evolvecmd: the proper way to deal with conflicts is to resolve them
And it's worth making the suggestion an actual hint.
$ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
> [extensions]
$ echo "evolve=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext3rd/evolve/" >> $HGRCPATH
$ glog() {
> hg log -G --template '{rev}:{node|short}@{branch}({separate("/", obsolete, phase)}) {desc|firstline}\n' "$@"
> }
$ hg init repo
$ cd repo
Cannot uncommit null changeset
$ hg uncommit
abort: cannot uncommit the null revision
(no changeset checked out)
Cannot uncommit public changeset
$ echo a > a
$ hg ci -Am adda a
$ hg phase --public .
$ hg uncommit
abort: cannot uncommit public changesets: 07f494440405
(see 'hg help phases' for details)
$ hg phase --force --draft .
Cannot uncommit merge
$ hg up -q null
$ echo b > b
$ echo c > c
$ echo d > d
$ echo f > f
$ echo g > g
$ echo j > j
$ echo m > m
$ echo n > n
$ echo o > o
$ hg ci -Am addmore
adding b
adding c
adding d
adding f
adding g
adding j
adding m
adding n
adding o
created new head
$ hg merge
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
(branch merge, don't forget to commit)
$ hg uncommit
abort: cannot uncommit while merging
$ hg ci -m merge
$ hg uncommit
abort: cannot uncommit merge changeset
Prepare complicated changeset
$ hg branch bar
marked working directory as branch bar
(branches are permanent and global, did you want a bookmark?)
$ hg cp a aa
$ echo b >> b
$ hg rm c
$ echo d >> d
$ echo e > e
$ hg mv f ff
$ hg mv g h
$ echo j >> j
$ echo k > k
$ echo l > l
$ hg rm m
$ hg rm n
$ echo o >> o
$ hg ci -Am touncommit
adding e
adding k
adding l
$ hg st --copies --change .
M b
M d
M j
M o
A aa
A e
A ff
A h
A k
A l
R c
R f
R g
R m
R n
$ hg man -r .
Add a couple of bookmarks
$ glog --hidden
@ 3:5eb72dbe0cb4@bar(draft) touncommit
o 2:f63b90038565@default(draft) merge
| o 1:f15c744d48e8@default(draft) addmore
o 0:07f494440405@default(draft) adda
$ hg bookmark -r 2 unrelated
$ hg bookmark touncommit-bm
$ hg bookmark --inactive touncommit-bm-inactive
$ hg bookmarks
* touncommit-bm 3:5eb72dbe0cb4
touncommit-bm-inactive 3:5eb72dbe0cb4
unrelated 2:f63b90038565
Prepare complicated working directory
$ hg branch foo
marked working directory as branch foo
$ hg mv ff f
$ hg mv h i
$ hg rm j
$ hg rm k
$ echo l >> l
$ echo m > m
$ echo o > o
Test uncommit without argument, should be a no-op
$ hg uncommit
abort: nothing to uncommit
(use --all to uncommit all files)
$ hg bookmarks
* touncommit-bm 3:5eb72dbe0cb4
touncommit-bm-inactive 3:5eb72dbe0cb4
unrelated 2:f63b90038565
Test no matches
$ hg uncommit --include nothere
abort: nothing to uncommit
(use --all to uncommit all files)
Enjoy uncommit
$ hg uncommit aa b c f ff g h j k l m o
$ hg branch
$ hg st --copies
M b
A aa
A i
A l
R c
R g
R j
R m
$ cat aa
$ cat b
$ cat l
$ cat m
$ test -f c && echo 'error: c was removed!'
$ test -f j && echo 'error: j was removed!'
$ test -f k && echo 'error: k was removed!'
$ hg st --copies --change .
M d
A e
R n
$ hg man -r .
$ hg cat -r . d
$ hg cat -r . e
$ glog --hidden
@ 4:e8db4aa611f6@bar(draft) touncommit
| x 3:5eb72dbe0cb4@bar(obsolete/draft) touncommit
o 2:f63b90038565@default(draft) merge
| o 1:f15c744d48e8@default(draft) addmore
o 0:07f494440405@default(draft) adda
$ hg bookmarks
* touncommit-bm 4:e8db4aa611f6
touncommit-bm-inactive 4:e8db4aa611f6
unrelated 2:f63b90038565
$ hg debugobsolete
5eb72dbe0cb409d094e3b4ae8eaa30071c1b8730 e8db4aa611f6d5706374288e6898e498f5c44098 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '8', 'operation': 'uncommit', 'user': 'test'}
Test phase is preserved, no local changes
$ hg up -C 3 --hidden
8 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
(leaving bookmark touncommit-bm)
updated to hidden changeset 5eb72dbe0cb4
(hidden revision '5eb72dbe0cb4' was rewritten as: e8db4aa611f6)
working directory parent is obsolete! (5eb72dbe0cb4)
(use 'hg evolve' to update to its successor: e8db4aa611f6)
$ hg --config extensions.purge= purge
$ hg uncommit -I 'set:added() and e'
2 new content-divergent changesets
$ hg st --copies
A e
$ hg st --copies --change .
M b
M d
M j
M o
A aa
A ff
A h
A k
A l
R c
R f
R g
R m
R n
$ glog --hidden
@ 5:a1d4c1ad76cc@bar(draft) touncommit
| * 4:e8db4aa611f6@bar(draft) touncommit
| x 3:5eb72dbe0cb4@bar(obsolete/draft) touncommit
o 2:f63b90038565@default(draft) merge
| o 1:f15c744d48e8@default(draft) addmore
o 0:07f494440405@default(draft) adda
$ hg debugobsolete
5eb72dbe0cb409d094e3b4ae8eaa30071c1b8730 e8db4aa611f6d5706374288e6898e498f5c44098 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '8', 'operation': 'uncommit', 'user': 'test'}
5eb72dbe0cb409d094e3b4ae8eaa30071c1b8730 a1d4c1ad76cc7eb5e8a36ef52396da334b6d59c5 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '8', 'operation': 'uncommit', 'user': 'test'}
Test --all
$ hg up -C 3 --hidden
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
updated to hidden changeset 5eb72dbe0cb4
(hidden revision '5eb72dbe0cb4' has diverged)
working directory parent is obsolete! (5eb72dbe0cb4)
(5eb72dbe0cb4 has diverged, use 'hg evolve --list --content-divergent' to resolve the issue)
$ hg --config extensions.purge= purge
$ hg uncommit --all -X e
1 new content-divergent changesets
$ hg st --copies
M b
M d
M j
M o
A aa
A ff
A h
A k
A l
R c
R f
R g
R m
R n
$ hg st --copies --change .
A e
$ hg debugobsolete
5eb72dbe0cb409d094e3b4ae8eaa30071c1b8730 e8db4aa611f6d5706374288e6898e498f5c44098 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '8', 'operation': 'uncommit', 'user': 'test'}
5eb72dbe0cb409d094e3b4ae8eaa30071c1b8730 a1d4c1ad76cc7eb5e8a36ef52396da334b6d59c5 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '8', 'operation': 'uncommit', 'user': 'test'}
5eb72dbe0cb409d094e3b4ae8eaa30071c1b8730 c4cbebac3751269bdf12d1466deabcc78521d272 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '8', 'operation': 'uncommit', 'user': 'test'}
Display a warning if nothing left
$ hg uncommit e
new changeset is empty
(use 'hg prune .' to remove it)
$ hg debugobsolete
5eb72dbe0cb409d094e3b4ae8eaa30071c1b8730 e8db4aa611f6d5706374288e6898e498f5c44098 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '8', 'operation': 'uncommit', 'user': 'test'}
5eb72dbe0cb409d094e3b4ae8eaa30071c1b8730 a1d4c1ad76cc7eb5e8a36ef52396da334b6d59c5 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '8', 'operation': 'uncommit', 'user': 'test'}
5eb72dbe0cb409d094e3b4ae8eaa30071c1b8730 c4cbebac3751269bdf12d1466deabcc78521d272 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '8', 'operation': 'uncommit', 'user': 'test'}
c4cbebac3751269bdf12d1466deabcc78521d272 4f1c269eab68720f54e88ce3c1dc02b2858b6b89 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '8', 'operation': 'uncommit', 'user': 'test'}
Test instability warning
$ hg ci -m touncommit
$ echo unrelated > unrelated
$ hg ci -Am addunrelated unrelated
$ hg previous
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
[8] touncommit
$ hg uncommit aa
1 new orphan changesets
Test uncommiting agains a different base
$ hg cat b --rev .
$ hg cat b --rev .^
$ hg cat b --rev 0
b: no such file in rev 07f494440405
$ hg uncommit --rev . b
abort: cannot uncommit to parent changeset
$ hg uncommit --rev 0 b
$ hg cat b --rev .
b: no such file in rev 5b27f6b17da2
Test uncommiting predecessors
$ hg uncommit --hidden --rev 'predecessors(.)' b --traceback
$ hg cat b --rev .
Test date, message and user update
$ hg log -r .
changeset: 12:912ed871207c
branch: bar
tag: tip
parent: 7:4f1c269eab68
user: test
date: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
summary: touncommit
$ hg uncommit -m 'to-uncommit' d --user test2 --date '1337 0'
$ hg log -r .
changeset: 13:f1efd9ec508c
branch: bar
tag: tip
parent: 7:4f1c269eab68
user: test2
date: Thu Jan 01 00:22:17 1970 +0000
summary: to-uncommit
test -U option
$ hg uncommit -U b
$ hg log -r .
changeset: 14:288da4a95941
branch: bar
tag: tip
parent: 7:4f1c269eab68
user: test
date: Thu Jan 01 00:22:17 1970 +0000
summary: to-uncommit
test the `hg amend --extract` entry point
$ hg status --change .
M j
M o
A e
A ff
A h
A k
A l
R c
R f
R g
R m
R n
$ hg status
M d
A aa
R b
$ hg amend --extract j
$ hg status --change .
M o
A e
A ff
A h
A k
A l
R c
R f
R g
R m
R n
$ hg status
M d
M j
A aa
R b
(with all)
$ hg amend --extract --all
new changeset is empty
(use 'hg prune .' to remove it)
$ hg status --change .
$ hg status
M d
M j
M o
A aa
A e
A ff
A h
A k
A l
R b
R c
R f
R g
R m
R n
Testing the --revert flag of `hg uncommit`
When working directory before uncommit is clean
$ hg amend
$ hg status
? b
$ hg diff -c . --stat
aa | 1 +
b | 1 -
c | 1 -
d | 1 +
e | 1 +
f | 1 -
ff | 1 +
g | 1 -
h | 1 +
j | 1 +
k | 1 +
l | 1 +
m | 1 -
n | 1 -
o | 1 +
15 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
$ hg uncommit --revert --all
new changeset is empty
(use 'hg prune .' to remove it)
$ hg status
When working directory is dirty before uncommit
$ echo foo > a
$ echo foo > b
$ echo foo > c
$ hg status
M a
M b
M c
$ hg amend
$ echo foo > foo
$ hg add foo
$ hg status
A foo
$ hg uncommit --revert --all
new changeset is empty
(use 'hg prune .' to remove it)
$ hg status
? foo
Bad explicit paths abort, like the bundled commit extension
$ hg uncommit foo
abort: cannot uncommit "foo"
(file was untracked in working directory parent)
$ hg ci -Aqm 'add foo'
$ hg uncommit bar
abort: cannot uncommit "bar"
(file does not exist)
$ hg uncommit d
abort: cannot uncommit "d"
(file was not changed in working directory parent)
$ hg status