evolve: remove tmpctx arg from _resolvephasedivergent()
Before this patch, in _resolvephasedivergent() function we were passing
an optional argument "tmpctx" which was used to store a rebased version
of bumped if required. But for sake of simplicity we can achieve the
same results even without passing this "tmpctx" into that function.
No changes in test files demonstrate that this patch don't break
all: tutorials/tutorial.rst tutorials/topic-tutorial.rst static/logo-evolve.ico
sphinx-build . ../html/
tutorials/tutorial.rst: tutorials/tutorial.t test2rst.py
python test2rst.py tutorials/
tutorials/topic-tutorial.rst: tutorials/topic-tutorial.t test2rst.py
python test2rst.py tutorials/
static/logo-evolve.ico: static/logo-evolve.svg
convert -resize 36x36 static/logo-evolve.svg static/logo-evolve.ico