evolve: introduce function to create a obsmarker relation even for public cset
To create obsmarkers we use obsolete.createmarkers() function, but because of
security reasons this function refuses to create obsmarkers for public cset.
And we need to create obsmarkers for a public cset while solving public content
divergence. So introducing this function which create a obsmarker relation even
for immutable cset.
Currently this function create obsmarker for a single relation, in contrast of
obsolete.createmarkers() which create markers for multiple relations.
Upcoming pathces will be using this function.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from mercurial import (
from . import (
mkmatcher = revset._stringmatcher
except AttributeError:
from mercurial.utils import stringutil
mkmatcher = stringutil.stringmatcher
except (ImportError, AttributeError):
mkmatcher = util.stringmatcher
revsetpredicate = registrar.revsetpredicate()
def getstringstrict(x, err):
if x and x[0] == 'string':
return x[1]
raise error.ParseError(err)
@revsetpredicate('topic([string or set])')
def topicset(repo, subset, x):
"""All changesets with the specified topic or the topics of the given
changesets. Without the argument, all changesets with any topic specified.
If `string` starts with `re:` the remainder of the name is treated
as a regular expression.
args = revset.getargs(x, 0, 1, 'topic takes one or no arguments')
mutable = revset._notpublic(repo, revset.fullreposet(repo), ())
if not args:
return (subset & mutable).filter(lambda r: bool(repo[r].topic()))
topic = getstringstrict(args[0], '')
except error.ParseError:
# not a string, but another revset
kind, pattern, matcher = mkmatcher(topic)
if topic.startswith('literal:') and pattern not in repo.topics:
raise error.RepoLookupError("topic '%s' does not exist" % pattern)
def matches(r):
topic = repo[r].topic()
if not topic:
return False
return matcher(topic)
return (subset & mutable).filter(matches)
s = revset.getset(repo, revset.fullreposet(repo), x)
topics = {repo[r].topic() for r in s}
def matches(r):
if r in s:
return True
topic = repo[r].topic()
if not topic:
return False
return topic in topics
return (subset & mutable).filter(matches)
def ngtipset(repo, subset, x):
"""The untopiced tip.
Name is horrible so that people change it.
args = revset.getargs(x, 1, 1, 'ngtip takes one argument')
# match a specific topic
branch = revset.getstring(args[0], 'ngtip requires a string')
if branch == '.':
branch = repo['.'].branch()
return subset & revset.baseset(destination.ngtip(repo, branch))
def stackset(repo, subset, x):
"""All relevant changes in the current topic,
This is roughly equivalent to 'topic(.) - obsolete' with a sorting moving
unstable changeset after there future parent (as if evolve where already
err = 'stack takes no arguments, it works on current topic'
revset.getargs(x, 0, 0, err)
topic = None
branch = None
if repo.currenttopic:
topic = repo.currenttopic
branch = repo[None].branch()
return revset.baseset(stack.stack(repo, branch=branch, topic=topic)[1:]) & subset
if util.safehasattr(revset, 'subscriptrelations'):
def stackrel(repo, subset, x, rel, a, *args):
"""This is a revset-flavored implementation of stack aliases.
The syntax is: rev#stack[n] or rev#s[n]. Plenty of logic is borrowed
from topic._namemap, but unlike that function, which prefers to abort
(e.g. when stack index is too high), this returns empty set to be more
# hg 4.9 provides one bound, hg 5.0 provides two
if len(args) == 2:
b = args[0]
b = a
s = revset.getset(repo, revset.fullreposet(repo), x)
if not s:
return revset.baseset()
def getrange(st, a, b):
start = 1 if a is None else a
end = len(st.revs) if b is None else b + 1
return range(start, end)
revs = []
for r in s:
topic = repo[r].topic()
if topic:
st = stack.stack(repo, topic=topic)
st = stack.stack(repo, branch=repo[r].branch())
for n in getrange(st, a, b):
if abs(n) >= len(st.revs):
# also means stack base is not accessible with n < 0, which
# is by design
if n == 0 and b != 0 and a != 0:
# quirk: we don't want stack base unless specifically asked
# for it (at least one of the indices is 0)
rev = st.revs[n]
if rev == -1 and n == 0:
if rev not in revs:
return subset & revset.baseset(revs)
revset.subscriptrelations['stack'] = stackrel
revset.subscriptrelations['s'] = stackrel
def topicrel(repo, subset, x, *args):
subset &= topicset(repo, subset, x)
return revset.generationsrel(repo, subset, x, *args)
revset.subscriptrelations['topic'] = topicrel
revset.subscriptrelations['t'] = topicrel