evolve: move the bookmarks also when updating to successor (issue5923)
When we are on an obsolete node and does `hg evolve`, it updates to it's
sucessor, however it does not move the bookmark to the successor.
This patch adds logic to make sure we move the bookmark too.
Test change demonstrates the fix.
# setup config and various utility to test new heads checks on push.$TESTDIR/testlib/common.shcat>>$HGRCPATH<<EOF[ui]# simpler log outputlogtemplate ="{node|short} ({phase}): {desc}\n"[phases]# non publishing serverpublish=False[extensions]# we need to strip some changeset for some test casesstrip=evolve=EOFsetuprepos(){echocreatingbasicserverandclientrepohginitservercdservermkcommitroothgphase--public.mkcommitA0cd..hgcloneserverclient}