author Pulkit Goyal <7895pulkit@gmail.com>
Tue, 12 Jun 2018 19:00:12 +0530
changeset 3843 f0096db2a7b1
parent 3758 131758265150
child 3899 9a6a767bef9d
permissions -rw-r--r--
evolve: improve error messages when conflicts occur This patch improves the error messages when conflicts occur. First, we drop the line 'evolution failed', that is not the best line we can show and evolution didn't failed, it's just interrupted by the conflicts and when user will run `hg evolve --continue`, things will be fine. I still remember when I first saw 'evolution failed', I got a bit scare as am I in a recoverable position or not. So let's drop this scary line. Second, we replace the error messages to say `resolve conflicts and see help-topic`. The help topic was added recently and documents all the three flags very well. Addition of tests also showed that all the three flags works fine with all the three instability type. So we should advertise them more. Third, we now raise the error with our error message rather than raising MergeFailure and having evolution related text in hint or stderr above. This increase the focus on the error message we want to show. After this patch, I think error messages by evolve in case of conflicts will be same in every case.

# Various utility function for the evolve extension
# Copyright 2017 Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@ens-lyon.org>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

import collections

from mercurial import (

from mercurial.i18n import _

from mercurial.node import nullrev

shorttemplate = "[{label('evolve.rev', rev)}] {desc|firstline}\n"

def obsexcmsg(ui, message, important=False):
    verbose = ui.configbool('experimental', 'verbose-obsolescence-exchange',
    if verbose:
        message = 'OBSEXC: ' + message
    if important or verbose:

def obsexcprg(ui, *args, **kwargs):
    topic = 'obsmarkers exchange'
    if ui.configbool('experimental', 'verbose-obsolescence-exchange', False):
        topic = 'OBSEXC'
    ui.progress(topic, *args, **kwargs)

def filterparents(parents):
    """filter nullrev parents

    (and other crazyness)"""
    p1, p2 = parents
    if p1 == nullrev and p2 == nullrev:
        return ()
    elif p1 != nullrev and (p2 == nullrev or p1 == p2):
        return (p1,)
    elif p1 == nullrev and p2 != nullrev:
        return (p2,)
        return parents

def shouldwarmcache(repo, tr):
    configbool = repo.ui.configbool
    config = repo.ui.config
    desc = getattr(tr, 'desc', '')

    autocase = False
    if tr is None:
        autocase = True
    elif desc.startswith('serve'):
        autocase = True
    elif desc.startswith('push') and not desc.startswith('push-response'):
        autocase = True

    autocache = config('experimental', 'obshashrange.warm-cache',
                       'auto') == 'auto'
    if autocache:
        warm = autocase
        # note: we should not get to the default case
        warm = configbool('experimental', 'obshashrange.warm-cache', True)

    if not configbool('experimental', 'obshashrange', False):
        return False
    if not warm:
        return False
    maxrevs = repo.ui.configint('experimental', 'obshashrange.max-revs', None)
    if maxrevs is not None and maxrevs < len(repo.unfiltered()):
        return False
    return True

class MultipleSuccessorsError(RuntimeError):
    """Exception raised by _singlesuccessor when multiple successor sets exists

    The object contains the list of successorssets in its 'successorssets'
    attribute to call to easily recover.

    def __init__(self, successorssets):
        self.successorssets = successorssets

def builddependencies(repo, revs):
    """returns dependency graphs giving an order to solve instability of revs
    (see _orderrevs for more information on usage)"""

    # For each troubled revision we keep track of what instability if any should
    # be resolved in order to resolve it. Example:
    # dependencies = {3: [6], 6:[]}
    # Means that: 6 has no dependency, 3 depends on 6 to be solved
    dependencies = {}
    # rdependencies is the inverted dict of dependencies
    rdependencies = collections.defaultdict(set)

    for r in revs:
        dependencies[r] = set()
        for p in repo[r].parents():
                succ = _singlesuccessor(repo, p)
            except MultipleSuccessorsError as exc:
                tset = set()
                for node in exc.successorssets[0]:
                dependencies[r] = tset
            if succ in revs:
    return dependencies, rdependencies

def _singlesuccessor(repo, p):
    """returns p (as rev) if not obsolete or its unique latest successors

    fail if there are no such successor"""

    if not p.obsolete():
        return p.rev()
    obs = repo[p]
    ui = repo.ui
    newer = obsutil.successorssets(repo, obs.node())
    # search of a parent which is not killed
    while not newer:
        ui.debug("stabilize target %s is plain dead,"
                 " trying to stabilize on its parent\n" %
        obs = obs.parents()[0]
        newer = obsutil.successorssets(repo, obs.node())
    if len(newer) > 1 or len(newer[0]) > 1:
        raise MultipleSuccessorsError(newer)

    return repo[newer[0][0]].rev()

def revselectionprompt(ui, repo, revs, customheader=""):
    """function to prompt user to choose a revision from all the revs and return
    that revision for further tasks

    revs is a list of rev number of revision from which one revision should be
    choosed by the user
    customheader is a text which the caller wants as the header of the prompt
    which will list revisions to select

    returns value is:
        rev number of revision choosed: if user choose a revision
        None: if user entered a wrong input, user quit the prompt,
              ui.interactive is not set

    # ui.interactive is not set, fallback to default behavior and avoid showing
    # the prompt
    if not ui.interactive():
        return None

    promptmsg = customheader + "\n"
    for idx, rev in enumerate(revs):
        curctx = repo[rev]
        revmsg = _("%d: [%s] %s\n" % (idx, curctx,
        promptmsg += revmsg

    promptmsg += _("q: quit the prompt\n")
    promptmsg += _("enter the index of the revision you want to select:")
    idxselected = ui.prompt(promptmsg)

    intidx = None
        intidx = int(idxselected)
    except ValueError:
        if idxselected == 'q':
            return None
        ui.write_err(_("invalid value '%s' entered for index\n") % idxselected)
        return None

    if intidx >= len(revs) or intidx < 0:
        # we can make this error message better
        ui.write_err(_("invalid value '%d' entered for index\n") % intidx)
        return None

    return revs[intidx]