test: fix test-evolve.t
Metaedit take the current date when no date is given. When we added default-
date, the date ended up to be the same and the behavior changed. Fix the text
by disabling default-date in the metaedit call and update the comment about
what is needed to fix correctly the test; take the changeset date when
metaediting only one changeset.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from mercurial.i18n import _
from mercurial import (
from . import topicmap
from .evolvebits import builddependencies
def _destmergebranch(orig, repo, action='merge', sourceset=None,
onheadcheck=True, destspace=None):
# XXX: take destspace into account
if sourceset is None:
p1 = repo['.']
# XXX: using only the max here is flacky. That code should eventually
# be updated to take care of the whole sourceset.
p1 = repo[max(sourceset)]
top = p1.topic()
if top:
revs = repo.revs('topic(%s) - obsolete()', top)
deps, rdeps = builddependencies(repo, revs)
heads = [r for r in revs if not rdeps[r]]
if onheadcheck and p1.rev() not in heads:
raise error.Abort(_("not at topic head, update or explicit"))
# prune heads above the source
otherheads = set(heads)
pool = set([p1.rev()])
while pool:
current = pool.pop()
if not otherheads:
# nothing to do at the topic level
bhead = ngtip(repo, p1.branch(), all=True)
if not bhead:
raise error.NoMergeDestAbort(_("nothing to merge"))
elif 1 == len(bhead):
return bhead[0]
msg = _("branch '%s' has %d heads "
"- please merge with an explicit rev")
hint = _("run 'hg heads .' to see heads")
raise error.ManyMergeDestAbort(msg % (p1.branch(), len(bhead)),
elif len(otherheads) == 1:
return otherheads.pop()
msg = _("topic '%s' has %d heads "
"- please merge with an explicit rev") % (top, len(heads))
raise error.ManyMergeDestAbort(msg)
if len(getattr(orig, 'func_defaults', ())) == 3: # version hg-3.7
return orig(repo, action, sourceset, onheadcheck)
if 3 < len(getattr(orig, 'func_defaults', ())): # version hg-3.8 and above
return orig(repo, action, sourceset, onheadcheck, destspace=destspace)
return orig(repo)
def _destupdatetopic(repo, clean, check=None):
"""decide on an update destination from current topic"""
movemark = node = None
topic = repo.currenttopic
revs = repo.revs('.::topic("%s")' % topic)
if not revs:
return None, None, None
node = revs.last()
if bookmarks.isactivewdirparent(repo):
movemark = repo['.'].node()
return node, movemark, None
def desthistedit(orig, ui, repo):
if not (ui.config('histedit', 'defaultrev', None) is None
and repo.currenttopic):
return orig(ui, repo)
revs = repo.revs('::. and stack()')
if revs:
return revs.min()
return None
def ngtip(repo, branch, all=False):
"""tip new generation"""
## search for untopiced heads of branch
# could be heads((::branch(x) - topic()))
# but that is expensive
# we should write plain code instead
with topicmap.usetopicmap(repo):
tmap = repo.branchmap()
if branch not in tmap:
return []
elif all:
return tmap.branchheads(branch)
return [tmap.branchtip(branch)]
def modsetup(ui):
"""run a uisetup time to install all destinations wrapping"""
if util.safehasattr(destutil, '_destmergebranch'):
extensions.wrapfunction(destutil, '_destmergebranch', _destmergebranch)
rebase = extensions.find('rebase')
except KeyError:
rebase = None
if (util.safehasattr(rebase, '_destrebase')
# logic not shared with merge yet < hg-3.8
and not util.safehasattr(rebase, '_definesets')):
extensions.wrapfunction(rebase, '_destrebase', _destmergebranch)
if util.safehasattr(destutil, 'destupdatesteps'):
bridx = destutil.destupdatesteps.index('branch')
destutil.destupdatesteps.insert(bridx, 'topic')
destutil.destupdatestepmap['topic'] = _destupdatetopic
if util.safehasattr(destutil, 'desthistedit'):
extensions.wrapfunction(destutil, 'desthistedit', desthistedit)