evolve: handle relocation during divergence resolution producing no changes
When resolving divergence and the two divergent commits have different
parents, we start by rebasing one of them to have the same parent as
the other. That step can result in no changes to commit. When it does,
we would crash with a TypeError before this patch.
This patch fixes it by instead creating an empty commit in that
scenario. The existing code then continues to attempt to merge it,
which produces no changes, and no commit is created on top. The other
side of the divergence is marked as successor as usual, so orphans
from the side that became empty will be evolved to the right place
(see test).
Testing extensions isolation
In this test case, we check that a repository using the extensions can co-exist
with a repository not using the extension.
$ . $TESTDIR/testlib/common.sh
Create repo
$ hg init repo-evo
$ cat > repo-evo/.hg/hgrc << EOF
> [extensions]
> evolve=
$ hg init repo-topic
$ cat > repo-topic/.hg/hgrc << EOF
> [extensions]
> topic=
$ hg init repo-both
$ cat > repo-both/.hg/hgrc << EOF
> [extensions]
> evolve=
> topic=
$ hg init repo-no-ext
check setup
$ hg -R repo-evo help -e evolve | head -n 1
warning: --repository ignored
evolve extension - extends Mercurial feature related to Changeset Evolution
$ hg -R repo-both help -e evolve | head -n 1
warning: --repository ignored
evolve extension - extends Mercurial feature related to Changeset Evolution
$ hg -R repo-no-ext help -e evolve
warning: --repository ignored
abort: no such help topic: evolve
(try 'hg help --keyword evolve')
$ hg -R repo-no-ext help -e topic
warning: --repository ignored
abort: no such help topic: topic
(try 'hg help --keyword topic')
start hgweb dir for all repo
$ cat > hgweb.conf << EOF
> [paths]
> / = *
$ hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file=hg.pid --web-conf hgweb.conf -A access.log -E error.log
$ cat hg.pid >> $DAEMON_PIDS
Test isolation
As of 4.9 (and previous version). It seems like extensions are displayed as
enabled even for repository where they are not supposed to be. See the output
tagged `no-false`.
(however, topic and evolve are not supposed to affect other repository as shown
in the rest of this test).
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT 'repo-no-ext/help/extensions' | grep 'enabled extensions' -A 7
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT 'repo-evo/help/extensions' | grep 'enabled extensions' -A 7
enabled extensions:
<dd>extends Mercurial feature related to Changeset Evolution
disabled extensions:
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT 'repo-topic/help/extensions' | grep 'enabled extensions' -A 7
enabled extensions:
<dt>evolve (no-false !)
<dd>extends Mercurial feature related to Changeset Evolution (no-false !)
<dd>support for topic branches
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT 'repo-both/help/extensions' | grep 'enabled extensions' -A 9
enabled extensions:
<dd>extends Mercurial feature related to Changeset Evolution
<dd>support for topic branches
disabled extensions:
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT 'repo-no-ext/help/extensions' | grep 'enabled extensions' -A 9
enabled extensions: (no-false !)
</p> (no-false !)
<dl> (no-false !)
<dt>evolve (no-false !)
<dd>extends Mercurial feature related to Changeset Evolution (no-false !)
<dt>topic (no-false !)
<dd>support for topic branches (no-false !)
</dl> (no-false !)
<p> (no-false !)
disabled extensions: (no-false !)
make sure repos don't affect each other (and check both ways)
Check evolve isolation
$ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-no-ext | egrep 'topics|evoext'
$ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-evo | egrep 'topics|evoext'
$ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-no-ext | egrep 'topics|evoext'
Check topic isolation
$ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-no-ext | egrep 'topics|evoext'
$ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-topic | egrep 'topics|evoext'
$ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-no-ext | egrep 'topics|evoext'
Check coupled isolation
$ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-no-ext | egrep 'topics|evoext'
$ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-both | egrep 'topics|evoext'
$ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-evo | egrep 'topics|evoext'
$ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-topic | egrep 'topics|evoext'
$ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-evo | egrep 'topics|evoext'
$ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-no-ext | egrep 'topics|evoext'
Final cleanup
$ cat error.log
$ $RUNTESTDIR/killdaemons.py $DAEMON_PIDS