topic: add test to increase code coverage in case of multiple topics
This patch adds a test which cover the part that when we have one topic
on top of other topic, this make sure that when evolving it's boundary
are the current active topic (i.e hg stack)
from __future__ import absolute_import
from mercurial import (
from mercurial.i18n import _
def enforcesinglehead(repo, tr):
for name, heads in repo.filtered('visible').branchmap().iteritems():
if len(heads) > 1:
hexs = [node.short(n) for n in heads]
raise error.Abort(_('%d heads on "%s"') % (len(heads), name),
hint=(', '.join(hexs)))
def publishbarebranch(repo, tr):
"""Publish changeset without topic"""
if 'node' not in tr.hookargs: # no new node
startnode = node.bin(tr.hookargs['node'])
topublish = repo.revs('not public() and (%n:) - hidden() - topic()', startnode)
if topublish:
cl = repo.changelog
nodes = [cl.node(r) for r in topublish]
repo._phasecache.advanceboundary(repo, tr, phases.public, nodes)
def rejectuntopicedchangeset(repo, tr):
"""Reject the push if there are changeset without topic"""
if 'node' not in tr.hookargs: # no new revs
startnode = node.bin(tr.hookargs['node'])
mode = repo.ui.config('experimental', 'topic-mode.server', 'ignore')
untopiced = repo.revs('not public() and (%n:) - hidden() - topic()', startnode)
if untopiced:
num = len(untopiced)
fnode = repo[untopiced.first()].hex()[:10]
if num == 1:
msg = _("%s") % fnode
msg = _("%s and %d more") % (fnode, num - 1)
if mode == 'warning':
fullmsg = _("pushed draft changeset without topic: %s\n")
repo.ui.warn(fullmsg % msg)
elif mode == 'enforce':
fullmsg = _("rejecting draft changesets: %s")
raise error.Abort(fullmsg % msg)
repo.ui.warn(_("unknown 'topic-mode.server': %s\n" % mode))
def wrappush(orig, repo, remote, *args, **kwargs):
"""interpret the --publish flag and pass it to the push operation"""
newargs = kwargs.copy()
if kwargs.pop('publish', False):
opargs = kwargs.get('opargs')
if opargs is None:
opargs = {}
newargs['opargs'] = opargs.copy()
newargs['opargs']['publish'] = True
return orig(repo, remote, *args, **newargs)
def extendpushoperation(orig, self, *args, **kwargs):
publish = kwargs.pop('publish', False)
orig(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.publish = publish
def wrapphasediscovery(orig, pushop):
if getattr(pushop, 'publish', False):
if not pushop.remotephases.publishing:
unfi = pushop.repo.unfiltered()
droots = pushop.remotephases.draftroots
revset = '%ln and (not public() or %ln::)'
future = list(unfi.set(revset, pushop.futureheads, droots))
pushop.outdatedphases = future
def installpushflag(ui):
entry = extensions.wrapcommand(commands.table, 'push', wrappush)
if not any(opt for opt in entry[1] if opt[1] == 'publish'): # hg <= 4.9
entry[1].append(('', 'publish', False,
_('push the changeset as public')))
extensions.wrapfunction(exchange.pushoperation, '__init__',
extensions.wrapfunction(exchange, '_pushdiscoveryphase', wrapphasediscovery)
exchange.pushdiscoverymapping['phase'] = exchange._pushdiscoveryphase