author Anton Shestakov <av6@dwimlabs.net>
Tue, 03 Oct 2017 22:51:00 +0800
changeset 3035 a3a154e49bba
parent 2464 2b53a2a21bbb
child 3124 6ef274e01f64
permissions -rw-r--r--
legacy: rename lookup_errors to not be in all caps (flake8 warning) flake8 has a plugin, pep8-naming, which is not installed by default, but is used if available, no extra config required. This plugin checks names of variables, classes, functions and so on against PEP-8, and it complained about this variable: N806 variable in function should be lowercase Since this isn't a module-level constant, but just a helper variable used only in one function, it's fine to just rename it. With this error gone, flake8 output (used plugins: mccabe, naming, pycodestyle, pyflakes) is totally clean.

# Copyright 2011 Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@ens-lyon.org>
#                Logilab SA        <contact@logilab.fr>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
"""Deprecated extension that formerly introduced "Changeset Obsolescence".

This concept is now partially in Mercurial core (starting with Mercurial 2.3).
The remaining logic has been grouped with the evolve extension.

Some code remains in this extensions to detect and convert prehistoric format
of obsolete marker than early user may have create. Keep it enabled if you
were such user.

from mercurial import error

    from mercurial import obsolete
except ImportError:
    raise error.Abort('Obsolete extension requires Mercurial 2.3 (or later)')

import sys
import json

from mercurial.i18n import _
from mercurial import lock as lockmod
from mercurial.node import bin, nullid
from mercurial import registrar
from mercurial import util

if util.safehasattr(registrar, 'command'):
    commandfunc = registrar.command
else: # compat with hg < 4.3
    from mercurial import cmdutil
    commandfunc = cmdutil.command

### Older format management                                       ###

# Code related to detection and management of older legacy format never
# handled by core

def reposetup(ui, repo):
    """Detect that a repo still contains some old obsolete format
    if not repo.local():
    evolveopts = ui.configlist('experimental', 'evolution')
    if not evolveopts:
        evolveopts = 'all'
        ui.setconfig('experimental', 'evolution', evolveopts)
    for arg in sys.argv:
        if 'debugc' in arg:
        data = repo.vfs.tryread('obsolete-relations')
        if not data:
            data = repo.svfs.tryread('obsoletemarkers')
        if data:
            raise error.Abort('old format of obsolete marker detected!\n'
                              'run `hg debugconvertobsolete` once.')

def _obsdeserialize(flike):
    """read a file like object serialized with _obsserialize

    this deserialize into a {subject -> objects} mapping

    this was the very first format ever."""
    rels = {}
    for line in flike:
        subhex, objhex = line.split()
        subnode = bin(subhex)
        if subnode == nullid:
            subnode = None
        rels.setdefault(subnode, set()).add(bin(objhex))
    return rels

cmdtable = {}
command = commandfunc(cmdtable)
@command('debugconvertobsolete', [], '')
def cmddebugconvertobsolete(ui, repo):
    """import markers from an .hg/obsolete-relations file"""
    cnt = 0
    err = 0
    l = repo.lock()
    some = False
        unlink = []
        tr = repo.transaction('convert-obsolete')
            repo._importoldobsolete = True
            store = repo.obsstore
            ### very first format
                f = repo.vfs('obsolete-relations')
                    some = True
                    for line in f:
                        subhex, objhex = line.split()
                        suc = bin(subhex)
                        prec = bin(objhex)
                        sucs = (suc == nullid) and [] or [suc]
                        meta = {
                            'date': '%i %i' % util.makedate(),
                            'user': ui.username(),
                            store.create(tr, prec, sucs, 0, metadata=meta)
                            cnt += 1
                        except ValueError:
                            repo.ui.write_err("invalid old marker line: %s"
                                              % (line))
                            err += 1
            except IOError:
            ### second (json) format
            data = repo.svfs.tryread('obsoletemarkers')
            if data:
                some = True
                for oldmark in json.loads(data):
                    del oldmark['id']  # dropped for now
                    del oldmark['reason']  # unused until then
                    oldobject = str(oldmark.pop('object'))
                    oldsubjects = [str(s) for s in oldmark.pop('subjects', [])]
                    lookup_errors = (error.RepoLookupError, error.LookupError)
                    if len(oldobject) != 40:
                            oldobject = repo[oldobject].node()
                        except lookup_errors:
                    if any(len(s) != 40 for s in oldsubjects):
                            oldsubjects = [repo[s].node() for s in oldsubjects]
                        except lookup_errors:

                    oldmark['date'] = '%i %i' % tuple(oldmark['date'])
                    meta = dict((k.encode('utf-8'), v.encode('utf-8'))
                                for k, v in oldmark.iteritems())
                        succs = [bin(n) for n in oldsubjects]
                        succs = [n for n in succs if n != nullid]
                        store.create(tr, bin(oldobject), succs,
                                     0, metadata=meta)
                        cnt += 1
                    except ValueError:
                        msg = "invalid marker %s -> %s\n"
                        msg %= (oldobject, oldsubjects)
                        err += 1
            for path in unlink:
        del repo._importoldobsolete
    if not some:
        ui.warn(_('nothing to do\n'))
    ui.status('%i obsolete marker converted\n' % cnt)
    if err:
        ui.write_err('%i conversion failed. check you graph!\n' % err)

@command('debugrecordpruneparents', [], '')
def cmddebugrecordpruneparents(ui, repo):
    """add parent data to prune markers when possible

    This command searches the repo for prune markers without parent information.
    If the pruned node is locally known, it creates a new marker with parent
    pgop = 'reading markers'

    # lock from the beginning to prevent race
    wlock = lock = tr = None
        wlock = repo.wlock()
        lock = repo.lock()
        tr = repo.transaction('recordpruneparents')
        unfi = repo.unfiltered()
        nm = unfi.changelog.nodemap
        store = repo.obsstore
        pgtotal = len(store._all)
        for idx, mark in enumerate(list(store._all)):
            if not mark[1]:
                rev = nm.get(mark[0])
                if rev is not None:
                    ctx = unfi[rev]
                    parents = tuple(p.node() for p in ctx.parents())
                    before = len(store._all)
                    store.create(tr, prec=mark[0], succs=mark[1], flag=mark[2],
                                 metadata=dict(mark[3]), parents=parents)
                    if len(store._all) - before:
                        ui.write(_('created new markers for %i\n') % rev)
            ui.progress(pgop, idx, total=pgtotal)
        ui.progress(pgop, None)
        lockmod.release(tr, lock, wlock)