obslog: make content and description patches available to templater
The code was repeatedly calling fm.write() with the same field
("patch" and "descdiff"). I think that led to the value constantly
getting replaced, so when it was used in a template (as {patch} or
{descdiff}), it would only get the last value, which was always an
empty string.
This patch fixes it by writing the full patch to a temporary buffer
and then assigning the whole patch to the formatter field.
Tests the resolution of orphan changesets: corner cases
$ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
> [alias]
> glog = log -GT "{rev}:{node|short} {desc|firstline}\n {phase} {troubles}\n\n"
> [phases]
> publish = False
> [extensions]
> rebase =
$ echo "evolve=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext3rd/evolve/" >> $HGRCPATH
$ glog() {
> hg log -G --template '{rev}:{node|short}@{branch}({phase}) {desc|firstline}\n' "$@"
> }
Test to make sure that `lastsolved` always has correct value and things don't break:
(before we were not updating it in case of orphan merge)
Prepare the repo:
$ hg init orphanmergerepo
$ cd orphanmergerepo
$ for fn in a b c; do echo foo > $fn; hg ci -Am "added "$fn; done;
adding a
adding b
adding c
Let's create a merge commit so that we can create orphan merge later:
$ hg up 1 -q
$ echo feature > f
$ hg ci -Am "added feature f"
adding f
created new head
$ hg merge
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
(branch merge, don't forget to commit)
$ hg ci -m "merge feature branch"
$ glog
@ 4:2c0a98d38026@default(draft) merge feature branch
| o 3:4c33e511041e@default(draft) added feature f
| |
o | 2:8be98ac1a569@default(draft) added c
o 1:80e6d2c47cfe@default(draft) added b
o 0:f7ad41964313@default(draft) added a
Now make the parents of merge commit obsolete to get a orphan merge:
$ hg up 2 -q
$ echo "fixit" > c
$ hg ci --amend -m "updated c"
1 new orphan changesets
$ hg up 3 -q
$ echo "fixit" > c
$ hg ci --amend -m "updated f"
$ glog
@ 6:086d9bedcd75@default(draft) updated f
| o 5:f84f2c548fbc@default(draft) updated c
| * 4:2c0a98d38026@default(draft) merge feature branch
| |\
+---x 3:4c33e511041e@default(draft) added feature f
| |
| x 2:8be98ac1a569@default(draft) added c
o 1:80e6d2c47cfe@default(draft) added b
o 0:f7ad41964313@default(draft) added a
To check `lastsolved` contain right value after completion of orphan-merge
resolution there should be one more instability to be evolved; lets create one:
$ hg up 1 -q
$ echo d > d
$ hg ci -Am "added d"
adding c
adding d
created new head
$ echo e > e
$ hg ci -Am "added e"
adding e
$ hg up .^
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ echo "updated d" >> d
$ hg ci --amend -m "updated d"
1 new orphan changesets
$ glog
@ 9:7c4d1834c346@default(draft) updated d
| * 8:421f7614462a@default(draft) added e
| |
| x 7:afe5acea1990@default(draft) added d
| o 6:086d9bedcd75@default(draft) updated f
| o 5:f84f2c548fbc@default(draft) updated c
| * 4:2c0a98d38026@default(draft) merge feature branch
| |\
+---x 3:4c33e511041e@default(draft) added feature f
| |
| x 2:8be98ac1a569@default(draft) added c
o 1:80e6d2c47cfe@default(draft) added b
o 0:f7ad41964313@default(draft) added a
Now we have one orphan merge and one more orphan cset that we just created.
Lets evolve:
$ hg evolve --all --any
move:[4] merge feature branch
atop:[5] updated c
move:[10] merge feature branch
atop:[6] updated f
move:[8] added e
atop:[9] updated d