author Pulkit Goyal <7895pulkit@gmail.com>
Wed, 10 Jan 2018 14:53:01 +0530
changeset 3391 d2fc2c2783f8
parent 3083 e91ca8b5ecf7
child 3098 87b83a3e0392
child 3559 d166b3dc5e8a
permissions -rw-r--r--
evolvestate: add a class to wrap the state of `hg evolve` command This patch adds a new file which contains a class which will act as a wrapper for the data to be stored or used during the `hg evolve` command. This patch just introduces the file and does not use it at the moment. The upcoming patches will start using it.

Test that evolve related algorithms don't crash on obs markers cycles

Global setup

  $ . $TESTDIR/testlib/common.sh
  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
  > [ui]
  > interactive = true
  > [phases]
  > publish=False
  > [extensions]
  > evolve =
  > EOF

Test with cycle

Test setup

  $ hg init $TESTTMP/cycle
  $ cd $TESTTMP/cycle
  $ mkcommit ROOT
  $ mkcommit A
  $ mkcommit B
  $ mkcommit C
  $ hg log -G
  @  changeset:   3:a8df460dbbfe
  |  tag:         tip
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  summary:     C
  o  changeset:   2:c473644ee0e9
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  summary:     B
  o  changeset:   1:2a34000d3544
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  summary:     A
  o  changeset:   0:ea207398892e
     user:        test
     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     summary:     ROOT
Create a cycle
  $ hg prune -s "desc(B)" "desc(A)"
  1 changesets pruned
  2 new orphan changesets
  $ hg prune -s "desc(C)" "desc(B)"
  1 changesets pruned
  $ hg prune -s "desc(A)" "desc(C)"
  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  working directory now at 2a34000d3544
  1 changesets pruned
  $ hg log --hidden -G
  x  changeset:   3:a8df460dbbfe
  |  tag:         tip
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  obsolete:    rewritten as 1:2a34000d3544
  |  summary:     C
  x  changeset:   2:c473644ee0e9
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  obsolete:    rewritten as 3:a8df460dbbfe
  |  summary:     B
  @  changeset:   1:2a34000d3544
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  obsolete:    rewritten as 2:c473644ee0e9
  |  summary:     A
  o  changeset:   0:ea207398892e
     user:        test
     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     summary:     ROOT
Actual test

Check that debugobshistory never crash on a cycle

  $ hg obslog "desc(A)" --hidden
  @  2a34000d3544 (1) A
  |    rewritten(description, parent, content) as c473644ee0e9 by test (*) (glob)
  x  a8df460dbbfe (3) C
  |    rewritten(description, parent, content) as 2a34000d3544 by test (*) (glob)
  x  c473644ee0e9 (2) B
  |    rewritten(description, parent, content) as a8df460dbbfe by test (*) (glob)

  $ hg obslog "desc(B)" --hidden
  @  2a34000d3544 (1) A
  |    rewritten(description, parent, content) as c473644ee0e9 by test (*) (glob)
  x  a8df460dbbfe (3) C
  |    rewritten(description, parent, content) as 2a34000d3544 by test (*) (glob)
  x  c473644ee0e9 (2) B
  |    rewritten(description, parent, content) as a8df460dbbfe by test (*) (glob)

  $ hg obslog "desc(C)" --hidden
  @  2a34000d3544 (1) A
  |    rewritten(description, parent, content) as c473644ee0e9 by test (*) (glob)
  x  a8df460dbbfe (3) C
  |    rewritten(description, parent, content) as 2a34000d3544 by test (*) (glob)
  x  c473644ee0e9 (2) B
  |    rewritten(description, parent, content) as a8df460dbbfe by test (*) (glob)

Check that all option don't crash on a cycle either

  $ hg obslog "desc(C)" --hidden --all
  @  2a34000d3544 (1) A
  |    rewritten(description, parent, content) as c473644ee0e9 by test (*) (glob)
  x  a8df460dbbfe (3) C
  |    rewritten(description, parent, content) as 2a34000d3544 by test (*) (glob)
  x  c473644ee0e9 (2) B
  |    rewritten(description, parent, content) as a8df460dbbfe by test (*) (glob)

Test with multiple cyles

Test setup

  $ hg init $TESTTMP/multiple-cycle
  $ cd $TESTTMP/multiple-cycle
  $ mkcommit ROOT
  $ mkcommit A
  $ mkcommit B
  $ mkcommit C
  $ mkcommit D
  $ mkcommit E
  $ mkcommit F
  $ hg log -G
  @  changeset:   6:d9f908fde1a1
  |  tag:         tip
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  summary:     F
  o  changeset:   5:0da815c333f6
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  summary:     E
  o  changeset:   4:868d2e0eb19c
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  summary:     D
  o  changeset:   3:a8df460dbbfe
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  summary:     C
  o  changeset:   2:c473644ee0e9
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  summary:     B
  o  changeset:   1:2a34000d3544
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  summary:     A
  o  changeset:   0:ea207398892e
     user:        test
     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     summary:     ROOT
Create a first cycle
  $ hg prune -s "desc(B)" "desc(A)"
  1 changesets pruned
  5 new orphan changesets
  $ hg prune -s "desc(C)" "desc(B)"
  1 changesets pruned
  $ hg prune --split -s "desc(A)" -s "desc(D)" "desc(C)"
  1 changesets pruned
And create a second one
  $ hg prune -s "desc(E)" "desc(D)"
  1 changesets pruned
  $ hg prune -s "desc(F)" "desc(E)"
  1 changesets pruned
  $ hg prune -s "desc(D)" "desc(F)"
  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  working directory now at 868d2e0eb19c
  1 changesets pruned
  $ hg log --hidden -G
  x  changeset:   6:d9f908fde1a1
  |  tag:         tip
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  obsolete:    rewritten as 4:868d2e0eb19c
  |  summary:     F
  x  changeset:   5:0da815c333f6
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  obsolete:    rewritten as 6:d9f908fde1a1
  |  summary:     E
  @  changeset:   4:868d2e0eb19c
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  obsolete:    rewritten as 5:0da815c333f6
  |  summary:     D
  x  changeset:   3:a8df460dbbfe
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  obsolete:    split as 1:2a34000d3544, 4:868d2e0eb19c
  |  summary:     C
  x  changeset:   2:c473644ee0e9
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  obsolete:    rewritten as 3:a8df460dbbfe
  |  summary:     B
  x  changeset:   1:2a34000d3544
  |  user:        test
  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
  |  obsolete:    rewritten as 2:c473644ee0e9
  |  summary:     A
  o  changeset:   0:ea207398892e
     user:        test
     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     summary:     ROOT
Actual test

Check that debugobshistory never crash on a cycle

  $ hg obslog "desc(D)" --hidden
  x  0da815c333f6 (5) E
  |    rewritten(description, parent, content) as d9f908fde1a1 by test (*) (glob)
  @    868d2e0eb19c (4) D
  |\     rewritten(description, parent, content) as 0da815c333f6 by test (*) (glob)
  | |
  | x  d9f908fde1a1 (6) F
  | |    rewritten(description, parent, content) as 868d2e0eb19c by test (*) (glob)
  | |
  +---x  2a34000d3544 (1) A
  | |      rewritten(description, parent, content) as c473644ee0e9 by test (*) (glob)
  | |
  x |  a8df460dbbfe (3) C
  | |    rewritten(description, parent, content) as 2a34000d3544, 868d2e0eb19c by test (*) (glob)
  | |
  x |  c473644ee0e9 (2) B
  | |    rewritten(description, parent, content) as a8df460dbbfe by test (*) (glob)
  | |
Check that all option don't crash either on a cycle
  $ hg obslog --all --hidden "desc(F)"
  x  0da815c333f6 (5) E
  |    rewritten(description, parent, content) as d9f908fde1a1 by test (*) (glob)
  @    868d2e0eb19c (4) D
  |\     rewritten(description, parent, content) as 0da815c333f6 by test (*) (glob)
  | |
  | x  d9f908fde1a1 (6) F
  | |    rewritten(description, parent, content) as 868d2e0eb19c by test (*) (glob)
  | |
  +---x  2a34000d3544 (1) A
  | |      rewritten(description, parent, content) as c473644ee0e9 by test (*) (glob)
  | |
  x |  a8df460dbbfe (3) C
  | |    rewritten(description, parent, content) as 2a34000d3544, 868d2e0eb19c by test (*) (glob)
  | |
  x |  c473644ee0e9 (2) B
  | |    rewritten(description, parent, content) as a8df460dbbfe by test (*) (glob)
  | |
Check the json output is valid in this case

  $ hg obslog "desc(D)" --hidden --no-graph -Tjson | python -m json.tool
          "markers": [
                  "date": [
                      *, (glob)
                  "effect": [
                  "succnodes": [
                  "user": "test",
                  "verb": "rewritten"
          "node": "868d2e0eb19c",
          "rev": 4,
          "shortdescription": "D"
          "markers": [
                  "date": [
                      *, (glob)
                  "effect": [
                  "succnodes": [
                  "user": "test",
                  "verb": "rewritten"
          "node": "d9f908fde1a1",
          "rev": 6,
          "shortdescription": "F"
          "markers": [
                  "date": [
                      *, (glob)
                  "effect": [
                  "succnodes": [
                  "user": "test",
                  "verb": "rewritten"
          "node": "0da815c333f6",
          "rev": 5,
          "shortdescription": "E"
          "markers": [
                  "date": [
                      *, (glob)
                  "effect": [
                  "succnodes": [
                  "user": "test",
                  "verb": "rewritten"
          "node": "a8df460dbbfe",
          "rev": 3,
          "shortdescription": "C"
          "markers": [
                  "date": [
                      *, (glob)
                  "effect": [
                  "succnodes": [
                  "user": "test",
                  "verb": "rewritten"
          "node": "c473644ee0e9",
          "rev": 2,
          "shortdescription": "B"
          "markers": [
                  "date": [
                      *, (glob)
                  "effect": [
                  "succnodes": [
                  "user": "test",
                  "verb": "rewritten"
          "node": "2a34000d3544",
          "rev": 1,
          "shortdescription": "A"