author Sushil khanchi <sushilkhanchi97@gmail.com>
Sun, 14 Apr 2019 12:55:46 +0530
changeset 4703 e15dc6defc99
parent 3894 7c624b45fe60
permissions -rw-r--r--
topic: add tests to demonstrate topic confuses the branchhead checking logic While topics are in play, we store the branchheads (which has a topic) in "branchname:topicname" format. After digging into it I found that even in the case when we should have branch heads for "bname:tname" we get heads for "bname". The tests output reflect the confusion in branch head checking logic. Next patch will be fixing the problem.

. $TESTDIR/testlib/common.sh

cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
interactive = true
evolve =
evolution.effect-flags = yes

sync() {
   hg pull -R $TESTTMP/server . -q