evolve: store the obsmarkers to be deleted in evolvestate
Sometimes, we don't create a new node and obsolete one of the old node in favour
of an existing node. When user calls, `hg evolve --abort`, we need to strip that
obsmarker to go back in the same old state. The obsmarker created for new node
are stripped when the new nodes are stripped.
This patch start storing such obsmarkers in the evolvestate so that we can delete
them later if required. Right now we just store successsor and predecessor
information, we might need a better obsmarker serialization techinque in future
to make it more robust.
---author: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>title: Changeset evolutiondate: June 23, 2017---# Why Evolve is the future? (TO CHANGE)Use hexagon or drop all of themesUse old namesReplace hg amend by commit --amendFlowBasic - Feature - Tool / instability - command semanticBasic (local amend + local rebase)Stabilization -> EvolutionFeature# Local amend## Amending commitsWe all makes mistake:~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF"]; // Revisions node[group=main]; Parent -> "Fx bug[case"; }~~~## Some times pass## Urgent Amend neededBut it's easy to fix the fix:~~~ {.sh}hg commit --amend -m "Fix bug"~~~~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF"]; // Revisions node[group=main]; Parent -> "Fix bug"; }~~~## So easy to do something wrongBut wait you had local changes! And they get incorporated into the amend.## Too badIt's too late, they are gone!<img src="https://media1.giphy.com/media/vMiCDfoKdJP0c/giphy.gif">## HARDUNbundle, get the rev, strip## Never without Evolve!<img src="https://media3.giphy.com/media/EVbEdEW3kuu0o/giphy.gif">## Let's try again!~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF"]; // Revisions node[group=main]; Parent -> "Fx bug"; }~~~## Evolve powaWith evolve this time:~~~ {.sh}hg commit --amend -m "Fix bug"~~~~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF"]; // Revisions node[group=main]; Parent -> "Fix bug"; }~~~## Ok what the difference?<pre class="shell_output">$> hg log -G@ <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 3:467de638a224</span>| tag: tip| parent: 0:852811e0e2a8| user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>| date: Wed Jun 21 14:15:55 2017 +0200| summary: Fix bug|o <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 0:852811e0e2a8</span> user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net> date: Wed Jun 21 14:15:55 2017 +0200 summary: Root</pre>## The difference<pre class="shell_output">$> hg log -G --hidden@ <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 3:467de638a224</span>| tag: tip| parent: 0:852811e0e2a8| user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>| date: Wed Jun 21 14:15:55 2017 +0200| summary: Fix bug|| x <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 2:614cb09cc83d</span>| | user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>| | date: Wed Jun 21 14:15:55 2017 +0200| | summary: temporary amend commit for e46245132d3d| || x <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 1:e46245132d3d</span>|/ user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>| date: Wed Jun 21 14:15:55 2017 +0200| summary: Fx bug|o <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 0:852811e0e2a8</span> user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net> date: Wed Jun 21 14:15:55 2017 +0200 summary: Root</pre>## Perf impactNo strip == no cache bust, == faster# Local rebase## You are working on your branch~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="LR"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF"]; // Revisions node[group=feature]; Parent -> "Feature"; }~~~## More work~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="LR"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF"]; // Revisions node[group=feature]; Parent -> "Feature" -> "Feature 2"; }~~~## Pull~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="LR"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF"]; // Revisions node[group=main]; Parent -> "Trunk" -> "Trunk 2"; node[group=feature]; Parent -> "Feature" -> "Feature 2"; }~~~## Time to rebase~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="LR"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF"]; // Revisions node[group=main]; Parent -> "Trunk" -> "Trunk 2"; node[group=feature]; "Trunk 2" -> "Feature" -> "Feature 2"; }~~~## Without evolve<pre class="shell_output">@ <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 6:105f743d81c8</span>| tag: tip| user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>| date: Wed Jun 21 14:47:48 2017 +0200| summary: Feature2|o <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 5:3966a515e569</span>| user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>| date: Wed Jun 21 14:47:48 2017 +0200| summary: Feature|o <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 4:bd3d94325819</span>| user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>| date: Wed Jun 21 14:47:49 2017 +0200| summary: Trunk2|o <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 3:120d3e4ce8b7</span>| user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>| date: Wed Jun 21 14:47:49 2017 +0200| summary: Trunk|o <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 2:36db121866a2</span>| user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>~ date: Wed Jun 21 14:47:48 2017 +0200 summary: Parent</pre>## With evolve<pre style="font-size: 0.25em !important;">@ <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 10:2c1a992b87c3</span>| tag: tip| user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>| date: Wed Jun 21 14:50:39 2017 +0200| summary: Feature2|o <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 9:751113c206d0</span>| user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>| date: Wed Jun 21 14:50:39 2017 +0200| summary: Feature|o <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 8:9f9f3db01630</span>| user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>| date: Wed Jun 21 14:50:39 2017 +0200| summary: Trunk2|o <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 7:a5e9a3060e20</span>| parent: 4:32253567b531| user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>| date: Wed Jun 21 14:50:39 2017 +0200| summary: Trunk|| x <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 6:a57f1852d740</span>| | branch: feature| | user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>| | date: Wed Jun 21 14:50:39 2017 +0200| | summary: Feature2| || x <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 5:896dc0771e5e</span>|/ branch: feature| user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>| date: Wed Jun 21 14:50:39 2017 +0200| summary: Feature|o <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 4:32253567b531</span>| user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>~ date: Wed Jun 21 14:50:39 2017 +0200 summary: Parent</pre># How does it works?## It's smart<img src="https://media2.giphy.com/media/ZThQqlxY5BXMc/giphy.gif">## Does Evolve only stores more changesets? (CHANGE)## Not onlyRemember our amend?<div class='graph' style='display: flex ;align-items: stretch ;flex-flow: row wrap ; align-items: center;'><div class='left' style='order:1; width: 50%'>~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF"]; // Revisions node[group=main]; Parent -> "Fx bug"; }~~~</div><div class='right' style='order:2; width: 50%'>~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF"]; // Revisions node[group=main]; Parent -> "Fix bug"; }~~~</div></div>## More revisions<div class='graph' style='display: flex ;align-items: stretch ;flex-flow: row wrap ; align-items: center;'><div class='left' style='order:1; width: 50%'>~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF"]; // Revisions node[group=main]; Parent -> "Fx bug"; }~~~</div><div class='right' style='order:2; width: 50%'>~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF"]; // Revisions node[group=main]; Parent -> "Fix bug"; node[group=obsolete]; Parent -> "Fx bug"; }~~~</div></div>## But hidden<div class='graph' style='display: flex ;align-items: stretch ;flex-flow: row wrap ; align-items: center;'><div class='left' style='order:1; width: 50%'>~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF"]; // Revisions node[group=main]; Parent -> "Fx bug"; }~~~</div><div class='right' style='order:2; width: 50%'>~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF"]; // Revisions node[group=main]; Parent -> "Fix bug"; node[group=obsolete, style="dotted, filled", fillcolor="#DFDFFF"]; Parent -> "Fx bug"; }~~~</div></div>## Here is the smartness (change word)!~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF"]; // Revisions node[group=main]; Parent -> "Fix bug"; node[group=obsolete, style="dotted, filled", fillcolor="#DFDFFF"]; Parent -> "Fx bug"; // Obsolescence links edge[dir=back, style=dotted, arrowtail=dot]; "Fx bug" -> "Fix bug"; }~~~## Obs markersObs markers stores the relation between a changeset and its evolutions.XXX: Speak about META~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF"]; node[group=obsolete, style="dotted, filled" fillcolor="#DFDFFF"]; edge[dir=back, style=dotted, arrowtail=dot]; "Predecessor" -> "Successor"; "Successor" [style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF"]; }~~~# Phases## 3 phasesChangesets can be in one of three phases:*Public*Draft*Secrets## PublicThe public phase holds changesets that have been exchanged publicly.Changesets in the public phase are expected to remain in your repository history and are said to be immutable.## DraftsThe draft phase holds changesets that are not yet considered a part of the repository's permanent history.You can safely rewrite them.New commits are in the draft phase by default.## Secrets (hide)The secret phase holds changesets that you do not want to exchange with other repositories.Secret changesets are hidden from remote peers and will not be included in push operations.Manual operations or extensions may move a changeset into the secret phase.## Representation~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF"]; // Revisions node[group=main]; Public -> Draft -> Secret; Draft [shape="pentagon"]; Secret [shape="square"]; }~~~# Instability (add sub-titles, obsolete -> orphan, etc...)## Obsolete~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, style="filled", width=1, height=1, fillcolor="#7F7FFF", shape="pentagon"]; node[group=main]; Root -> New; node[group=obsolete]; Root -> Obsolete; // Obsolescence links edge[dir=back, style=dotted, arrowtail=dot]; Obsolete -> New; Obsolete [fillcolor="#DFDFFF"]; Root[shape="circle"]; }~~~## Unstable~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, style="filled", width=1, height=1, fillcolor="#7F7FFF", shape="pentagon"]; node[group=main]; Root -> New; node[group=obsolete]; Root -> Obsolete -> Unstable; // Obsolescence links edge[dir=back, style=dotted, arrowtail=dot]; Obsolete -> New; Obsolete [fillcolor="#DFDFFF"]; Unstable [fillcolor="#FF3535"]; Root[shape="circle"]; }~~~## Bumped## Divergent~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, style="filled", width=1, height=1, fillcolor="#7F7FFF", shape="pentagon"]; Root -> Base; Root -> Divergent1; Root -> Divergent2; // Obsolescence links edge[dir=back, style=dotted, arrowtail=dot]; Base -> Divergent1; Base -> Divergent2; Base [shape="pentagon", fillcolor="#DFDFFF"]; Divergent1 [fillcolor="#FF3535"]; Divergent2 [fillcolor="#FF3535"]; Root[shape="circle"]; }~~~# Topic# CHANGE TITLE (LATER IN THE FLOW)## Log on obsolete<pre style="font-size: 0.25em;">$> hg log -Go <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 10:2c1a992b87c3</span>| tag: tip| user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>| date: Wed Jun 21 14:50:39 2017 +0200| summary: Feature2|o <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 9:751113c206d0</span>| user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>| date: Wed Jun 21 14:50:39 2017 +0200| summary: Feature|o <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 8:9f9f3db01630</span>| user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>| date: Wed Jun 21 14:50:39 2017 +0200| summary: Trunk2|o <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 7:a5e9a3060e20</span>| parent: 4:32253567b531| user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>| date: Wed Jun 21 14:50:39 2017 +0200| summary: Trunk|| @ <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 6:a57f1852d740</span>| | branch: feature| | user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>| | date: Wed Jun 21 14:50:39 2017 +0200| | summary: Feature2| || x <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 5:896dc0771e5e</span>|/ branch: feature| user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>| date: Wed Jun 21 14:50:39 2017 +0200| summary: Feature|o <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 4:32253567b531</span>| user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>~ date: Wed Jun 21 14:50:39 2017 +0200 summary: Parent</pre>## Log with hidden<pre style="font-size: 0.25em;">$ hg log -G --hidden@ <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 10:2c1a992b87c3</span>| tag: tip| user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>| date: Wed Jun 21 14:50:39 2017 +0200| summary: Feature2|o <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 9:751113c206d0</span>| user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>| date: Wed Jun 21 14:50:39 2017 +0200| summary: Feature|o <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 8:9f9f3db01630</span>| user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>| date: Wed Jun 21 14:50:39 2017 +0200| summary: Trunk2|o <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 7:a5e9a3060e20</span>| parent: 4:32253567b531| user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>| date: Wed Jun 21 14:50:39 2017 +0200| summary: Trunk|| x <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 6:a57f1852d740</span>| | branch: feature| | user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>| | date: Wed Jun 21 14:50:39 2017 +0200| | summary: Feature2| || x <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 5:896dc0771e5e</span>|/ branch: feature| user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>| date: Wed Jun 21 14:50:39 2017 +0200| summary: Feature|o <span style="color:olive;">changeset: 4:32253567b531</span>| user: Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net>~ date: Wed Jun 21 14:50:39 2017 +0200 summary: Parent</pre>## ObslogBehold our savior Obslog!## Obslog<pre class="shell_output">$> hg obslog -r 3o <span style="color:olive;">c4414d4a5955</span> <span style="color:blue;">(3)</span> Fix bug|x <span style="color:olive;">9b5b4aa63d51</span> <span style="color:blue;">(1)</span> Fx bug rewritten by <span style="color:green;">Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net></span> <span style="color:teal;">(Wed Jun 21 14:50:38 2017 +0200)</span> as <span style="color:olive;">c4414d4a5955</span></pre><pre class="shell_output">$> hg obslog -r 6 --all --hidden@ <span style="color:olive;">2c1a992b87c3</span> <span style="color:blue;">(10)</span> Feature2|x <span style="color:olive;">a57f1852d740</span> <span style="color:blue;">(6)</span> Feature2 rewritten by <span style="color:green;">Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net></span> <span style="color:teal;">(Wed Jun 21 14:50:39 2017 +0200)</span> as <span style="color:olive;">2c1a992b87c3</span></pre>Obslog is your next best friend!## Obslog<img src="https://media4.giphy.com/media/LxPsfUhFxwRRC/giphy.gif"># Evolve Basics behind the hood## Amend<div class='graph' style='display: flex ;align-items: stretch ;flex-flow: row wrap ; align-items: center;'><div class='left' style='order:1; width: 20%'>~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF", shape="pentagon"]; // Revisions node[group=main]; Root -> "A"; Root [shape="circle"]; }~~~</div><div class="middle" style='order:2; width: 60%'>To amend A: hg amend -m 'A1'</div><div class='right' style='order:2; width: 20%'>~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF", shape="pentagon"]; // Revisions node[group=main]; Root -> "A1"; node[group=obsolete, style="dotted, filled", fillcolor="#DFDFFF"]; Root -> "A"; // Obsolescence links edge[dir=back, style=dotted, arrowtail=dot]; "A" -> "A1"; Root [shape="circle"]; }~~~</div></div>## Amend bisIt also works with: hg commit --amend -m 'A1'## Prune<div class='graph' style='display: flex ;align-items: stretch ;flex-flow: row wrap ; align-items: center;'><div class='left' style='order:1; width: 20%'>~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF", shape="pentagon"]; // Revisions node[group=main]; Root -> "A"; Root [shape="circle"]; }~~~</div><div class="middle" style='order:2; width: 60%'>To prune A: hg prune -r "desc(A)"</div><div class='right' style='order:2; width: 20%'>~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF", shape="pentagon"]; Root [shape="circle"]; // Revisions node[group=obsolete, style="dotted, filled", fillcolor="#DFDFFF"]; Root -> "A"; }~~~</div></div>## Rebase<div class='graph' style='display: flex ;align-items: stretch ;flex-flow: row wrap ; align-items: center;'><div class='left' style='order:1; width: 20%'>~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF", shape="pentagon"]; // Revisions node[group=branch]; Root -> B; node[group=main]; Root -> "A"; Root [shape="circle"]; }~~~</div><div class="middle" style='order:2; width: 60%'>In order to rebase A on top of B; hg rebase -r "desc(A)" -d "desc(B)"</div><div class='right' style='order:2; width: 20%'>~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF", shape="pentagon"]; // Revisions node[group=branch]; Root -> B -> "A'"; node[group=obsolete, style="dotted, filled", fillcolor="#DFDFFF"]; Root -> "A"; // Obsolescence links edge[dir=back, style=dotted, arrowtail=dot]; "A" -> "A'"; Root [shape="circle"]; }~~~</div></div># More advanced## Fold<div class='graph' style='display: flex ;align-items: stretch ;flex-flow: row wrap ; align-items: center;'><div class='left' style='order:1; width: 15%'>~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF", shape="pentagon"]; // Revisions node[group=branch]; Root -> A -> B; Root [shape="circle"]; }~~~</div><div class="middle" style='order:2; width: 70%'>To fold A and B: hg fold -r "desc(A)" -r "desc(B)" -m "C"</div><div class='right' style='order:2; width: 15%'>~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF", shape="pentagon"]; // Revisions node[group=branch]; Root -> C; node[group=obsolete, style="dotted, filled", fillcolor="#DFDFFF"]; Root -> A -> B; // Obsolescence links edge[dir=back, style=dotted, arrowtail=dot]; "A" -> "C"; "B" -> "C"; Root [shape="circle"]; }~~~</div></div>## Split<div class='graph' style='display: flex ;align-items: stretch ;flex-flow: row wrap ; align-items: center;'><div class='left' style='order:1; width: 20%'>~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF", shape="pentagon"]; // Revisions node[group=branch]; Root -> A; Root [shape="circle"]; }~~~</div><div class="middle" style='order:2; width: 60%'>Split in two: hg split -r "desc(A)"</div><div class='right' style='order:2; width: 20%'>~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF", shape="pentagon"]; // Revisions node[group=branch]; Root -> B -> C; node[group=obsolete, style="dotted, filled", fillcolor="#DFDFFF"]; Root -> A; // Obsolescence links edge[dir=back, style=dotted, arrowtail=dot]; "A" -> "C"; "A" -> "B"; Root [shape="circle"]; }~~~</div></div># Warning zone## Divergence~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF", shape="pentagon"]; // Revisions node[group=branch]; Root -> "A"; Root [shape="circle"]; }~~~## Divergence<div class='graph' style='display: flex ;align-items: stretch ;flex-flow: row wrap ; align-items: center;'><div class='left' style='order:1; width: 30%'>~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF", shape="pentagon"]; // Revisions node[group=branch]; Root -> "B"; node[group=obsolete, style="dotted, filled", fillcolor="#DFDFFF"]; Root -> "A"; // Obsolescence links edge[dir=back, style=dotted, arrowtail=dot]; "A" -> "B"; Root [shape="circle"]; }~~~</div><div class="middle" style='order:2; width: 70%'>First amend: hg amend -m B;</div></div>## Divergence 2<div class='graph' style='display: flex ;align-items: stretch ;flex-flow: row wrap ; align-items: center;'><div class="middle" style='order:1; width: 70%'>Second amend: hg amend -m C</div><div class='left' style='order:2; width: 30%'>~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, width=1, height=1, style="filled", fillcolor="#7F7FFF", shape="pentagon"]; Root; node[group=obsolete, style="dotted, filled", fillcolor="#DFDFFF"]; Root -> "A"; // Revisions node[group=branch, fillcolor="#7F7FFF", style="filled"]; Root -> "C"; // Obsolescence links edge[dir=back, style=dotted, arrowtail=dot]; "A" -> "C"; Root [shape="circle"]; }~~~</div></div>## Result~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, style="filled", width=1, height=1, fillcolor="#7F7FFF", shape="pentagon"]; node[group=main]; Root -> "B"; node[group=divergence]; Root -> "C"; node[group=obsolete, style="dotted, filled", fillcolor="#DFDFFF"]; Root -> "A"; // Obsolescence links edge[dir=back, style=dotted, arrowtail=dot]; A -> B; A -> C; Root [shape="pentagon"]; B [fillcolor="#FF3535"]; C [fillcolor="#FF3535"]; Root[shape="circle"]; }~~~## That's gonna hurt!# Stabilization## Stabilization with amend~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, style="filled", width=1, height=1, fillcolor="#7F7FFF", shape="pentagon"]; node[group=main]; Root -> "A'"; node[group=obsolete, style="dotted, filled", fillcolor="#DFDFFF"]; Root -> "A" -> B; // Obsolescence links edge[dir=back, style=dotted, arrowtail=dot]; "A" -> "A'"; B[fillcolor="#FF3535"]; Root[shape="circle"]; }~~~## Evolve!<div class='graph' style='display: flex ;align-items: stretch ;flex-flow: row wrap ; align-items: center;'><div class="middle" style='order:2; width: 50%'>Stabilize repo: hg evolve --all</div><div class='right' style='order:2; width: 50%'>~~~graphviz digraph G { rankdir="BT"; graph[splines=polyline]; node[fixedsize=true, style="filled", width=1, height=1, fillcolor="#7F7FFF", shape="pentagon"]; node[group=main]; Root -> "A'" -> "B'"; node[group=obsolete, style="dotted, filled", fillcolor="#DFDFFF"]; Root -> "A" -> B; // Obsolescence links edge[dir=back, style=dotted, arrowtail=dot]; "A" -> "A'"; "B" -> "B'"; Root[shape="circle"]; }~~~</div></div># Future is near!## Effect-flagRemember our obs-markers?They are great for evolution, but how do you know what changed between two evolutions?## Effect-flagEffect-flag are storing what changed between evolutions. You can view them with `obslog`, who else?## Effect-flagDoes the meta only changed?<pre class="shell_output">o <span style="color:olive;">5732d5ea6aa2</span> <span style="color:blue;">(2)</span> Fix bug|@ <span style="color:olive;">aa3cd7ee52fc</span> <span style="color:blue;">(1)</span> Fx bug rewritten(description) by <span style="color:green;">Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net></span> <span style="color:teal;">(Wed Jun 21 15:49:54 2017 +0200)</span> as <span style="color:olive;">5732d5ea6aa2</span></pre>## Or did the code changed?<pre class="shell_output">@ <span style="color:olive;">8f824718f3f7</span> <span style="color:blue;">(12)</span> Fix the build|x <span style="color:olive;">f9310b4b05e1</span> <span style="color:blue;">(10)</span> Fix the build rewritten(content) by <span style="color:green;">Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net></span> <span style="color:teal;">(Wed Jun 21 15:53:07 2017 +0200)</span> as <span style="color:olive;">8f824718f3f7</span></pre>## Or was rebased?<pre class="shell_output">o <span style="color:olive;">ab709059df38</span> <span style="color:blue;">(9)</span> Feature2|@ <span style="color:olive;">3d61cb9ab34f</span> <span style="color:blue;">(5)</span> Feature2 rewritten(branch, parent) by <span style="color:green;">Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net></span> <span style="color:teal;">(Wed Jun 21 15:53:06 2017 +0200)</span> as <span style="color:olive;">ab709059df38</span></pre>## Obslog<img src="https://media0.giphy.com/media/3oriO13KTkzPwTykp2/giphy.gif">## Obsfate<pre class="shell_output">o 8f824718f3f7|| x f39472eb8519| | Obsfate: pruned by Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net> (at 2017-06-21 15:53 +0200)| || x f9310b4b05e1|/ Obsfate: rewritten by Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net> as 8f824718f3f7 (at 2017-06-21 15:53 +0200)|o ab709059df38|o b0d7c614e47d|o d61083b45bba|o 50ebd46e2452|| @ 3d61cb9ab34f| | Obsfate: rewritten by Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net> as ab709059df38 (at 2017-06-21 15:53 +0200)| || x 1c6a75c00a45|/ Obsfate: rewritten by Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net> as b0d7c614e47d (at 2017-06-21 15:53 +0200)|o c1bdb750ab80|o 39752c0e48a4|| x 36744bfd9d65|/ Obsfate: rewritten by Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net> as 39752c0e48a4 (at 2017-06-21 15:53 +0200)|o 7d12a4681f84</pre>## Obslog --patch<pre class="shell_output">$> hg obslog --patchx <span style="color:olive;">19fb99aaa0d5</span> <span style="color:blue;">(3594)</span> obslog: add a patch option| rewritten(content) by <span style="color:green;">Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net></span> <span style="color:teal;">(Mon Jun 19 19:25:18 2017 +0200)</span> as <span style="color:olive;">81b01fe6db3b</span>| diff -r 19fb99aaa0d5 -r 81b01fe6db3b hgext3rd/evolve/obshistory.py| --- a/hgext3rd/evolve/obshistory.py Mon Jun 19 19:00:36 2017 +0200| +++ b/hgext3rd/evolve/obshistory.py Mon Jun 19 19:00:36 2017 +0200| @@ -105,6 +105,10 @@| markerfm.plain('\n')|| # Patch| +| +# XXX-review: I find it a bit hacky always call showpatch and expect it to not| +# XXX-review: show anything without --patch. I would prefer and explicite condition for| +# XXX-review: calling showpatch.| self.showpatch(ctx, matchfn)|| self.hunk[ctx.node()] = self.ui.popbuffer()| ...|| o <span style="color:olive;">a788967aa800</span> <span style="color:blue;">(3593)</span> obslog: clarify some sorting code| |x | <span style="color:olive;">4c2be5027b23</span>|/ rewritten(user) by <span style="color:green;">Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net></span> <span style="color:teal;">(Mon Jun 19 19:00:54 2017 +0200)</span> as <span style="color:olive;">19fb99aaa0d5</span>| (No patch available yet, context is not local)|x <span style="color:olive;">5d04c9bfac7e</span>| rewritten(description, user, date, parent, content) by <span style="color:green;">Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net></span> <span style="color:teal;">(Mon Jun 19 19:00:36 2017 +0200)</span> as <span style="color:olive;">4c2be5027b23, a788967aa800</span>| (No patch available yet, context is not local)|x <span style="color:olive;">8ddfd687cf57</span> <span style="color:blue;">(3559)</span> obslog: add a patch option| rewritten(parent) by <span style="color:green;">Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net></span> <span style="color:teal;">(Mon Jun 19 18:59:02 2017 +0200)</span> as <span style="color:olive;">5d04c9bfac7e</span>| (No patch available yet, succ is unknown locally)|x <span style="color:olive;">27d388000e90</span> <span style="color:blue;">(3541)</span> obslog: add a patch option rewritten(content) by <span style="color:green;">Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net></span> <span style="color:teal;">(Mon Jun 19 18:40:16 2017 +0200)</span> as <span style="color:olive;">8ddfd687cf57</span></pre># Conclusion<div class='graph' style='display: flex ;align-items: stretch ;flex-flow: row wrap ; align-items: center;'><div class='left' style='order:1; width: 20%'>~~~graphviz digraph G{}~~~</div><div class="middle" style='order:2; width: 60%'>To stuff: hg</div><div class='right' style='order:2; width: 20%'>~~~graphviz digraph G{}~~~</div></div>