author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Thu, 21 Dec 2017 03:30:13 +0100
changeset 3346 f4e28b781143
parent 3223 73b4e84df0bd
child 3287 4303a46b4167
child 3359 ae6fddf39933
permissions -rw-r--r--
stablerange: use mergepoint based algorithm for the official stable range Changing the official stable range will impact all users of the infrastructure. We update version number of the cache file and discovery methods to clarify this. We do no keep compatibility with the old method over the wire. The new algorithm is much better and keeping compat is more work than we have time for right now.

Global setup

  $ . $TESTDIR/testlib/common.sh
  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
  > [ui]
  > interactive = true
  > [phases]
  > publish=False
  > [extensions]
  > evolve =
  > EOF

Test obslog with split + fold + split

Test setup

  $ hg init $TESTTMP/splitfoldsplit
  $ cd $TESTTMP/splitfoldsplit
  $ mkcommit ROOT
  $ mkcommit A
  $ mkcommit B
  $ mkcommit C
  $ mkcommit D
  $ mkcommit E
  $ mkcommit F
  $ hg log -G
  @  changeset:   6:d9f908fde1a1
  |  tag:         tip
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  summary:     F
  o  changeset:   5:0da815c333f6
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  summary:     E
  o  changeset:   4:868d2e0eb19c
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  summary:     D
  o  changeset:   3:a8df460dbbfe
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  summary:     C
  o  changeset:   2:c473644ee0e9
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  summary:     B
  o  changeset:   1:2a34000d3544
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  summary:     A
  o  changeset:   0:ea207398892e
     user:        test
     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     summary:     ROOT
Split commits two by two

  $ hg fold --exact -r 1 -r 2 --date "0 0" -m "fold0"
  2 changesets folded
  4 new orphan changesets
  $ hg fold --exact -r 3 -r 4 --date "0 0" -m "fold1"
  2 changesets folded
  $ hg fold --exact -r 5 -r 6 --date "0 0" -m "fold2" -n "folding changesets to test"
  2 changesets folded
  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ hg obslog -r .
  @    100cc25b765f (9) fold2
  x |  0da815c333f6 (5) E
   /     rewritten(description, content) as 100cc25b765f by test (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000)
  |        note: folding changesets to test
  x  d9f908fde1a1 (6) F
       rewritten(description, parent, content) as 100cc25b765f by test (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000)
         note: folding changesets to test
  $ hg log -G 
  @  changeset:   9:100cc25b765f
  |  tag:         tip
  |  parent:      4:868d2e0eb19c
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  instability: orphan
  |  summary:     fold2
  | o  changeset:   8:d15d0ffc75f6
  | |  parent:      2:c473644ee0e9
  | |  user:        test
  | |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  | |  instability: orphan
  | |  summary:     fold1
  | |
  | | o  changeset:   7:b868bc49b0a4
  | | |  parent:      0:ea207398892e
  | | |  user:        test
  | | |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  | | |  summary:     fold0
  | | |
  x | |  changeset:   4:868d2e0eb19c
  | | |  user:        test
  | | |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  | | |  obsolete:    rewritten as 8:d15d0ffc75f6
  | | |  summary:     D
  | | |
  x | |  changeset:   3:a8df460dbbfe
  |/ /   user:        test
  | |    date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  | |    obsolete:    rewritten as 8:d15d0ffc75f6
  | |    summary:     C
  | |
  x |  changeset:   2:c473644ee0e9
  | |  user:        test
  | |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  | |  obsolete:    rewritten as 7:b868bc49b0a4
  | |  summary:     B
  | |
  x |  changeset:   1:2a34000d3544
  |/   user:        test
  |    date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |    obsolete:    rewritten as 7:b868bc49b0a4
  |    summary:     A
  o  changeset:   0:ea207398892e
     user:        test
     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     summary:     ROOT

Then split

  $ hg split "desc(fold0)" -d "0 0" << EOF
  > Y
  > Y
  > N
  > N
  > Y
  > Y
  > EOF
  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 6 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  adding A
  adding B
  diff --git a/A b/A
  new file mode 100644
  examine changes to 'A'? [Ynesfdaq?] Y
  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
  record change 1/2 to 'A'? [Ynesfdaq?] Y
  diff --git a/B b/B
  new file mode 100644
  examine changes to 'B'? [Ynesfdaq?] N
  created new head
  Done splitting? [yN] N
  diff --git a/B b/B
  new file mode 100644
  examine changes to 'B'? [Ynesfdaq?] Y
  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
  record this change to 'B'? [Ynesfdaq?] Y
  no more change to split
  $ hg split "desc(fold1)" -d "0 0" << EOF
  > Y
  > Y
  > N
  > N
  > Y
  > Y
  > EOF
  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  adding C
  adding D
  diff --git a/C b/C
  new file mode 100644
  examine changes to 'C'? [Ynesfdaq?] Y
  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
  record change 1/2 to 'C'? [Ynesfdaq?] Y
  diff --git a/D b/D
  new file mode 100644
  examine changes to 'D'? [Ynesfdaq?] N
  created new head
  Done splitting? [yN] N
  diff --git a/D b/D
  new file mode 100644
  examine changes to 'D'? [Ynesfdaq?] Y
  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
  record this change to 'D'? [Ynesfdaq?] Y
  no more change to split
  $ hg split "desc(fold2)" -d "0 0" << EOF
  > Y
  > Y
  > N
  > N
  > Y
  > Y
  > EOF
  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  adding E
  adding F
  diff --git a/E b/E
  new file mode 100644
  examine changes to 'E'? [Ynesfdaq?] Y
  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
  record change 1/2 to 'E'? [Ynesfdaq?] Y
  diff --git a/F b/F
  new file mode 100644
  examine changes to 'F'? [Ynesfdaq?] N
  created new head
  Done splitting? [yN] N
  diff --git a/F b/F
  new file mode 100644
  examine changes to 'F'? [Ynesfdaq?] Y
  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
  record this change to 'F'? [Ynesfdaq?] Y
  no more change to split
  $ hg log -G
  @  changeset:   15:d4a000f63ee9
  |  tag:         tip
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  instability: orphan
  |  summary:     fold2
  o  changeset:   14:ec31316faa9d
  |  parent:      4:868d2e0eb19c
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  instability: orphan
  |  summary:     fold2
  | o  changeset:   13:d0f33db50670
  | |  user:        test
  | |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  | |  instability: orphan
  | |  summary:     fold1
  | |
  | o  changeset:   12:7b3290f6e0a0
  | |  parent:      2:c473644ee0e9
  | |  user:        test
  | |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  | |  instability: orphan
  | |  summary:     fold1
  | |
  | | o  changeset:   11:e036916b63ea
  | | |  user:        test
  | | |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  | | |  summary:     fold0
  | | |
  | | o  changeset:   10:19e14c8397fc
  | | |  parent:      0:ea207398892e
  | | |  user:        test
  | | |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  | | |  summary:     fold0
  | | |
  x | |  changeset:   4:868d2e0eb19c
  | | |  user:        test
  | | |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  | | |  obsolete:    split as 12:7b3290f6e0a0, 13:d0f33db50670
  | | |  summary:     D
  | | |
  x | |  changeset:   3:a8df460dbbfe
  |/ /   user:        test
  | |    date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  | |    obsolete:    split as 12:7b3290f6e0a0, 13:d0f33db50670
  | |    summary:     C
  | |
  x |  changeset:   2:c473644ee0e9
  | |  user:        test
  | |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  | |  obsolete:    split as 10:19e14c8397fc, 11:e036916b63ea
  | |  summary:     B
  | |
  x |  changeset:   1:2a34000d3544
  |/   user:        test
  |    date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |    obsolete:    split as 10:19e14c8397fc, 11:e036916b63ea
  |    summary:     A
  o  changeset:   0:ea207398892e
     user:        test
     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     summary:     ROOT

Connect them all

  $ hg prune -s 12 -r 11
  1 changesets pruned
  $ hg prune -s 14 -r 13 -n "this is a note stored in obsmarker in prune"
  1 changesets pruned
  $ hg log -G
  @  changeset:   15:d4a000f63ee9
  |  tag:         tip
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  instability: orphan
  |  summary:     fold2
  o  changeset:   14:ec31316faa9d
  |  parent:      4:868d2e0eb19c
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  instability: orphan
  |  summary:     fold2
  | o  changeset:   12:7b3290f6e0a0
  | |  parent:      2:c473644ee0e9
  | |  user:        test
  | |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  | |  instability: orphan
  | |  summary:     fold1
  | |
  | | o  changeset:   10:19e14c8397fc
  | | |  parent:      0:ea207398892e
  | | |  user:        test
  | | |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  | | |  summary:     fold0
  | | |
  x | |  changeset:   4:868d2e0eb19c
  | | |  user:        test
  | | |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  | | |  obsolete:    split as 12:7b3290f6e0a0, 14:ec31316faa9d
  | | |  summary:     D
  | | |
  x | |  changeset:   3:a8df460dbbfe
  |/ /   user:        test
  | |    date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  | |    obsolete:    split as 12:7b3290f6e0a0, 14:ec31316faa9d
  | |    summary:     C
  | |
  x |  changeset:   2:c473644ee0e9
  | |  user:        test
  | |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  | |  obsolete:    split as 10:19e14c8397fc, 12:7b3290f6e0a0
  | |  summary:     B
  | |
  x |  changeset:   1:2a34000d3544
  |/   user:        test
  |    date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |    obsolete:    split as 10:19e14c8397fc, 12:7b3290f6e0a0
  |    summary:     A
  o  changeset:   0:ea207398892e
     user:        test
     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     summary:     ROOT
Actual Test

Obslog should show a subset of the obs history, this test check that the
walking algorithm works no matter the level of successors + precursors

  $ hg obslog 12
  o    7b3290f6e0a0 (12) fold1
  x |    d15d0ffc75f6 (8) fold1
  |\ \     rewritten(parent, content) as 7b3290f6e0a0, d0f33db50670 by test (*) (glob)
  | | |
  | | x  e036916b63ea (11) fold0
  | | |    rewritten(description, parent, content) as 7b3290f6e0a0 by test (*) (glob)
  | | |
  x | |  868d2e0eb19c (4) D
   / /     rewritten(description, parent, content) as d15d0ffc75f6 by test (*) (glob)
  | |
  x |  a8df460dbbfe (3) C
   /     rewritten(description, content) as d15d0ffc75f6 by test (*) (glob)
  x    b868bc49b0a4 (7) fold0
  |\     rewritten(parent, content) as 19e14c8397fc, e036916b63ea by test (*) (glob)
  | |
  x |  2a34000d3544 (1) A
   /     rewritten(description, content) as b868bc49b0a4 by test (*) (glob)
  x  c473644ee0e9 (2) B
       rewritten(description, parent, content) as b868bc49b0a4 by test (*) (glob)
While with all option, we should see 15 changesets

  $ hg obslog --all 15
  o  19e14c8397fc (10) fold0
  | o    7b3290f6e0a0 (12) fold1
  | |\
  | | | @  d4a000f63ee9 (15) fold2
  | | | |
  | | | | o  ec31316faa9d (14) fold2
  | | | |/|
  | | | x |    100cc25b765f (9) fold2
  | | | |\ \     rewritten(parent, content) as d4a000f63ee9, ec31316faa9d by test (*) (glob)
  | | | | | |
  | +-------x  d0f33db50670 (13) fold1
  | | | | |      rewritten(description, parent, content) as ec31316faa9d by test (*) (glob)
  | | | | |        note: this is a note stored in obsmarker in prune
  | | | | |
  +---x | |  e036916b63ea (11) fold0
  | |  / /     rewritten(description, parent, content) as 7b3290f6e0a0 by test (*) (glob)
  | | | |
  | | x |  0da815c333f6 (5) E
  | |  /     rewritten(description, content) as 100cc25b765f by test (*) (glob)
  | | |        note: folding changesets to test
  | | |
  x | |    b868bc49b0a4 (7) fold0
  |\ \ \     rewritten(parent, content) as 19e14c8397fc, e036916b63ea by test (*) (glob)
  | | | |
  | | x |    d15d0ffc75f6 (8) fold1
  | | |\ \     rewritten(parent, content) as 7b3290f6e0a0, d0f33db50670 by test (*) (glob)
  | | | | |
  | | | | x  d9f908fde1a1 (6) F
  | | | |      rewritten(description, parent, content) as 100cc25b765f by test (*) (glob)
  | | | |        note: folding changesets to test
  | | | |
  x | | |  2a34000d3544 (1) A
   / / /     rewritten(description, content) as b868bc49b0a4 by test (*) (glob)
  | | |
  | x |  868d2e0eb19c (4) D
  |  /     rewritten(description, parent, content) as d15d0ffc75f6 by test (*) (glob)
  | |
  | x  a8df460dbbfe (3) C
  |      rewritten(description, content) as d15d0ffc75f6 by test (*) (glob)
  x  c473644ee0e9 (2) B
       rewritten(description, parent, content) as b868bc49b0a4 by test (*) (glob)