author Anton Shestakov <av6@dwimlabs.net>
Tue, 03 Sep 2019 13:02:20 +0700
changeset 4825 9af212b8565a
parent 4743 92e3db149d7d
child 4808 14c12df16ab5
permissions -rw-r--r--
evolve: test that target is not orig in _solveunstable() (issue6097) `newer` is the result of obsutil.successorssets() and can be [[orig.node()]], in which case later on in this function evolve will try to rebase orig onto orig, which is not correct. So let's just check this particular case. This fix doesn't cover cases when successorssets() result contains orig.node() not at [0][0]. Such cases need tests.

from __future__ import absolute_import

from mercurial import (

from mercurial.i18n import _

from . import (

def enforcesinglehead(repo, tr):
    branchmap = repo.filtered('visible').branchmap()
    for name, heads in compat.branchmapitems(branchmap):
        if len(heads) > 1:
            hexs = [node.short(n) for n in heads]
            raise error.Abort(_('%d heads on "%s"') % (len(heads), name),
                              hint=(', '.join(hexs)))

def publishbarebranch(repo, tr):
    """Publish changeset without topic"""
    if 'node' not in tr.hookargs: # no new node
    startnode = node.bin(tr.hookargs['node'])
    topublish = repo.revs('not public() and (%n:) - hidden() - topic()', startnode)
    if topublish:
        cl = repo.changelog
        nodes = [cl.node(r) for r in topublish]
        repo._phasecache.advanceboundary(repo, tr, phases.public, nodes)

def rejectuntopicedchangeset(repo, tr):
    """Reject the push if there are changeset without topic"""
    if 'node' not in tr.hookargs: # no new revs

    startnode = node.bin(tr.hookargs['node'])

    mode = repo.ui.config('experimental', 'topic-mode.server', 'ignore')

    untopiced = repo.revs('not public() and (%n:) - hidden() - topic()', startnode)
    if untopiced:
        num = len(untopiced)
        fnode = repo[untopiced.first()].hex()[:10]
        if num == 1:
            msg = _("%s") % fnode
            msg = _("%s and %d more") % (fnode, num - 1)
        if mode == 'warning':
            fullmsg = _("pushed draft changeset without topic: %s\n")
            repo.ui.warn(fullmsg % msg)
        elif mode == 'enforce':
            fullmsg = _("rejecting draft changesets: %s")
            raise error.Abort(fullmsg % msg)
            repo.ui.warn(_("unknown 'topic-mode.server': %s\n" % mode))

def reject_publish(repo, tr):
    """prevent a transaction to be publish anything"""
    published = set()
    for r, (o, n) in tr.changes['phases'].items():
        if n == phases.public:
    if published:
        r = min(published)
        msg = "rejecting publishing of changeset %s" % repo[r]
        if len(published) > 1:
            msg += ' and %d others' % (len(published) - 1)
        raise error.Abort(msg)

def wrappush(orig, repo, remote, *args, **kwargs):
    """interpret the --publish flag and pass it to the push operation"""
    newargs = kwargs.copy()
    if kwargs.pop('publish', False):
        opargs = kwargs.get('opargs')
        if opargs is None:
            opargs = {}
        newargs['opargs'] = opargs.copy()
        newargs['opargs']['publish'] = True
    return orig(repo, remote, *args, **newargs)

def extendpushoperation(orig, self, *args, **kwargs):
    publish = kwargs.pop('publish', False)
    orig(self, *args, **kwargs)
    self.publish = publish

def wrapphasediscovery(orig, pushop):
    if getattr(pushop, 'publish', False):
        if not pushop.remotephases.publishing:
            unfi = pushop.repo.unfiltered()
            droots = pushop.remotephases.draftroots
            revset = '%ln and (not public() or %ln::)'
            future = list(unfi.set(revset, pushop.futureheads, droots))
            pushop.outdatedphases = future

def installpushflag(ui):
    entry = extensions.wrapcommand(commands.table, 'push', wrappush)
    if not any(opt for opt in entry[1] if opt[1] == 'publish'): # hg <= 4.9
        entry[1].append(('', 'publish', False,
                         _('push the changeset as public')))
    extensions.wrapfunction(exchange.pushoperation, '__init__',
    extensions.wrapfunction(exchange, '_pushdiscoveryphase', wrapphasediscovery)
    exchange.pushdiscoverymapping['phase'] = exchange._pushdiscoveryphase