author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Mon, 06 Apr 2020 05:05:07 +0200
changeset 5266 af9f40236037
parent 4814 48b30ff742cb
child 5276 8431bb224862
permissions -rw-r--r--
topics: fix auto-publish=abort with servers publishing bare branches Before this change, servers that automatically publish bare branches were detected as "non publishing" and the check for automatic publishing on push assumed nothing was to be published. Now we signal the server-side config to clients via a new capability so that they can adjust their behavior.

from __future__ import absolute_import

from mercurial import (

from mercurial.i18n import _

from . import (

def enforcesinglehead(repo, tr):
    branchmap = repo.filtered(b'visible').branchmap()
    for name, heads in compat.branchmapitems(branchmap):
        if len(heads) > 1:
            hexs = [node.short(n) for n in heads]
            raise error.Abort(_(b'%d heads on "%s"') % (len(heads), name),
                              hint=(b', '.join(hexs)))

def publishbarebranch(repo, tr):
    """Publish changeset without topic"""
    if b'node' not in tr.hookargs: # no new node
    startnode = node.bin(tr.hookargs[b'node'])
    topublish = repo.revs(b'not public() and (%n:) - hidden() - topic()', startnode)
    if topublish:
        cl = repo.changelog
        nodes = [cl.node(r) for r in topublish]
        repo._phasecache.advanceboundary(repo, tr, phases.public, nodes)

def rejectuntopicedchangeset(repo, tr):
    """Reject the push if there are changeset without topic"""
    if b'node' not in tr.hookargs: # no new revs

    startnode = node.bin(tr.hookargs[b'node'])

    mode = repo.ui.config(b'experimental', b'topic-mode.server', b'ignore')

    untopiced = repo.revs(b'not public() and (%n:) - hidden() - topic()', startnode)
    if untopiced:
        num = len(untopiced)
        fnode = repo[untopiced.first()].hex()[:10]
        if num == 1:
            msg = _(b"%s") % fnode
            msg = _(b"%s and %d more") % (fnode, num - 1)
        if mode == b'warning':
            fullmsg = _(b"pushed draft changeset without topic: %s\n")
            repo.ui.warn(fullmsg % msg)
        elif mode == b'enforce':
            fullmsg = _(b"rejecting draft changesets: %s")
            raise error.Abort(fullmsg % msg)
            repo.ui.warn(_(b"unknown 'topic-mode.server': %s\n" % mode))

def reject_publish(repo, tr):
    """prevent a transaction to be publish anything"""
    published = set()
    for r, (o, n) in tr.changes[b'phases'].items():
        if n == phases.public:
    if published:
        r = min(published)
        msg = b"rejecting publishing of changeset %s" % repo[r]
        if len(published) > 1:
            msg += b' and %d others' % (len(published) - 1)
        raise error.Abort(msg)

def wrappush(orig, repo, remote, *args, **kwargs):
    """interpret the --publish flag and pass it to the push operation"""
    newargs = kwargs.copy()
    if kwargs.pop('publish', False):
        opargs = kwargs.get('opargs')
        if opargs is None:
            opargs = {}
        newargs[r'opargs'] = opargs.copy()
        newargs[r'opargs'][b'publish'] = True
    return orig(repo, remote, *args, **newargs)

def extendpushoperation(orig, self, *args, **kwargs):
    publish = kwargs.pop('publish', False)
    orig(self, *args, **kwargs)
    self.publish = publish

def wrapphasediscovery(orig, pushop):
    if getattr(pushop, 'publish', False):
        if not pushop.remotephases.publishing:
            unfi = pushop.repo.unfiltered()
            droots = pushop.remotephases.draftroots
            revset = b'%ln and (not public() or %ln::)'
            future = list(unfi.set(revset, pushop.futureheads, droots))
            pushop.outdatedphases = future

def installpushflag(ui):
    entry = extensions.wrapcommand(commands.table, b'push', wrappush)
    if not any(opt for opt in entry[1] if opt[1] == b'publish'): # hg <= 4.9
        entry[1].append((b'', b'publish', False,
                         _(b'push the changeset as public')))
    extensions.wrapfunction(exchange.pushoperation, '__init__',
    extensions.wrapfunction(exchange, '_pushdiscoveryphase', wrapphasediscovery)
    exchange.pushdiscoverymapping[b'phase'] = exchange._pushdiscoveryphase

def replacecheckpublish(orig, pushop):
    listkeys = exchange.listkeys
    repo = pushop.repo
    ui = repo.ui
    behavior = ui.config(b'experimental', b'auto-publish')
    if pushop.publish or behavior not in (b'warn', b'confirm', b'abort'):

    # possible modes are:
    # none -> nothing is published on push
    # all  -> everything is published on push
    # auto -> only changeset without topic are published on push
    # Unknown mode is assumed "all" for safety.
    # TODO: do a wider brain storming about mode names.

    mode = b'all'
    remotephases = listkeys(pushop.remote, b'phases')
    if not remotephases.get(b'publishing', False):
        mode = b'none'
        for c in pushop.remote.capabilities():
            if c.startswith(b'ext-topics-publish'):
                mode = c.split(b'=', 1)[1]
    if mode == b'none':

    if pushop.revs is None:
        published = repo.filtered(b'served').revs(b'not public()')
        published = repo.revs(b'::%ln - public()', pushop.revs)
    if mode == b'auto':
        published = repo.revs(b'%ld::(%ld - topic())', published, published)
    if published:
        if behavior == b'warn':
                _(b'%i changesets about to be published\n') % len(published)
        elif behavior == b'confirm':
            if ui.promptchoice(
                _(b'push and publish %i changesets (yn)?$$ &Yes $$ &No')
                % len(published)
                raise error.Abort(_(b'user quit'))
        elif behavior == b'abort':
            msg = _(b'push would publish %i changesets') % len(published)
            hint = _(
                b"use --publish or adjust 'experimental.auto-publish'"
                b" config"
            raise error.Abort(msg, hint=hint)