph(ui, repo, revs, opts):

    displayer = obsmarker_printer(ui, repo.unfiltered(), obspatch=True,
    edges = graphmod.asciiedges
    walker = _obshistorywalker(repo.unfiltered(), revs, opts.get('all', False),
                               opts.get('filternonlocal', False))
    logcmdutil.displaygraph(ui, repo, walker, displayer, edges)

def displayrevs(ui, repo, revs, opts):
    """ Display the obsolescence history for revset
    fm = ui.formatter(b'debugobshistory', pycompat.byteskwargs(opts))
    precursors = repo.obsstore.predecessors
    successors = repo.obsstore.successors
    nodec = repo.changelog.node
    unfi = repo.unfiltered()
    nodes = [nodec(r) for r in revs]

    seen = set(nodes)

    while nodes:
        ctxnode = nodes.pop()

        displaynode(fm, unfi, ctxnode)

        succs = successors.get(ctxnode, ())

        markerfm = fm.nested(b"markers")
        for successor in sorted(succs):
            includediff = opts and opts.get("patch")
            displaymarkers(ui, markerfm, successor[1], [successor], ctxnode,
                           unfi, includediff)

        precs = precursors.get(ctxnode, ())
        for p in sorted(precs):
            # Only show nodes once
            if p[0] not in seen:

def displaynode(fm, repo, node):
    if node in repo:
        displayctx(fm, repo[node])
        displaymissingctx(fm, node)

def displayctx(fm, ctx):
    shortdescription = ctx.description().strip()
    if shortdescription:
        shortdescription = shortdescription.splitlines()[0]

    fm.plain(b'%s' % bytes(ctx), label=b"evolve.node")
    fm.plain(b' ')

    fm.plain(b'(%d)' % ctx.rev(), label=b"evolve.rev")
    fm.plain(b' ')

    fm.write(b'shortdescription', b'%s', shortdescription,

def displaymissingctx(fm, nodewithoutctx):
             label=b"evolve.node evolve.missing_change_ctx")

def displaymarkers(ui, fm, succnodes, markers, node, repo, includediff=False):

    verb = _successorsetverb(succnodes, markers)[b"verb"]


    effects = _markerseffects(markers)
    if effects:
        fmteffects = fm.formatlist(effects, b'effect', sep=b', ')

    if len(succnodes) > 0:
        hexnodes = (nodemod.hex(succnode) for succnode in sorted(succnodes))
        nodes = fm.formatlist(hexnodes, b'succnode')

    # Operations
    operations = obsutil.markersoperations(markers)
    if operations:
        fm.data(operations=fm.formatlist(operations, name=b'operation', sep=b', '))

    # Users
    users = obsutil.markersusers(markers)
    fm.data(users=fm.formatlist(users, name=b'user', sep=b', '))

    # Dates
    dates = obsutil.markersdates(markers)
    fm.data(dates=fm.formatlist(dates, name=b'date'))

    # Notes
    notes = _markersnotes(markers)
    if notes:
        fm.data(notes=fm.formatlist(notes, name=b'note', sep=b'\n'))

    # Patch display
    if includediff is True:
        _patchavailable = patchavailable(node, repo, succnodes)

        if _patchavailable[0] is True:
            succ = _patchavailable[1]

            basectx = repo[node]
            succctx = repo[succ]
            # Description patch
            descriptionpatch = getmarkerdescriptionpatch(repo,

            if descriptionpatch:
                # add the diffheader
                diffheader = b"diff -r %s -r %s changeset-description\n" %\
                             (basectx, succctx)
                descriptionpatch = diffheader + descriptionpatch

                def tolist(text):
                    return [text]


                for chunk, label in patch.difflabel(tolist, descriptionpatch):
                    chunk = chunk.strip(b'\t')
                    ui.write(chunk, label=label)
                fm.write(b'descdiff', b'%s', ui.popbuffer())

            # Content patch
            diffopts = patch.diffallopts(repo.ui, {})
            matchfn = scmutil.matchall(repo)
            firstline = True
            linestart = True
            for chunk, label in patch.diffui(repo, node, succ, matchfn,
                if firstline:
                    firstline = False
                if linestart:
                    linestart = False
                if chunk == b'\n':
                    linestart = True
                ui.write(chunk, label=label)

def _prepare_hunk(hunk):
    """Drop all information but the username and patch"""
    cleanunk = []
    for line in hunk.splitlines():
        if line.startswith(b'# User') or not line.startswith(b'#'):
            if line.startswith(b'@@'):
                line = b'@@\n'
    return cleanunk

def _getdifflines(iterdiff):
    """return a cleaned up lines"""
        lines = next(iterdiff)
    except StopIteration:
        return None
    return _prepare_hunk(lines)

def _getobsfateandsuccs(repo, revnode):
    """ Return a tuple containing:
    - the reason a revision is obsolete (diverged, pruned or superseded)
    - the list of successors short node if the revision is neither pruned
    or has diverged
    successorssets = obsutil.successorssets(repo, revnode)
    fate = obsutil._getobsfate(successorssets)

    # Apply node.short if we have no divergence
    if len(successorssets) == 1:
        successors = [nodemod.short(node_id) for node_id in successorssets[0]]
        successors = []
        for succset in successorssets:
            successors.append([nodemod.short(node_id) for node_id in succset])

    return (fate, successors)

def _markersnotes(markers):
    markersmeta = [dict(m[3]) for m in markers]
    notes = [meta.get(b'note') for meta in markersmeta]
    return sorted(note for note in notes if note)

EFFECTMAPPING = util.sortdict([
    (obsutil.DESCCHANGED, b'description'),
    (obsutil.METACHANGED, b'meta'),
    (obsutil.USERCHANGED, b'user'),
    (obsutil.DATECHANGED, b'date'),
    (obsutil.BRANCHCHANGED, b'branch'),
    (obsutil.PARENTCHANGED, b'parent'),
    (obsutil.DIFFCHANGED, b'content'),

def _markerseffects(markers):
    """ Return a list of effects as strings based on effect flags in markers

    Return None if verb cannot be more precise than just "rewritten", i.e. when
    markers collectively have more than one effect in the flags.
    metadata = [dict(marker[3]) for marker in markers]
    ef1 = [data.get(b'ef1') for data in metadata]
    effects = []

    combined = 0
    for ef in ef1:
        if ef:
            combined |= int(ef)

    if combined:
        for key, value in EFFECTMAPPING.items():
            if combined & key:

    return effects

    obsutil.DESCCHANGED: b"reworded",
    obsutil.METACHANGED: b"meta-changed",
    obsutil.USERCHANGED: b"reauthored",
    obsutil.DATECHANGED: b"date-changed",
    obsutil.BRANCHCHANGED: b"branch-changed",
    obsutil.PARENTCHANGED: b"rebased",
    obsutil.DIFFCHANGED: b"amended"

def _markerspreciseverb(markers):
    """ Return a more precise verb based on effect flags in markers

    Return None if verb cannot be more precise than just "rewritten", i.e. when
    markers collectively have more than one effect in the flags.
    metadata = [dict(marker[3]) for marker in markers]

    if len(metadata) == 1 and metadata[0].get(b'fold-id') is not None:
        return b'folded'

    ef1 = [data.get(b'ef1') for data in metadata]
    if all(ef1):
        combined = 0
        for ef in ef1:
            combined |= int(ef)

        # Combined will be in VERBMAPPING only if one bit is set
        if combined in VERBMAPPING:
            return VERBMAPPING[combined]

def _successorsetverb(successorset, markers):
    """ Return the verb summarizing the successorset
    verb = None
    if not successorset:
        verb = b'pruned'
    elif len(successorset) == 1:
        verb = _markerspreciseverb(markers)

        if verb is None:
            verb = b'rewritten'
        verb = b'split'
    return {b'verb': verb}

# Use a more advanced version of obsfateverb that uses effect-flag
@eh.wrapfunction(obsutil, 'obsfateverb')
def obsfateverb(orig, *args, **kwargs):
    return _successorsetverb(*args, **kwargs)[b'verb']