obslog: use unfiltered repo for --no-graph implementation too
repo.unfiltered() is used for graph version of obslog, because if we want to
filter non-local changesets, we only have to provide --filternonlocal flag on
the command line and _nodesandmarkers() will handle filtering. But that means
for obslog without -f to work correctly we need to provide unfiltered repo to
that function. With this patch both implementations of obslog (--graph and
--no-graph) see the same repo.
# topic/server.py - server specific behavior with topic
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
from mercurial import (
from mercurial.utils import (
except (AttributeError, ImportError):
# hg <= 4.9 (caebe5e7f4bd)
from mercurial import branchmap as repoviewutil
from . import (
### Visibility restriction
# Serving draft changesets with topics to clients without topic extension can
# confuse them, because they won't see the topic label and will consider them
# normal anonymous heads. Instead we have the option to not serve changesets
# with topics to clients without topic support.
# To achieve this, we alter the behavior of the standard `heads` commands and
# introduce a new `heads` command that only clients with topic will know about.
# compat version of the wireprotocommand decorator, taken from evolve compat
FILTERNAME = b'served-no-topic'
def computeunservedtopic(repo, visibilityexceptions=None):
assert not repo.changelog.filteredrevs
filteredrevs = repoview.filtertable[b'served'](repo, visibilityexceptions).copy()
mutable = repoview.filtertable[b'immutable'](repo, visibilityexceptions)
consider = mutable - filteredrevs
cl = repo.changelog
extrafiltered = set()
for r in consider:
if cl.changelogrevision(r).extra.get(constants.extrakey, b''):
if extrafiltered:
extrafiltered = set(repo.revs('%ld::%ld', extrafiltered, consider))
filteredrevs = frozenset(filteredrevs | extrafiltered)
return filteredrevs
def wrapheads(orig, repo, proto):
"""wrap head to hide topic^W draft changeset to old client"""
hidetopics = repo.ui.configbool(b'experimental', b'topic.server-gate-topic-changesets')
if common.hastopicext(repo) and hidetopics:
h = repo.filtered(FILTERNAME).heads()
return wireprototypes.bytesresponse(wireprototypes.encodelist(h) + b'\n')
return orig(repo, proto)
def topicheads(repo, proto):
"""Same as the normal wireprotocol command, but accessing with a different end point."""
h = repo.heads()
return wireprototypes.bytesresponse(wireprototypes.encodelist(h) + b'\n')
def wireprotocaps(orig, repo, proto):
"""advertise the new topic specific `head` command for client with topic"""
caps = orig(repo, proto)
if common.hastopicext(repo) and repo.peer().capable(b'topics'):
return caps
def setupserver(ui):
extensions.wrapfunction(wireprotov1server, 'heads', wrapheads)
wireprotov1server.wireprotocommand(b'heads', permission=b'pull')(wireprotov1server.heads)
wireprotov1server.wireprotocommand(b'_exttopics_heads', permission=b'pull')(topicheads)
extensions.wrapfunction(wireprotov1server, '_capabilities', wireprotocaps)
class topicpeerexecutor(wireprotov1peer.peerexecutor):
def callcommand(self, command, args):
if command == b'heads':
if self._peer.capable(b'_exttopics_heads'):
command = b'_exttopics_heads'
if getattr(self._peer, '_exttopics_heads', None) is None:
self._peer._exttopics_heads = self._peer.heads
s = super(topicpeerexecutor, self)
return s.callcommand(command, args)
wireprotov1peer.peerexecutor = topicpeerexecutor
if FILTERNAME not in repoview.filtertable:
repoview.filtertable[FILTERNAME] = computeunservedtopic
repoviewutil.subsettable[FILTERNAME] = b'immutable'
repoviewutil.subsettable[b'served'] = FILTERNAME